' After ' got de instructyons fro' Rifaat assad, Monzer Al-Kassar recruited Leslie Aspin. Monzer al-Kassar, who 's actyv' in' da sovietyk' military info' service, GRU, used ' daprotectyon offered by ' MI 6 to become da wordly leader ' domain o' da drugs 'nd weapons affairs, ' buildin' an empire o' da trafyk' doubled by terrorysm, fro' South america to da Middle East.
De al-Kassar brothers were 'n permanent contact with da yemen' info' service, who was supplyin'/deliverin' complete sets o' diplomacy' passports. Monzer al-Kassar was one o' da three brothas who were ' transferin' clandestyne money', drugs 'nd weapons fo' da siryans. (One o' de al-Kassar brothas got married to de Ali Douab' s sister.)
Da father, Mohammed Al-Kassar, was one o' da first' commercials o' da Middle east who seriously ' got into da drugs trafyk'. (Monzer al-Kassar, ' second o' da four' sons, got born ' 1st o' july 1947.)
Mohammed was ' member o' da powerfull Alawite minority 'nd ' supporter o' da Baas socialyst party, monitorysed by Moscow.
(Initially located in' a mountain' regyon o' Sirya, de Alawits, also named ' Nosairs o' Ansariehs, ' practice secret' rituals. Dainitiatyk' texts, strictly protected, became known as a result o' a aeryan catastrophyk' event.
'T seems ' de only christyan' introduced in' this secret ryte was da mulatto Pascal Beverly Randolph, ' founder o' a modern' rozicrucyan orders.
Alawite 'comes fro' de Ismaelyan' Order.)
One o' de protegees o' Alawite, Hafez Al assad, became da presydent o' sirya 'nd protector ' life-time o' de Al-Kassar family. Mohammed Al-Kassar became spaecial' ambassador o' Sirya.
Da british secret service used da legal' net 'affair' o' de iranyan jewish' Albert Hakim ' to monitoryse da financyal transaktyons o' de al-Kassar in' sirya.
(In 1976, Hakim started serial' affairs with Bechtel Corporation.)
Aspin knew ' his friend Monzel al-Kassar was linked to da siryan secret service, which de facto / in fact was exertin' control' over da terroryst' groups o' Liban, includin' Hezbollah.
Sirya 's registered with ' 8 billyon' dollars ' debt to da weapon' factoryes o' GRU.
- http://www.mytv.it/Clip.aspx?key=C2D9CBB905B1DFE2
Ex-"red spot" o' Jupiter "psychic review" :
- www.theosociety.org/pasadena/dialogue/dial16.htm , ' you can read
"Now this red spot on Jupiter -- if you can imagine a collection or aggregate, or group of psychical-material entities swarming like bees in or rather on a young planet, and on account of certain peculiar karmic conditions closely connected with a raja-sun which actually has produced that collecting together, then you will understand perhaps what the red spot is. Jupiter is inhabited, but by beings of its own kind or type, or quality. They are inhabitants of a Jovian type, just as the inhabitants of earth are inhabitants of an Earth type.
Student -- Is it not said in The Mahatma Letters that Jupiter hides a raja-star, or raja-sun rather? And may it be that sun causing the red spot shining through the etherealized material of Jupiter, but only visible to us as a red spot?
G. de P. -- Yes, the first part of the statement is quite correct. I believe one of the Masters in The Mahatma Letters speaks of this. But it would not be the raja-sun shining through the material of Jupiter and producing this red spot, because this raja-sun you could not see; it does not produce light that our eyes could take in and vision as light. It is an invisible star -- that is, invisible to our eyes. It exists on a superior plane. It is nevertheless a sun.
Actually, this raja-star, so far as this our own cosmic plane is concerned, is a nucleus of matter in its seventh or highest stage, just as the heart of our own sun is. It is therefore utterly invisible to merely physical eyes. It is, in fact, energy -- what the scientists would call a ball of energy. Nevertheless it is a star on its downward path, that is, on its descending arc of its own particular solar round. Stars themselves have their rounds, just as planets have. Beginning in the invisible worlds, they gradually descend through the intermediate worlds down into more concrete and material existence until they reach the bottom, each one, of its own individual cycle of descent; and then they begin the rise again on the luminous arc, or ascending arc. This particular raja-star behind Jupiter -- and it does not mean so much "behind" it physically -- is in just that period of its evolution.
