Operatyon "Pair of tongs" debunked !

Da "fake alternatyve" program'

"(...)'nd that' s my way (...)"

(Method Man - Judgement Day)

This one' s fo' Jimmy Guieu (passed away ' 2nd o' january 2000)

Addenda to "Armaghedon-11" :

(eventually, just start fro' da second part o' "Section A" - (...)"Durin' the XIIth century..." )


(X-zibit = Paparrazzi)

Ther's a real' strange ancient document ' Jimmy Guieu came in da light with : da "Sons o' Light"  manuscrypt ( I have it, 's in romanyan, too grand' 'nd too meanin'full' to translate ' ...)
    Basikally, 's 'bout Jika-Oris, Jimky' s son (who was Samirza Roucatl Heliohim 's son, who (Samirza) ' been comin' fro "elsewhere / nothin' o' da kind / driveller / scatter-brain / thoughtless / crazy  realm / sphere" 'nd ' didn' t go back ' = da builder o' da Great Piramyd ), part o' da Sun' s Sons - aka da Royal Race. (He came up with a prophecy)
    'S an odd story 'bout several conflykts 'tween da humans o' da "damned race" - aka "perverted / corrupted race" - 'nd "Sun' s Sons", while an odd' love story ' lived by Jika-Oris.
    Even "Da Great Ones" 'nd "De Ancient Ones" (ain' t 't da same ? ...Mind-game alert, once mo'...) 're mentyoned, but only once.
    ' Also mentyoned a Jika-Oris' re-incarnatyon - in da fourth generatyon o' his family.
    Da manuscrypt ' provided by  Lysiane Delsol de M. (a merovingyan brunch ?), who had it since ' generatyons ago ' ...
    ' Just ' notice ':
    Samirza - Semyaza , Heliohim - Elohim, Oris - Osiris .

    All I found o' da net 's in a strange language (nordyk', anyway... - but ' try to get da und'stand' stuff o' it, cool stuff ' ...)
    -   www.henkenmialeene.org/openbaar/9e_cyclus_-_de_oorsprong_va/9a_-_de_legende_van_de_lich.html
    -   www.henkenmialeene.org/openbaar/25e_cyclus/25b_-_herinneringen_aan_god.html
    There' s also a remindin' o' "da return" :
    "Then, ' feed your heart with hope, even 'f you' re overcame/overwhelmed with sorrow. Here came da dawn/ daybreak o' our re-birth. Look ' da sons o' darkness 're destroyed 'eir turn by da sons o'light. But there' s not gonna be a blood' shed."
    This reminds me 'bout Rene Guenon' s perspectyve o' ... somethin'like that.
    And, here' s

                               Da prophecy o' da demi-god

  " ' Remember 'n your future re-incarnatyons o' your endless life 'nd shudder ' joy ' da thought o' da bright day when, o' da whole dwell' earth 'll find out / break' news that a massyve gold throne - de one o' da demi-gods, ' vestyge o' 'eir (extinguished/faint/dim) splendour, ' proof o' da ancient age o' da Human - got outta ' bottom o' de ocean, 'cause then ' da time when my words ' gonna come true 'll be comin'."

  Da Montauk-chair was provyded by... sirryans - hah ?...
  ("Give "h.i.m." da chair !" - Beavis ?)

  Jimmy Guieu ("Da book o' da paranormal") evoque those superyor spiryts o' da Middle Age 'nd ' da Renaissance who ' contact with da "Light Beings", as Jacques Bergier shows in his amazin' book : "Extraterrestryals 'n history" (J'ai lu Edityon')
  These ' shinnin' body o' light' humanoyds (force ' field, protekt' ?) visited 'mong othas, Facius Cardan (Jerome Cardan' s father = a romanyan slang meanin' "dick" 's "cardan"), Cyrano de Bergerac, comte de Gabalis 'nd 'ey were pointed out almost everywhere in da world, ' revealin' certain secrets to those ' considered 'able to get 'em usefully.
  "After ' appear' at da beginnin' o' da chrystianyk era - Bergier writes - "da lightnin' deamons" appeared again while da first manifestatyons o' da free-masonry in da XIIIth 'nd XIVth siecle. 'Cause o' 'em, da freemasons called 'emselves "da sons o' da light".
    ' Don' t forget 'bout John Dee :
    -    http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites/M/masters_darkness/dee.html
    -    www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/occult/john_dee.html
    -    www.mystae.com/restricted/streams/gnosis/dee.html
    -    www.digital-brilliance.com/kab/essays/GnosticTrail.htm ( !!! )

  Jimmy Guieu' s conclusyon :
  "(...) Da Lost Science arrives to us fro' those ' which our ancestors named "De Unknown Superyors". "
      Robert Charroux link' de "unknown superyors" to Agartha, da "hidden underground kingdom".
      Accordin' to informed sources, da comte o' Saint-Germain 's da leader o' da "council o' twelve" fro' agartha, while da 3-volumes book named "Telos" (  http://www.lemurianconnection.com/en/about-lemuria-telos.htm  ) reveal' da leadin' system o' da "federal subterranean kingdom"...
      "De unknown superyors" should be da same with "de ascended masters", which the Delta Green reports present' as "de ascended masters o' da cult o' cthulhu".
      -   http://www.greatdreams.com/masters/ascended-masters.htm
      -   www.destinymatrix.blogspot.com/search?updated-max=2004-04-27T11%3A54%3A00&max-results=50 (or, in    www.angelfire.com/planet/phenomenon/davil_shit2.html  , ' quotin' da web-page)
      -    www.combat-diaries.co.uk/diary29/firstearth.htm
      -    www.destinymatrix.blogspot.com/2003_08_01_archive.html
      -    www.destinymatrix.blogspot.com/2004_04_01_archive.html
      -    www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs/signs_meteor_supplement9.htm
      -    www.download.cxs2.info/Lina___Architects_of_deception___Secret_history_of_freemasonry__2004_.pdf
      -    www.dictionary.cx/topic/New_age.html
       As I told ya, in "Delta Green" you can read :
       -    www.nemesis-system.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=223&Itemid=50
       -    www.nemesis-system.com/modern-tcho-tcho-3.html
       -    www.odh.trevizo.org/green_dragons.html  ( !!!!!!! )

       "Da shinnin' ones" 's now ' stylee' :
       -    www.crystalinks.com/shiningones.html
       -    www.gardinersworld.com/
       -    www.amazon.com/Shining-Ones-Powerful-Society-Revealed/dp/1842931652   ( I' m not doin' commercyal' he', ' just spray' info' ...)
       -    www.goldenageproject.org.uk/shining.html
       -    www.tribes.tribe.net/fddcee8d-6153-4301-97f7-f2a4145d100b/thread/7c62eb2d-413b-4c32-8973-a5e7632afbf6
       -    www.geocities.com/alienaxioms/the_shining_ones.html
       -    www.ufoarea.com/lloyd_shiningones.html
       -    www.skotos.net/games/succession/encyclopedia/shiningones.shtml
       -    www.cabiz.net/zolaric/camelot.htm
       -    www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/cwt/cwt01.htm
       -    www.crystalinks.com/toni06.html  ( !!! )
       -    www.phil.fah-designs.com/shinningones/index2.html
       -    www.uforq.asn.au/articles/shiningones.html
       In  https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangel/phenomen-31/SW-06.html  you can read :
       "Durin' the interview given to a research comission, dr. Burisch was askin' himself, rhetorikally : "The thought that the gods of Sumer and other places, were the misinterpreted future humanity; viewed as magykal instead of technologykal, strikes me deeply. What could have they been thinkin', to tinker with the pulse of time and alter our genome and history ?"
Ananda' s answer and interpretation sounds like this : "Kala-ran Empire (...). No longer universal Anu-Nabi, but only logged into the dimensional forms of the Naga / Nagi, as the Anu-Nagi (Sumerianologist Christian O' Brian. who worked with Sir Wooley, at Ur, publishes the accurate spellin' of ANU.NAKI as ANU-NAGI "shinnin' ones". The MANU genealogykal lists from the Indus valley, list the Sumerians as just one set of families from the descendents of MANU, which are in an Omni-Temporal arrangement and relationship with our planet..."
More on that matter can be found in http://phoenix.akasha.de/~aton/TimeGateOrion.html , where you can also find a key of this whole mind-game (courtesy of Ananda, too) : "The Kala-Ran Empire is used in the sense to gain more of the riches of the illusion, more of the the dream, playin' more of the game... They are playin' a game and are enjoyin' that game, on physikal planes, interphysikal planes and spiritual planes."

      Andromedans, sirryans, pleiadyans, orionyans :
      -    www.angelfire.com/az3/keen/sirians.htm
      -    www.siriusly-sirian.com/linksandimages/sir_nonsci.htm

      Ananda' s web-page ' contactee' Freya-Athena "andromedan" :
      -    www.akasha.de/~aton/TG96UFO.html
      -    http://www.akasha.de/~aton/1313.html
      -    http://www.akasha.de/~aton/TG-UFO.html

      'F 1998 appearance o' UFO ' within was "Freya-Athena" , I certainly hope ' wasn't "Sharula Aurora Dux" o' (' worst...) "lady Portia" (we ' gonna meet a lil'later in Wiolawa' s,just ' be patience...)
      Good 'fo' ya, dear friend ( I ' keep on thinkin' o' ya this way ),' fo' enlightnin' me o' this one, man... Trully ! GOD ' my witness '.

