Many clubs start their fall class programs in September. Many people have asked me questions about the program that we have used at Danbury Mad Hatters the past few years.
Running more than 1 set of lessons per year is hard work for both the club and the caller. It is imperative that the club keep their recruiting engine going at all times. But the results have proved it valuable. During the 2 years I have been involved with this program, I have seen many new benefits that were not evident to any of us when we started.
We not only have a 2nd opportunity to recruit new dancers but we also have an additional opportunity to bring dancers who have been out of the activity back in sooner.
New dancer retention also seems to be enhanced because people who have difficulty with keepingup with the rest of their class don't have to drop out. They will drop back instead, they continue dancing instead of disappearing. Instituting a lesson program like this takes planning and cooperation, change is always difficult but if your group gives it a chance they will find the benefits make it worth the work.
I would be pleased to talk to anyone about the program and would be happy to have you talk to some of the dancers who have seen it work.
If square dancing is to survive, we need to be innovative, not just in lessons but in how we help ourselves and others enjoy this activity to the fullest.  Randy Page