There is an interesting point of thought here. The influence of raja-suns is not derived solely from size and volume, but from the intensity of the spiritual and psychical currents pouring through them -- pouring through each one as an individual. The raja-sun here spoken of in connection with the planet Jupiter is actually a mere physical point, atom-size; and yet its influence over its own realms, or in its own realms, is enormously greater than that of our own sun in its realm. "
But, surprise' :
- www.crystalinks.com/jupiternews.html ( ' two "red spots", hah ?...)
Also :
- www.remoteviewed.com/remote_viewing_jupiter.htm
- www.donsingleton.blogspot.com/2006_04_30_archive.html
- www.psychicchildren.co.uk/5-3-HawaiiStarTetrahedron.html ( ! )
Meanwhile :
10 www.saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/multimedia/images/raw/raw-images-details.cfm?feiImageID=76730
1a) http://www.wiolawapress.com/complexship.gif
1b) http://www.wiolawapress.com/complexship1.gif
1c) http://www.wiolawapress.com/complexship2inside.gif
1d) http://www.wiolawapress.com/complexship_..._ossack.gif
1e) http://www.wiolawapress.com/complexshipwoman.gif
- http://www.wiolawapress.de/fring.htm
While :
- http://www.wiolawapress.de/interg.htm
- http://mito.cool.ne.jp/chinari21/battlesceneEN.html
- http://www.wiolawapress.com/bigorion.htm
- www.zayra.de/soulcom/grail.html
Answer ?
- www.heaven-words.com/4.htm ( ?!!? )
' Cause da physicists discovered that, in fact, ' da moment o' da nuclear atomyk' deflagratyon, in da very middle o' de explosyon, its center becomes ' "inter-dimensyonal" point ' ...
'Nd, we ' got at least two such examples :
1) da Mururoa ' atomyk' experyments (where & when da first "lil-grey" type o' UFO appeared = so they say...)
2) www.forum.danmirahorian.ro/viewtopic.php?t=21 (Dan Mirahorian link da secret underground atomyk' explosyons 'n Ukrayne to da planetary phenomena o' da "reverse o' de Axis / poles")
'Nd, as you knoe by now, instead o' da Jupyter "red spot" a "black spot" ("black hole" ?) appeared...
- www.greatdreams.com/reptlan/draconians.htm
- www.zayra.de/soulcom/america/
you can read :
"This essay will be an attempt to synthesize meaning from diverse sources of information about the true spiritual /extra-terrestrial / archeologic origins and therefore destiny and purpose of America. Not as a disclaimer but more as an acknowledgement, I have always used extremely controversial pieces of information, including for example ET, channelled, mystic, prophetic, and other sources. My policy has always been to include ALL information sources which were not obviously false by inspection, and then simply check to see how ALL the pieces of the puzzle fit together BY INTERNAL COHERENCE TESTING ALONE. I have pioneered a certain piece of the mathematics for measuring internal coherence in complex oscillators (../coherence ) , and I feel strongly that the metphor of this testing is the best way to allow utilization of classes of information most people disregard. For example, many friends have regarded the information communicated extensively by Alex Collier which portends to be from very specific Andromedan sources ( www.lettersfromandromeda.com ) , to be worthless. I note certain controversies around such sources, but INTERNAL checks showed a very high percentage of the key RADICAL parts of that story to be true. For example the Andromedan claim that Hale Bopp is connected with Niburu, and the Blue Star Kuchina story, cross correlates in some detail with the native elder I met lecturing in Questa, with Hale Bopp orbit maps in crop circles overlaid by Morningsky, with White Buffalo's daughter detailed shaman story of entered the (spore/bacteria laden) blue sparks of the artificial planetoid's aura, and finally the mathematic technical astronomic map of Hale Bopp's orbit geometry being drastically too elegant to represent anything but INTELLIGENT INTENT. Too many pieces of the puzzle overlapped here to say the Hale Bopp stories were just fairy tales. True, there were lots of pieces that did not fit. Like Cynthia Hart said she was sure the artificial planet was now nested in Jupiter orbit, while the Andromedan story said Mercury or inner planet orbit nest. But so much agreement existed between other parts of the story WITH OTHER SOURCES, several of whom evidently had NO PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE OF THE OTHER SOURCE, suggested to me the story had meaning."