      In :
      -    www.hem.passagen.se/rutanova/koala.pdf
      -    www.bibliotecapleyades.net/montauk/esp_montauk_12.htm
      you can read :
      "   The false Orionians, Sirians, Pleiadeans - which are all created by the Nephilim - cannot work through the full-Light Metatronic Spiral. This means that their evolution, both physically and more importantly spiritually, is trapped, contained in the bottle of the Oritron. They are a product of the Luciferian Fall, having displaced themselves in the Universal Continuum. Thus, they must have those who contain Earth genetics and thus Earth chromosomes, to carry out certain functions that interfere with the Metatron (therefore the tamperings that go on)."
     -     www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?page=2&messageid=56031&showdate=12/23/04&mpage=1

     ' Pleiadyans '...
     In :
     -    https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangel/phenomen-31/BethlehemStar.html
     you can read :
      "  Personally, Ananda revealed me these :
"(...)the design is Dharmata... not vortexijah...
it is also given as the Star of Bethlehem by Monk Udo in 1270... and
it is the structure of all permutations of the DNA... So unless one is soo
skitzo and christian controlled by the computer machine dogmaticism of the
duality of sleep/ignorance, as to dogmatically think the dna is a demon
possession —— heart think PLEASE...
For anyone to time travel (and these are apparent future humans in
the meier case, filled with deception, in order to prevent their space time
continuum from collapse, and ours, so that time travel interaction can
occur), they need the time geometry of dharmata...
It is also the Novelty theory graph of the I-Ching in 3D....
Dharmata is borrowed by the Meier group, who also appear in WWII over
Los Angeles, and Ottis Carr, has a variation III beamship in his lab,
1953... Although the Meierians only created Variation III in 1975, coming from
3000 years in the future and then backstepping in time, "so it would
By jove I suppose you have not even read my 1993 book THE ALIEN
PRESENCE: The Evidence For Government Contact With Alien Life Forms, which
involved 12 hours a day research for a solid 3 years, none-stop.... Worked
with contactees, abductees, my own contacts (not dark haired freya athena's
that was your experience, I have no background on your experience, to
ascertain or come to any conclussion of its source and nature: psyche, psychic,
mind control, psychedelic, genetic, ghostial, spook, inteligencia, eti,
fantasia, imaginatia, a good or bad idea, anima-animus, disinformation,
paranoia, noia, noosphere, cognosis, paragnosis etc etc ET C...
I cannot give a general hoot about the utter drivelled hogwash that
is again and again recycled through the majority of the channelling coming
through, and ever more confused from the factual, objective and coherent
Numinous research... (and I do make implications here).... So much of it is
as old as the oldest bone a dog can chew, and then recycled again and
again..." "
  And, you can also read :
   "  And, what 'bout those "pleyadians" ? (Yeah, what 'bout 'em ?)
You can find infos and perfekt pictures (I' ve always had this
feelin' 'bout "da perfekt" stuff...) in :
- www.billymeier.com/
Usefull infos you can also find in :
- www.crystalinks.com/billy_meier.html
- www.figu.org/us/figu/billy_meier/interview.htm .

In 1995, another "pleyadian contactee" got in mass-media : Adrian.
You' ll find perfekt pictures made by him in :
- www.delphiassociates.org/photos/UFO/UFO.html ,
while you can find "the rehersal" in :
- www.ufowatchdog.com/assembly.html .
Interestin' enough is www.gaiaguys.net/R.index.htm . "

    ' Andromedans ' romanyan (jewish ethnyk) Adrian Dvir ' :
    -   www.adriandvir.com/
    -   www.evolve.8.forumer.com/a/contemporary-contactees-uforia_post595.html
    -   www.etmedical.com/forth.htm
    -   www.etmedical.com/prozt.htm
    -   www.opi8.com/word/ellis/badworld_011.html   (sorry, Adryen...)
    -   www.phoenixarchives.com/Links.php?LCatID=13  ( "aaahh..." - Beavis & Butt-Head)
    -   www.classicalmidi.co.uk/ufo/ufo5.htm
    -   www.civilizatii.extraterestre.go.ro/aliens/extraterestrii_celebri_z.htm  ('s in romanyan', anyway - but , 'f I tell ya ' fits' with da book mentyoned ' previously, appeared o' da romanyan market in "Solteris" Publishin' (freemasonyk' & all...) does 't matter anymo'?)

    In :
    -    https://www.angelfire.com/planet/phenomenon/chiyou_brucegi.html
    you can read :
    " How 'bout those... "extraterrestyals" ?
Da only infos we' got on da "galaktyk councyl" come from dr. Boylan & ... Branton .
Here it is :

- www.abidemiracles.com/999boylan.html ( ! )

- in www.drboylan.com/etraces.html you can read :
" Former National Security Council consultant-scientist Dr. Michael Wolf has described people from the Altair Aquila star system who are virtually indistinguishable from humans. He worked with one, Anon Sa Ra, a Star visitor consultant scientist.
Wolf also described a race dubbed the "Semitics", of average height and a generally human-like appearance, except for their very large hooked nose. "This was the race which landed at Holloman Air Force Base, [New Mexico, in the Sixties], and conversed with some generals there."

- in www.thewatcherfiles.com/dulce/chapter32.htm you can read :
" Michael Wolf, in his trilogy THE CATCHERS OF HEAVEN [Dorrance Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, PA] makes the following 'disclaimer' at the beginning of his volume: "The following events, which purport to involve the United States of America, the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Israel, and the U.K., officially, according to repeated statements issued by all governments involved, never occurred." Incidentally the author expressed a deep concern for the children of this planet and for the legacy we are leaving them, and therefore directed all of the royalties for his work to an organization devoted to helping children.(...)
The author was told by a Grey that his genetic Nordic 'brother' Prince ANON SA RA was involved with "arguing the HU MAN's case for existence before THE CORPORATE" (Apparently these vermin have a rather high opinion of themselves for creatures that have no souls, and a low opinion of human-kind, considering that humans are considered by many within the reptilian CORPORATE as being unworthy for existence. - Branton)."

- in www.rr0.org/personne/w/WolfMichael/index.html you can read :
"Concerning extraterrestrial contact, Dr. Wolf stated that the ET race commonly referred to as Zeta Reticulans, or Greys, have engaged in diplomatic negotiations with the U.S. Government. When I asked him which extraterrestrial races he worked with in government labs, he pointed out that the two illustrations on the covers of his book Catchers of Heaven are actual photographs of extraterrestrials taken by an Admiral friend of his. The ET on the front cover is named K*L*T, (which Wolf phoneticizes to Kolta for convenience), is the extraterrestrial with whom Wolf has met most frequently, and is a Zeta Grey. The ET on the back cover is a human-appearing Pleiadean named Anon [Prince] Sa Ra."

- in www.all-natural.com/mikewolf.html you can read :
"When I asked him which extraterrestrial races he worked with in government labs, he pointed out that the two illustrations on the front and back covers of his book, The Catchers of Heaven, are actual photographs of extraterrestrials taken by an admiral friend of his. The ET on the front cover is named "K*L*T", which Wolf phoneticises to "Kolta" for convenience, and is the Zeta Grey extraterrestrial with whom Wolf has met most frequently. The ET on the back cover is a human-appearing Pleiadean named "Anon [Prince] Sa Ra" "

Also interestin' :
- www.narmer.pl/dyn/11en.htm (Egypt - remember da "mon infiltratin'" Ananda Bosman revealed ?)

You ca see da face o' Anon Sa Ra in :
- www.ovni007.com/id25.html , "sa_ra.jpg" .

Pleyadyan, ha ? OK, let's get real here... ( ! ) "

    While,in :
    -  https://www.angelfire.com/planet/phenomenon/chi-you_bucegi2.html
On de otha hand, there' s da "andromedan" assault.
Accordin' to dr. Boylan, " Former National Security Council consultant-scientist Dr. Michael Wolf has described
people from the Altair Aquila star system who are virtually indistinguishable from humans. He worked with one, Anon Sa
Ra, a Star visitor consultant scientist."
The entire story' s available on www.drboylan.com/etraces.html .
But, then again, in www.ovni007.com/id25.html you can see Anon Sa Ra presented in a photo mentioned as... a
pleiadyan !!!
Where' s da catch, you ask ?!? "Iaca cum..." (Here 't 's...)
1) in www.bibliotecapleyades.net/montauk/esp_montauk_12.htm you can read :
"The false Orionians, Sirians, Pleiadeans - which are all created by the Nephilim - cannot work through the
full-Light Metatronic Spiral. This means that their evolution, both physically and more importantly spiritually, is
trapped, contained in the bottle of the Oritron. They are a product of the Luciferian Fall, having displaced themselves
in the Universal Continuum. Thus, they must have those who contain Earth genetics and thus Earth chromosomes, to carry
out certain functions that interfere with the Metatron (therefore the tamperings that go on)."
2) Accordin' to Jan Udo Holey, who got "in de open" in 1995-1996's Germany 'nd got forbidden to be read by da
german freemasonry back then (is there any kinda time, anyway?...) = there 're da "Vril Protocols", ' happened 'tween
1945-47, when a Vril space-time shift traveled through space-time to :
A) some sources thought ... Aldebaran
B) some "mo' "inner" sources said... Andromeda galaxy.

...and :
In www.groups.msn.com/ALIENCAMPGROUNDS/aliens.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=362&LastMod... you ' read:
"From: starsistercat Sent: 7/24/2004 4:46 AM
Pleiadians: By Anna Hayes<O:P> </O:P>

The Pleiadians DO state in the books that they desire to ““use us as living libraries”” ...AKA use our bio-field grids and
DNA to ACCESS the planetary grid, cellular memory banks and the Hall of Records crystalline memory download when it
opens in 2012 A.D.

