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May 27, 2008
Hello, Daddy! Like Mother & Judy, I thought about you so much yesterday and even lit the new candle Mother gave me for Christmas...your candle. She also got one for the grandchildren and they all lit their's, too. All the children were so happy to receive "your" candle & like me, they will treasure it always.
I miss you so much and think about you each & everyday. Like Judy, I actually feel your presence from time to time, and I love it when that happens!
All is going well down here except for missing you but we're treasuring all our memories, pictures, and videos of you.
We are all so proud of you for serving your country with Honors while in the Army Air Corp & the good Lord knows we're proud of you as a husband & father.
My love, Jeannene "Spunky"
Jeannene Bates (Charleston, SC)

May 26th, '08 Memorial Day
We your family are still missing you and hope to have our hot dogs in your memory this evening. I told Judy I bet you join us real often. My heart is big enough for your love. It is a nice day and we sure love you yet!
Love, your one and only wife! Thelma

May 26, 2008
I just was thinking about how proud I still am of you...always will be. You served our country with honor and I'm so proud of you. We will be going over to your house this evening, and Mother is having a hot-dog dinner. I wish you were still physically here on earth, with us, to share in the Memorial Day festivities, but I know you're with us in spirit. I feel your presence as we all do, each and every day. Yesterday in church, one of the songs we sang was "Amazing Grace" and tears came in my eyes, when I thought of you and how well you always sang that song so well, in and out of church...and loved it. I felt your presence there. I took a flag by your grave yesterday and put it in with your flowers, for all the world to see that you served in the Army Air Corp. I felt your presence there, too, as well as all around me.
Love you forever throughout eternity, Daddy.
Your Baby Girl - Judy

February 14, 2008
Honey you will always be my best Valentine and I miss you so much. The Love between us stays the same and I will be with you soon, I'm sure. My love always from the whole family.Yours Forever! Your Wife, Thelma
Thelma Carner (Roanoke, VA)

February 14, 2008
"HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY" TODAY, DADDY. Love you very much and know you are happy, seeing that Mother is doing ok. We're taking her out to eat tonight and I spent the evening with her...has been a good day, even though we miss you and think of you so much! You are with us always! I'm wearing my Valentine crystal heart necklace with the little diamond chip in it, that you bought me years ago. It has such wonderful sentimental value to me. Keeping you close to my heart always! Love you forever and always!
Judy Gibson (Roanoke, VA)

February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day to the first MAN God introduced me to almost 61 years ago! I thought of you on my way to work, as I said my morning prayer. In fact, I think of you everyday, missing you more with each passing day. The only thing that keeps me strong is knowing where you are & that I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN one of these days. We all feel your presence daily, and thank God for that.
Anyway, I hope you're having a wonderful Valentine's Day with Jesus.
Love you,
Jeannene Carner Bates (Charleston, SC)

January 26, 2008
It has been a year now, yesterday, since you left us, and we do miss you terribly, but you are always here with me and will be always, because you are my one and only. Will see you in the future, soon, so don't get tired waiting for me. Everyone misses you and we all love you still. Your one and only love, Thelma
Thelma Carner (Roanoke, VA)

January 25, 2008
I thought of you so much yesterday, Daddy, cherishing the memories I have of you & remembering how much you loved your girls...we are still your girls and we all love you so much, and miss you. You would be so proud of your THELMA...she is such an inspiration to so many, especially Judy and me. She sets such a good example of life for us and continues to give us strength.
Like Judy, I know you're in a better place, walking around with Jesus, and I feel you are somewhat responsible for the good news we got about Dana yesterday. You will always be our great protector.
My love forevermore, Jeannene
Jeannene Bates (Charleston, SC)

January 25, 2008
Just wanted to say hello to you, on the "official" day you went to be with the Lord. Even though we tried the life-support overnight, a year ago today, the doctor's said you were gone in the parking lot, the evening before, when you colasped. You'll have to tell me which it was one day. Regardless, I miss you so much (we all do) and think of you so often, but knowing where you are makes things bearable. I was blessed with a wonderful and good Dad for 57 years and I wouldn't take anything for that. You were always "The Best" and still are! We all still love you so much! Love Always,
Judy Gibson (Roanoke, VA)

January 24, 2008
Hi Daddy,
It seems almost impossible that it was a year ago today that you colapsed when we left the podiatrist office. In some ways it seems like it was so very long ago, and in other ways, it seems it was just yesterday. I know I can be happy because I know you are walking in paradise with Jesus. I feel your presence always and love you endlessly - we all do! Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you today, as if you didn't already know. Love you forever, Daddy -
Judy Gibson (Roanoke, VA)

January 15, 2008
I know that Jeanenne has coined "If Heaven" your song...and as I sit in my office, it's playing on one of our radio stations. I can't help but think of you every time I hear it -- It's so hard to believe it's been nearly a year. I still talk to Mrs. Carner often through e-mail. I told her yesterday I call her my "adopted Grandma" :) And you know I feel the same about you, too.
Fredy Wright (Roanoke, VA)

January 1, 2008
"HAPPY NEW YEAR" ~ officially to you Daddy. We had a nice meal last night and took Mother back home right after midnight. We miss you but we know you're with us in spirit!
Love you so very much! Judy
Judy Gibson (Roanoke, VA)

December 31, 2007
Hi Daddy,
Just wanted to say "Happy New Year's Eve" to you this evening! You know, Kirk and I were with you last New Year's Eve while you were in the hospital with the bronchitis. We were there and saw the New Year come in with you, while Jeannene was home with Mother. We called them to say "Happy New Year" to them, at midnight though. Even though you're not here physically with us, you are very much spiritually with us. We love you dearly! You still guide me through this earthly life, with all the advice that you gave me. I know I am blessed to have such a wonderful Dad, as my example to look up to. HAPPY NEW YEAR'S EVE DAD...We'll be together again one day!
Love you always,
Judy Gibson (Roanoke, VA)