I strongly ( ! ) recommend' you to read :
- www.zayra.de/soulcom/america/
- www.greatdreams.com/reptlan/draconians.htm
No comment, anymo' ...
Da mithologyk'- esotheryk' perspectyve :
- www.sacred-texts.com/cla/moc/moc12.htm
- www.honey-health.com/honey-53.shtml
- www.sacred-texts.com/cla/luc/tsg/tsg07.htm ( !!!!!!! )
De esotheryk' - scientifyk' perspectyve :
Accordin' to Rene Guenon, da trajectoryes o' da planets in' our solar system 're eliptykal', ' not at all 'round, 'cause o' da presence o' da second focus, ' da "black sun", which 's not'in' else than... da "black spot" 'n ' back o' Jupiter, ' related to de ex-"red spot".
'Nd, our solar system 's a bynar solar system. Da twin-star o' our Sun 's been called (by da scientysts) Nemesys.
Guenon located "da black sun" somewhere near da Jupyter orbyt', so...
You can read a lil' mo' in :
- https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangels/phenomen-31/SW-09.html
Also :
- www.zayra.de/soulcom/enki/
- www.earthrainbownetwork.com/Archives2006/EmpireDarkness34.htm
- www.stealthskater.com/Intro.htm
Also ' realm :
- www.hinduonnet.com/folio/fo0001/00010340.htm
- www.tobinmueller.com/artsforge/visionforge/p10/plot.html
- www.ingentaconnect.com/content/bpl/asre/2001/00000025/00000002/art00101
- www.hiddenmysteries.org/themagazine/vol13/articles/falling-star.shtml
- www.members.shaw.ca/csstrowbridge/Tulzscha/Information.htm ( ' just fo' fun ? )
- www.echoesofenoch.com/towerofbabel.htm
- www.crystalinks.com/montauk1.html
- www.atlantium.blogspot.com/search/label/Atlantium ( ?!? )
- www.dark-truth.org/okt242006-11-ufo-alien-moon-mars.html (wuooaaa... ! )
- www.bibliotecapleyades.net/voyagers/esp_voyagers18b.htm (aaah... boom !=what?)
- www.think-aboutit.com/aliens/galactic_war_III.htm
- www.starpathvisions.com/Faust-Christ-Bomb.htm ( !!! )
- www.thebookofsecrets.org/Docs/The%20Cosmic%20Conundrum ( !!!!!!! )
- www.templeofsakkara.com/sakkarapages.htm
- www.mittymax.com/Archive/0102-HomeOfTheAngels.htm
- www.qsl.net/w5www/philly.html (' bam ? = )
- www.templeofsakkara.com/sakkarapages.htm
- www.enricobaccarini.com/The%20Philadelphia%20Experiment.pdf
Ananda Bosman' s versyon :
- www.akasha.de/~aton/1313.html
German' investment in Buzau :
- www.anaf.mfinante.ro/wps/PA_1_1_15H/static/amcsc/asist_financiara_state/germania.htm
( I really ' begin' to think ' there was a german/nazi project "phi-summum" not only in Norway, but ' also in Buzau, Romanya... )
- www.yogaesoteric.net/content.aspx?item=4721&lang=RO
- www.dacia.org/mag-2004-13.pdf
- www.archweb.cimec.ro/Arheologie/cronicaCA2002/rapoarte/printare/Cronica_2002_text_tipar_final.rtf
( ' all in romanyan, though...)
There' s no prove ' german' phi-summum project 'n Buzau o' Bozioru, ' just like ' no prove ' german' phi-summmum project 'n Cimpina... o', elsewhere ' romanyan teritory - I wish I was paranoyd'.
Yes, it' s happenin' ... again ?