They represent the Beli-Kudyem- the mutated strains of the original Turaneusim race from Tara 560,000 million years .
The original Turaneusiam race had portions of its original members genetically mutated with the Drakonian-reptilian
codes carried by the Sirian Anunnaki (the Anunnaki are reptilian mutants of the original Lyran-Sirian Anuhazi pure
strains). The Anunnaki and their Beli-Kudyem human mutants, who were the dominant force in the Templar Solar Initiates,
were responsible for the original ““fall of man drama”” on Tara 550 million years ago. <O:P> </O:P>

(The earth human strains were seeded by the reverse mutated and once again pure strains of Turaneusiam, who are called
the Adami-Kudmon.) The Beli-Kudyem since evolved in numerous systems, particularly the Pleiades. Some work with
guardian groups, most with the Nibiru/ Middle Council ““fallen Elohim”4” teams with repress human evolution agendas. The
Beli’’s call themselves the Pleiadians to hide their real identity, are associated with the Galactic Federation and its
agendas, which are co-operative with those of Nibiru.<O:P> </O:P>

Pro-Sirian-strain evolution, repress-but-use-human-12-strand evolution. Again, as with the Nibiru crew, with friends
like this we don’’t need enemies. These guys work independently from the Nibiruians, and are most interested in
"““atching onto”” human bio-energetic field from the D-4 level, to access the coding of the 8th and 12th DNA strands
which they lack. They desire to link into Kundalini energies of DNA activating humans so they can covertly and without
permission host matrix into our bio-fields to pick up missing coding and gain access to the Amenti Star Gates.<O:P>

In general they don’’t mean to do us direct harm, but rather to exploit us gently while pretending to help us. They are
intending to help themselves. Like most higher dimension ET groups, they represent portions of our own families of
consciousness. One of the most misguided things they are teaching is for humans to indescriminently open to sexual
encounter - they KNOW this leaves humans vulnerable to DNA contamination and ““body snatching”” by Black Sun DNA groups
and the Nibiruian and Orion intruders. They need rapid kundalini activation in humans to secure their own agendas, and
promoting promiscuity serves this objective.<O:P> </O:P>

If they cared really about human safety they would not endorse this activity. They have some ““deals”” with the Nibiru
crew who are involved with the One World Order Earth agenda, and work closely with numerous renegade Zeta groups. The
““deals”” involve setting humans up via increasing vulnerability to DNA contamination (which they need to do anyway for
their own agendas), which assists the Nibiruians in their DNA repression-mutation to 10 strand plan, and in return for
the “u“favor”č” the Pleiadian Beli-Kudyem will get Galactic Federation and Nibiruian protection should the big nasties
Drakonians from Orion and their Nephedem hybrids try to over-run their Pleiadian holds. Though their motivation is not a
sinister as the Nibiruians or the Orionites, they are still exploiting humans under the guise of being our friends and
setting us up for potentially dangerous manipulation from the Nibiruians and Drakonians.<O:P> </O:P>

<O:P> </O:P

From: starsistercat Sent: 7/24/2004 4:49 AM
““And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the
sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose... There
were nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men,
and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”” [emphasis added]<O:P>

Nephilim is often translated as ““giants””, a legitimate and appropriate interpretation, but one which may be only
partially accurate. A better definition might be ““those who came down”2”, ““those who descended””, or ““those who were cast
down.”” The Anunnaki of ancient Sumerian texts is similarly defined as ““those who from heaven to earth came””. Sitchin
[1], Gardner [2], and Bramley [3] have all identified the Nephilim as the Anunnaki, more specifically, essentially the
rank and file.<O:P> </O:P>

Virtually all open-minded historical and theological scholars agree the Old Testament’’s book of Genesis was extracted
from the older Sumerian records, if only because of the similarity in their Comparative Religions. The Enuma Elish, the
Sumerian Epic of Creation, and Genesis have a variety of common elements. Stories of a Great Flood and Deluge, among
other stories, are also common to both Sumerian and Biblical accounts. An inevitable conclusion is that the Anunnaki
were as real as Noah, Moses or Abraham.<O:P> </O:P>

Laurence Gardner [2] has written: ““Every item of written and pictorial attestation confirms that the ancient Sumerians
were absolutely sincere about the existence of the Anunnaki, and those such as Enki, Enlil, Nin-khursag and Inanna
fulfilled earthly functions with designated community duties. They were patrons and founders; they were teachers and
justices; they were technologists and kingmakers. They were jointly and severally venerated as archons and masters,
but there were certainly not idols of religious worship as the ritualistic gods of subsequent cultures became. In fact,
the word which was eventually translated to become ‘‘worship’2’ was avod, which meant quite simply, ‘‘work’’. The Anunnaki
presence may baffle historians, their language may confuse linguists and their advanced techniques may bewilder
scientists, but to dismiss them is foolish. The Sumerians have themselves told us precisely who the Anunnaki were, and
neither history nor science can prove otherwise.””<O:P> </O:P>

The Sumerian records recorded in great detail the stories of the Anunnaki, and among these, that of Enki, Enlil, Ninki,
Inanna, Utu, Ningishzida, Marduk, and many others. Chief among these stories was the continuing conflict between Enki
and Enlil, the sons of the supreme god of the time, Anu. Much of ancient human history, and the Biblical Genesis,
can be explained as the militant differences between these two half-brothers, and how they affected the life of all
sentient beings on Earth.<O:P> </O:P>

But the Anunnaki were more than just a pair of squabbling half-brothers. They were the council of Gods and Goddesses (or rather 'gods' and 'goddesses' with a small 'g', since there is only one God - big 'G' - creator of the Omniverse - Branton),
who periodically met to consider their future actions with respect to each other, and probably as a smaller,
nondescript item on their agenda, the fate of mankind. The Anunnaki, depending upon the context, were the Nephilim,
the gods that Abraham’2’s father, Terah, (according to the book of Joshua) was reputed to have served, the fallen angels,
the lesser individuals of the race from which Anu, Enki, Enlil, Inanna and the other notables had sprung, and the
““judges”” over the question of life and death. They were in fact the bene ha-elohim, which translates as ““the sons of
the gods”2”, or equally likely, ““the sons of the goddesses.”” For example, from Psalm 82:<O:P> </O:P>

““Jehovah takes his stand at the Council of El to deliver judgment<O:P> </O:P>
among the elohim.”” ““You too are gods, sons of El Elyon, all of you.””<O:P> </O:P>

The Anunnaki have also been equated with the “2“Watchers”2” (who are also mentioned in the books of Daniel and Jubilees),
i.e. ““Behold a watcher and an holy one came down from heaven.”e” -- Daniel 4:13<O:P> </O:P>

According to Zecharia Sitchin [1] and his interpretation of ancient Sumerian texts, the Anunnaki were extraterrestrials
(aka ““angels””?), who were an extremely long-lived race, potentially living as long as 500,000 years (Note: This is doubtful - since life on earth has only been here around 6-7 thousand years, unless you wish to believe the concepts proposed in THIS article: http://aish.com/societywork/sciencenature/Age_of_the_Universe.asp - Branton). Laurence Gardner
[2] reduces this to more on the order of 50,000 years, and notes specifically that the Anunnaki were not immortal. He
point out that no records are currently extant which relates to their natural deaths, but the violent deaths of Apsu,
Tiamat, Mummu, and Dumu-zi are provided in some detail. (Sitchin and Gardner also disagree on the date of the Great
Deluge/Flood; Sitchin assuming a time frame of 11,000 B.C.E., while Gardner assumes one of 4,000 B.C.E.)<O:P> </O:P>

Sitchin’u’s book, The 12th Planet, published in 1976 was the first modern volume to begin to describe the Anunnaki, their
arrival on Earth supposedly some 485,000 years ago, and from where they had come -- a planet called Nibiru. Sitchin
believes Nibiru to be in an orbit about our sun, but in a strongly elliptical orbit which requires 3,600 Earth years
to make a complete orbit. Nibiru’’s perihelion (closest point of approach to the Sun) is thought to be within the main
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, at a distance from the Sun of approximately 2.75 A.U. (an A.U. being the
distance from the Sun to the Earth). (the Annals of Earth include a detailed description of how Nibiru created the
asteroid belt by destroying a planet, Tiamat, in roughly the same orbit, and which created the Earth in the aftermath,
the Earth being a remnant of the greater, destroyed planet.)<O:P> </O:P>

Nibiru is not known to modern astronomy primarily due to the extreme elliptical nature of its orbit and the fact its
aphelion (furthest point in the planet’’s orbit from the Sun) is more than eight times the distance from the Sun to the
planet Pluto (the latter being some 40 A.U. away, and thus the former, some 320 A.U. distant). Furthermore, Nibiru may
be now far out in deep space and unlikely to be detected. (Or close by, e.g. Planet X.)<O:P> </O:P>

While Sitchin and Gardner may disagree with the extent of the long lives of the Anunnaki, it is clear that these gods
and goddesses, baring accidents or ““Anunnaki-cide”u”, lived a very long time. It has also been theorized that because of
their long lives, they do not quite move in “2“the fast lane”” -- at least to the extent humans do. <O:P> </O:P>

This could be fundamentally important in that, quite possibly, the human life span, while enormously brief as compared
to the Anunnaki gods and goddesses, might nevertheless be compensated by the humans possessing the ability to achieve a
great deal in a relatively short time. The creativity of a shortened, and thus highly motivated lifespan is likely to
be enormously greater than that of a god or semi-god resting on their laurels. This may also relate to the idea of why
the gods and goddesses of the Anunnaki even bother with mankind. Humans may, on the one hand, act as workers to
accomplish the Anunnaki’u’s agenda, but an accelerated creativity may be well worth the trouble for the Anunnaki to
manage a crew as motley as the human race.<O:P> </O:P>

But the connection between humans and the Anunnaki is much more profound than that of masters and slaves. All the
evidence strongly advocates the concept that Adam and Eve and their ancestors, cousins, and what-have-you were created
by genetic engineering and mixing the DNA of Anunnaki with that of Homo erectus, the reigning progenitor of man at the
time. Fundamentally, this was because the Anunnaki needed someone to work the mines in search of gold and other
Precious Metals, and in all likelihood the ORME.

http://www.vibrani.com/Anunnaki.htm provides what just may be an insider view of the Anunnaki -- but from the
perspective of Enki. The advantage of this link is that it provides extensive details on pre-Anunnaki history.
While such channeled information is always speculative, it is nevertheless worthy of serious consideration.

The most fundamental question with respect to the Anunnaki is whether or not they’’re still on Earth! Sitchin [1] has
pointed out that he never said they left (and there is no evidence that they did). There was, however, an apparently
fundamental Anunnaki policy shift circa 600 B.C.E. wherein the overt, day-to-day interference in human affairs by the
Anunnaki disappeared. There is also the scenario encapsulated in Richard Wagner's classic opera The Ring of the
Nibelung, which included Night Falls on the Gods and the Entrance of the Gods Into Vahalla -- titles which are
suggestive of possible changes in status of the Anunnaki. Finally, there is evidence to suggest that this state of
affairs may be temporary, and may be scheduled to end with the end of the Mayan Calendar on or about 2012. A.D.

From mankind’’s point of view, the dysfunctional nature of the Anunnaki family, and the continuing rivalry of Enki and
Enlil, may still be ongoing and having enormous effects on the quality of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
lives. It’’s a very important question, and one that needs to be answered by each of us.

Additional information on the Anunnaki can be found at veritastruth, but requires something of a road map through the
site. After clicking on Veritastruth, it is necessary to click on "database" (on the left frame), and then in the block
entitled "Other Life forms". From there, one can click on "Anunnaki, Igigi".

