PWR: The Border Battle
June 19th, 2012

Dark Match
Fatal Fury (1/10) def. Scott Kage (def)


(The opening video package for The Border Battle begins, to the tune of the official theme of The Border Battle, “This is Gonna Hurt” by Sixx A.M.)

Feels like your life is over..
(The video shows us the skyline of the city of Toronto.)
Feels like all hope is gone..
(The shot then fades into the empty arena to show the Elimination Chamber set up.)
You kiss it all away, maybe, maybe..
(The shot from inside the arena fades to a still shot of the PWR World Heavyweight Championship.)

This is a second coming..
(Past footage starts to be shown, detailing the events leading up to the pay-per-view.)
This is a call to arms..
(We see Jacques Couteau using the miniature likeness of himself to win the World Tag Team Titles.)
Your finest hour won't be wasted, wasted..
(The team of Jacky Moonshine & Michael Fletcher are shown backstage with Ace Davis.)

Hey, hey, hell is what you make, make..
(Footage of the match between Taker of Darkness and Weapon X is shown.)
Rise against your fate, fate..
(The Cyclone is shown swinging the chair at Taker of Darkness.)
Nothing's gonna keep you down..
(Cyclone is shown swinging the chair at Weapon X as well.)
Even if it's killing you because you know the truth..
(Shot of all three men, ToD, Weapon X & The Cyclone are shown with the PWR Hardcore Championship as a backdrop.)

Listen up, listen up..
(Ice Queen is shown defeating Big Bad Nardie to win the World Television Championship.)
There's a devil in the church..
(Queen is shown backstage looking at her Championship belt.)
Got a bullet in the chamber..
(Adam Radd is shown defeating Scott Kage to become the #1 Contender to the Television Title.)
And this is gonna hurt..
(Screen shows graphic of Ice Queen and Adam Radd with the PWR World Television Title backdropped behind them.)

Let it out, let it out..
(Footage from the debut of B$Y is shown, with him hitting Jacob “Ace” Davis with the 253.)
You can scream and you can shout..
(Brandon $. Yelder is shown making his first comments on Full Throttle.)
Keep your secrets in the shadows..
(Jacob “Ace” Davis is shown making comments on Full Throttle in response to B$Y.)
And you'll be sorry..
(B$Y is shown defeating Michael Fletcher.)

Everybody's getting numb..
(Shane Donovan is shown coming onto the stage as Ace's “hired gun”.)
And everybody's on the run..
(Shane Donovan is shown arriving to Full Throttle in his sky blue '69 Charger.)

Listen up, listen up..
(B$Y is shown in ring against Jacky Moonshine.)
There's a devil in the church..
(The post match happenings after Moonshine/B$Y are shown, with Donovan leaving both of Ace's cronies laid out.)
Got a bullet in the chamber..
(Donovan is shown helping B$Y up and challenging him to a Last Man Standing match.)
And this is gonna hurt..
(B$Y & Donovan are shown on screen in a graphic, with “Last Man Standing” scrawled over the screen.)

You got your hell together..
(Chaos Kid and PK Punk's epic battle at Second City Showdown is shown.)
You know it could be worse..
(Footage of the backstage fight between PK and CK is shown, with Synyster making the match for The Border Battle between Punk and CK.)
A self-inflicted murder maybe, maybe..
(Chaos Kid is shown laying out Chris Craven.)

You say it's all the crisis..
(The battle between BB Blayze and PK Punk is shown.)
You say it's all a blur..
(Chaos Kid is shown in his draw with The Overtaker.)
There comes a time you gotta face it, face it..
(Jacob “Ace” Davis is shown on stage making the Elimination Chamber match.)

Hey, hey hell is what you make, make..
(Synyster is shown sitting down on the Rumor Rundown talking about the controversial decision.)
Rise against your fate, fate..
(Footage of The Overtaker is shown in his warehouse.)
Nothing's gonna keep you down..
(Nardie is shown in his battle against Ice Queen, where Raven Jones' distraction cost him the match.)
Even if it's killing you because you know the truth..
(Jacob “Ace” Davis is in the ring, talking about the announcement of the Elimination Chamber match.)

Listen up, listen up..
(Big Bad Nardie is shown dumping food on the head of Raven Jones.)
There's a devil in the church..
(Nardie is shown assaulting Raven Jones for the 2nd time in PWR.)
Got a bullet in the chamber..
(Flash is shown defeating Taker of Darkness to become the sixth man in the Elimination Chamber.)
And this is gonna hurt..
(Footage from the tag team match between Punk/CK & Nardie/Blayze is shown.)

Let it out, let it out..
(Nardie is shown hitting Blayze with the Death Blow during the tag match.)
You can scream and you can shout..
(Punk is shown hitting The Insignificant Mile on Chaos Kid.)
Keep your secrets in the shadows..
(Punk is shown putting the Anaconda Vise on BB Blayze.)
And you'll be sorry..
(Nardie is shown laying waste to CK, Blayze and Punk to end Full Throttle.)

Let it out, let it out..
(BB Blayze is shown backstage looking for Big Bad Nardie.)
You can scream and you can shout..
(PK Punk is shown defeating The Overtaker in a seeding match for the Elimination Chamber.)
Keep your secrets in the shadows..
(Flash is shown making Nardie pass out in a seeding match for the Elimination Chamber.)
And you'll be sorry..
(Synyster is shown levying his punishment for Nardie, making him the first entrant into the Elimination Chamber.)

Everybody's getting numb..
(Chaos Kid is shown defeating BB Blayze in a seeding match for the Elimination Chamber.)
And everybody's on the run..
(After the CK/Blayze match, Overtaker is shown getting into the action, going after CK.)
And everybody's getting some..
(Blayze is shown hitting a slingshot press on Nardie, and PK Punk is shown hitting a bulldog on Overtaker.)
Everybody's on the run..
(Chaos Kid is shown escaping up the ramp, only to be tackled by Flash.)
This is gonna hurt..
(The graphic of the Elimination Chamber is shown once again, with the image of the PWR World Championship behind it.)
This is gonna hurt!
(Chaos Kid, PK Punk, The Overtaker, Big Bad Nardie, BB Blayze and Flash are shown in a graphic, with the Chamber and the World Championship draped behind them.)

(The opening video package ends and the graphic for The Border Battle comes across the screen once again, before we finally come into the Air Canada Centre. The arena is quickly filled from the light and smoke from a display of red and white pyrotechnics near the elaborate staging area. The barrage of flame, light and smoke continues for around fifteen seconds, before it dies out and the lights come up inside the Air Canada Centre for the first time. The camera swings us around, showing off some of the signage being displayed by the great fans of PWR. The camera takes us up and shows the huge Elimination Chamber hanging above the ring for the first time. Ultimately, the camera would settle on the one and only "Voice of PWR", Chris Cash at ringside.)

(Chris Cash) Tonight is the night that PWR does battle over the border! For the first time since 2006, live on pay-per-view, PWR presents The Border Battle! Welcome wrestling fans as we're coming to you live from the home of the Maple Leafs, Toronto, Canada! Over two months of PWR action has built to this event, as we have four big title matches on our card here tonight! All culminating with the structure you see hanging high above us all, the Elimination Chamber! Inside that demonic structure, the PWR World Heavyweight Championship will be decided as Chaos Kid puts the title on the line against PK Punk, Flash, The Overtaker, Big Bad Nardie and BB Blayze! This match has been building for weeks and it's finally time to step inside the one of the ultimate proving grounds in this business! Plus, in a match that will rival the Elimination Chamber in its barbaric nature, Brandon $. Yelder will face off against Shane Donovan in a Last Man Standing Match! The object of that one as you're well aware is to incapacitate your opponent so they cannot answer the referee's ten count! Carnage is definitely on the menu here tonight in Toronto! Plus, three more huge title matches as the PWR World Television, Hardcore and World Tag Team Titles will be decided! What a night we have ahead of us folks, and let's not wait any longer to get it kicked off! I can't wait!

(“This Is Gonna Hurt” would die out and the first theme music for a competitor heard this evening would be “T-R-O-U-B-L-E” by Travis Tritt and out from the back would step Double Trouble to a nice ovation from the crowd.)

(Chris Cash) Here comes the big man from “Troubleville”! Double Trouble who is still looking for his first win here in PWR will head into a definite dichotomy of styles here tonight with the PWR newcomer he draws here in the opening contest of The Border Battle.

(Trouble would make his way into the ring and take to his corner as his theme would cut off, and “Back Then” by Mike Jones would hit over the PA, and out from the back would step the debuting Veesh Man! Veesh gets a mixed reaction from the crowd.)

(Chris Cash) If you've never seen this man in action before, I will tell you it's like nothing you've ever seen before, that is for sure. Veesh stands at just 2 feet 9 inches tall, and weighs less than 100 pounds, but he has found the perfect way to defeat even the largest of opponents. He's a multiple time title holder in the very competitive, but now defunct WWS promotion, and he will look to continue to be a force here in PWR. Tonight, he goes up against Double Trouble, who will have, unbelievably, over three feet and two hundred pounds over him tonight. Literally. Wow. Never count out the man from Atlantic City though! Veesh is in the ring, and ready to make his PWR debut and we're ready to get The Border Battle underway! There's the bell!

Singles Match
Veesh Man (PWR Debut) vs Double Trouble
Double Trouble steps out of his corner, looking the diminutive Veesh Man and the wheels seem to be turning in his head, wondering how he's going to get his hands on him. Veesh stepping out of his corner, circling the ring and Veesh has to capitalize on his remarkable speed advantage, and not get backed into a corner by DT. Veesh runs forward, DT swings downward with his paw, swiping at Veesh but comes up empty. Veesh quickly springs up the ropes, bottom to middle, and somersaults backward, and collides with DT as he turns! Veesh hitting DT like a cannonball and stumbling the big man! Veesh quickly up, off the ropes and he charges into the back of the knee of Double Trouble! Double Trouble chopped down! Veesh quickly to his feet and he heads to the corner! Veesh climbing up! He drops down, split-legged Veeshsault! Veesh with the cover, 1............... Double Trouble forcefully kicks out! Veesh sent flying across the ring! Veesh shows no hesitation though as he quickly gets back to his feet, charging once again at DT! DT lifts his boot, but Veesh runs under it! Veesh once again vaults up the ropes, leaping backward and goes for a cross body, but Double Trouble catches him this time! DT holding onto Veesh before dropping to a knee and cracking the back of Veesh Man! Brutal backbreaker! DT with a lateral press, 1..................... 2.......................... Veesh Man slides himself out of the pinning predicament! The action continues until the six minute mark, when Double Trouble perches himself on the middle rope, looking for the big elbow drop! DT taking too much time and Veesh is up! Veesh leaping his way up the ropes and he connects with a headbutt to Double Trouble! DT wobbled! Veesh hooks DT by the head, VeeshKO! His version of the RKO drops Double Trouble from the second rope! Veesh holding his back as he gets to his feet and he's headed back up the ropes! Veesh looking out, he leaps!!! Shooting Veesh Press connects! Veesh holding his midsection as the referee makes the count! 1........................ 2.............................. 3! Veesh Man wins in his PWR debut!
Winner by pinfall at 6:45 - Veesh Man

(Chris Cash) Scintillating shooting star press from Veesh Man and he picks up the big win in his PWR debut! Double Trouble heads back to the drawing board, still looking for that elusive first victory here in a PWR ring. Right now, let's head to some comments from the man who will be starting things off tonight inside the Elimination Chamber, Big Bad Nardie.

(The camera holds briefly on the victorious Veesh Man before switching us outside and we see the dastardly Big Bad Nardie sitting outside the Air Canada Centre.)

(Big Bad Nardie) You want a word? I'll give you a word. Tired. I'm tired of the laughs. I'm tired of naysayers. I'm tired of Raven and her living protector Synyster, who obviously wants to do me in. Do you idiots know who I am? I'm Big Bad freakin' Nardie. I am PWR damn it! Tonight, I will be the new World's Heavyweight Champion. Now get lost.

(Nardie pushes past the cameraman and walks into the ACC as the camera switches us to the backstage interview area where Stacy Warren is standing by. The camera zooms out to show "The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher next to her, beer bottle in hand.)

