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Who I let mold me gif

Sometimes you would laugh at the smile on my face,
if you could see some of the things that go on in this place.
The outburst of jokes that goes on around here.
might  send a person home laughing so hard, that in your eyes find tears.
So much pleasure I get from working here,
So many wonderful people's paths I cross throughout the year.
So little bad, and so much good,
But once in a while there's a bad apple in every neighborhood.
But I don't let this bother me,
For it's not all that's important you see,
And it never out weighs the LOVE that My God and my friends have for me.
For if I let what others think mold me into who I am,
Then I not worth the dirt from which God made my soul from, from which I was found.

April 18th ,2007


Poem © By: Penny Waterloo

Midi playing:  Without You



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