Ninja Master
The leader, the role of the ninja master is to distribute the three pieces of the ninja scroll to his/her team mates. He/she will kill you 5 times before you hit the floor. **Ability** The Master Ninja can move around the bounty week to week by e-mailing me the change.
Assasin Ninja
Hiding in the shadows this master of stealth uses his/her many years of training to blend into the background, was that the wind or the sealing of your fate? **Ability** When an Assasin Ninja wins a challenge he/she is awarded 1 evade token witch can be used to evade an attack.
Ninja Monk
Like Kane from Kung-fu the Ninja Monk is for the most part a peaceful travler, but when faced with danger he/she will not hesitate to banish his/her enemy to hell. **Ability** When the Ninja Monk wins a challenge he/she has the choice to kill off an enemy or heal a team mate.
Ninja Turtle
Hero's in a half shell, they are the worlds most fearsome fighting team. With the mastery of the katana blade, bo staff, nunchucks and sai, they are concidered to be masters of any weapon. **Ability** Can take two hits before killed off, an axe to the head can be dodged by tucking your head into your shell. "Man, I love being a turtle!"
Just your everyday run of the mill ninja, nothing really speacial about them These are the ninja's that you will see in movies that die so the star ninja looks better by comparison, like the crazy 88 in kill bill. The only one that stood out was the bald guy. This is what the ninja's role is. **Ability** Can take out Modern Pirate in one shot, this can only used once pre player.
When a Ninja dies he/she will turn into a Ninja spirit, two ninja spirits can resurect a "Ninja" the one resurected is determined by all two people gessing a number from 1-100, the closest gets back in the game!