(Stacy Warren) With me at this time, one of the challengers for the PWR World Tag Team Championship,"The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher. Now Michael, some fans are considering you and Jacky Moonshine the underdogs, based on the fact that you and Jacky have little experience as a team.

("The Hooligan" Michael Fletcher) Yes, we are at an experience disadvantage, but we are also two men striving towards one goal, and that's any Championship we can get our hands on. You saw last week how well we work, beating Brandon $. Yelder. Plus, I finally remembered how to win, so I got that monkey off my back, although people in TV land might not have seen it, it still happened. As for the Hollywood Knights, after tonight you should rename yourselves the Bollywood Knights 'cos Hollywood ain't gonna wanna touch you, or have your ass anywhere near them when Drunk & Disorderly is done. Hold my beer for me, there's a good girl.

(Fletcher puts his beer bottle in Stacy's cleavage and walks off. The camera switches us from an irritated Stacy Warren, to Lizzie McFadden who is standing by.)

(Lizzie McFadden) Please welcome my guest at this time, the returning Raven Jones.

(Raven Jones walks into frame to a round of applause from the crowd.)

(Lizzie McFadden) Raven, it's nice to see you back.

(Raven Jones) Thank you Lizzie, it's good to be back. My head is doing better and I'm doing what I love. My job. Right here in Toronto, Canada!

(The crowd cheers Raven's cheap pop.)

(Lizzie McFadden) Well Raven, I know this may be sensitive question but...

(Raven Jones) Please Lizzie, I’m not here to talk about him.

(Lizzie McFadden) It's not that Raven, I just wanted to know who is your pick for our World Heavyweight Championship match later tonight.

(Raven Jones) Unfortunately, because of my job as Executive Assistant, I'm not permitted to make a pick.

(Lizzie McFadden) Well, who would you like to see win?

(Raven Jones) I think five out of the six competitors have a great chance. I think a certain big bad person is going to get his ass kicked. I think his latest losing endeavors has cost him his confidence and furthermore, I can't wait to watch him lose with the lights on brightest! Now if you'll excuse me Lizzie.

(Raven overcome with emotion storms away.)

(Lizzie McFadden) Wow, for someone with no opinion on who she wants to win... We dang sure know who she wants to lose. Back to you Chris.

(The camera switches back inside the arena, and to Chris Cash at ringside.)

(Chris Cash) Thanks Lizzie. Raven Jones along with all of the rest of us will have a keen eye on what happens later on here tonight inside the Elimination Chamber. Right now, it's time for our first title match of the evening! It's time to get HARDCORE!

(The camera takes us up to the ramp as “Rockstar” by R. Kelly begins to thump out over the loudspeakers and out from the back steps The Cyclone to mostly cheers from the Toronto crowd.)

(Chris Cash) It sounds like some of the Cyclone fans from his hometown of Averill Park, NY made the just over six hour drive to see their favorite son make a run at PWR gold here tonight! Cyclone won a match before the last Full Throttle went on air to get this opportunity and made his presence known later on the live show when he cracked the Hardcore Champion with a Singapore cane! Tonight, that weapon will be legal!

(Cyclone enters the ring as his theme dies out and “Fear” by Disturbed roars over the PA, and out from the back steps former PWR World Tag Team Champion, Weapon X to a mixed reaction from the crowd.)

(Chris Cash) Weapon X probably wouldn’t have seen his way into this matchup if it wasn’t for The Cyclone deciding to crack him with that same Singapore cane he took to the Hardcore Champion, Taker of Darkness. Weapon X was given the shot to exact some revenge by Synyster in this violent environment. Weapon X is a gamer, and no doubt has the ability to walk out of Toronto with another PWR Championship on his resume!

(Weapon X enters the ring and starts jawing with The Cyclone, but their attention quickly turns to the ramp as “Little Weapon” by Lupe Fiasco hits over the PA, and out from the back steps the three time PWR Hardcore Champion, Taker of Darkness! The crowd jeers the big man as he starts to make his way down the ramp.)

(Chris Cash) ToD was none to happy about the impact The Cyclone made on his head on our last Full Throttle, and tonight he steps into a setting he's very prolific in, the hardcore match. ToD making the first defense of his Hardcore Title since winning it back at Second City Showdown here tonight. It will not be an easy task to hold onto it, that is certain! It looks like everyone is chomping at the bit, ready to get this one underway! There's the bell, and we're underway!

Triple Threat Match for the PWR Hardcore Championship
(ch)Taker of Darkness vs The Cyclone vs Weapon X
The first of three matches with a violent twist on it tonight also equals our first of four big titles matches tonight! The Champion looks across the ring, at his two competitors, and they decide to close in on the Champion! Taker of Darkness being surrounded and both challengers pounce, backing him into the corner! Weapon X laying in heavy punches to the Champion as The Cyclone, the smallest man in the match, puts the boots to him. Ultimately, The Cyclone breaks off and heads for the stash of weapons around the ring, tossing in a couple Singapore canes, as well as a steel chair. Cyclone into the ring as Taker of Darkness has turned the tables on Weapon X! ToD backing Weapon X to the ropes, Irish whip in, Weapon X runs straight into a big boot from the six foot nine, 285 pounder! ToD turns around and he catches Cyclone as he swings the chair! ToD gets his hands up, stopping the shot! ToD with a kick to the midsection and Cyclone releases the chair! ToD pulls it away and he gets that look of bad intent on his face! ToD pulls it up and cracks Cyclone over the back with the chair! The crowd groans right along with Cyclone, seemingly feeling the pain he's feeling! ToD pulls it back and he cracks it over the back of the number one contender again! ToD watches along with a wicked grin as Cyclone slumps to the mat, holding his back. Weapon X back into the fray as he takes one of the Singapore canes and as the Champion turns, Weapon X cracks ToD right between the eyes with the cane! ToD drops like a shot, reaching for his face! ToD goes fetal as Weapon X starts swinging for the fences with the cane, repeatedly connecting with the back and ribs of the Champion! ToD rolling to the outside, trying to get a little reprieve and it seems Weapon X is going to let him as he turns his attention to The Cyclone, the man who jumped him on the last episode of Full Throttle. Weapon X standing back, allowing The Cyclone to rise to his feet. Cyclone ultimately does, and Weapon X swings with the cane! Cyclone ducks! Cyclone grabs the cane, using it as an aid, pulling it across the throat of Weapon X, and falling back, side Russian leg sweep with the Singapore cane! Cyclone goes for the cover, 1........................ 2.................... Taker of Darkness pulls Cyclone out of the ring! ToD grabs the man around the waist, pushing him backward and into the ring apron back first! Cyclone's back taking big time damage in this one! Taker of Darkness reaching under the ring, pulling out a barbed wire baseball bat! Is the Champion going to use the trademark weapon of The Cyclone against him? ToD pulling the weapon up, and he rakes it across the face of The Cyclone! ToD grinding the face of the challenger! ToD pulls the bat back and we see the streaks of crimson starting to run down the face of The Cyclone! ToD in full control, but Weapon X reintroduces himself into this contest! Weapon X across the ring, running and he leaps over the top rope! Topé con Hilo onto both men! The crowd rises to their feet, cheering the high risk effort from Weapon X! The mass of carnage on the outside leaves all three men down! The battle continues until around the ten minute mark, when the Champion, Taker of Darkness charges across the ring toward Weapon X Weapon X drops and pulls the top rope down, letting ToD spill to the outside! ToD crashes hard on the floor! Weapon X pulls himself back up, looking back at the other challenger in this match, The Cyclone. Cyclone already busted open from the barbed wire bat from the Champion, he looks out on his feet. Weapon X backs The Cyclone to the ropes, Irish whip in, reversed by The Cyclone! Weapon X into the ropes and as he hits the near side, he is laid into by Taker of Darkness with that vicious barbed wire bat! Weapon X's back takes the full brunt of it! Weapon X stumbles away from the ropes and right into a small package by The Cyclone! 1...................................... 2..................................... Taker of Darkness leaps back into the ring.................................. but comes up short! 3! The Cyclone is the new PWR Hardcore Champion!
Winner by pinfall at 11:08 and NEW PWR Hardcore Champion - The Cyclone

(Chris Cash) An absolutely huge, perhaps career defining win for The Cyclone, as he becomes PWR Hardcore Champion! Taker of Darkness looking on in disgust as he lunged for the breakup, but came up just short and now he watches The Cyclone walk away with his Hardcore Title. Taker of Darkness you can bet will look to get his title back down the line. Right now, from one Taker to another, I understand we have pre-taped comments from The Overtaker. Let's roll that footage now.

(The camera fades from the overjoyed Cyclone making his way up the ramp to The Overtaker, who is sitting on a swing on a playground. He softly speaks.)

(The Overtaker) This is the place that Damian, my mentor, came to the night that he won the WWS Championship. He found clarity here, feeding on the dreams of foolish children.

(He stands.)

(The Overtaker) Then the night that I won the WWS Lightweight Championship Tournament, completing my path in his footsteps, I was at this very place. And in some strange way, it gave me what I needed to get the job done. And now... Now, it seems all too appropriate that I stand here. On the eve of my first World Title match.

(He begins to jitter and show signs of aggression.)

(The Overtaker) But something is different now. Damian is no longer of this world and I am burning a trail of bodies all my own. But there is one body that has alluded me, isn’t there?

(He forcefully kicks a swing.)

(The Overtaker) CHAOS KID! Just as I get my hands on you last week, you were saved by a fluke and ran like a coward! Too long you have escaped my wrath!

(He picks up his pickaxe from the ground.)

(The Overtaker) Time limit draws!

(He swings the axe and punctures the slide.)

(The Overtaker) Having security detain me!

(He swings again and dents a hole in a swing set.)

(The Overtaker) But not tonight! Tonight, there is just me, you and a chamber of steel. No other man in that matters to me except you! Mark my words Chaos Kid, when you step out of that chamber pod, your life will be made a living hell and you will regret every single second of your undeserved title reign!

(He grabs a bottle of some form of liquid.)

(The Overtaker) Tonight, I will unleash a brutality on a level never before dreamed of in PWR. Tonight, Chaos Kid I will put an end to your championship run. And to your career.

(He pours the liquid along the ground.)

(The Overtaker) Just as I put an end to these hopeless dreams of the young and foolish. Just as I end my time in the shadow of a legend and begin a new chapter all my own. And I will open that chapter by becoming PWR World Heavyweight Champion.

(He pulls out a match.)

(The Overtaker) So say your prayers before the chamber Chaos Kid. Not that anyone will hear you. But what will be audible will be your screams. As you cry out in pain and agony as I take you over…. TO THE OTHER SIDE!

(He lights the match.)

(The Overtaker) It looks like everything has just gone up in flames!

(Overtaker drops the match and walks back to look on at the now burning playground. Overtaker begins to laugh as the video feed cuts straight to a snowy screen. The video flickers off, and the camera takes us inside the office of PWR Creative Director and AOW World Champion, Jacob “Ace” Davis. Davis is seen conversing with his cronies, Michael Fletcher and Jacky Moonshine.)

(Jacob “Ace” Davis) So, right here tonight is your opportunity! Tonight, you guys get to face the Tag Team Champions, 2 on 2..well, 2 on 1? Who knows? But seriously, you guys cannot let me down. I went to bat for you and got you this chance, now it’s your turn to show everyone that you are a tag team to be taken seriously.

(Jacky Moonshine) Boss, I know all of that and tonight, I’ll take care of Jacques Couteau and leave the funny looking action figure to him.

(“The Hooligan” Michael Fletcher) Yeah! I can totally give the Penalty-hic-Kick to all of them! We’re gonna win this, mate!

(Jacob “Ace” Davis) Maybe paying you in beer wasn’t the best plan after all. Get out there and make me proud!!

(Both start to leave, but Ace stops Moonshine by grabbing his arm as Hooligan exits.)

(Jacob “Ace” Davis) Don’t let him screw this up, okay?

(Moonshine nods his head and then exits the office as well. The camera switches us from inside Ace's office to an undisclosed portion of the Air Canada Centre. The camera turns and we see PK Punk, which causes an eruption from the crowd. PK addresses the camera.)