   'N search o' gold, ' I heard ?
   Once, back in da time', I came up with a theory :

     In  https://www.angelfire.com/planet/phenomenon/chiyou_brucegi.html   you can read :
     "And, here' s what Valentina Girlea said 'bout "da extraterrestryals" :
"- Stiti, am inceput sa-i vad pe omuletii astia care umbla pe cer in obiectele astea care strlucesc si pe care oamenii le numesc OZN-uri.
Dar nu e adevarat ca acelea sunt "obiecte"! la astea sunt doua-trei-patru forme de fiinte fata de care noi nu suntem nimic aici, pe Pamant! Dar numai isi fac forme de oameni, ca pentru astea aduna firute mici, mici de tot, din toate culorile, prin energiile care le au.
Ei ne pazesc pe noi, dar sunt mult mai destepti decat noi!
Si pentru forma aceea de obiect de pe cer, ei la fel aduna si invelisul il faca ca un balon, pe care oamenii de pe pamant il vad ca straluceste.
Dar nu e asa! Ei coboara de-a tumba de sus, tare de sus, si tot din energiile care vin de acolo isi fac balonul pe care noi il vedem ca obiect stralucitor si ne speriem.
Noi trebuie sa fim blanzi cu ei caci ei ne sunt superiori si sunt foarte destepti. Nu inseamna ca, daca nu-i vedem cu ochiul liber, ei nu exista; dar ei sunt adevarati, ca folosesc energiile cele mai puternice."
"- Yo' knoe, I started to "see" these little humans which 're travelin' on da sky in those objects and which humans 're callin' UFOs.
But's not true that those 're "objects" ! to these there' re two-three-four beings' forms in comparison with we' re not'in' here,on Earth ! But they only make 'emselves human-like forms, 'cause for these they gather extremely little-little threads, of all 'colours, through da energyes they have.
They guard us, but they' re more smarter than us !
And fo' that object form on da sky they, they also gather and da cover 'ey make like a baloon, which humans from earth see it 's shinnin'.
But it ain' t like that ! They get down somersaultin' from up, extremely high, and also from da energyes comin' from there they make da baloon which we see as shinny object and 'get scared.
We gotta be gentle with 'em 'cause they' re superyors to us and they' re very smart. ' Doesn' t mean that, whether we don' t see 'em freely / with da eyes, they don' t exist; but they' re real(ms), 'cause they use da most powerfull energyes."
And, this description take us back to da romanyan clairvoyant Eugen Nicolae Gisca' s visions.
He mentioned several facts which perfektly correspond to da mentioned explanations o' da UFO phenomena...
Among 'em :
- da Earth' s now surrounded with an "etherykal shield", which make "outsider beings" unable to enter;
- da so-called "extraterrestryals" are, in fact,"etherykal humans" who chose da "prometheyk" model and this way "high technologyes" appeared in that "realm", while in this "realm" too ;
- da "prometheyks" use to steal "da soul bodyes" o' da "physikal humans" which they use to build da so-called UFOs.
Here 're some extracts fro' da' book :
1)"Da zone ' da prometheyks beings action 's on de adge o' da etherykal world. 'On de edge o' da etherykal world meanin' quality o' de energy 'made o', ' no spatially. (...)
'Materyal world humans (case), durin' da incarnate existence separate only ' spontaneous or volityve dedublatyons. When a man dedublates 'nd gets da re3al capability to travel in(to) astral or to anotha "realm"/ "level" o' da Universe, da prometheyk beings present 'emselves as "spiritual guydes". ' Often, humans (involved) think 'ey 're taken by da "spititual guydes", help' UFOs, to tha solar systems ' far away. As ' matter o' fact, 'ose "travellin' " that way, 'get' involved with prometheyk humans only, guidin' 'em to 'eir own zones fro' da etheryk world. ' Deplasement to far away planets, "no way jose"; 's all 'bout visitin' da cityes o' da "etherykal world" belongin' to da prometheyk beings - "da spiritual guydes". No man can get out o' Terra auryka, ' to travel to otha planets mo' or less far away. ' To leave Terra auryka, humans ' to "undress" 'eyr "ghost body", becomin' again spiryts, leave da terretsryal aura, travelin' to anotha planet, then re-dress ' "cover" o' da "ghost body", humanoyd form; finally, get back becomin' matheryal body. This 's, in fact, not possible."
2) "Da soul pryme matter stole fro' da humans ' gettin' through da "death gate" 's gettin' used makin' ' over-technologykal products etherykal (nature), ' da most known 're da UFOs - several form' etherykal vehycles , which comparin' to da terrestryal crafts ' seem 'live 'nd intelligent'."
3) "Da flyin' objects build in da laboartoryes o' da "prometheyk beings" 're different sides 'nd forms. There' re defence crafts, atack crafts 'nd transportin' crafts. Dmost used 're da tear-like shapped flyin' crafts. 'Ey got counsciousness 'nd feelin' ; 'ey seem very intelligent.
Look' fro 'a distance, da flyin' crafts ' as lightnin' globe intermitently emittin' light. Inside such vehicle, ' two or three beings go' in."

      Now, ' nephilimyk' :
      -    www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vida_alien/alien_watchers.htm
      -    www.nwcreation.net/nephilim.html
      -    www.mystae.com/restricted/streams/scripts/nephilim.html
      -    www.returnofthenephilim.com/
      -    www.bibleprobe.com/nephilim.htm
      -    www.pantheon.org/articles/n/nephilim.html
      -    www.deliriumsrealm.com/delirium/articleview.asp?Post=186
      -    www.originaldissent.com/forums/archive/index.php?t-78.html
      -    www.apocalypse.org/pub/u/hilda/leviathan.html
      -    www.strayreality.com/Lanis_Strayreality/Babylonoccult2.htm
      -    www.members.lycos.co.uk/Brit_Nephilim/links.htm

      Look he' a debunkin' perspectyve, courtesy o' Branton (thank you, my dear Shambala warrior brother !) :
      -   https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangels/The_Truth_Seeker.html
      (' Keep in mind that in Dulce Area 51 "tall - blondes" 've been seen attitude-like-they-had-no-brain/self-control, ' guided to move fro' a place to anotha by "lil' greys"... Definitely, clones ' ?)

      Anotha strange coincidence : both "meierians" 'nd "lil' greys" seem' to be-comin' fro' some future "time-lines"...
      (In  https://www.angelfire.com/planet/phenomenon/chi-you_bucegi2.html   you can read :
       " There' s dr. Burisch' s statement, too :
- www.jerrypippin.com/UFO_Files_b-files.htmoricum
Atention ! There 're TWO ( !!! ) "timegates" / subterranenans in Irak ! Mind-game alert !!!

In www.akasha.de/~aton/TimeGateOrion.html (da dr. Burisch' s interview ' Ananda ') you can read :
"THE EBE"s rather than be ET"s par se, are considered to be a part of the human race in the future that mutated,
according the MAJI briefing documents... "
Accordin' to Ananda Bosman, da pleyadians seem to be comin' fro' da future, too...
- www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangel/phenomen-31/BethlehemStar.html (da "meierians" 'bout paragraph...)
Now, watch www.wiolawapress.de/forum/viewtopic.php?id=619 , especially "th_15331_cut_1_122_402lo" 'nd
"th_15335_cut_1invert_122_561lo" pics.")

      What was ' Gardner sayin' a lil' earlier ?
      " The author was told by a Grey that his genetic Nordic 'brother' Prince ANON SA RA was involved with "arguing the HU MAN's case for existence before THE CORPORATE" (Apparently these vermin have a rather high opinion of themselves for creatures that have no souls, and a low opinion of human-kind, considering that humans are considered by many within the reptilian CORPORATE as being unworthy for existence. - Branton)."
      Thank you, my dear Shambala warrior brother Branton !
      ' See ? Mind-game, straight...

      You can also read (again, eventually) :
      -   https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangels/phenomen-31/SW-Breakthrough-2.html

      Musyk' time ' !
         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=louQ7s1ZkGU  ( !!!!!!! )
         http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x10wuh_zebda-je-crois-que-ca-va-pas-etre  ( ! )
         http://www.bestmusic.ro/module.php?module=video&lit=R  (click on RACLA - Cintaretii de rap )
         http://idmusic.blog79.fc2.com/blog-entry-66.html (Judgement Day)

  You can't kill me ! ('As you couldn't kill my dear' Shambala warrior brother Branton, mothaf*ckas !!!!!!!)

  Belbo'e trumpet', straight.. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   De adventure o' da "council o' nine", he' :
   -     www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/council_of_nine_fortean.htm
   -     www.illuminati-news.com/council-of-nine.htm
   -     www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/6583/et045.html
   -     www.members.tripod.com/~SonofEther/trads.html
   -     www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditions_ (Mage:_The_Ascension)
   -     www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Nine
   -     www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_council9.htm

   "Council o' nine" - Tavistock ' :
   -    www.tribwatch.com/aquarian.htm
   -    www.biblebelievers.org.au/aquarian.htm
   -    www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/secretsocietyindex.htm
   -    www.blueibisthoughts.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html
   -    www.realfakenews.blogspot.com/atom.xml
   -    www.dreamsend.wordpress.com/2007/03/19/10000-heroes-sri-and-the-manufacturing-of-the-new-age-part-one/
   -    www.theobservor.blogspot.com/
   -    www.mirrorh.com/timelinead19.html
   -    www.mirrorh.com/timelinead1989.html
   -    www.biblebelievers.org.au/aquarian.htm

    Tavistock ' :
    -    www.educate-yourself.org/nwo/nwotavistockbestkeptsecret.shtml

    Some ' see further ' :
    -   www.intellibriefs.blogspot.com/2005_08_21_archive.html

    ' Me, not = Tavistock - Stanford connection ' :
    -   www.team8plus.org/forum_viewtopic.php?9.473.10
    -   www.fdrs.org/club_of_rome_quotes.html
    -   www.fdrs.org/club_of_rome_quotations.html
    -   www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/secretsocietyindex.htm
    -   www.tribwatch.com/aquarian.htm
    -   www.geocities.com/juttafranz/carl_35.html
    -   www.webbsleuths.org/cgi-bin/dcforum/dcboard.cgi?az=printer_format&om=2445&forum=DCForumID61
    -   www.gnosticliberationfront.com/mind_control_series4.htm
    -   www.conspiracyarchive.com/NWO/Bell_Ross.htm
    -   www.adamgorightly.com/read-list.html
    -   www.bloglines.com/blog/ewing2001/2007_1_12
    -   www.4truthseekers.org/articles/the_environment_and_the_new_world_order___the_new__terrorist__threat__and_...
    -   www.imaginativeworlds.com/forum/showthread.php?t=148
    -   www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/8337/1.ashx/NaziUFOIlluminatiRANDCORP
    -   www.khunnamob.info/board/show.php?Category=khunnamob&No=541&forum=9&page=9&PHPSESSID=040e...
    -   www.rigint.blogspot.com/2007/04/advisory.html  ( ?!?= interestin' ' links ' ...)