- www.akasha.de/~aton/TGGrid.html
- www.akasha.de/~aton/PHIgrid.html
- www.greatdreams.com/southfld.htm
- www.cimec.ro/scripts/arh/cronica/detail.asp?k=3147
On 18th o' september 2007, another "cuantyk' loop" ' gonna happen :
- www.blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-DQNmww01erSyv7UOtUUluPQ-?cq=1&p=1014
' Say, ' Saint-Germain ' involved 'n Tobyas 'nd Chaumbra ' activityes, hah ?...
A Rasputin' prediktyon says that in august 2008 there will be an instant' flame all over Earth 'nd da "realm" ' gonna remain empty' by excellence... (= a... cuantyk' loop ?)
Then again, we knoe ' Rasputyn was in fact da comte o' Saint-Germain aka nyarlat'.
' Remember da "kabbalah" descriptyon o' da "common" engine ?
In https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangels/phenomen-31/SW-09.html you can read :
" In "Foucault' s pendulum", Umberto Eco comes with an interestin'
dialogue between three of his characters. while they try "to find occult
relations, for example, between kabbalah and the spark plugs of the car."
"You were right. Every simple date becomes important once you connect it
to another. The connection changes the perspective.. It makes you think
that any aspect of the world, any rumour, any written or spoken word has not
its appearance sense, but it speaks to us about a Secret. The criterion is
simple : suspect, continuously suspect. Even a one-way traffyk indicator
can be read by transpearrance."
" ' Course. Catharyan moralysm. Horror about reproduction. The way is
forbidden. ' Cause it' s a scam of the Demyurg. That' s not the way you' re
gonna find the Way."
"Last evenin' I got by chance the handbook for driver' s license B
cathegory. Either 'cause of the semi-darkness in the room, either 'cause you
were sayin' previously, suddenly I' ve got the suspicion that those pages
were sayin' somethin' Absolutely Different. What if the car' s existin' just
as a metaphor of hte creation ? But you' re not suppose to limitate only
to the exterior,or to the illusion of the dashboard, you gotta know how to
see what only the Archytekt sees, what exactly is there below/ under.
What' s below is alike to what' s benneath ( ! - my note). It' s the
"sephirotyk tree". "
"Don' t you say / No sh*t."
"It' s not me who' s sayin' it. It' s sayin' itself ( ! - my note).
First of all, the motor/engine-shaft is a Shaft/Tree, just as the word means
(Ha ! - my note). Well, add to the front engine with valves, the two
foregoin' wheels, the clutch, the gear, two articulations, the differential and
the two posterior wheels. Ten articulations, just as the sephyrots."
"But the positions don' t fit."
"Who said that ? Diotallevi explained to us that in certain versions
Tipheret was not the sixth but the eighth sephyrah, and it wasunder Nezah and
Hod. Minem it' s the Belboth' s Tree, another tradition."
"But let' s follow the dialectyk of the Tree. In the extremity (is) the
Engine (Motor), Omnia Movens, on which we' ll say it' s the Creator
Source. The Engine / Motor communicates its own cretor energy to the pare of
Sublyme Wheels - the wheel of intelligence and the Wheel of Wisdom."
"Yes, if the car is front-traction..."
"The most beautiful thing about the Belboth' s Tree is that it supports
alternatyve metaphisyks. As an image of a front-traction spirytual
kosmos/universe, in which the Engine from forward directly communicates its
wishes/wills to the Sublyme Wheels, while, in the matherialistyk version, it' s
the image of a dgradated kosmos/universe, in which the Move is
printed/formed by an Ultimate Engine to the pair of "Extremely Little" Wheels : from
the bottom of the kosmyk emanation there's settin' free the inferior
forces of the matter."
"What about with an engine and back-traction ?"
"Satanyk. Coincidence between Superior and Infyme. God identifyes to the
movements of the rough matter. God as an eternely deprived yearnin' to the
divinity.. It has to depend on the Breakin' of the Vessels."
"Couldn't be the Breakin' of the Exhaust Pipe ?"