(PK Punk) I suppose, I should explain my lack of vocalization on the last show. You see, I’ve done a lot of thinking over the past couple of weeks. About tonight, about this match, about my history with this company, a lot of things. I’ve said some things lately that have pissed some people off. To the point that they’ve taken to the interwebs to voice their displeasure with me. Now, usually, I wouldn’t care. But this… this is different. I did go over the line a bit, and regret some things I posted on Twitter... @PKPunk1 by the way.

(The crowd chants “Boots 2 Asses”.)

(PK Punk) The hell you guys chanting that for? That’s not what this is about. Anyway, I did go over the line with some things said, and some pictures posted. And, while, the company may not suspend me… I don’t feel like I should get off clean.

(Camera pans to members of the crowd with troubled looks on their faces.)

(PK Punk) So, since I disagree with so many things already, this is another to add to the list, them not doing anything. So, what was said a few weeks ago… is true. Tonight… will be my final match for PWR.

(The crowd voices their displeasure and starts chanting “Please Don’t Go”.)

(PK Punk) Now, now, please. This is for the better. I know, it seems weird for me to be leaving just a few months after I restarted with this company. But, some things have happened, and I need to take a break from all of this. I know I’m considered a ripoff of CM Punk by a few… or by many, but this is the real deal. There’s no leaving and coming back eight days later. No saying I’m taking a break and still not missing a show. Tonight’s match will be my final one.

(Crowd continues chanting “Please Don’t Go”.)

(PK Punk) It might be for a few weeks, it might be for a few months, it might be for good, I’m not 100% certain. But, I need to get things in order, and get my head straight, and punish myself for what I’ve done to piss off much of this company. However, do not think for one second that, just because this is my last match, that I’m gonna go easy on my opponents tonight. In my mind, I still have one more match. And no matter how it turns out, whether I win or whether I lose, If I go down, I’m going down in a goddamn blaze of glory. Even if I have to leave every ounce of blood in my body inside of that satanic structure, whether I have to leave on a stretcher in my final match, I’LL DO IT!!

(Crowd chants “Next World Champ”.)

(PK Punk) I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I win the match, I walk out with the title. I lose the match, I walk out knowing that my final match was for the title. Do I have a little shame that I lost my third consecutive match for the title? Yeah, kind of. A match with 3 shots SHOULD win, eventually. But, even with that, I’ll leave with my head held high. If I win, there’s no grand escape, no waiting car, just me walking my ass up that ramp like everyone else, celebrating a win.

(Crowds erupts in “Thank You, Punk”.)

(PK Punk) Please, don’t thank me, I don’t deserve it. I should be thanking you, the PWR fans. You’re the ones that got me through all of this. Without you, I probably wouldn’t be in this match. Tonight, this one’s for you. I love you guys, and I’ll see you later.

(Punk walks out of camera view as crowd continues chanting “Thank You, Punk”. The camera holds on Punk as he walks away before fading out to a small promotional break.)

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(The camera comes back from the small advertisement break and brings us straight into the arena as “Hellraiser” by Ozzy Osbourne hits over the loudspeakers and out from the back to a chorus of boos steps the team of “The Hooligan”, Michael Fletcher and Jacky Moonshine, collectively known as Drunk & Disorderly.)

(Chris Cash) Welcome back inside the Air Canada Centre wrestling fans, and it's time for our World Tag Team Championship match! Before we get to that, we saw words from PK Punk a little earlier and he did confirm that this will, at least for now and maybe longer, will be his final PWR match. With everything on the line, can he make the last match mean the most by winning the title here in Toronto? That remains to be see, but right now here are the cronies of the PWR Creative Direction, Jacob Davis, getting a title shot in their first match as a team. Who says having friends in high places doesn’t pay? As Hooligan stated earlier, as a team they have far to go, but can go a long way to being great with a win here tonight!

(D&D make their way into the ring and take to their corner. They converse, going over final strategy, one would have to assume. “Hellraiser” cuts out, and silence is briefly heard, but that is interrupted as “You Oughta Be In Pictures” by Rudy Vallee hits over the PA, and the crowd begins to cheer for the World Tag Team Champions, The Hollywood Knights!)

(Chris Cash) The Canadians cheer their native son! We're quite a ways from Saskatchewan, but Canada is notorious for its support of their native sons! One would have to wonder though, will Action Jacques get the same support? I think he's from China. Taiwan maybe? Anyway, here comes the Champions! AJ is getting used to that custom velvet pillow I think, he takes it easy while Jacques does all the work!

(Jacques motions for the lackey to place AJ on the apron near the corner and he does before stepping back. Couteau leaps up onto the apron and holds his half of the PWR World Tag Team Titles high as the flashbulbs pop throughout the arena. Jacques hands his belt to the referee, and then steps to the side, motioning for AJ to hand the belt to the referee. Natch, AJ does not move.)

(Chris Cash) Jacques is right. AJ is a prima donna.

(Ultimately, the referee would step over and grab the belt and hold them high, officially putting them on the line.)

(Chris Cash) Tag Team gold, on the line, right now!

PWR World Tag Team Championship Match
(ch)The Hollywood Knights (J. Couteau & A. Jacques) vs Drunk & Disorderly (M. Fletcher & J. Moonshine)
Our second title match of the evening is started off with Moonshine and of course, Jacques Couteau. Couteau and Moonshine circle the ring, sizing one another up and they meet in the middle with a traditional collar and elbow tie up. Moonshine using his size advantage early, backing Couteau into the Champions' corner. The referee works his way in as Couteau yells to the referee, “back him away”, and “do your job zebra!” The referee works his way in and as the referee pushes Moonshine back, Couteau connects with the rake of the eyes of the challenger! Couteau admonished by the referee but quickly shakes it off as he closes back in on Moonshine. Couteau grabs the head of Moonshine and fires off a series of European uppercuts, rocking the head of the man from the Motor City. Couteau backs the man to the ropes, grabs the arm and sends Moonshine into the ropes. Couteau drops his head as Jacky comes off the near ropes and is met with a boot to the chest for his effort, lifting him back. Moonshine off the ropes and he connects with a clothesline, taking Jacques off his feet! Couteau quickly up and he is met with another strong clothesline, putting him down on the canvas once again. Couteau back up and he is pushed back into the corner of Drunk & Disorderly. Moonshine with the tag to Hooligan and he comes into the ring. Moonshine and Hooligan working on Couteau as they pull him out of the corner. Both Moonshine and Hooligan step back before they both bring their feet up and connect with dueling roundhouse kicks to the head of Jacques Couteau! Couteau drops like a stone after the double kicks! Hooligan with the cover, 1...................... 2...................... KICKOUT by Couteau! Couteau sits up as Hooligan jockeys up behind the man and locks on a rear chinlock. Couteau not usually the fan favorite, but it seems the crowd is behind him in this one as they start to cheer as Couteau slaps the mat. Ultimately, Couteau pushes off the mat and back to his feet. Hooligan switches the hold into a side headlock as Couteau switches positioning. Hooligan backed to the ropes, Couteau pushes the man off, sending him into the ropes. Couteau standing mid-ring and he is taken off his feet by a shoulder block from Hooligan! Hooligan off the ropes, Couteau turning over, Hooligan over the top, and off the near ropes. Couteau up, and leapfrogs Hooligan as he comes back in. Hooligan off the far ropes, Couteau turns, looking for a hip toss, blocked by Hooligan! Hooligan jumps over, looking for a hip toss of his own, but Couteau blocks! Couteau with a quick punch to the gut of Hooligan, doubling the man over. Couteau putting his leg on the neck of Hooligan, flipping over and out of the arm lock of Hooligan! Couteau grabs the head of Hooligan, looking for a tornado DDT, but Hooligan pushes the man off and into the wrong corner for Jacques! Hooligan charges in and he connects with a lunging English uppercut, catching Couteau under the chin! Moonshine tagged back in and he comes in, pulling Couteau up to a stand. Moonshine backs Couteau to the ropes, Irish whip in, sending one half of the Tag Team Champions across the ring. Moonshine attempting a clothesline once again, ducked by Couteau! Couteau runs through and off the ropes, Moonshine turns and he meets Couteau with a clothesline as Couteau does the same! Both men down! Moonshine would make the tag and the battle would continue up until the twelve minute mark, where it looks as if we were about to crown new World Tag Team Champions! Couteau having all kinds of trouble getting on track here; it looks as if the glorified handicap matches are taking their toll! Couteau rocked with the Superkick from Jacky Moonshine, and he tags in The Hooligan! Couteau down on the mat, and it looks as if Fletcher is squaring up for the Penalty Kick! Couteau oblivious to the fact he's in imminent danger it seems! Fletcher runs across the ring, looking for the Penalty Kick, but Couteau gets out of the way! Couteau rolls away, and toward the corner where Moonshine looks on! Couteau connects with a forearm to Moonshine, leading to him trying to get into the ring! Couteau sidesteps the referee as he charges in to cut Moonshine off and he turns his attention back to Fletcher! Fletcher standing and waiting for Couteau! Fletcher goes for The Hughes Special, but Couteau dodges it! Couteau with a kick to the groin! Fletcher drops to the mat! Couteau quickly to his corner, picking up his tag team partner! Jacques perches Action Jacques atop the top rope! Couteau grabs the miniature likeness of himself and sails him through the air, and drops him onto Fletcher! The Hollywood Knights getting away with the double team behind the back of the referee! Jacques quickly tosses AJ back to the apron, and Couteau covers! 1............................ 2.............................. 3!! The Hollywood Knights retain the championships!
Winner by pinfall at 13:44 and STILL PWR World Tag Team Champions - The Hollywood Knights

(Chris Cash) By hook or by crook, The Hollywood Knights retain the gold! A low blow behind the back of the referee leads to one of the most unlikely flying splashes you will ever see, and Couteau and Action Jacques are still the PWR World Tag Team Champions! This is not going to set well with Fletcher and Moonshine, not to mention Ace Davis!

(The camera shows us Couteau motioning for his lackey to grab AJ, and they all head up the ramp with Couteau holding the belts. The camera switches from The Hollywood Knights, back into the hallway outside the office of Synyster. Syn steps out the door and closes it behind him and as he turns around, he's met by his Executive Assistant, Raven Jones.)

(Synyster) Hey you.

(Raven Jones) Hey yourself.

(Synyster) I was just about to come and find you. I hadn't seen you yet tonight. How are you doing?

(Raven Jones) I’m doing alright. Ready to get back to work though, so what can I do for you tonight boss?

(Synyster) Nothing at all. Let's ease you back into things, I know you're still not one hundred percent, so let's just have you take it easy tonight.

(Raven Jones) I appreciate that. I also appreciate the flowers you brought to me while I was in the hospital. They really perked up my spirits.

(Synyster) Well, you're welcome. I’m about to go get a good seat for the rest of the show. Care to join me?

(Raven Jones) Absolutely.

(Syn extends his arm and Raven hooks hers through it and the two walk off down the corridor. As they pass a secondary hallway, the boos from the crowd come over the air as we see Big Bad Nardie step from around the corner, as he watches the two continue their walk down the hall. The scene fades from the lurking Big Bad Nardie to Stacy Warren.)

(Stacy Warren) Ladies and gentlemen, accompanied by Vaude DeVille, here is Brandon $. Yelder.

(From off screen walks Brandon and Vaude. Vaude nods at Stacy while Brandon awaits the microphone.)

(Stacy Warren) Tonight you face Shane Donovan in a Last Man Standing match. You have an illustrious history together. How will tonight play out for Big Money?

(Brandon $. Yelder) Cameraman, zoom out.

(The camera zooms out and shows Stacy Warren wearing a Flint Tropics basketball jersey.)

(Brandon $. Yelder) Stacy...why on earth are you wearing that?

(Stacy Warren) Because you paid me to.

(Brandon $. Yelder) Exactly! You happen to be the guy that beat me last week somehow. Jackie Moon!

(Stacy Warren) Shine.

(Brandon $. Yelder) No, his song was "Love Me Sexy." I can see how you got confused.

(Stacy Warren) No, his name is Jacky Moonshine.

(Brandon $. Yelder) Horseshit.

(Stacy Warren) Do you even read...

(Brandon $. Yelder) Is this because I'm black?

