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Painting by © Jim Warren



Working For Jesus

I remember when I was young one night I died..
I walked down this bright tunnel of light through into fog so thick that one could hide.

I stepped through the fog onto this patch that was so green,
On a corner piece in front of this arch bridge that crossed this ravine.
I remember I decided it was so peaceful there,
I was going to cross this bridge without a worry or care.

Such peace I had never experienced or ever known.
What could I have done to deserve such a feeling, what life seeds had I sown?

The sky was so blue as I had ever seen.
The flowers were huge, and as colorfully grown, if you know what I mean.

I walked to cross the bridge that was standing there

Jesus met me in the middle...

and I stopped, and all I could do was stare.

In an instant I knew exactly who he was,
And Jesus was so kind to me, and treated me as Jesus does.

He said "I'm sorry my child, but you must go back."
I said But Jesus, I want to stay, the world holds so much pain,
and love severely lacks.

He said yes my child I know,
But now back you must go.
He said there is still work for you to do,
Trials you must still suffer through.

He said there's another child of mine there,
You know him, he's been sending up prayers.

He told me what he wanted me to say,
I said they'll think I've lost it in a way.

Jesus said do as I've told you to do,
There are things this boy must live through.

He needs a miracle in his life.

I'm going to give it to him, and I need you to tell him,

as he has suffered so much strife.

So reluctantly I did as I was told,
Just like the people in the days of old.

And when I saw the end of his miraculous strife,
I knew in a instant Jesus had used me to work a miracle in his life.

I knew the reason I had died,
Why I had felt the pain that I felt, of coming back that was inside.

I had become a sacrificial lamb,
The working wonder of the great I AM .
And if I had it all over
And if I had it all over to do,
You know I'd do it just for you.

As Jesus works in a miraculous way,
I am glad he worked with me, even to this day.

This was a true life experience, that I was lucky enough to experience personally...

The boy was a guy I dated named Keith Allen Mason.



Poem © By: Penny Waterloo

Midi playing:  I Believe in Miracles

Painting by © Jim Warren.
Thank you for giving me permission to use your magnificent artwork!



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