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Forever True

When I look into your eyes, I see my world all wrapped in your hands,
Our hearts loving and living together as one grand master plan.

Secretly searching for that comfort,
that assurance way down in your eyes,
Happily living together without secrets, deceptions, or lies.

Two hearts beating together, now loudly sounding as one.
Loving each other as only we can..
Looking forward to our future as it has just begun.

You take my hand in yours, as tightly I hold yours too.
Together we'll live our lives, as if we are on a secret rendezvous.

We will explore all of God's green earth, and all seven seas,
We will walk along the oceans shore, and make love in the summers breeze.

We will share with each other all of our feelings, the light, the dark, and the blue...
And forever we'll love each other, and to each other forever be true.

Poem © by Penny Waterloo

Midi playing:  Can You Feel The Love



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