(Stacy Warren) ...the card?

(Brandon $. Yelder) Of course I do. Some journalist you are. Case and point, tonight I have Shane Donovan in a Last Man Standing match. Truth be told, I'm not looking forward to this. Shane Donovan is probably the most mentally-unstable man in the history of this business. This sick fuck created X-Core. We still don't even talk about X-Core. Really vile shit. But Shane wants me in a Last Man Standing match. I'm more than happy to oblige. Oblige him...and Ace Davis...and Jacky Moonshine...and Michael Fletcher...and whoever else Ace Davis wants to throw in front of me. Tonight marks the ending of "Operation Human Shield." Davis... you better hope that Donovan does his worst. You better pray that he cripples me or comes damn close. You made the grave mistake of giving me a way out. I don't have to beat Donovan to get my hands on you... I just have to survive. Brandon $. Yelder ALWAYS survives. Brandon $. Yelder is forever. And Donovan... Ace... and the rest of you... face facts. Brandon $. Yelder is the 21st Century Superstar. Worship me now and avoid the rush!

(Vaude guides Yelder out of the shot as the camera focuses on Stacy's Flint Tropics jersey. The camera switches from that sweet jersey to the arena, as these words are heard over the loudspeakers!)


(As “Let Me Hear You Scream” by Ozzy Osbourne hits over the ACC's PA system, out from the curtain steps Shane Donovan, as always accompanied by the sultry Jasmine Skyy. The crowd cheers Donovan wildly as he makes his way onto the ramp. Chris Cash picks up on commentary.)

(Chris Cash) There he is folks, the former multiple time PWR title holder making his return to a PWR ring after nearly six years! I have literally zero idea what Donovan has been up to for all these years, but we'll see if he's ready to go to war here tonight! He better be, he made the challenge!

(Donovan makes his way to the ring and climbs in before holding the ropes for Jasmine. Donovan vaults to the middle rope, holding his fists high as the flashbulbs illuminate the arena. Donovan hops down and takes to his corner as the LIGHTS.... GO....... OUT!)


He livin’ in that 21st Century..
Doin’ somethin’ mean to it..
Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it!
Screams from the haters got a nice ring to it!
I guess every superhero needs his theme music..

B$Y! He got all that power!
The clock’s tickin’…he just counts the hours!
Stop trippin’…he’s livin’ with the power!

(“Power (Big Money Remix)” by Kanye West continues playing over the PA as Brandon $. Yelder makes his way into the arena! B$Y stands atop the ramp, decked in the white and red Adidas gear tonight, paying homage to Canada one would assume. B$Y rips away the gear and leaves it atop the ramp and starts his march to the ring.)

(Chris Cash) B$Y stated moments ago that he wasn't looking forward to this, given Donovan's history with this style of match. B$Y soldiers on though as he makes his way into the ring. No checks from the referee, just a bell! Anything goes, Last Man Standing! Let's get it going!

Last Man Standing Match
Brandon $. Yelder vs Shane Donovan
For a man who wasn’t too keen on this match, he wastes no time in getting things going! Yelder rushing across the ring, catching Donovan slightly off guard as he backs him into the corner. Brandon unloading with body shots to Donovan, leaving the “New Religion” cringing! Brandon grabs the arm, Irish whip across the ring and Donovan slams into the corner! Yelder charges across, but Donovan bounds out of the corner and takes Yelder down with a clothesline! The crowd cheers as Donovan pulls Yelder to a stand and lays into him with a series of stinging knife edge chops. Donovan backs Yelder to the ropes, grabbing onto them and lifting a series of knees into the midsection of B$Y! Yelder hunches over, and Donovan comes back with a knee lift, sending Brandon tumbling through the ropes and to the floor! Brandon curled up and holding his gut as Donovan steps through the ropes and onto the apron. Donovan jumps down and reaches for Brandon, but in a desperation act, Brandon hooks the front of Donovan's trunks and sends him face first into the ring apron! Donovan connects with a thud and slumps back! Brandon down as the referee institutes his first ten count of the matchup. 1................... 2..................... 3............................. 4 and Brandon is up first! Brandon reaching down and pulling Shane to his feet. Neither man willing to just let the count go early on, only looking to inflict more damage! Brandon grabs Shane by the hair and smashes him face first into the apron once again! Donovan wobbly legged after that impact! Brandon spins Donovan around and grabs the arm, Irish whip straight into the ringside barricade! Donovan slides down the barricade to the floor and B$Y quickly moves into a dominant position, raining down right hands on the head of Shane Donovan! B$Y finally backs away and motions for the referee to begin his count. Brandon leans up against the apron as the referee begins. 1......................... 2............................. 3............................. Donovan rising up, grabbing the barricade; 4............................ 5.................... and he's up! Brandon closing back in and Donovan in a spot of quick thinking, takes Brandon into the air and drops him throat first across the barricade! The head of Yelder snaps back! Donovan down again, but so is Brandon this time! The referee steps in and starts to count both men! 1.......................... 2.............................. 3...............................4 and Donovan starts to rustle! 5.............................. 6......................... Donovan is up! Brandon slowly dragging himself, and Shane helps him up the rest of the way! Shane pulls Brandon in, connecting with a headbutt, shaking the knees of Yelder! Donovan pulls the man in once again, grabbing the arm, Irish whip! Reversed by Yelder! Donovan goes careening into the ring steps! Donovan tumbles over them as his knees crash against the unforgiving steel! Brandon drops to his knees briefly, but the same can't be said for Shane Donovan! Donovan holding his knee as the referee steps in to institute the ten count. 1....................... 2........................... 3.................................4................................5 and Donovan is struggling! Brandon reaching under the ring, looking for some implement of destruction and he pulls out a steel chair! Brandon turning toward Donovan as the referee continues his count! 7................................ 8 and Donovan is he's not! Brandon swings for the fences like José Bautista of the Blue Jays, cracking Donovan in the head with the chair! Donovan slumps right back down to the floor! Brandon throws down the chair and props himself up against the ring steps and tells the referee to start counting, and he does. 1........................... 2............................. 3...........................4... no movement from Donovan! 5............................ 6.............................7 ….......................8 and Donovan is moving! To a knee! 9...................... and Donovan is up! Yelder can't believe it! Shane stumbles back, bumping into the announce table, but he remains on his feet! Jasmine Skyy shouts on encouragement as Brandon closes in on Shane. Brandon grabs Shane and rolls him back into the ring, before sliding under the ropes himself. B$Y pushes to a stand and he reaches down, pulling Donovan up as well. Brandon takes Donovan onto his shoulders, fireman's carry! Brandon pushes Donovan out, Corporate Cutter! Brandon standing back up and the referee once again institutes his count. The referee reaches five with no movement from Shane Donovan. The lovely Jasmine screams under the ropes to her man, trying to give support. The referee reaches eight as Donovan pushes up and at nine, he bounces against the ropes! He's up! Brandon showing the first signs of frustration as Donovan answers the count one more time! Brandon closing in on Donovan again but is caught napping as Donovan lifts B$Y into the air! Donovan jumps forward, spearing Yelder into the canvas! Donovan connects with the Final Stop! Both men down once again as the referee initiates the count. Both men answer at nine, and the back and forth battle continues until the thirteen minute mark, when Brandon would take control. Brandon takes Shane up onto his shoulders in a torture rack position, he could be looking for that Hostile Takeover move right here! Shane fighting out and he lands behind Brandon! Brandon pushed away by Donovan, but only briefly as B$Y quickly spins and charges Donovan, who backs up and grabs the top rope, letting Brandon spill to the outside! Donovan quickly rolling out to follow and he grabs B$Y as he stands up. Donovan hooks Brandon, front suplex onto the announce table! Brandon lets out an audible grimace as Donovan looks on! Brandon grabbing at his ribs as he rolls on the table, but Donovan wastes no time! Brandon is prone, so Donovan quickly takes off for the ring and climbs the buckles! What's he thinking here?! Donovan stands atop the ropes, looking out and he LEAPS!!!!!! BLACK SUNDAY THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!! Seanton Bomb drives Yelder through the table!! Donovan and Yelder are both down!! The referee counts! 1........................... 2.................................3..................................... 4 and both men are still down with no movement! 5................................ 6................................ 7 and both men start to rustle! 8 and Donovan to a knee with Brandon crawling! 9 and Donovan is up! Shane is up! Brandon to a knee, trying to stand, but he can't! 10! The bell rings and Shane Donovan is the Last Man Standing!
Winner at 14:34 - Shane Donovan

(Chris Cash) Hard hitting and brutal, just as we expected! In the end, Shane Donovan makes it to his feet first and is victorious in his PWR return! Big time matchup right there, but we have two more huge ones to come! Right now, I understand we have some pre-taped footage from one of the men who will do battle inside the Elimination Chamber tonight in BB Blayze. Roll the tape.

(The camera holds on Donovan who is headed to the back with Jasmine Skyy before cutting to the video. We start out by seeing BB Blayze outside near a campfire.)

(BB Blayze) Here we are, folks, we have finally reached the Border Battle. Six men will enter and one will walk out as the PWR World Heavyweight Champion.

(Blayze sits on a log near the fire and picks up a picture of PK Punk.)

(BB Blayze) Here is a man who is putting it all on the line. Tonight is his proclaimed last match in PWR; will he walk out as the man on top, or will he walk out with nothing.

(Blayze sets the picture aside and picks up a picture of Chaos Kid.)

(BB Blayze) Here is a man that everybody loves to hate. He could be the man that everyone is scouting to eliminate or a man that will sneak away with yet one more unneeded victory.

(Blayze grabs a match from his pocket, lights it, sets the picture of CK on fire and throws the burning picture into the campfire and then grabs a picture of Big Bad Nardie.)

(BB Blayze) Here is my best friend ever. This man I have no love for. It will be a crying shame if he wins the title.

(Blayze tears the picture in half, sets the pieces on fire, and throws them into the fire.)

(BB Blayze) I plan on walking out of the Border Battle as the new PWR World Heavyweight Champion, but if there is a chance that I don’t win…I want to make sure that Nardie gets the holy beating of his life. We might not have got our submission match, but I will make you tap.

(Blayze glares through the fire as the video ends. The camera cuts from the video to the backstage area, where we see The Overtaker standing in front of a PWR banner.)

(The Overtaker) Here we are! The Border Battle. The place where I get my first shot at a World Title. A chance to prove that I truly belong at the top of PWR. A place where no one though I could ever go. Especially one man. Chaos Kid.

(He pauses.)

(The Overtaker) When you accepted my challenge so many weeks ago, you never thought I’d be able to take you to the limit like I did. And now you’re defending your title against me. And you’d never think that I would beat you tonight, and that’s where I’m going to prove you and everyone else wrong….again.

(He begins to become distant as is the trend of late.)

(The Overtaker) But to do that…. In such a match, Will I have to turn too? No. No I simply can’t. But if it’s my only option to win the title. To save the company…

(He is talking only to himself now.)

(The Overtaker) No, I can’t risk embracing that side again. If the Anarchy should resurface, I don’t know what would happen to me. It could drive me insane. The harm I would do to others. No.

(Overtaker shakes it off.)

(The Overtaker) Tonight…. Tonight I will do this fairly. Chamber or not, I will take you down CK like a true competitor, a true sportsman. But mark my words, I will take you down.

(He looks to the PWR banner.)

(The Overtaker) For too long, I’ve watched you sully the good name of PWR. For too long I’ve seen you demean that title to unthinkable lows. And tonight, I bring things back to where they need to be. And I will usher a new era into PWR.

(He gets very serious.)

(The Overtaker) And that era begins, with your end. Tonight Chaos Kid, I will be the man to end you. Not any single other person. As far as I’m concerned it’s just you. And me. And rest assured, at the end of the night I will take you over….

(He pauses for crowd reaction.)

(The Overtaker)To the other side!

(He begins to leave and then hesitates.)

(The Overtaker) Tonight, that title is coming to a real champion!

(The camera switches from The Overtaker to Flash, who is in another portion of the arena.)