    ' Da realm, courtesy o' Corneliu Dan Nicolae :
    " Da revolutyonary potentyal o' de "angry youth" got investigated since 1967 by dr. Fred Emery, a "parent o' da peacefull' insurektyon' theory. Back then dr. Fred Emery was workin' at Tavistock Institute (Great Britain).  emery was specialyst' in da "hipnotykal effects" o' da televisyon,'nd ' studyin' its capacityes ' mass-manipulatyon. 'S quality, dr. fred Emery 's been noticin' de "aglutinatyon" phenomen' o' de young people, ' bees swarm-like behaviour, ' predisposityon to da group-life ( all ' necessarily characteristyk' features ) o' de youngsta' participatin' to ' "rock & pop concerts".
    Dr. Fred Emery was da first ' und'stood de extraordinary potentyal these groups o' youngsta' - matured at da pop concerts - ' could 've in polityk', 'f ' show' a purpose 'cordin' to 'eir mentality'. emery wrote a premonitory article, entitled "The next 30 years : Concepts, Methods & Anticipatyons" (...), ' he presented in' his research' group - Human Relatyons, fro' da Tavistock Institute.
    ' Gotta specify' that Tavistock Institute got made after da first world war in Great Britain, 'nd that 't was ' professionally "psichologykal war". Da pioneer' concepts o' Fred Emery - "swormin'adolescents"'nd "adolescents' histerya" ' 1967 - got applyed in polityk' da very next year, 1968, 'n da "students revolutyon" ' Paris, 'gainst ' general De Gaulle, an opponent to da "new world order", 'nd ' satisfactory results ' : ' De Gaulle resigned da next year.
    De american' strategykals studyed fo' decades da posibility to launch ( 'nd control ) "peacefull' insurektyons" in line to cause da changin' o' "inconvenient" fo' USA politykal' regyms. Da method' became, yet, really efficyent just after 1990, since da mobyle phone 'nd da Internet appeared ( ! = my note ). Today these 're de essentyal elements in organizin' 'nd coordinatin' o' da street' protests. Damobyle phone provides da cohesyon o' da group, who keeps in touch with da ccordinator o' de actyon, who knows, "in da real time", what' s goin' on with his people 'nd orders personal' simultaneously.
    Essentyal element ' in "insurrectyonal' " type actyons, da new technique ' base' on a concept borrowed fro' da Gingis-Khan tactyks : da "bees-swarm" theory ("the swarmin' "), which has yet disposal ' da new high-tech communicatin' ways, ' permittin' an un-believable ' swell mobility, ' internal  cohesion 'nd coordinatyon 'tween da chief 'nd da members o' da group. This way, ' to de order o' da leader gather' instantly, ' like some bees focus' a' objectyve o' anotha, this way assurin' da "critykal density", 'ey get everythin' instantly through da ' phone, slogans & otha orders. Everythin' "real time", da mobile phone bein' da best "relay race" 'tween da coordinator 'nd da members o' o' da group'.
    Da makin' and development o' some "peacefull' insurektyons" (non-violent conflicts) 's supposin' da foundin' o'some disciplined 'nd perfekt' organised street groups. ' Research o' these "civyk' groups" o' da "peacefull' insurektyons" 's Albert Einstein Institute ' USA ( Albert Einstein was a jewish ethnyk' 'nd a 33 degree freemason = my note ) , founded in 1983, ' initiatyve o' dr. Gene Sharp fro' Harvard University. Previously, dr. sharp was de assistant o' A. J. Muste, known ' organiser o' trotskyst-type sindykates 'nd "peace-nik" (activyst' fo' peace). Albert Einstein Institute 's financed by George Soros 'nd by National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
    Signifykant 's da fact that ' presydent o' albert einstein Institute 's a military personnel : ' colonel Robert Helvey, reservyst since 1991, ' 30 years ' experience in manipulatin' "non-violent groups" in South-West Asya, Balkany 'nd Eastern Europe. ' Colonel Helvey worked fo' Soros ' long time befo' his retirement ' US Army.
    B. Raman, ex-director o' RAW, da spy ' service o' India, described like this in' a secret report (entitled "The USA' s National Endowment for Democracy") de activityes o' colonel Robert Helvey :
    "Helvey, an ex- info' officer o' "Defense Intelligence Agency" ' Pentagon personnel, serv'in Vietnam, then in Burma (Myanmar), fro' 1983 'till 1985, ' this time occupied ' organisatin' o' students groups fo' "non-vyolent conflykts" (soft war)...
    He also prepared in Hong Kong da leaders o' da students fro' Beijing, which then ' used in Tien-An-Men square, durin' de incidents ' june 1989... ' Believed that Helvey ' capacity ' as counceylor o' da Falun Gong movement, a religious sect fro' China, ' already milyons o' followers, ' offerin' instruktyons ' "civyl' un-submission" techniques."
    This type o' "peacefull' insurektyon"got experimented ' first time in 1986 in Filipine, ' effect ' de overthrow o' ferdinand Marcos. da next "soft war" moment was da Tien an Men marathon meetin', ' 1989, ' yet anihilated by da chinese government. Da "peacefull' insurektyon" won again in 1989, in ' communyst Europe, da most known-becomin' sample o' it ' da "velvet revolutyon" ' Czech'."

    Jimmy Guieu ' 'net :
    -   www.book-of-thoth.com/sections-printpage-601.html (click o' da right button o' da mouse, then choose "select all" - da txt 'll appear ' "magyck' "...)
    -   www.thothweb.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=228
    -   www.thesupernaturalworld.co.uk/index.php?code=02&file=pinegap2.php&title=PineGap%20Underground%20...
    -   www.4truthseekers.org/articles/plasma_wars_part_1.php
    -   www.kolwezikat.free.fr/Publications/Kat2.rtf
    -   www.locksley.com/cthulhu/snake.htm   ( !!!!!!! )

   Mere (Motha), da discyple 'nd shoulder-to-shoulder ' o' Sri Aurobindo Goshe, mentyoned da secret meetin' o' Kissinger in China, ' back then in da 1970s...
   While there 're ' certain sources mentionin' da plans to attack Irak  ' since ' back da 1970s...

   Accordin' to da clairvoyant Eugen Nicolae Gisca, "da phisykal realm" appeared on da same "cuantyk level" with da previous one, while humans o' da previous "era" got into some new (back then) "realms", located in de "etherykal cuantyk levels".
   Da vibin' intensity got lower 'nd lower , 'till GOD' s Son Issa Chryst came 'n da "phisykal realm".
   Accordin' to Jan Udo Holey, aka Jan van Helsing, He manifested 'in da israel' area 'cause, back then, da mentyoned teritory was "da lowest"- vibin' speakin'...
   (...While now, accordin' to Dee Finney, there' s da most o' de "indigo children" in de Israel area'.)
   'Nd, accordin' to Rudolf steiner, de entire "phisykal realm" was da nearest to "da point o' no return", 'nd Issa Chryst -' by His mission - "rised" da "vibe".
   Da truth 's Issa Chryst "translated"da whole "realm" in' a whole new ("vibin' ") "regyster", while da "Law o' Grace" emerged.
   Da fact 's ' da "phisykal realm" was, 'till da VIth century, o' da "vibin' level" o' da actual "astral (cuantyk) level".
   Durin' da whole VIth century, a genuine occult phenomena occured/happened : "da duplikatyon/ de-doubletyon o' da ' realm" - a "mahajivanmukti" ' involved...
   De actual "phisykal level" 's "lower" (vibrationally) than ' was previously meant.
   In 1908, over Tunguska ' a triangular flyin' craft atomikally exploded, ' sprayin' 'n de Earth atmosphere a certain element called "technetyum", which 's supposed to provyde da posibility to emerge "da Vril energy".
   Durin' da 1980s, a ' new "mental space" appeared : da cyberspace.

   ' Comte Incapucciato revealed :
   "I' m talkin' 'bout a dominatyon system o' da human' by human', based o'da number 666 !"
   'Nd, I' m talkin' 'bout a bunch o' lunatyks who get not enough pussy, goin' mad 'nd dreamin' ' mo' 'nd mo' powa !
   ' Cause, accordin' to Adam Gorightly (a 33 degree freemason, though...), there' s no such thing as da 666 number...
   -   www.theusofe.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3177&sid=77ec3c4cb51c88e657dc429316d774e0

  ' RMNS ' Romanyan Revolutyon he', fo' a lil'...
   Romanyan general Vasile Milea, attacked o' da hall o' CC o' PCR by a team ' Gelu Voican- Voiculescu 'nd Petre Roman ' in, was later questioned 'nd, ' refusin' colaboratyon, ' killed by da GRU "psi"-department executyoner/ deputy o' da GRU "psi"-dpt. (SV-8 ?) leader = ' shot in da heart; then, certain dossiers were stolen fro' his safe.
   (In my previous' materyals I mistakely named general Gusa, instead to mentyon da real identity o' this hero ' Vasile Milea = my mistake & I' m trully sorry fo' that...)
    While, 'mong de othas terrorysts ( ' mentyoned in "Armaghedon-11" - part 3 =
    https://www.angelfire.com/planet/phenomenon/armaghedon-11_7.html   ), a multyple agent aka Victor Michel Issa, cipryot', was involved  in da Romanyan Revolutyon events...
    You can find (dis)infos 'bout othas (fake) identityes o' that mo'fo' in :
    -   https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangel/phenomen-31/TheReasonWhy.html
    -   https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangels/phenomen-31/X-Files_2.html
    while in
    (" Nostradamus wrote : "The ancient work will be furfilled..."
What' s it about ?
The JFK assassination. As simple as that.
f*ck it - what the f*ck did he ment ? f*ckin' jew... Are we supposed to
think of you as a clever mo'fo' ? No way, Jose...
'Cause now I know. And I don' t like the shit it means.
"f*ck bein' polyte !" (The Parasytes - romanian hip-hop team.. - "When
we fill you with phlagms")

J.F. Kennedy, matured at "Economics School of London" (founded by the
jewish ethnyk and socialist Harold Lasky) and then workin' as special
correspondent of the "Hearst" mediatyk net, whose family was presentin'
numerous masonyk links (his father Joe Kennedy was among the few who saved their
money durin' the financial crash of 1929), ment to come up with a
keynesian economykal program, attemptin' to make up for the budget lack of balance
favourizin' the economykal expansion - by usin' a financial reformation
and the changin' of the american financial system.
In 1962, JFK decided to apply a new economykal and financial polityk,
based on the "national gross potential product", sustainin' "a temporarily
transitional advers, as a result of the decrease of taxes with the purpose
to stimulate the economy, to increase the governamental gains and to
eventually get a budget surplus. This was an over-pass to the old economykal
theoryes, which scandalized the Congres and the business-men groups.
The "New Frontier" perspective was, back then, a subversyve conception
to the institutions and to the "big-sharks" in the affairs worlds.
Kennedy begun to apply the program by beginnin' with the decision
regardin' the TFX project and by foundin' the Special Study Group on the
"posibility and oportunity of peace". This was an attempt to blast the
giantesque military machine of USA by pulverizin' trillions of dollars, and it was
shudderin' the foundation of the last 2 000 years society model.

