How do I join?
On the Join board click post new message. In the white boxes put YOUR REAL NAME, email, and the subject: "join". In your message state the following:
name: your horse's name
breed: your horse's breed
age: horse's age, most start at around 3
height: how many hands high is the horse? one hand is 4 inches so a horse that's 15hh is 5ft tall
color: horse's color
markings: does your horse have any markings?
path: light= good, dark=evil
personality: what sort of temperament does your horse have?
sample post: tell us a little more about your horse, what's it up to? what treats does it like? etc. you should do so in first person if you can.
I can’t find a herd what do I do?
Be patient, post what you’re looking for under the Herdless board and someone will claim you. Or you can personalize your post to a certain player whose herd you want to join.
My foal has been stolen/ I have been stolen
If you have been stolen by another Stallion, you have 3 days to post your protest. If you do so you will not be taken from your herd. Otherwise you will have to accept the thievery. This is the same for foals. Protest posts must be written in response to the Thievery and must contain “PROTEST” in the title.
I did all the puzzles why haven’t I been given my points?
you may only gain two points per day. Only complete two puzzles a day, you will be wasting your time if you do more than that. Come back tomorrow and do 2 more if you like
someone posted an illegal move in our battle, what do I do?
Ignore it. Illegal moves are, obviously, not allowed and will not count against you. The player using the move will lose their turn and cause no damage to you. A referee will verify this.
why did my battle move not count as damage?
you probably used an illegal move. You must have achieved certain levels to use some moves. If you have used a move that you are not authorized to use, no damage is registered and your turn is lost
how do I become a referee?
You may become a referee after being observed on the message boards, if you have been helpful to others and obeyed the rules at all times. New members will not be considered you must be an active member for over 4 weeks. You may also nominate others to be a referee. All referees must go through a grace period of 4 weeks as a Jr. Ref. Once a Referee you may no longer participate in battles, stealing, breeding, herding, etc.
what if I don’t agree with a call one of the refs made
If you don’t agree with a call you may log a complaint and the call will be reviewed by other ref’s. A decision will be made and you will be notified.
How do I steal?
You may steal mares and foals on the Steal board. You must title your post as follows: STEALING- “name of mare or foal”/ “current herd name”. For example if you want to steal a mare named Bonny from the Jojo Beans Herd, you must post that in the title as follows: STEALING- Bonny/Jojo Beans Herd. In the post include your name, your herd, the mare/foal you are stealing, and the date. If they post a protest within 3 days your Theivery will not be noted. Otherwise a Referee will verify your new herd member.You may not steal from more than one herd a day. You may only steal one horse at a time.
How do I breed?
The Breed board works a lot like a personal ad. In your title state the sex of your horse, breed, and age. Such as: “MARE/ 3/ ANDALUSIAN”. There is a list posted of abbreviations if you’d like to use them. Someone will respond with their interest. If you both agree, post in the same thread: “FOAL REQUEST” and include both of the parent’s names, breed, color, age, and herd. You may breed with those in other herds just don’t get caught. Your Herd Leader has 3 days to catch you. If you are caught, your foal will taken away.