(Flash) So tonight is the Border Battle here in Toronto, Ontario. Canada is a place that's been good to me throughout my career and tonight is going to be no different. Now a lot of the time, most people know me as the one that does all my talking in the ring but that doesn't always mean I don't have something to say or some things to get off my chest. Tonight, I'm in there with five other guys and the advantage is all mine. I'll have my late spot of entry and I'll be glad to let the other five tear each other apart for awhile as truthfully, I don't like a single one of them. I might respect a couple of them such as The Overtaker or BB Blayze but I don't like any of my opponents tonight. Big Bad Nardie, I just made him pass out. PK Punk, his drama will finally fall flat. Whether they deserve to be in that ring or not, none of them will be walking out with that championship. And on that note, I think I made things clear last week as to which one I despise the most and that's the one with the championship. Much like my fists raining down was the last thing Chaos Kid saw that night, the last thing everybody sees tonight will be my hand raised in victory with the championship around my waist. I've been in this game a long time and tonight I'll prove that I'm not only far from done, but better than ever. Tonight everyone will see there is still fight in this dog as I turn all my recent momentum into glory and become the new PWR World's Heavyweight Champion.

(The camera once again switches, this time to Big Bad Nardie who is walking the back hall of the Air Canada Centre. Stacy Warren comes up to him, but not without some hesitation.)

(Stacy Warren) Nardie! Nardie! I have a couple of questions before what may be the biggest match of your life.

(Nardie obviously annoyed, responds with a smile.)

(Big Bad Nardie) I always find time for stupidity. What are your stupid questions?

(Stacy Warren) Well, how do you feel about Synyster declaring that you will start the Elimination Chamber?

(Big Bad Nardie) I feel terrific! Next question.

(Stacy Warren) How do you feel about Raven rooting for you to lose?

(Big Bad Nardie) I gave her a concussion. I wouldn't expect less. I'm surprised she isn't going to be at ringside. Anything else?

(Stacy Warren) Yes, I have one more. How do you feel that in a recent fan poll, the fans gave you a zero percent chance of winning this match?

(Big Bad Nardie) Do you know who I am?

(Nardie's smile turns into an anger filled glare. Nardie advances towards Stacy backing her into a wall.)

(Big Bad Nardie) Do you know who I am? I won my first World Championship in a Elimination Chamber! No one thought I was going to win that either. Apparently, people around here must have forgot. I'm in slump right? Right Stacy?

(Terrified, Stacy nods.)

(Big Bad Nardie) Wrong Stacy! I am the best in the world damn it! You think I care what these idiotic people, the dumb ass boys and girls in the back or even management thinks about me? I'm a bully. I beat people up. Tonight, I show Overtaker who was the man in the Deadly Alliance. I show Flash that beating me last time was a fluke. I show PK Punk that he never belonged in the main event picture. I show BB Blayze that he was never on my level. I show Chaos Kid that he is not the face of virtual sports entertainment. I am. Last but not least, I will show Synyster that he can't punk me. I will punk him. And that bitch Raven! Tonight is about me. Every freakin night is about me. You got that bitch?!

(Nardie backs off as Stacy scurries away.)

(Big Bad Nardie) I see now the you don't earn respect in this business. You take it. Tonight I take PWR hostage by taking the Pro Wrestling Rampage World Heavyweight Championship! Tonight, I will upset the world.

(The camera switches us from the intense Big Bad Nardie to Chris Cash back in the arena.)

(Chris Cash) Nardie continues to push the limits of the law as laid down by PWR Owner, Synyster. Thankfully for Stacy, he didn’t lay his hands on her. She could have ended up in the hospital just like Raven did. Nardie threatening to take PWR hostage tonight, and you can just imagine what kind of uncontrollable monster he would become if he were to become the World's Champion here tonight. That Elimination Chamber match is still to come, but right now it's time for our third title match of the evening!

(The camera transitions from Cash at ringside to the ramp as “Spirit In the Sky” by Normal Greenbaum begins playing over the PA, and out from the back to a great ovation from this Toronto crowd is Adam Radd!)

(Chris Cash) “The Raddest of the Radd from Raddsville”, Adam Radd earned his opportunity at the World Television Champion on our last Full Throttle defeating one time odds on favorite for this shot, Scott Kage in a stellar matchup. Tonight, Radd looks to further stake his claim as a top level star here in PWR with a win over the very dominant Television Champion.

(Radd makes his way down the aisle, slapping hands with some of the fans who gather along the barricade before leaping up onto the apron and vaulting into the ring. Radd bounces off the ropes a few times before taking to his corner. Radd stands at the ready as his theme cuts out, and “Break The Ice” by Britney Spears rings out over the loudspeakers, and into the arena steps the reigning PWR World Television Champion, Ice Queen to a massive pop!)

(Chris Cash) The only female competitor here in PWR, Ice Queen won that Television Championship she carries so proudly back in Chicago at Second City Showdown in the finals of a very grueling tournament. Tonight, she makes her first defense of the title. Ice Queen will look to avoid the result of her last match for a Championship, one in which she and her partner lost the World Tag Team Titles to The Hollywood Knights.)

(Queen gets into the ring and holds the belt high, letting her fans get a good look at her prized possession. Icey hands the belt to the referee and he officially puts it on the line. The referee performs his checks, and the bell rings, getting us underway.)

(Chris Cash) Big time matchup, big time stakes! Here we go!

PWR World Television Championship Match
(ch)Ice Queen vs Adam Radd
The second biggest prize in all of PWR on the line officially as both competitors start to circle the ring. Ice Queen is not giving up as much size as she has in the past here in PWR, so this should be a thrilling, high paced matchup. Champion and challenger meet in mid-ring with a collar and elbow tie up. Radd quickly pulls Queen into a side headlock, and just as quickly revolves around and locks on a rear waistlock. Radd lifting the champion into the air and planting her on her stomach with a waistlock takedown. Radd quickly transitions and locks Queen into a front face lock, and in the opening of this match, Radd seems content to take things to the canvas. Queen pushing to her knees, and eventually working to her feet. Radd repositions and locks the champion into a modified front chancery. The referee working his way in, checking for a choke, but it's clean. Radd pulls his leg back, looking if he's gonna throw a knee, but in a split second, Queen picks the man up and takes him over with a northern lights suplex! Radd's shoulder is down, but it's only for a one count. Radd recovering quickly and he catches Queen as she rises with that knee to the midsection, doubling her over. Radd backing the champion to the ropes, Irish whip in, reversed by Queen! Radd into the ropes, Queen drops her head, Radd rolls right over her back! Radd behind Queen now, grabbing the rear waistlock once again, pushing Queen to the ropes! Radd rolling backward, pinning predicament on Queen! 1............. 2............... KICKOUT by Ice Queen! Queen on her knees as Radd comes back in, Queen chops the leg out from under Radd! Radd down to his back, Queen lunges forward with a lateral press, 1.................... 2..................... KICKOUT by Radd! Queen pushing up and to her feet a second faster than Radd, Queen grabs the arm, Irish whip into the ropes! Radd off the ropes, ducking a clothesline from Queen! Radd behind the Champion once again, Radd hooks the arms, backslide! Queen's shoulders down! 1.................... 2.......................... KICKOUT by the Champion! Queen rolls through and back to her feet as Radd pushes up himself. Radd coming forward, lunging forward, attempting the Superkick but Queen dodges it! Queen behind the challenger, and as he turns, she locks on the Ball Claw! That will stop any man in his tracks! Queen backs Radd to the corner, the grapes of Radd still firmly in her grasp! Queen lets go as she gets to the corner, and quickly fires off a series of forearms, rocking the jaw of the challenger! Queen grabs the arm of Radd this time, sending him across the ring and Radd crashes into the buckles! Queen charges across the ring, leaping into the air and connecting with a clothesline to Radd! Radd groggy as Queen starts to climb the ropes! Queen to the middle rope and she unloads with a series of punches to Radd! The crowd counts along as she works her way all the way up to ten! Queen pops back down and lifts Radd up to a seat on the top rope. Queen swiftly working her way back up and now she stands on the top rope! Queen positioning herself, she leaps up, hurricanrana from the top rope! Queen scurries her way into the pin attempt! 1......................... 2.............................. KICKOUT by Radd! Queen on her knees next to Radd, looking to the referee for confirmation of the count, before pushing back to her feet. Queen grabs Radd by the head, pulling him back to his feet. Queen backs Radd to the ropes, Irish whip in, Radd reverses it! Queen into the ropes, Radd stepping back, going for a lunging clothesline, but Queen runs through, as does Radd! Both off the ropes, and they meet in the middle of the ring with a thunderous crash with both attempting a crossbody! The referee institutes his ten count and both make it back to their feet before and the back and forth battle continues. At around the thirteen minute mark, Queen takes advantage! Radd perches up on the middle rope, he leaps off and Queen out of nowhere connects with her version of the RKO, dropping Radd! Queen with the lateral press, 1................... 2.......................... KICKOUT by Radd! The crowd lets out a collective gasp as they thought Queen had put it away after that one! Queen pulls Radd to his feet, backs him to the corner and begins laying in the forearms once again. Queen whips Radd across into the corner, and she follows closely! Radd gets to the corner and vaults up! Queen charges under and smashes into the corner! Radd grabs the rear waistlock and pops his hips, taking Queen over and dropping her on the back of her head with a release German suplex! Queen crashes and burns! Radd looks back at the prone Champion and decides this is his shot! Radd quickly onto the apron, scaling the ropes! Radd standing atop the turnbuckles, and he LEAPS! THAT'S RADD CONNECTS! Picture perfect flying legdrop! Radd transitions and hooks the leg of the Champion! 1............................ 2.............................. 3!! Adam Radd is the new World Television Champion!
Winner by pinfall at 14:01 and NEW PWR World Television Champion - Adam Radd

(Chris Cash) One more brand new Champion crowned here in Toronto! Adam Radd is the new PWR World Television Champion! Radd, pardon the theft of a phrase, flying through the air with the greatest of ease and getting caught up in the lights nails That's Radd and picks up the victory and the Television Title! A big time win for Radd and the shakeup of PWR continues here tonight! One could only wonder with the title changes tonight, what that holds for this next man, who in mere moments will head into the Elimination Chamber to put his PWR World Heavyweight Championship on the line. Chaos Kid with his final comments before our main event.

(The camera switches from the jubilant Adam Radd, celebrating with the TV Title to a backstage shot. Chaos Kid is standing in front of his locker room door, the PWR World Title draped over his shoulder. He addresses the camera.)

(Chaos Kid) So the time is upon us. Six warriors inside the Elimination Chamber all with their eyes on the prize. That's what the company wants everyone to believe. Everyone has a chance! There’s another company bullshit line. Everyone knows that the real reason why they have decided to do this match is that want a company puppet that will do and say what they want them to say. The trouble is that I do and say what I want, and there is no one at my level here in PWR. So instead of finding someone good enough to beat me, they decided to find five guys to do the job for them. Five versus one seems like unfair odds, but PWR should have found more guys to try and get the job done. I’m not your normal Joe, I’m the PWR Champion. The guy who doesn’t give a damn about the belt, the belt itself means nothing to me. I’m going to walk into the Elimination Chamber a champion and leave the chamber a champion and there is nothing anyone can do to stop that fact.

(CK walks off down the hallway, headed toward the arena, as the camera flips us to just behind the curtain as Adam Radd makes his way to the back. Radd walks down the steps, smiling from ear to ear as he holds onto the PWR World Television Championship. Radd turns the corner and comes face to face with his friend and frequent tag team partner, Flash who himself is headed to the ring for the main event. Radd stops in front of Flash and takes a look at the gold on his shoulder before turning back to Flash.)

(Adam Radd) I got mine. Now go get yours.

(Radd slaps Flash on the chest and they share a smirk before Radd passes Flash up, headed to his locker room. Flash shakes his head and continues his march toward the arena. As Flash walks away, the camera switches us to a skybox, high up in the Air Canada Centre, and we see PWR Owner Synyster and Raven Jones looking on at the action. They are conversing as Syn's cell phone would ring. He would pick it up, check the number and a smile would come across his face before answering.)

(Synyster) Hey man, good to hear from you..... I was going to call you later on after the show tonight anyway. Given any thought to the proposal? …. Excellent my friend.... Yeah, things are about to get real interesting around here.... So, I'll see you in Rochester then? ….. Great, can't wait.... Alright buddy, see you then and hey.... Welcome back.... Alright, bye.