JFK was a hero alright.
But, let' s not forget that 90 % of the Kennedy administration were
jewish ethnyks and freemasons. Among 'em :
_ Arthur Goldberg, minister of work
_ Edward Mourow, director of the Information Service
- Abraham Ribicoff, oficial representant of the American Jewish
Committee, minister of the education and welfare
- Douglas Dillon (Lapowski, polish jewish ethnyk), co-owner of the
Dillon-Read & Co. Bankin' House from New York (founded by Bernard Baruch),
minister of finances
_ Orville Freeman, minister of agriculture
_ Dean Rusk (freemason), state-secretary
_ Steward Udall (freemason), minister of internal affairs
_ Edward Day (freemason, Stevenson' s agent), minister of
- Luther Hodges(freemason), minister of commerce
- Robert McNamara (freemason, Nelson Rockefeller' s agent)
- Sidney Weinberg (freemason), from Ford Motor Co.
Other jewish ethnyks and freemasons colaboratin' with the Kennedy
administration were :
- Adlai stevenson
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Averrel Harriman
- Newton M. Minow, controller of the communications
- Arthur Schlesinger, presidentyal "politykal counseilor"
- Paul Samuelson
- Pieere Salinger, oficial spoker of the White House
- Mortimer Caplin
- Lyman Lemnitzer, general / chief of the General Staff of the american
- Mennen Williams (freemason and extremist)
- Sergeant Shriever, leader of the "Peace Corps"
and many others.

These were the people who played the most ingenuous mise-en-scene of the
The Diem dossier is a hoax, accordin' to Fletcher Prouty (in fact, Diem
ran away usin' a subterranean secret road, while the Bahia de los Cerdos /
Bay of Pigs events were caused by the director of the secret service
Richard M. Bissell Jr. (professor of economy at the Yale University) who
ordered non-intervention.
The atomyk rockets of Cuba hoax, in 1962, offered the ocasion to retreat
the american military bases "Titan" from Turkey teritory, while orderin'
the sealin' of other 72 military bases of USA & allied states and of the
strategykal aeroports from Maroc, Libya and Saudy Arabya.
Back then was also oficially signed the "Executive Order 11051", at 20th
of november 1963 (in fact, it was already signed in 2nd of october 1962).
(This executive order became the improved "Executive Order 11490",
signed by Nixon in october 1969 and by Jimmy Carter at 20th of july 1979.)

Several sources mention that JFK was about to reveal the MAJI
conspiracy, especially the previous colaboration with "alien elements".
Connally was, that day in Dallas, the owner of the paper which J.F.
Kennedy was gonna read (and there was the "alien" stuff written in it...) -
remember the Dal-Tex team ? The shooter was (most likely) Emilio Santana,
agent of "Division Five" FBI ("wet- affairs" assassinations group).

As the only catholyk president of USA, J.F. Kennedy himself was a
member of a para-masonyk organisation named "The Knights of Columbus".

The organisation known as the Templars (a Templar branch from 1307)
considered that the Pisces Age was gonna end while a "new cosmykal year" was
about to emerge in 1962/63.
The Sun goes round the "central sun" (aka "the black sun"), and a 25
860 terrestryal years period was about to end back then. In the mesopotamyan
system, there are "three steps of Marduk", meanin' 168 years phase - in
the middle of which there should be a first contact with the "Ilu" ( ! )
The Templars thought that the exact data was 4th of february 1962 (1934
and 1990 are also considered important datas), while several buddhist
groups went for the 5th of february 1962.
The end of "Kali-Yuga" would bring what the babilonyans named "The Pot
Would it be interestin' that the presidential train followed a
bottle-shapped route ?
It' s like JFK was sayin' to "those who knew" : "We' re gonna bring the
New Age !..."
And then - bam ! A very serious "No !" expressed.

Accordin' to Adam Gorightly, Dallas and especially Dealey Plaza is the
psychic center of Texas (strange "hidden/unseen" energyes involved and

Who were the people involved in the assassination of JFK ?
Mostly, it was "The Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem", aka
"Shickshinny Knights of Malta". Just read
www.redshift.com/~damason/lhreport/articles/roswell3.html ,
www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/1997/mar/m10-016.shtml , http://www2.prestel.co.uk/church/lumpen/saucers.htm ,
http://mamilhap.blogspot.com/2004/10/shickshinny-knights.html ,
www.deepblacklies.co.uk/the_spoil_of_war.htm ,
www.deepblacklies.co.uk/the_spoils_of_war_pr.htm ,
http://greyfalcon.us/restored/This%20is%20a%20story%20about%20Men%20in%20Black.htm and www.newsmakingnews.com/lm7,1,02,harvardtoenronpt5.htm .
There were the jesuits, too. Just read
http://web2.iadfw.net/dsh440/wound.htm and
www.exposingsatanism.org/illuminati-jesuit.htm .
And, there were the so-known organisations who do such things "for
livin' " (would they "work for food" ?...) : MAJI, Division Five of FBI, CIA
It' s an entire labirynth, capisci ?
"Qui prodest" so much waste of information ?
Let' s try to figure it out...

You already know, by now, who actually did it. (It was not the butler,
it was the "comte".)
And, as you also know, in the presidentyal limousine was sittin' an

"A riddle, wrapped in a question,locked inside an enygma..."
The murder involved in the JFK event was in fact a f*ckin' ritual named
"the decapitation of Kali by usin' kabbalah elements", and it was
performed by Lucypher itself, who shot the whole seven fires in that un-knowin'
fool who was not J.F. Kennedy anyway.
(The "Dal-Tex" team shot Conally, not JFK-impersonator.)
Why did the whole shit happen, anyway ?

"F*ck the devil !!!" (Naughty by Nature - Licons)  "
  "You 're too much ' !" - my motha ; my fault' ...)
  Yea, I knoe ... Un-fortunately.

  In   https://www.angelfire.com/planet/phenomenon/armaghedon-11_7.html   you can read :
  "  'Ere 't is :
- Victor Michelle (name o' a woman ? Ha !...) Issa // stop game !
Victor Michel Mertz 'nd David Lemar Chsist 're da last ' known fake-identityes o' "h.i.m." aka "lucypher"
' Agent was actyon' in Constanta after da "revolutyon", ' where he obtained ' prejudyce o' 30.000.000 dollars to da romanyan state, ' by bribin' magistrates 'nd police-men ; ' ran BACK in Kiev (accordin'to Valentin Manoliu), where fro' continuin' da trafyk' with cigarettes, ' KGB support' !
Constanta 's not-so-far fro' da military base o' Mihail Kogalniceanu, ' involved in dascandal on da CIA secret tortur' bases, where irakian 'nd afghan' soldiers were brought 'nd severly questyoned ('n de effort to find da "gate to Agartha", I ' guess...)
There were UFOs kept on camera in Constanta, durin' Ceausescu '.
'Nd, in de end, who da hell ' keep' on maculatyn' GOD' s Son - Issa Chryst, ' usin' such worthless hoaxes ?!?
Think 'bout 't, think twice, 'think faster. ' Just THINK ' ! "
    Let' s think together : what da f*ck was "h.i.m." bribin' romanyan officyals in de area fo' ?
    'Cause, durin' 2005, da secret CIA bases in Romanya 'nd Poland ' ...
    In Romanya, ' such a place was located in da "Mihail Kogalniceanu" military base area."
    Durin' da '70s, Frank Edwards' book got published in Romanya. Da over-cover' o' da book was, in fact, a picture o' several UFOs formatyon' photographed o' da sea o' ... Constanta.
    'N "The White Island" (   https://www.angelfire.com/planet/phenomenon/01_18_2007_08_1_.pdf   ) you can see ' Mircea Vulcanescu located daWhite Monastery in ... Caraorman, which 's a lil' too close' to... da Mihail Kogalniceanu military base.
    In  https://www.angelfire.com/empire/fireangel/phenomen-31/SW-05.html   you can read :
    "As a result of the WTC dramatyk events, the Bush administration
launched the attack against Afghanystan.
Accordin' to some sources, there are four entrances in "the
subterranean hidden kingdom" named Agartha : in India, in oriental Tibet, in Borneo
and in Afganystan.
Right after the hysteria of launchin' the war, Ahmad Shah Massoud got
Son of a colonel of the afghan army, he graduated the Poltechnyk of
Kabul and the Archytecture. Durin' the counterstrike against the sovietyk
invaders, he organised the Panchir resistance. (In Panchir, there is a vast
subterranean net.) His army, 12 000 people, was equiped with two
helykopters, too. He was a supporter of the synarchyk concept.
He got killed by two algerian agents, desguised as reporters (the guns
were hidden into the cameras), who previously had access in Massoud' s
The reason why he got killed is that he was a "guardian of the entrance" in Agartha."
    Have you read Victoria Le Page' s book - "Shambhala. The fascinating truth behind the myth of Shangri-la", Quest Books, Theosophical Publishing House, Wheaton, Illinois-Madras, India, 1996 ?
    -    www.newdawnmagazine.com/Article/The_Secret_of_Eurasia_The_Key_to_Hidden.html
    -    www.newdawnmagazine.com/Article/Back_to_Paradise.html

    And, now, do you remember ' Hitler was searchin' fo' a certain map 'ch could reveal him da real center o' da "telluryk' streams/energyes" ? ('T would allow him to get da supreme power ' , so they say...)

