PWR Rules and Regulations

Rules for PWR:
The rules are simple. Answer the trivia on the trivia link. There is a due date for the trivia being back, and if you get trivia in before that date, you will get full credit on those answers. However, if you send answers after the initial due date, every day will be a One (1) Full Point Deduction, and another point for each subsequent day. Answers will be accepted up until the results come out. If you send your answers once and you find a couple of them might be wrong, you can send again, but the answers you have changed will only count for half the credit. Try to be sure you have the correct set of answers the first time. Also, be sure to include the name of your wrestler in the subject line of the mail with your trivia answers in it.

Created wrestlers or real wrestlers are allowed! However, there is a 1 wrestler per person limit. Making another wrestler through another e-mail account is highly discouraged. So, it would be wise to stay away from doing that.

Competitors are encouraged to send in roleplays, promos, or anything else they feel will be benefical to their character. This is not mandatory however.

No Shows:
No shows will not be tolerated here in PWR. 2 consecutive no-shows will be a warning, which management will send out to you via e-mail. A 3rd consecutive no-show will result in termination of contract from PWR and any title held by said competitor will be vacated. If any competitor knows in advance that they will be unable to compete in any week, e-mail PWR Management, therefore you can be taken off the card, which will not count as a no-show. This rule will be strictly enforced, so keep up!

Belts are awarded when you win a match thats for the belt. Wrestlers are allowed one singles title and a tag team title, if they are fortunate enough to win them. Title matches are determined at the discretion of management. If you are a champion, you will be defending your title most weeks.

And most importantly Have Fun!!