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When Daddy's Wrong
Daddy's got to have control of all of his other kids life,
Because he has no control of his own at home with his youngest child and wife.
He might throw a tantrum all day long,
But they quickly put him in his place, as he doesn't have any backbone of his own.
Daddy always has his nose in our business where it doesn't belong.
He's constantly interfering where he doesn't need to be even when he wrong.
It's constantly causing problems and drama that all don't need.
It seems off others pain he constantly feeds.
Daddy and I use to be real close.
We had a relationship closer than most.
But Daddy cannot let things be,
He either has to have control or revenge, which ever it may be
This whole thing is a shame because Daddy used to be my friend,
But I know this is never to be again
I know that I cannot let him in,
And cannot give him my affections again.
Cause I am scared to let him get to close,
Because he's hurt me a lot more than most.
And I just can't trust him to do what's right,
Because Daddy just doesn't live in God's light.
God please take care of my Daddy and his wife.
Help him Lord to straighten up his life
Help him change his nasty ways,
That he doesn't have to have revenge each and every day.
Lord if Daddy could see the tears and scars he's left on my heart, maybe he would understand,
That there's just so few things on this earth meant to be controlled by a man.

Poem © by Penny Waterloo

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