    I remember 've read in ... Charles Berlitz' s book 'bout "da Bermuda triangle" ( ? )...'bout an examintayon to a surviver o' a "Bermuda triangle" incident. Da military ' asked him 'f da "veil" he' s been passin' through was green (remember da "Philadelphia experyment" ? = a witness 's ' put' his hand in' da green electromagnetyk' field ' surroundin' da USS Eldridge...) ; da "survivor" said 't was greyish'.

    Caraorman :
    -    www.ziare.ro/articol.php?id=1181358634
    -    www.english.people.com.cn/200706/09/eng20070609_382569.html
    -    www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/06/07/AR2006060700505
    -    www.english.cri.cn/2947/2007/06/09/189@236484.htm
    -    www.iht.com/articles/2007/06/08/europe/prisons.php
    -    www.iht.com/articles/2007/06/08/frontpage/prisons.php
    -    www.news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20070608/pl_afp/europeciausrights_070608142557
    -    www.rss.mioritics.ro/?feed=3633
    -    www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/world/4875328.html
    -    www.hrw.org/english/docs/2005/11/07/usint11995.htm  ( ! )

    In Victoria Le Page' s book you can find a strange mentyn' : there' s da "realm" we live in, de "upper world", da "lower world" 'nd... "da lateral world" ( ?!!!? )

    Accordin' to Abd-Ru-Shin, these f**kin' times there 're mo' 'nd mo' "underground realms" entityes "incarnatin' " in da "phisykal realm", while da vibin' diminish' .
    Accordin' to Rene Guenon, 's 'bout "da fissures" through which mo' 'nd mo' certain destructyve forces penetrate 'nd ' gonna penetrate ; accordin' to tradityonal' simbolysm, these "fissures" yield' in' da "Great Wall" surround' da world 'nd protect it 'gainst ' intrusyon o' da malefyk' influences o' da inferyor subtle domayn. (...)
    ' Da simbolysm o' da hinduyst' tradityon', this "Great Wall" 's da circular mountain Lokaloka which separates da "kosmos" (loka), by da "exteryor' dark' " (aloka) (...)
    ' De islamyk' tradityon, these "fissures" 're de ones through which da ravage' hordes o' Gog 'nd Magog (' makin' otherwise perseveverin' efforts to invade our world) ' gonna penetrate, nearby' de end o' cycle ; these "entityes", which represent' de inferyor influences we ' talkin' 'bout 'nd who 're consider' as now livin' in ' "subterranean' ", 're described even as "midgets" even as "giants", that (...) identifyin' 'em, ' least a concern', with da "hidden treasures" guardyans 'nd with da blacksmiths o' da "subterran' fire", who 've also got, let' s remember,an extremely malefyk' characteristyk' feature ; basikally, 't' s 'bout da same order o' da "infracorporal' " subtle influences. Rightly speakin', da try' o' these "entityes" ' to insinuate in' da corporal 'nd human world 're by far ' no news, 'cause ' since 'bout beginnin' o' da Kali-Yuga, meanin' beyond da "classic" Antiquity peryod ' da profane historyk' researchers' horyzon limitates. 'Bout this subject, da chinese tradityon' simbolyk' terms ' say "Nu Wa (sister 'nd wife o' Fo-hi,' they say she reigned along with him ) melted ' five colours stones ' to repair a breach 'a giant 's been made in da sky (as 'seem,(...) 'n a point located o' da terrestryal horizon ); 'nd this means ' an age which, definitely, ain' t after da beginnin' o' Kali-Yuga ' but few centuryes."

Da "realm" ('in romanyan, though...) :
-    www.hotnews.ro/pp_articol_print.php?ID_articol=14539
"Ba, lasa-ne, ba baiete, ba... ' Da-te-n mortii ma-tii !"

                                   Da key' s here now

Accordin' to da romanyan clairvoyant Eugen Nicolae Gisca (he' s in his 40s now = 2007), here 're some revelatory infos :
  1 - "De etherykal world" 's a different o' da "materyal level" world. De etherykal world 's not at all "da double" o' da phisykal world, but an autonom'/independent world, ' its own features, propertyes 'nd funktyon' laws. De etherykal world ' not to get mistake fo' da counterpart o' de aurykal stand-in' o' de objects fro' da materyal realm (...). De etherykal world has no beginnin' 'nd no end, instead' - paradoxal' - it ain' t round as da terrestryal globe, ' but ' straight '. "
  (' Could this ' be da hoax o' Albert Einstein, a jewish ethnyk' 'nd ' 33 degree freemason, used ' to bring da world to ... what we ' livin' ?
  Greeks' "atom", de ultimate kinda 'f existence & stuff, 's not at all "modern phisyk' " "atom" - ' be clear ! = lie !!!)
  2 - "Another numerous category o' humans today found' in de etherykal world 's de independent humans.
  Humans o' this category, deprived 'emselves too by ' divyne line, choosed da way o' absolute independence : 'ey broke 'emselves fro' God, 'ey broke 'emselves fro' da Hierarchy o' da sons o' Light, 'ey even ' broke fro' fro' Sons o' Darkness, 'ey broke fro' de otha' humans o' terra auryka who follow' da natural / matter-o'-course route : birth 'n phisykal body, death, post-existence in de astral world, re-birth.
  Da pseudo-model o' evolutyon' which these human beings try to build ' based o' da prometheyk' principle."
   -   www.yogaesoteric.net/content.aspx?item=3836&lang=RO   ( ' in romanyan, though...)
   -   www.gnosisonline.org/Teologia_Gnostica/misterio_lucifer_prometeu.shtml   ( ' in portuguese - ' worst, ain' t it ?)
   " Actually, da prometheyk' humans develop' activityes ' against ' kosmykal laws, ' to da evolutyon' normal' course ' 'nd 'gainst ' de activity o' da fourth generatyon humans.
'Ey built in de etherykal world kinda cityes, 'nd 'eir principle' activityes ' try' to copy, technologikally ' , ' angelyk' beings liv' features 'nd powers. (...)
   Kinda ' , neither da terrestryal humanity doesn' t ' anythin' else, un-counsciusnessly, ' wantin' to conquer certain powers specifyk' to da non-embodyed beings, befo' "da time to come" 'nd be' mature-enough fo' such achievements. Today' s people intend' to reach a technologykally high-level, befo' ' able to get/catch a morally accordingly level too. So, in da materyal world ( f*ck Madonna ! - my note ), ' lackin' telepathyk' abilityes,humans invented ( ' remember who invented da "steam-engine" ? = my note ! ) da phone, da TV, da radio' 'nd de internet. ' Not bein' able to rapid' memoryse knowledge/infos, people invented (CERTAIN humans !, ' like Tesla ! = my note) da writin', papyrus, paper, printin', papers, books 'nd calculator'/PC. What un-embodyed beings 're able to ' naturally,phisykal' humans do through da fly' crafts. Da same procedure ' tryed, befo' materyal world humans, da prometheyk' humans which foreworded, in de etherykal realm, kind' about later got produced in da phisykal world, ' technolog'lly. "
   "Da zone 'n which prometheyk' beings develop' 'eir activity is located on de edge o' de etheryk' world. It' s on de edge o' de etheryk' world ' as de quality o' de energy 't' s made of, 'nd not ' as spatially."
   "Da prometheyk' humans 've 'eir own philosophy o' livin', which ' on da foundatyono' 'eir way ' behaviour. Da statement o' da prometheyk' humans 's to "open again da Sky", ' very often ' used expression even much pride spoken. 'Ey want ' to be "as ' da beginnin', 'when da Sons o' da flame weren' t persecut' 'tween 'em", meanin' in da beginnin' age o' de evolutyon o' humanity, when there weren' t "rebellyous" angelyk' beings. Da prometheyk' beings consider' that da humanity doesn' t need Issa Chryst' o' Sons o' da Flame ' to be able ' evolve / advance / develop' into. 'Ey think ' humans have to independently evolve, through ' own powers - this 's da prometheyk' principle. Mo' than', they mean ' da rapture o' da sky fro' de earth' 'nd autonomy / independence o' da materyal world ' comparyson with de otha' realms o' da Kosmos.
   (...) De autonomy 'll be trully possyble only ' da moment ' all da humans will reach a threshold o' de evolutyon' process beyond which ' won' t be needin' anybody' s guardianship. Da humans gotta meet GOD ' GOD through 'eir own free-will', as free humans, ' not ' as slaves. ' This purpose da Sons o' da Flame ' actyon ; 's ' fo'Issa Chryst got incarnated 'nd ' crucifyed. ' One word, this 's GOD' s will.
   (...) Science without spirituality 's nothin' , just ' as da knowledge leack' o' "be' "
c' become malephyk'.
   But, as ' seen, not only da scientysts o' da world flirt " 'n blind" with da powers o' da nature 'nd with da manipiulatyon o' da fundamental energyes o' da kosmos - ' wishin' to rule over da nature 'nd ' to r(a)ise o' da line o' knowledge, ' totally forgettin' 'bout da "be' " way -, but also da scientysts o' de etherykal world. ' almost ' don't knoe anymo' who imitated who ' 'n this crazy' runnin' o' knowledge 'nd technology ! Da scientysts o' this world o' da scientysts o' de etherykal world ?"
   " Some ' researchers consider' that beings who travel ' help' UFOs come fro' otha'planets o' solar systems. De infos obtained through ' clairvoyance invalidate this hipothesys. As ' can ' notice, ain' t 'bout extraterrestryal humans, but 's ' terrestryal humans, ' livin' inside/within Terra auryka, 'n de etherykal landin'.
   Otherwise, ' da very character o' da pryme-matter used in buildin' UFOs may clear' throw'-light' o' da source o' those who manufacture 'em. Da spherykal bio-etherykal formatyons 're no' else than ' portyons o' da soul-bodyes stolen by da prometheyk' humans  (' part o' da third generatyons) fro' our resemblings' , da humans o' da fourth generatyon, who passed through da gate o' death. Therefore, da soul-bodyes o' da dead humans serv' as pryme-matter fo' da spherykal bio-etherykal formatyons o' da prometheyk' humans, just as use' to da lucipheryk' beings ' to make zombyes. (...)
   ' To obtain this valuable pryme-matter ' ,  there' s a harsh competityon 'tween da prometheyk' humans 'nd da lucipheryk' beings.
   'Humans o' da materyal world, durin' de incarnated existence, da soul-body separates only ' case o' spontaneous o' voluntarily de-doublatyon. When a human de-doubles 'nd gets da real capacity to voyage in ' astral o' anotha landin' o' da kosmos, da prometheyk' beings present 'emselves as "spiritual guides". Most often, da respectyve humans have de impressyon that 'ey' re gone/wrapped away by da "spiritual guides", ' help ' UFOs, on otha solar systems ' far away in kosmos, ' thinkin' they talk to extraterrestryals. As a matter o' fact, those who voyage this way only ' deals with da prometheyk' humans, who guide 'em in 'eir own zones o' de etheryk' world. ' As fo' change o' place o' far away ' planets, ' not at all ; ' just 'bout visitin' da cityes o' de etheryk' world owned by da prometheyk' beings - "da spiritual' guides". No ' human' can leave Terra auryka, ' to can travel' o' otha' planets mo' o' less far away. ' To leave Terra auryka, humans would have to "undress" 'eir "ghost-body", ' light'-body, to become again spiryts, ' leave da terrestryal aura, to voyage o' anotha planet, to "dress again" da cover ' da"ghost-body", ' humanoid form; finally, to get back in' da materyal body. Somethin' like this 's, paraktikally, impossible."
   "Da flyin' objects o' da prometheyk' humans 're built in grand' laboratoryes. Da laboratoryes seem ' built fro' a strange fluyd' energy form/appearance, water lookin'-like. Inside these huge laboratoryes, numberless prometheyk' scientysts work ' front o' some command-pannels, made fro' da same strange substance, water look'-like, sea-blue colour', light-blue o' green '. (...)
   Da flyin' crafts built in da laboratoryes o' da prometheyk' beings 're different' size' 'nd forms. There 're defense ' ships, attack' , 'nd transport '. Da most often used ' 're da tear-shapped ' . 'Ey got conscientiuous' 'nd feelin' ; ' seem' to be very intelligent'."
   "Da residency' zone o' da prometheyk' beings 's, as ' Angel Gabryel ', da land' o' those who loose 'emselves in' daprymal' circle o' powa o' da world realm/sphere, meanin' ' o' knowledge o' those who' were already drown out'.
   "Look at 'em 'nd laugh loud' - says ' Angel Gabryel - 'nd all ' gonna laugh with ya. 'Ey 're de ones who, (followin') 'eir own crazyness, ' believe ' gonna find anotha truth 'nde end o' 'eir work'. 'Notha TRUTH ain' t, 'cause TRUTH' s ONE."
   And, now, 'ead this :
   "Da most important beings manifestatin' in da prometheyk' humans' zone 're those named "De ancient ones". ' Beings o' da angelyk' hierarchy name 'em ' da term "De ancient' ones",da spiryts o' nature 'name 'em "da shinnin' ones", 'nd da technology' beings (prometheyks = my note) name 'em ' da term "demi-gods". ' To und'stand, these beings 're, indeed, demi-gods.
   Da spiryts o' nature say 'bout these beings ' 'ey got in' de etherykal world ' very long time ago, " ' to reach forgetness 'nd quiet' ", right after da great war ' effect da great erase. De ancient ones got brought in' de etherykal world by da very gods 'ey 've been fightin' shoulder-to-shoulder with."

