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The 15th Annual 2010 Kelly & Poppa Lou Golf Classic

Team Photos

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2010 Champions:  Team Stark


2010 Family Division Champs: Team Parsons

2009 Defending Champions:  Team Fernandez

2009 Defending Family Division Champs:  Team Peyton

Team Bones

Team Dittus

Team Parsons/Howe/Leverich

Team Banks

Team Ed Gunn,/Lindsey/Comito/Peck

Team Dan Howe

Team Fran Gunn

Team Whiting/Jones

Background photo: "The 8th Hole at Blackhead Mountain Golf Resort" taken by Dr. John T. Whiting

The Teams The Results Dinner Party Photos Return to 2010 Home Return to Poppa Lou Home

2006 © Dr. John T. Whiting
All Rights Reserved

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