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A list of Pirate's you can be.



The leader, the role of the Captian is to distribute the three pieces of the "The Booty" to his/her team mates. Cap as his mates call him has a parrot, a peg leg, and a black eye patch with a skull and cross bone painted on with what looks parrot poop. He/she is very brave and very drunk. **Ability** The Captian can move around the bounty week to week by e-mailing me the change.


First Mate

His/her loyalty knows no bound, unless a better offer presents itself. The first mate knows the ship better than anyone else and is waiting for that horrible day when the Captian is cut from his/her rank and he is sadly forced to take controle of the ship. **Ability** Takes the role of the Captian if he/she is killed off. If more than 1 First Mates are in play, I will choose who gains this power.


Pirate Mob

The Pirate Mob is three pirates who ambush a ninja and "gang beat" him/her to death. Please note that even though a Pirate Mob is three pirates it only counts as one person and one attack will wipe out all three pirates. **Ability** When Pirate Mob captures a piece of ninja scroll they kidnap and brain wash that player to their team.


Classic Pirate

Just your average pirate nothing special about him, he is very good with a sword and can drink any ninja under the table. They have even been seen slicing up ninja's with a bottle of rum in hand. **Ability** Can take out Ninja Turtle in one shot, this can only once once pre player.


Modern Pirate

All the greed, murder, and betrayal of thier for fathers, but now with machine gun's, speed boats, and a bunch of other toy's. **Ability** can take two hits before killed off, but once killed he dose not turn into a ghost pirate, he gave up his spooky powers for kevlar!



All Pirate's except Modern Pirate's turn into Ghost Pirate's once they die. Ghost Pirate's can participate and win weekly contests, but if they do win they can not attack. this just prevents the other team from killing off more of your team. The reason Modern Pirate's do not turn to Ghost Pirate's is simply they gave up spooky powers for semi-automatics!

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