   Why 're "da prometheyks" so important'?
   Well, they' re not. ' Just ... in da "prometheyks" ' realm  "de ancient ones" manifest'.

   ' Da "Montauk time-travelin' " stuff  'ey got abused ' a certain ' donkey-symbol' (da donkey o' da "hell"-queen fro' da "hell"... ' certainly ' not ' Saul o' Sars epileptyk'
aka "Paul o' Sars" who heard his donkey talkin' ... = instead da harm he' s ' doin' ...)
    -   http://www.vidzone.tv/IndexAction.do?clientId=vidzone&ref=seo&clipId=9942  , straight... (click ' "Hit Em wit Da Hee" ...)
    -   http://next.video.msn.com/video.aspx?vid=f303473f-43e3-4436-a4f6-5dbfc86b07d1 (click o' video-play )
    F*ck that !!!!!!!
    "You wanna knoe why ?..." (Rollins ' - Liar)
    " ' Steal' da soul-body 's extremely damagin' event ' a human could get-through. After a life o' efforts 'nd struggle, ' search' 'nd hardship', everythin' ends ' da saddest ' (disastereously, I' d say = my note; ' , who am I, ' to judge ' ?). Sad', 'nd, mostly un-fair, 'cause those who get to ' energetyk' resonance' with da prometheyk' beings o' with da lucipheryk' beings 're intelligent ' 'nd cultured humans, 'n search' o' knowledge."
    (Now, do you und'stand ' da nazyes ' burnin' books in da middle o' squaires ?!?)
    F*ck that, too !...
    In    www.greatdreams.com/thoth.htm    you can read :

    "  There were then two other souls serving as grounding and balance factors - one is now incarnate as a female of great spiritual power in the inner Earth. The other is presently in male embodiment upon the surface of the planet. Lastly, there is the body-soul of Myrddin, which was sealed away etherically awaiting its future release when it will re-enter the physical body of Merlin."
       ' Mo' , in :
     -  www.greatdreams.com/thoth.htm
     -  www.burlingtonnews.net/tunnels.html
     -  www.cabiz.net/zolaric/ariat_earth_grid.htm
     -  www.crystalinks.com/thoth.html
     -  www.labyrinthina.com/lightlanguage.htm
     -  www.egyptologist.org/discus/messages/8/17949.html?1171737785

      News ?!?
     -    www.journals.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/resolve?1995ApJ...454L..85C
     -    https://www.angelfire.com/planet/phenomenon/X-files3.html ( ! = come on...)
     Enjoy ... 'f ya can. (I promised ya a lil' earlier you ' gonna see Barbara' s ' on  "h.e.r."...)
     'Cause, I ' just beginnin' to realyse why there were two ( ! ) major' events happenin' ( ! ) in' da Holloman military base :
     1) da "landin' " o' da "tall-blondes"
     2) da "landin' " o' da "lil' greys" (pretendin' 'ey come fro' Betelgeuse Orion)
     -   www.wyzwyrld.com/branton/RV-ing%20the%20Grey%20Collective%20by%20Branton%20.htm

     Too bad, 'cause ... ("Isn' t it ... ironyk' ? Don't ya think ?...)
    -    http://www.uonline.ro/index.php/section/videoclipuri/subsection/details/idVideo/51/Violent_Parazitii.html
    -    http://www.trilulilu.ro/vilnius/18b0500f3d076b
    "Outsider !" (Eminem - I just don' t give a f*ck !)
    -   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyYcITDYqvY
    -   http://www.noolmusic.com/blogs/YouTube_HipHop_RnB_Music_Videos_-_Coolio_-_Gangsters_Paradise.shtml
    -   http://www.noolmusic.com/blogs/YouTube_HipHop_RnB_Music_Videos_-_Ol_Dirty_Bastard_-_Brooklyn_Zoo.shtml
    -   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5hgtHkKcPQ
    -   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8boIhqb8C4
    -   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3T4sr8RSC4&mode=related&search=
    -   http://deflatermouse.vox.com/library/video/6a00c2252555dbf21900d41439cad46a47.html
    -   http://youtube.com/watch?v=ZlTjeJha7BE
    -   www.youtube.com/?v=zz3uc8g7TkA
    -   www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3T4sr8RSC4&mode=related&search=
    -   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdtv1HYjAIA&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo%2Ewoow%2Ero%2Fparazitii%2Dmari%2Dromani%2Dvideo712%2Ehtml
    -   http://video.woow.ro/parazitii-mari-romani-video712.html

you can read da news (thank you, my dear Shambala warrior sister Barbara Crouse- Brown !)
     While in :
     -   www.wiolawapress.de/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=11859
     -   www.wiolawapress.de/forum/viewforum.php?id=25
     you can read da TRUTH.
     So, Angela Merkel 's ' daughter o' Hitler ?!? Small f**kin' world, ain' t it ?
     (I' ve read somewhere that Condoleezza Rice 's been hit' Angela Merkel... Memoryes ?)
   An' one mo' s**t : I' ve seen "Star Wars", "Star Trek", "Dune - da seryes 'nd "Matryx".
   ' Didn' t like it. F*CK THAT !!!!!!!

   You should read Jean Sider' s
   -   http://www.lejdu.com/archives/2005/aout/contacts-1erepartie/
   -   http://www.lejdu.com/archives/2005/septembre/contacts-2emepartie/index.htm
   -   http://www.parasciences.net/spip.php?article151
   (get a french friend, ' what can I say ?, else than ... I also saw "Man in Black" 1 & 2;' didn' t like it, either...)

   Ultimately, 's da desperate (a)ttempt' o' da mind to keep da human bein' in' da "matryx". Well, "forget about it"...
   Accordin' to Rene Guenon, all these "constitute in fact, 'n a general maner, what we could call as "da signs o' da times", accordin' to evangelyk' express', meanin' da forerunner signs o' "de end o' a world" or o' a cycle, which does' appear' as "de end o' da world", without any kinda restrictyon o' specificatyon, only fo' those who don' t see nothin' beyond da limyts o' da cycle itself (...), 'cause it' s de end o' an entire Manvantara, meanin' o' da temporal existence o' what we might call humanity, which, once again, doesn' t mean at all 's 'bout o' de end o' da terrestryal world itself, 'cause by da "bring'-to-normal" ' happen' in da last moment this end 'll imadiately / instantly become da beginnin' o' anotha Manvantara.
   (...)This way, 'f we wanna go 'till da most profound reality, we can say ' full rigor' that "de end o' a world" 's not 'nd can' t be ' ever anythin' else than de end o' an illusyon."

                                           Naybah Leftovers von Hoyt