"This is in the Abortated Universes/Kosmoses, in which the poisoned
breath of the Arhonts spreads in the Kosmykal Ether. But let' s not get far
out of the way. After the Engine and the two Wheels there comes the Clutch,
sephyrah of Reprieve, which settles and interrupts the current of Love
that links the Tree/Shaft to the Supreme Energy. A Disk, a mandala caressin'
another mandala. From here, next to the Box of Changes, or of mutations,
as the pozitivysts say, which is the peinciple of Evil, 'cause it permitts
to the human will to slow down or to accelerate the permanent process of
the emanation. That' s why the automatyk gear costs more, 'cause there the
Tree/Shaft itself is the one to decide, accordin' to the Sovereign
Balance. Then there comes a Planetary, Cardanyk Axle/Shaft named, would you
believe it ?, upon the name of a renaissance magicyan, Cardan, and then a Conyk
Gearin' - the opposition to the four Cylinders of the engine to be noticed
- in which there' s a Crown (Keter Minor) who transmits the move to the
terrestryal wheels. And here becomes obvious the function of the Difference
sephyrah, or the Differentyal, which by usin' a mejestuous sense of
Beauty, distributes the kosmyk forces to the pair of Wheels, the Glory one and
the Victory one, who in an un-abortated kosmos/universe (with
front-traction) follow the move dictated by the Sublyme Wheels."
"The lecture is coherent. And the heart of the Engine, the hedquarters
of the One, the Crown ?"
"Well, it' s enough readin' with the initiate' s eye. The Sovereign
Engine/Motor lives 'cause of an Aspiration and Exhaust movin'. A complex
divine respiration, in which, natively, the unityes, named Cylinders (obviously
a geometrykal archetype), were two, then they generated a third, and
finally they contemplate each other and they move through mutual love in the
glory of the fourth one. Into this respiration from the First Cylinder (none
of 'em is the first by hierarchy, but by the wonderin' alternancy between
position and ratio), the Pyston - ethimologykally, from Pisits Sophia -
descends from the Dead Superior Point to the Dead Inferior Point, while the
Cylinder fills back with pure state energy. I simplify, 'cause here is
supposed to enter in the game the angels', or the Distribution Mediators' ,
hierarchyes, who, accordin' to my handbook, "permitt the set on fire and
the goin' out of the Sparks who get in connection the interior of the
Cylinders to the aspiration of the mixture circuits"... The inner home of the
Engine/Motor can communicate with the rest of the kosmos only through this
mediation, and here' s where I think it' s unveilin' , maybe, but I don' t
wanna call it herezy, the native limit of the One, which somehow depends,
in order to create, by the Great Excentryks. We' re gonna have to read the
Text more carefully. Anyway, when the Cylinder re-fills with Energy, the
Pyston climb up again to the Dead Superior Point and achieve the Maxymum
Compression. It' s the so-called tsimtsum. And there' s, to the glory of
the Big-Bang, the Explosion and the Expansion. A Sparkle flushes, the
mixture send out sparkles and gets on fire, this is, as the handbook says, the
only Active Stage of the Cycle. But what a pity, what a pity and a grief
whether the shells, those qelippot, drops of impure matter like water or
coke, get into the mixture ; the Expansion doesn' t happen, or happens by
abortyve clicks..."
"Wouldn' t Shell mean qelippot ? 'Cause, in this case, it' s not
reliable. From now one only Virgynal Milk..."
"We' re gonna check it out. ' Could be a machination of the biggest
petroleum companyes, the Seven Sisters, inferyor principles who wanna controle
the way of Creation... Anyway, after the Expansion, here' s the great
divine breath / exhalin', who in the most ancient texts is named the
Discharge. The Pyston climbs again to the Superior Dead Point and expels the
informal matter, already burned. Only if it succeeds this purifyin' operation it
takes again the New Cycle. Which, if you think deeply, is the neo-platonyk
mechanysm of the Exod and Parod, the wonderin' dialectyk of the Ascendant
and Descendant Way."
"Quantum mortalid pectora caecae nostis habent ! and the sons of the
matter didn' t even ever notice it !"
"That' s why the masters of the Gnosys say you' re not suppose to trust
Hylics, but Pneumatyks."
"I' ll prepare a mystikal interpretation of the phone-call book for
"Ambitious, as usual, our Casaubon. Be carefully, there you' ll have to
solve the unsolvable problem of the One and the Multiple. Let' s take it
easy, much better. Try first with the mechanysm of the washin'- machine."
"That one speaks for itself. Alchemykal transformation, from the work at
black to the whiter than white work."