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The Light Of Your Heart


She says baby I love you with all my heart,

but he just replies well I don't.

and then she says there's nothing I would deny you if you will,

and give you everything you want.


He just turned his eyes away, and turned his heart from her tears streaming down her face.

He says to get attached to me is to find your

heart in pieces in this time and place.


she tried so hard to win his love to no avail.

She found her heart in many pieces as his always set sail.



But still she tried winning his heart,

While steadily he continued to rip hers apart.


So one day while he was sitting at home alone,

he slipped and fell.

The pain ripped up his legs and burnt like hell.


He cried out for her in the darkness, but it was so

quiet that you could've heard a pin fall.

There was no one coming to his rescue, no one to

answer his cries at all.


Finally he managed to crawl to a phone and call for

help before the pain

made him pass out in the darkness there.

On the way to the hospital in the ambulance he opened

his eyes, and looked for her,

and still saw she wasn't there to care.


He began to search his heart wondering if all the rejection of her heart and love was worth the price he would now have to pay,

and was he really willing to face the loneliness day after day.


So he looked deep in his heart to find her standing there just waiting, her arms still open very wide,

Finding all that he had to do was call her,

and she'd be right there by his side.


The ice melted around his ice cold heart, and once

more it started to beat.

The scars finally started to heal, And his callousness

to love finally to love, took a back seat.


And in the morning when he rose, he looked up

to his side to find her sitting there.

Holding his hands, caressing his face, to show

how much love she still had to share.


He reached back and touched her face, and said

I will never leave you alone again,

For letting you go out of my life was my greatest sin.


He said, I will never again let my love leave

the light of your heart,

And forever together we shall share

our life and all it's parts.


April 15, 2008

Poem © By: Penny Waterloo

Midi playing:  Love  Song



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