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The No I Didn't Want To Say

Being beside you makes me feel all warm and excited inside,

you can be standing beside me when my eyes light up really green and never really know why.


You run your hands across my thighs and I just push you away.

I tell you I don't want you to touch me, but my body is begging you to stay.

Every nerve in my body screams to have you arms wrapped around me,

Because every fiber is wanting you in every part it can be.


Every part of me just wants to hold you close.

To lay my head on your shoulder and see who can hold who the most.

So now I have laid down and fallen into a deep cumbersome sleep...

I feel you slip in beside me, and wrap your arms around me, but pretend that I'm out deep.


I feel your lips touch the side of my closed eyes as you plant a small kiss there..

I keep my eyes closed tight so I don't have to say that I don't want you there.

When in my mind I am already loving you, and feeling you inside,

As I feel you kiss me so tenderly and slide your hands down the inside of my thighs.


Slipping in and out of reality in this arousal that I feel..

I turn and pull you close to me as my feelings I can no longer conceal.

Holding you close and making love to you in a fashion that burns like amber flames...

Admitting that I've fallen in love, and that I forever want to stay that way.


This time I'm letting you in Baby, for the fire I can no longer hide,

Because being with you consumes me dear with loves passionate flames.

Poem © By: Penny Waterloo

Midi playing:  Almost a Whisper



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