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The Power of God Through Human Hands
Death is only a transition
from one plane to another,
Where people come to stay once
 their energy leaves their bodies.
Oh loving God above,
 the one who is to be honored,
Come surround me with your love,
 and bright luminous light.
Creator and our Maker
One who touches me with his power,
Give me this gift,
So to others I might do well unto you.
Give me the strength
to stand strong when it is needed,
And the humbleness to give you credit
for the strength that leaves my hands.
Help me make the difference,
that is yours in credit to claim.
Give me your love Lord
so that I might heal from the heart
with the hands of great
warmth and glow.
Touch me Lord so that
I may be able to warn others
of impending dangers,
and give me the persuasion
that they might grow heart
to hear.
I give all the credit
and glory unto you God,
That no one else but you may claim.
I entrust my fate into your
Sweet, loving hands.
June 18th, 2007

Poem © By: Penny Waterloo

Midi playing:  I Believe



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