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Since She's Gone
Since she's gone now, my tumor fell out,
I don't miss that limp I used to have since I've lost my gout.
No more getting up at 4 in the morning because I have to pee,
and my glasses have broken, but that's ok, cause now I can see.
I don't feel achy since I can cut the grass when I want,
Since there's no more bitching, taking the trash out I don't.
The house can just get nasty now, because I'm free,
Because she's not here now, anymore torturing me.
Look at this now, I can leave the seat up now when I go pee,
Cause she's no longer here now making me put it down you see,
I can walk through the house now all muddy, and I don't have to clean,
I can leave my car parts in the kitchen, even if they are the greasiest things you've ever seen.
Oh my gosh, would you look at this house now, how did it get to be this way.
I can surely remember cleaning since she went away.
I don't remember that sock there, and how did that Jell-O get that mold?
How did that dog get so dirty, and why does my house smell so musty and old?
I'm putting the dog out, and he's out there to stay,
I cleaned the living room out, and took out that bale of hay?
I mopped all that grease up off my kitchen floor.
I guess I won't be using it for the car parts anymore.
Oh look there's a car there in my driveway,
Oh my honey she's come back , back to stay
Now I'm taking the trash out, and mowing the lawn,
This is much better whew, even if I have to mow it till dawn.

July 07, 2007

Poem © By: Penny Waterloo

Midi playing:  Saloon



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