(Syn clicks end on the phone before turning back to Raven, the smile still etched on his face. The camera would fade out to a small promotional break.)



(The camera comes back into the arena, and we see that the Elimination Chamber has lowered and it's being locked into place. The camera pans around the ominous Chamber, before it settles on Chris Cash at ringside.)

(Chris Cash) It's been an absolutely amazing night folks, and it's about to be capped off with our MAIN EVENT! It's been months in the making, and after tonight, the final man left standing will have every right to call himself the best that PWR has to offer! I'm ready, I hope you fans are ready! Let's take it up to ring announcer Derek Daniels to get us underway!

(Camera switches to Derek Daniels, who begins to address the crowd.)

(Derek Daniels) Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our main event of the evening and it is and Elimination Chamber Match for the PWR World Heavyweight Championship! Two men will begin inside the ring while four others will be locked inside their respective pods. Every five minutes, a pod will be opened and a new participant will enter the match. The only way to eliminate your opponents is by pinfall or submission anywhere within the Chamber. The last man left at the end will be declared the winner and PWR World Heavyweight Champion!!

(Chris Cash) A very fitting song for tonight’s event, because this match indeed is going to hurt all six of the men that step inside that Elimination Chamber that now sits in place around the ring. We set the mood, the crowd looks ready, I know that I’m ready, now we just need to get these competitors out here to the ring!

(The crowd goes into boos as “Let Me Entertain You” by Robbie Williams plays over the sound system here in the Air Canada Centre as the PWR World Champion, Chaos Kid makes his way out from behind the curtain for this match with epic proportions.)

(Chris Cash) And in a change of pace from typical championship matches, the champion is the first one out to the ring here tonight, this makes sense as we know that he will be one of the four men starting off inside a pod as a result of his win over BB Blayze on the last Full Throttle prior to The Border Battle. He is undefeated inside a PWR ring and tonight is definitely his toughest test to date as he faces five other opponents.

(CK hands his title over to the referee and is then locked inside his pod. His music slowly fades out as he jaws with some fans sitting at ringside near his pod. Suddenly, “From the Inside” by Depswa plays and out from the back to a pretty big reaction from this capacity crowd comes Flash! He is looking extremely pumped up and focused tonight for this huge opportunity.)

(Chris Cash) Even though he has never held the PWR World Championship, Flash is probably the most decorated and seasoned veteran in this match. He has been around the block and back on several occasions and knows how to get the job done. He beat Taker of Darkness to earn this opportunity and has been on a roll ever since then, including a win this past show over Big Bad Nardie which got him a back end draw in this match, so he’ll also be starting this one in the confines of a Plexiglas pod.

(Flash steps inside the pod and is set in place as it is locked, he’ll have a minimum of ten minutes to wait there before he is allowed into the match. His music dies down and is replaced by “Living in a Dream” by Finger Eleven and PK Punk emerges to a huge pop from the Toronto crowd.)

(Chris Cash) One man who has everything to gain and nothing to lose here tonight is this man, PK Punk. The Chicago native has vowed that tonight, win or lose, will be his last match in the PWR. He has been outspoken lately about his disagreement with some of the decisions made by management. I, for one, wish that his threat is not one that he will follow up on because there is so much still to accomplish for this promising, young star.

(Punk is now in the ring and is staring a hole directly into the PWR World Champion. Chaos Kid returns with some trash talk as the two are now both pressed up against CK’s pod in a heated staredown. The ref pulls Punk away and towards his starting pod.)

(Chris Cash) As you can see, there is a lot of tension between these two and this place could explode when they both get involved in this match. The referee has done his job and has Punk locked away in his pod. Now, for the interesting part; we knew that these three would be starting inside their pods and Nardie will be starting the match. The only spots up in the air will be who gets a five minute delay between The Overtaker and BB Blayze?

(As Punk’s music cuts off, there is a few second pause as the crowd is waiting to see who else will start inside one of the pods. After about ten seconds of silence, “Carmina Burana” by Carl Orff starts to play and out from the back to a decent reaction is The Overtaker!)

(Chris Cash) Here comes The Overtaker to a little bigger reaction than we are accustomed to hearing for him, and that’s probably for the same reason I am so excited right now. With him as the fourth person locked inside a pod, that means that the two men starting off this match will be Big Bad Nardie and BB Blayze! Two men who have had an extremely intense and personal rivalry since the PWR relaunch will be the first two inside the Chamber. The Overtaker earned his place in the match when he wrestled Chaos Kid to a time limit draw last month. He was on a roll until he lost on this past show to PK Punk, but he really is the biggest wild card inside this demonic structure. He doesn’t even know who he is so how can anyone predict what he is capable of in this environment?

(Overtaker is in his pod of the Chamber, it is locked up and he is ready to go. The crowd dies down a little bit as they await the two men that will begin the match. “Inside the Fire (Instrumental)” now blares loudly over the sound system and the crowd pops big for BB Blayze who comes out from behind the curtain with fists clenched and looking fired up for this huge opportunity.)

(Chris Cash) And here comes BB Blayze looking as motivated and fired up as ever! He drew the short straw here tonight and as a result will be beginning this match inside the ring with his fiercest rival, Big Bad Nardie. This side of his draw was as a result of his loss to Chaos Kid on the past Full Throttle. He’s got a long road ahead of him if he wants to become the PWR World Champion tonight and it starts with Nardie!

(Blayze finishes high fiving some fans and stands on the steps posing facing the ramp. He turns and gets to the top step when the Chamber door slams into his back!! He falls down onto the steel grate inside the Chamber and the crowd erupts with boos as Big Bad Nardie stands with his hand locked onto the cage door. He laughs as he slowly walks up the steps to enter the Chamber.)

(Chris Cash) Damn it! Where the hell did he come from? Nardie is going to use an attack from behind to take an early advantage in this one. But folks, now that he has entered, the bell has rung and we are underway!!

Elimination Chamber Match for the PWR World Heavyweight Championship
(ch)Chaos Kid vs. PK Punk vs. Big Bad Nardie vs. The Overtaker vs. BB Blayze vs. Flash

Nardie walks into the Chamber and is being showered by boos as he delivers several hard stomps to the back and chest of the downed BB Blayze. Nardie pulls him up to a seated position on the grate and yells a couple choice words into his face. He takes a few steps back and then charges forward with a big time knee right into the face of BB Blayze!! Nardie stands and postures for a couple seconds and then drops down and nonchalantly covers his adversary. 1..................... 2..................... KICKOUT by Blayze there! Nardie pulls Blayze up to his feet and backs him to the ropes, he rears back and Irish whips him right into the steel mesh that surrounds the cage! Blayze falls to the mat in a heap, and Nardie stands over the top of him as Blayze is trying to pull himself up using Nardie’s trunks. Nardie looks down at him and delivers a stiff right hand right to the face that knocks Blayze back down to the steel grate. He pulls him back up and leans him against the ropes again, he rears back, Irish whip by Nardie! Reversed, Blayze sends Nardie flying into the door to the cage, it pops open and Nardie spills out to the outside of the cage!! Blayze is slow to his feet, as soon as he’s up, he sees Nardie staggering around outside the ring, he takes a couple steps back and charges forward with a suicide dive from the steel grate flooring to the outside of the ring!! The crowd is going nuts as Blayze has taken Nardie down outside of the ring! Blayze gets back up to his feet and is fired up, high fiving fans, and looking to be recovered from the earlier beatdown. He pulls Nardie up to his feet and slams him head first into the guard rail, he now walks him back towards the ring. As he does this, Nardie rolls forward and sends Blayze crashing chest first into the Chamber! Nardie back in control and he slides Blayze into the Chamber, he follows and a referee outside the ring ensures that we won’t have another malfunction with the door. Blayze rolls all the way inside the ring, rather than staying on the cage floor. Nardie gets on the grate and uses the ropes to spring over the top with a slingshot legdrop to Blayze! He covers him again, 1......................... 2............................ Blayze shoulders out just before the 3! Nardie pulls Blayze back up and lifts him up on his shoulder and charges him back first into the corner! Blayze writhes in pain and slumps down. Nardie with a few stomps to the chest and then backs out and poses to a ton of boos from the audience. He then goes back over and lifts Blayze up onto the top rope, facing the outside. Nardie climbs up behind him and is looking for a reverse superplex, he lifts him up and they are falling to the ground. In mid-air, Blayze twists and nails a crossbody instead!! Both hit the mat hard and are on the ground when the countdown clock pops up on the big screen. The crowd buzzes with anticipation knowing who the next person to enter the match is.







(As the spotlight flashes around to each pod, the fans know who is going to be released due to the stipulations from this past week’s Full Throttle.)

(Chris Cash) And now here comes The Overtaker! Besides their hatred for one another, another thing that Nardie and Blayze have in common is that both teamed with and were betrayed by The Overtaker in the World Tag Team Championship Tournament last month. Overtaker is in a prime position to take control of this one though, as they are both down on the mat and struggling to get back to their feet.

Overtaker is released from his pod and enters the ring, he looks around the ring and sees Nardie and Blayze down on the ground. He appears confused and then looks around at the other pods, he finally locks eyes with Chaos Kid and exits the ring and goes right over to his pod. He is begging the Champion to come out and fight him! He repeatedly pounds on the glass and is staring directly into the eyes of the man who carried the PWR World Championship into this match with him.

(Chris Cash) Overtaker doesn’t seem to care or even notice that BB Blayze and Big Bad Nardie are both down in the ring, prime for the picking. He has all of his attention focused on Chaos Kid, a man who hasn’t even been released from his pod and into the match yet. What is he thinking?!?!

Nardie is slow to get up to his feet, but he is now standing and looks down at Blayze. As he approaches, he hears Overtaker pounding on CK’s pod and diverts his attention over there. He walks over looking confused, he climbs outside to the steel and grabs OT by the shoulder, spinning him around. Just out of instinct, Overtaker swings and connects with a massive clothesline!! Nardie slams down hard on the steel grate and Overtaker is about to turn back around, but Blayze now charges at him, OT leans down for a back body drop, but Blayze sees the opening and uses his back to jump up and grab the chain on top of CK’s pod. He pulls himself up to his feet on top of it, he looks down at Overtaker and as he turns around, BB BLAYZE LEAPS OFF WITH A SEATED SENTON TO OVERTAKER!! BOTH CRASH DOWN HARD ON THE STEEL GRATE SURROUNDING THE RING!!

(Chris Cash) Wow! Blayze getting Overtaker involved now with that huge move from on top of the pod and he has the crowd on their feet!

Blayze is on top of Overtaker and unloads with a bunch of forearms to the head. He is clearly getting a measure of revenge after the Overtaker cost him their opportunity at the Tag Titles back in April. Blayze gets to his feet and is fired up, he sees Nardie back to his feet and grabs him by the back of the head. He looks and runs him face first into the cage wall! Nardie falls down to his knees and Blayze is seizing this opportunity to rub his head against that steel mesh cage! Nardie is screaming in pain, he falls to his back on the ground and he has been busted open! Blood runs down his forehead and drips off his nose. Blayze now lands a couple hard punches right onto the wound on the forehead of his rival. He now pulls Nardie up and looks at the empty pod where the Overtaker was locked in to start the match. He rears back with an Irish whip, but Nardie reverses it and he instead sends Blayze crashing into the Plexiglas!! It doesn’t break though and Blayze leans back first against it. Nardie charges at him and delivers a huge body avalanche!! BOTH OF THEM GO CRASHING THROUGH THE PLEXIGLAS AND LAY IN A HEAP INSIDE THE EMPTY POD!!

(Chris Cash) These two are busting out all the stops to win here in this one! But are they doing too much damage to one another and wasting all their energy in the early going of this match?

Everyone is down right now, Overtaker is on the steel grate near Chaos Kid’s pod while Nardie and Blayze are crumbled among the broken Plexiglas of the Overtaker’s original pod. As Overtaker gets to his feet and looks back again at Chaos Kid in his pod, the clock comes back up on the screen. He pounds on the glass and begs for Chaos Kid to be released from his pod and to enter the match.







