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Flowers with Have you text

Have you ever sit by someone's bed and watch them die?

As they take their last breath, and you feel helpless as you just sit by.


You feel the heat of sadness as it fills your eyes.

and all you can do is just helplessly cry.


It's a deep stabbing pain that just won't go away...

It feels like eternity forever and a day.


Have you ever seen the face of an old person in a nursing home?

When they feel they've been put in there, abandoned and left alone?


Did you ever notice the sadness on their face?

The kind of hurt that cannot be erased?


They are the same sweet people that God put there...

That always kissed our cut, and always nursed us with care.


Have you ever met a child in a orphanage home?

One who didn't fit in, one who stood out alone?

And did you ever notice how she sits so sweetly alone with her down cast eyes,

Feeling all alone just wanting to die?


Feeling alone and worldly torn,

Thinking it might have been better if she'd never had been born....


Have you ever noticed how cold it is out there,

In this wicked world where nobody cares?


Did you ever think one moment how might your smile,

Lift up one's mood, and make their day worth while?


So pass it along and do as they say,

We could turn a cold world happy,

and get it infected this way.



Poem © By: Penny Waterloo

Midi playing:  Do You Dream of me M. W. Smith



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