Pantheon of Deities

This is by no means a complete list. If you know of a deity that I have missed then feel free to email me and I will be happy to add it.

Adad: Babylonian; god of the wind, storm, and flood
Adonis: Greek; god of vegetation
Agni: Hindu; god of sacred ritual fire
Althea: Greek; goddess of truth
An: Sumerian; god of the heavens
Anubis: Egyptian; god of protection
Aphrodite: Greek; goddess of passionate, sexual love
Apollo: Greek/Roman; god of the sun
Ares: Greek; god of war
Arianrhod: Welsh; goddess of the stars
Artemis: Greek; goddess of the moon and hunt
Asclepius: Greek; god of medicine
Astarte: Greek: goddess of fertility
Athena: Greek; goddess of wisdom
Aura: Greek; goddess of breezes
Aurora: Roman; goddess of the dawn

Bacchus: Roman; god of wine and fertility
Bast: Egyptian; goddess of protection and cats
Brigit: Celtic; warrior goddess and protectress. Symbolizes the triple goddess
Braham: Hindu; creator (1/3 of the supreme triad)

Celesta: Greek; goddess of death
Ceres: Roman; goddess of the harvest
Cernunnos: Celtic; the horned god
Cerridwen :Welsh; goddess of the moon and harvest
Cloris: Greek; goddess of flowers
Cronos: Greek; father of the gods
Cupid: Roman; god of love
Cybele: Asia Minor; goddess of nature

Danu :Celtic: mother of the gods
Demeter: Greek; goddess of growth and renewal
Diane: Greek; mother of Aphrodite
Diana: Roman; goddess of the moon
Dionysus: Greek; god of wine and fertility
Dryads: Greek; feminine tree spirits
Dumuzi: Sumerian; god of shepherds

Enlil: Sumerian: god of the air
Enki: Sumerian; god of the water
Eos: Greek; goddess of the dawn
Ereshkigal: Sumerian; goddess of the dead
Eros: Greek; god of romance

Faunus: Roman; god of flocks and shepherds
Flora: Roman; goddess of spring and birth
Fortuna: Greek/Roman; goddess of luck/fate
Freya: Norse; goddess of the moon, love, and fertility

Ganesha: Hindu; god of material success
Geb: Egyptian; god of the earth
Graces: Greek; goddesses of nature
Aglaia: virtue of brilliance
Euphrosyne: virtue of joy
Thalia: virtue of flowering

Hades: Greek; god of the underworld
Haephestus: Greek; god of fire
Hathor: Egyptian; protectress of women in business
Hera: Greek; goddess of marriage
Hermes: Greek; messenger of the gods
Hestia: Greek; goddess of the home and hearth
Horus: Egyptian; god of the all-seeing eye and of
Hymen: Greek; god of commitment

Indra: Hindu; god of the wind
Inanna: Sumerian; goddess of love, procreation, and war
Irene: Greek; goddess of peace
Ishtar: Babylonian; goddess of love and war
Isis: Egyptian: represents the triple goddess

Juno: Roman; goddess of women and marriage
Jupiter: Roman; god of justice and destiny

Kali: Hindu; protectress of abused women
Kama: Hindu; god of love
Ki: Sumerian; goddess of the earth
Kubera: Hindu; god of wealth

Levana: Roman; protectress of the newborn
Lucifer: Italian; god of the sun and light
Lucine: Roman; goddess of childbirth

Maat: Egyptian; goddess of justice and the divine order
Maia: Roman; goddess of growth
Mahina: Hawaiian; goddess of the moon
Marduk: Babylonian; king of the gods
Mars: Roman; god of war
Minerva: Roman; goddess of wisdom
Mnemosyne: Greek; goddess of memory
Mithra: Persian; god of the sun
Mitra: Hindu; god of the heavens
Morgan: Celtic; goddess of water
Muses: Greek; the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne
Calliope: muse of epic poetry
Clio: muse of history
Erato: muse of love poetry
Euterpe: muse of lyric poetry
Melpomene: muse of tragedy
Polyhymia: muse of sacred poetry
Terpsichore: muse of choral song and dance
Thalia: muse of comedy
Urania: muse of astronomy

Nabu: Babylonian; the scribe and herald of the gods
Nanna: Sumerian; god of the moon
Nemesis: Greek; goddess of retribution
Nephtys: Egyptian; goddess of sisters, surprises, and midwives
Neptune: Roman; god of the sea
Nike: Greek; goddess of victory
Ninurta: Sumerian; god of the violent and destructive south wind
Nuit: Egyptian; goddess of the sky

Oceanus: Greek; a titan, father of water nymphs
Odin: Norse; god of wisdom and psychic sight
Osiris: Egyptian; god of vegetation and the afterlife

Pan: Greek; god of nature and laughter
Pax: Roman; goddess of peace
Persephone: Greek; goddess of the harvest
Pluto: Roman; god of the underworld
Poseidon: Greek; god of the sea
Proserpina: Roman; goddess of corn and spring; goddess of the dead
Ptah: Egyptian; god of creativity with the hands

Ra: Egyptian; god of the sun
Rhea: Greek; mother of the gods
Rhiannon: Welsh; goddess of horses

Saturn: Roman; father of the gods
Savitri: Hindu; goddess of learning and the arts
Selene: Greek; goddess of the moon and solutions
Shiva: Hindu; god of the universal cycle of birth-death-rebirth; the destroyer (1/3 of the supreme triad)
Shu: Egyptian; god of the atmosphere
Sin: Babylonian; god of the moon
Shamash: Babylonian; god of the sun and justice
Skanda: Hindu; god of war
Soma: Hindu; god of vegetation

Tefnut: Egyptian; goddess of the atmosphere
Thoth: Egyptian; god of reincarnation
Thor: Norse; god of thunder
Tiamat: Babylonian; goddess of chaos

Ushas: Hindu; god of the dawn
Utu: Sumerian; god of the sun

Vach: Hindu; goddess of speech
Venus: Roman; goddess of love and beauty
Vesta: Roman; goddess of the hearth
Vishnu: Hindu; the preserver (1/3 of the supreme triad)
Vulcan: Roman; god of fire

Yama: Hindu; judge of the dead

Zeus: Greek; god of thunder; king of the gods