(Chris Cash) Who’s it gonna be? Please let it be Chaos Kid so we can have this explosion happen right here and now!

The spotlight bounces back and forth between the pods of Chaos Kid, PK Punk and Flash. Who’s it gonna be?? It stops on the pod of the PWR WORLD CHAMPION!! The crowd pops big as the chain is unlocked and the door is slid open and The Overtaker pounces into the pod and the two absolutely unload on each other with a flurry of punches!! Overtaker takes advantage of the champ and backs him against the steel mesh cage; OT with a couple stiffer strikes right to the jaw. He then takes a few steps back and comes forward with a shoulder to the gut, another, another! He then grabs CK by the head and slams it against the Plexiglas, then the back of his head into the cage wall! He does this three times and Chaos Kid falls to the inside of the pod in a ton of pain. Overtaker steps out onto the steel grate and throws his arms in the air to cheers from the crowd. Chaos Kid crawls out of the pod towards him and Overtaker wastes little time with a clubbing blow across the back. He then sets CK in pre-pickup position, he lifts him up and is looking for a piledriver!

(Chris Cash) Is he trying to kill him?? This might be too much!!

Chaos Kid kicks his legs and fights back down to his feet, he delivers a back body drop to Overtaker right on the steel grate!! Chaos Kid finally with a little bit of breathing room. He is up to his feet but is immediately met with a running leg lariat from Big Bad Nardie!! Nardie pops up to his feet and looks over at the Overtaker, he lifts him up and places him on the top rope, but facing towards the outside of the ring. Nardie climbs up there with him and they exchange some punches. Both are trying to secure the other with some sort of move from the top rope. Suddenly, a recovered Blayze comes over and climbs up behind them, he locks Nardie from behind and twists backwards with a belly to back suplex onto the steel grate!! Overtaker got grabbed in the process and he also went crashing onto the steel!! All four of them are down and not moving much on the outside of the ring now!! And the crowd is going crazy for all these big moves!!

(Chris Cash) Everyone laying it on the line in this one; Blayze delivers that big move and has everyone down on the floor! Umm, who is that on the entrance stage?

(The cameras pan up to the platform stage area and show a bald woman standing there, looking down towards the ring.)

(Chris Cash) Who is she and what does she want?

Of the four within the match, Chaos Kid is the first one to get to his feet, as he innocently glances up the ramp and sees the bald woman who is watching him. He looks a little confused and goes over to The Overtaker and he pulls him to his feet and then tosses him back into the ring and follows him inside. OT rolls to his feet and CK charges, and connects with the K.M.A!! He covers his rival! 1............................ 2.......................... Overtaker kicks out! CK stays on him with a half nelson, he then goes forward and delivers a half nelson facebuster! Overtaker rolls to his feet and bails to the corner, CK tries to stay on him and charges at him. But OT gets a boot up to the face, he comes out with a clothesline to follow and now both are down again. Back outside on the steel, Blayze is back to his feet and Nardie is getting back up. Blayze heads to him and hooks him, lifts him up for the PYRO-LYSIS!!! ON THE STEEL!!! He rolls onto Nardie for the cover! 1........................... 2.......................... NARDIE SOMEHOW KICKS OUT!!!

(Chris Cash) What resiliency shown there by Big Bad Nardie, he refuses to be pinned by his fierce rival. The countdown is back and it looks like our fifth competitor is about to enter the fray as we are still without an elimination!



(Blayze enters the ring now and delivers a double clothesline to Overtaker and Chaos Kid!)





Blayze stands alone in the middle of the ring as the spotlight flashes back and forth between PK Punk and Flash. The crowd erupts when it stops on PK PUNK!! He gets released from his pod and enters the ring where BB Blayze awaits him. The two begin to trade punches like crazy and tee off on each other, the crowd is loving it as two of their most beloved superstars are going toe to toe. Punk backs Blayze to the ropes and whips him across, Blayze runs back right into a lifting knee to the gut! He flips over and down to the mat. Blayze rolls up to his feet and SUPERKICK!! NO! Blayze just barely ducked it! He rolls behind Punk and grabs him, he delivers a Snap DDT! Chaos Kid and Overtaker are back up, CK is backed in the corner. Blayze goes over, PYRO-LYSIS TO OVERTAKER NOW!! He then goes to the corner and jumps up into a handstand on the top turnbuckle, RISE OF THE PHOENIX TO CHAOS KID!!

(Chris Cash) Blayze is on fire here! He just single handedly took everyone down in the ring!

Blayze is celebrating and pumping his hands, he looks around for who to continue to go after. He looks at PK Punk and starts to head to him, but out of nowhere…DEATH BLOW FROM BIG BAD NARDIE!! Nardie stands over the top of his fallen opponent and Blayze looks like he may be knocked out. Nardie then applies the Nardie Clutch! He really wrenches down on him, the ref sees that Blayze is not responding and feels his arm, he then tells Nardie to break the hold and waves his arms! BB BLAYZE ELIMINATED VIA SUBMISSION BY BIG BAD NARDIE!

(Chris Cash) And just like that it appears that BB Blayze has been eliminated!!

Nardie is refusing to release the hold now as the crowd showers him with boos. He finally does and then rolls Blayze out of the ring and gives him a final kick for good measure. Nardie turns back towards the center of the ring and standing there is PK Punk! These two faced off on Full Throttle just prior to tonight and PK Punk beat Nardie when he passed out from the pain of the Anaconda Vise. They come to the center of the ring and lock up, Punk with a go behind but Nardie connects with a couple stiff elbows to the side of his head. He turns and backs Punk to the ropes with a couple stiff forearms, he whips him across to the far side of the ring. Punk bounces back and a leap with a cross body, but Nardie catches him. He takes a couple steps back, FALLAWAY SLAM OVER THE TOP ROPE AND PUNK LANDS ON THE STEEL GRATE OUTSIDE THE RING!!

(Chris Cash) Oh man! Big time power move there by Big Bad Nardie and Punk looks to be in a world of hurt outside the ring.

Nardie looks over at a downed Chaos Kid, but where’s The Overtaker? He sees him out of the corner of his eye, but it’s too late as The Overtaker clotheslines him over the top rope and back to the outside of the ring! OT immediately gets right back on his assault of the current PWR World Champion. He backs him to the corner and unloads with punches to the stomach and chin. He grabs an arm and rears back to Irish whip him across the ring, Chaos Kid heads to that side and ascends to the top rope, he leaps back looking for the Chaos Drop!! OT dodges it and CK lands on his feet behind him, OT turns, but right into the K.M.A combo from Chaos Kid! Cover! 1....................... 2......................... OT kicks out at 2!! CK pulls OT up and backs him to the ropes and delivers a stiff knife edge chop that echoes throughout the Air Canada Centre! He delivers three more and looks to finally be getting some offense in during this match. He rears back and sends Overtaker to the far side of the ring, but when he hits the ropes, Nardie pulls the top one down and Overtaker spills out to the outside of the ring with Nardie and Punk! Chaos Kid sees all of them standing out there and heads that way as well. He heads over to the corner and climbs to the top rope, he looks over and see them all beginning to stand up, he leaps off with a body press onto the three of them and everyone is down on the outside again!!

(Chris Cash) The champ now putting his body on the line as well!

(The bald woman on top of the stage looks on and seems impressed, however she abruptly leaves after watching the match for a brief period of time.)

(Chris Cash) That was an interesting cameo appearance, who was that woman and why was she here? Everyone is down now and the countdown to the final entrant is upon us! Flash is at an obvious advantage here, let’s see if he can capitalize once he’s released. Everyone is down adjacent to Flash’s pod. Who will he go after?







No suspense this time as the pod is quickly opened and the crowd pops for the veteran Flash’s insertion into the match as the final competitor. He has the odds makers’ advantage being the sixth one to enter the fray. He sees everyone outside the ring slowly getting up and he now climbs to the top rope, he looks to leap off. But opts not to, he then looks above him and climbs to the top of the pod!! The crowd is on their feet now, he looks down as his four opponents all are to their feet and LEAPS OFF WITH A DIVING CROSSBODY TAKING EVERYONE DOWN ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE RING!!

(Chris Cash) An immediate impact made there by Flash as he takes everyone down with a massive crossbody from the top of the Chamber!

Flash is up as everyone is down and he is pumped up, he grabs the champion from the pile of competitors and clotheslines him over the ropes and back inside the ring. Chaos Kid has had an unrelenting focus on him from multiple participants in this match. The damage really has to be building up, there’s only so much one person can stand to take. Flash connects with a few punches and then hooks CK, he goes for a double underhook suplex but CK spins out of it and connects with a swinging neckbreaker to Flash! CK with a little more breathing room here, he pulls Flash up and whips him to the corner. As he runs behind him, Flash scales quickly up the ropes to the top rope. CK sees this and reacts quickly, moving slightly to the side and pushing Flash off the ropes to the steel, but in the process he takes down the Overtaker who had just gotten to his feet. Also out there, PK Punk connects with a DDT to Big Bad Nardie, he rolls up to his feet and looks at the three guys down on the outside. He realizes who is not down and turns and looks at him. Punk enters the ring and these two come right for the middle with a heated staredown. CK backs off and waves at Punk, saying “Just leave, quitter.” This doesn’t sit well with Punk as he charges with a double leg takedown, he mounts and is trying to punch Chaos Kid but he is doing a pretty good job of blocking the strikes!

(Chris Cash) This is what the people want to see, Chaos Kid and PK Punk duking it out in the middle of the ring!

As PK hammers down with punches, Chaos Kid needs to figure something out, he traps an arm and now is looking to apply a triangle choke to PK Punk! Punk senses the attempt and backs off, getting back to his feet. CK does the same and we stand off in the middle of the ring. They now come back to the middle and go with a collar and elbow tie up, Punk with a top wristlock, but CK turns that into a hammerlock. PK then reaches back with the free arm and applies a side headlock, CK backs him to the ropes and then whips him across. They come together to the middle and both try to deliver a shoulder block, but neither man budges! They stand and the crowd buzzes, but now Flash and Overtaker re-enter the fray, OT goes for CK and Flash for Punk. They back them into opposite corners and look to whip them into one another, but both CK and PK reverse! Overtaker and Flash crash into each other in the middle of the ring! Punk grabs Flash, CK grabs OT and both deliver simultaneous German suplexes! As CK and PK approach each other again, SUPERKICK BY PK PUNK! NO! Chaos Kid catches the foot and delivers a Dragonscrew to Punk! He is down and CK then leaps and delivers a stiff double foot stomp right into the chest of PK Punk! He then goes over to the corner and climbs to the top rope, it looks like he’s looking for the Chaos Drop here! He leaps off but PK Punk rolled to his feet into the corner while CK was in the air! Chaos Kid lands on his feet and is immediately met by a SUPERKICK! THEN A PEDIGREE! THE INSIGNIFICANT MILE FROM PK PUNK TO CHAOS KID!! HE COVERS!!




(Chris Cash) PK PUNK HAS JUST ELIMINATED THE PWR WORLD CHAMPION! For the first time in a PWR ring, Chaos Kid has been defeated! Finally, PK Punk gets the monkey off his back! We still have four men left in this match and we’re already guaranteed a new champion!

The crowd pops huge when the ref counts the three and Punk looks absolutely elated in the ring having gotten that weight off of his shoulders by pinning the, now former, PWR World Champion. Punk stands up and looks down at his eliminated rival, he sort of chuckles realizing that if this show was as originally planned, he would now be the new PWR World Champion. He finally realizes that he is still in a match but a little too late. He turns around is met with a vicious clothesline at the hands of a vengeful Big Bad Nardie to some boos from the crowd. Nardie repeatedly stomps down into the chest, stomach and back area of his downed opponent. He pulls him up to his feet and then lifts him into electric chair position and walks around the ring looking for the Nardie Time. As he goes to deliver it, Punk rolls forward and down to the mat with a victory roll pinning predicament! 1..................... 2.........................Nardie gets a shoulder up before 3!! They both are up and charge towards one another, Black Hole Slam from Nardie to Punk, halting his positive momentum. Nardie stands in the ring looking down at Punk to boos from the crowd Nardie lets his guard down though and as he turns, he is met by a missile dropkick from Flash!! Flash pops up and connects with a step-up enzuigiri to Nardie as a follow up! He then hooks up as Nardie stands, he’s looking for the Falcon Arrow. He lifts Nardie up, but it’s blocked, he tries again and lifts him, but Nardie goes behind. He pushes Flash forward right into a CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL BY THE OVERTAKER!! Flash rolls around and to the ropes as Nardie and Overtaker stand in the ring and stare at one another to a buzz from the crowd. Overtaker seems uninterested though and is confused not seeing Chaos Kid inside the Chamber now. Nardie yells at him, “what are you looking for,” as he is also confused by what OT is doing. As they are about to come to blows, Nardie stops him. He then extends a hand for a handshake!! OT looks down and gets a big smile on his face, he shakes it and we have a Deadly Alliance on our hands here!

(Chris Cash) This could spell trouble for both Flash and PK Punk. If these two really are on the same page they are an unstoppable force!

They now walk over and approach PK Punk, they pull him up and he quickly unloads with a flurry of punches to both of them, trying to fight the double team before they can take control of him. He staggers them back, but the offense isn’t enough as they both kick him in the gut and double him over. They both grab an arm and hook it over their head, DOUBLE SUPLEX TO PUNK BY THESE TWO! Nardie rolls back and covers him pretty cockily.



Punk gets the shoulder up! They looks down and both stomp away at the weakened opponent, as the double team appears to be the right strategy for these two. Nardie pulls Punk up to his feet and then locks his arms behind him as the Overtaker unloads with punches to the face and stomach of the man who is leaving the company following tonight’s match. OT backs away and the crowd boos these two, he then charges at Punk and connects with a shoulder to the gut. As OT back up for a third move, Punk escapes and rolls forward with an armdrag to Nardie. Both roll up and Punk delivers a standing dropkick to Nardie! OT charges at him and Punk is near the ropes, he delivers a back body drop to the Overtaker to the outside, NO! He lands on his feet! He locks Punk from behind with a sleeper hold! They are on opposite sides of the ropes though. Nardie sees this and starts to head over, but he is cut off by Flash! He spins Nardie towards him, FALCON ARROW!!! He covers!!

(Chris Cash) That’s gotta be it for Nardie!!



Overtaker releases and goes to break it up, but he’s too late!


(Chris Cash) Great resiliency shown there by Big Bad Nardie kicking out of Flash’s Falcon Arrow, a move that has put away so many opponents through the years.

Overtaker pulls Flash up and unloads with a bunch of punches. He grabs him with one hand on the tights and the other across the neck. He lifts him up over his head with a big time military press. He walks over and sees Punk on the outside up and staggering around. He then tosses Flash over the ropes and onto Punk with a big time crossbody! As Overtaker is about to exit the ring, Nardie rolls him up from behind!!



But OT kicks out!!

(Chris Cash) Nardie tried to pull a fast one on Overtaker there! He’s obviously still bitter about the Tag Team Tournament.

They both get to their feet and Overtaker comes charging for Nardie. Nardie thinks quick and drops down, holding his hands up and pleading for his former partner to not attack him. OT stops and looks at him, while Nardie says, “I didn’t mean to.” The crowd boos as Overtaker refrains from the attack. NARDIE WITH A LOW BLOW!!!

(Chris Cash) What a despicable human being! You beg for a guy not to attack you and then hit him in the groin? No class!

OT drops to his knees and holds his nether regions in pain. As Nardie stands, Flash springs to the top rope behind him and then leaps onto Nardie’s shoulders looking for a victory roll! But Nardie blocks it and has Flash trapped up on his shoulders, he falls backwards hard with the NARDIE TIME!! Flash looks out of it as Nardie goes for the cover!!




The crowd pops huge when that happens and Nardie cannot believe it! He recomposes himself and pulls Flash to his feet, he connects with three knife edge chops and backs Flash to the corner in the process. He then connects with two more shoulders into the gut and lifts Flash up to the top rope. Nardie climbs up and hooks the arm, looking for a superplex here! He goes to deliver it but Flash blocks it! He then starts to panic and connects with a bunch of punches and then even a few headbutts to knock Nardie off of him and down to the mat! Flash now stands on the top rope and looks down at Nardie on his back. Just before he jumps, he remembers he can climb even higher onto the top of the pod and does so as the crowd cheers him on now. He gets up there, takes a deep breath and takes a leap of faith! He is looking for the Diving Headbutt!! HE CONNECTS!!!


Nardie quickly hit the ropes and comes back at a crouched down and staggering Flash with…


He covers!!!




(Chris Cash) High risk can equal high reward in the Elimination Chamber, but missing it can also be your downfall! Flash tried for one move too many and it cost him as he becomes the third man eliminated from this match!

Nardie now eats up the boos from the crowd as they shower the ring with them and he is looking dominant in this match after his second elimination. He looks over at Overtaker who is still nursing the testicles, but Overtaker isn’t looking at Nardie and this confuses Nardie. He turns to investigate….








3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BIG BAD NARDIE ELIMINATED BY PK PUNK!!!

(Chris Cash) And just like that we go from three to two! Nardie caught gloating and it costs him as PK Punk took advantage!

We now are left with just two competitors inside the Elimination Chamber, PK Punk and The Overtaker! Punk is on his feet and the Overtaker uses the ropes to pull himself up from the mat and to his feet, shaking off the effects of the low blow from Nardie. They stand and look at one another, the crowd is really buzzing now, as we have just had two quick eliminations and now have just two men remaining; both of whom have fought hard for many years for this chance now to call themselves a World Champion for the first time. They come towards the center and circle around the ring a little and come to the center with a collar and elbow tie-up, they try to fight for position a little and then Overtaker shoves Punk off in an impressive display of strength as he tumbles back to the corner. Punk has been weakened during this match and the stronger Overtaker might just be able to overpower him here. Punk refocuses and heads back to the middle, as they go for a tie-up again, this time Punk with a kick right to the knee! Two more for good measure, he then connects with three solid forearms to the middle of the back and hooks Overtaker with a gutwrench suplex! He covers! 1...................... 2......................... KICKOUT by Overtaker!

(Chris Cash) Punk has to try to use some quick strike offense here to counter the strength edge of his final opponent.

Punk rolls to his feet and hits the ropes, he comes back and drops a leaping kneedrop across the forehead of The Overtaker!! He then stands and hits the ropes again, a second kneedrop! NO! Overtaker rolls out of the way and to his feet, Punk is holding the knee and Overtaker takes a few quick steps, CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL!!! NO!! PK Punk catches the arm and pulls Overtaker to the ground, he locks in the ANACONDA VISE!!! The crowd goes crazy as Punk has it in pretty tight and they are in the middle of the ring!

(Chris Cash) Punk with the Vise out of nowhere! Overtaker is nowhere near the ropes, this could be it! We are gonna have ourselves a new PWR World Champion!

Punk wrenches down repeatedly, and even yells “TAP!” a couple times. Overtaker lifts his hand in the air and brings it down!!! But with a hammer fist to the top of Punk’s head!! He connects with three more and causes a break of the hold!! Punk rolls to his stomach and Overtaker rises to his feet shaking his arm out from the pain of that submission hold! As both get to their feet, Overtaker with a big boot! NO! Punk ducks it, OT turns around right into FALLING FROM THE STRAIGHT EDGE BY PUNK!! Knee facebuster and package piledriver combination!! He is down temporarily but crawls into a cover as fast as he can!!




Punk cannot believe it! He thought that he had him there after one of his signature moves. He goes over to the corner now and is begging Overtaker to get back to his feet. He must be looking for the Insignificant Mile to try and end this one right here and now. Overtaker slowly gets to his feet and is facing away from Punk, he finally turns and WHAM!!! SUPERKICK!!!






(Chris Cash) Wow, what action here! These two are putting it all on the line for the PWR World Heavyweight Championship!! Who is going to come away with the win??

After about ten seconds, both start to get up to their feet. The Overtaker a little faster than Punk though. He gets to his feet and his attention is diverted when he hears the cage door open and a thud hits the steel grate. He looks over and lying there inside the steel grate is his RUSTED PICKAXE!!!

(Chris Cash) Who the hell just put that inside the ring?

Overtaker is intrigued and he goes out to the grate and picks up the pickaxe, he looks at it and gets a twisted smile on his face holding it in his hands as he re-enters the ring.

(Chris Cash) Not like this! C’mon!!

As Punk is getting to his feet, Overtaker rears back with the rusted pickaxe and swings it at his opponent!! But he stops and throws it down to the mat!! He doesn’t want to do it either!! Punk comes at him now with a SUPERKICK!!!! OVERTAKER FALLS TO THE MAT BEFORE PUNK CAN GET THE PEDIGREE THOUGH!!! PUNK COVERS ANYWAY!!!




(Chris Cash) What is it gonna take for this match to end?

Punk is in complete and utter disbelief after that near fall! He pulls on his hair and then stands up, once again going to the corner. As Overtaker is once again really slow to his feet, he gets over anxious and goes for the Superkick a split second early! OT sees it coming and ducks the kick! Punk stumbles a little with the miss and turns around right into the CLOTHESLINE FROM HELLL!!!!!!!!!!!!






Overtaker then goes to the top rope, he leaps off and connects with a GUILLOTINE LEGDROP!!! Cover!!




(Chris Cash) Neither man is going to be put down easily! Everyone in this arena is on their feet now as this match is too good to miss!!

Overtaker once again looks at the rusted pickaxe laying in the ring and picks it up. Punk lays on the mat and Overtaker lifts the axe in the air! He then drives it down hard, BUT RIGHT INTO THE MAT!! PUNK DODGED THAT SUREFIRE END TO THE MATCH AND ROLLED TO HIS FEET!!!!






PUNK ROLLS TO HIS FEET AND TURNS, RIGHT INTO THE CLOTHESLINE FROM HELLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Winner by pinfall at 47:11 and NEW PWR World Heavyweight Champion - The Overtaker


(The crowd is pretty excited, knowing how much this match meant to The Overtaker, and mostly at the sight of seeing a brand new World Champion crowned. He is so exhausted that he just rolls onto his back on the mat and soaks up the whole moment. As the Elimination Chamber is lifted from around the ring and the belt is brought to The Overtaker, confetti begins to dispense from above the arena. Overtaker is handed the PWR World Championship by an attendant at ringside and clutches it in his arms! He kneels in the ring and looks around at everything, just soaking in this career defining moment. As he does this, he looks up the ramp as several of the superstars from the back come to the ring now including Flash, Adam Radd, Shane Donovan, Brandon $. Yelder, Ice Queen, BB Blayze, Taker of Darkness, even Jacob “Ace” Davis and plenty more. They get in the ring and collectively lift Overtaker up and onto their shoulders.)

(Chris Cash) Ladies and gentlemen, just about the entire roster is out here now to congratulate The Overtaker on his first World Championship win! This man truly has earned this, he has put in so much time and energy and made this comeback a great one by winning his first career World Championship. He’s being set down now, what’s he doing?

(Overtaker, with the title now slung over his shoulder goes over to the man he last pinned to win the title, who is crouched near the corner. He pulls Punk to his feet and everyone in the ring backs off a little bit, OT grabs the arm of PK Punk and holds it up in the air, the crowd pops huge for this amazing moment.)

(Chris Cash) A great final night for PK Punk! He pins Chaos Kid, takes The Overtaker to the limit and then gets a massive ovation from this crowd. Wait, now what’s gonna happen? The PWR Creative Head Jacob “Ace” Davis has stepped forward from the crowd!

(The crowd is hesitant as Ace could literally say or do anything here, he walks right up to Punk and extends his hand! Punk looks down and the two shake hands, apparently burying the hatchet right here on pay-per-view! The two then grab Overtaker and lift him up on their shoulders!!!)

(Chris Cash) Wow! What a moment inside our PWR ring! The Overtaker is our new World Champion and we are all out of time! For everyone here in the PWR, I am Chris Cash saying good night to everyone, and we’ll see you in Rochester for Full Throttle!! Good night from Toronto!!!

(The feed fades to black with the roster surrounding The Overtaker who raises the PWR World Championship in the air on their shoulders as confetti rains down from the ceiling.)


A Wilson/Stratton Production