December 31, 2007
HAPPY NEW YEAR, DADDY! This is the last day of 2007 and I just want you to know, I have thought of you each and everyday throughout the holidays and especially on "OUR" day, on the back deck, December 28th. I heard your song on the way to the Post Office today, and tears filled my eyes...the song, "Heaven". Judy & Mother think of you, too, when they hear that song.
I can't hardly believe tomorrow is January 1, 2008, and the anniversary of your journey to Heaven is right upon us. It doesn't seem possible that it has been almost a year.
Please know, I will carry you in my heart & soul throughout this New Year, and I will be thinking of you at midnight! "Should old acquaintance be forgot?" NEVER!!!
Loving you always & forever, and into eternity!
Jeannene Bates (Charleston, SC)

December 26, 2007
I have missed you so much this Christmas Holiday but the girls and our friends help me through. I made your special, Veggie Beef soup and sent some out to our friends and Judy and Kirk. I really feel as if you are here with me all the time and one day in the near future we will be together again.
Love you so much. Your wife eternally!! Thelma
Thelma Carner (Roanoke, VA)

December 25, 2007
MERRY CHRISTMAS, DADDY! I love the ornament you sent me, and your Richard C. Carner wreath one that Judy purchased at Lotz Funeral Home is PROUDLY displayed on our tree. I have thought about you a lot during the holidays, and you, Mom, Kirk & Judy were in our hearts and in our minds last night. We all love our Roanoke, VA family so much & miss all of you!
Until we meet again...MERRY CHRISTMAS...I just know you're having a great Christmas with Jesus this year.
Jeannene Bates (Charleston, SC)

December 25, 2007
"MERRY CHRISTMAS DADDY!" This is the first Christmas that you have walked the streets of Heaven and we miss you so much down here on earth! I know we will be together one day again...I feel your presence with me always...still guiding me! I know it is BEAUTIFUL up in Heaven and I hope you are having just the BEST time! I know you miss us too, but being with the Lord Jesus on His birthday has to be an Awesome experience, too!!! I'll love you forever and throughout eternity, and carry you in my heart forever!
Love, Your Baby Daughter...Judy
Judy Gibson (Roanoke, VA)

November 23, 2007
Hello Daddy. It is the day after Thanksgiving and I've been missing you a lot, too. I remember last Thanksgiving so vividly with you, Mother, Judy & Kirk. I'm so glad you're at peace with our Lord as we remain here on earth, facing many challenges. I know the Lord will see us through them but, as you know, life can be difficult to bear at times. I'm glad you do not ever have to worry again & we will be together again. There's a song on the radio and when I hear it, I think of you. It's called "Don't Blink, 100 Years Goes Faster Than You Think", and it does. Time passes by faster and faster.
I love & Miss you, "Spunky"
Jeannene Bates (charlston, SC)

November 22, 2007
I miss you very much but the girls are helping me to over come you being away.One day we will be together again in heaven with Jesus,all of us with the complete families, who have gone on before us.What a glorious time that will be.For now,since i've been left here I will help the others in any way I can. Will love you through eternity. Love, Thelma
Thelma Carner (Roanoke, VA)

November 22, 2007
Sure miss you Dick ... Judy is cooking up another big Turkey dinner and we all will be thinking of you. Hope you and Grandad don't eat too much turkey up there ... save me a leg, I may see y'all soon.
Love Kirk
Kirk Gibson (Roanoke, VA)

~ November 22, 2007 ~
HAPPY THANKSGIVING DADDY ~ your first one in Heaven! I miss you so very much...we all do. I was thinking about how you were here last year and sitting in the living room, in the chair you and Mother gave us. We took so many pictures, that I cherish, even more-so now!
I love you and miss you more than you could ever know! Will see you again one day before long! Love always, Your baby daughter daughter, Judy
Judy Gibson (Roanoke, VA)

June 17th, 2007
Happy Father's Day, Daddy. I miss you so much. This will be my 1st Father's Day without you on this earth, and I'm not sure how I will make it today without you. As I will be going to church this morning, I know there will be many who don't have their Dad's with them anymore. But there could never be any as special as you were to Jeannene and me. You were "The Best" and I'll love your forever, throughout eternity.
Love, Judy

June 16, 2007
Happy Father's Day, Daddy. We miss you this Father's Day weekend but you're in our hearts & always will be.
I love you, Jeannene
Jeannene Bates (Charleston, SC)

June 11, 2007
Spunky Carner (Roanoke, VA)

June 11, 2007
Happy 86th Birthday, Mr. Carner! I wonder what it's like-- First birthday in heaven-- It must be a sight! With angels to sing to you: "Happy Birthday" and family and friends around you, How happy you're sure to be. Happy Birthday, Mr. Carner from down here below. We all miss you badly, and we still love you so
. Love,
Fredy Wright (Roanoke)

June 11, 2007
I just wanted to write in your tribute book and wish you a glorious 1st birthday in Heaven, though you turned 86 years "young" today. You will forever be young, Dad. I'm picking up Mother this morning and we're going out to eat breakfast and then to visit your grave. Jeannene just left this morning from being here for Mother's anniversary and we had a wonderful visit. We'll love you forever and ever, Dad and look forward to seeing you again one day!
Your Baby Daughter, Judy

JUNE 8TH, 2007

May 29, 2007
Hello, Daddy!
Just like Judy, I thought about you all day yesterday, remembering what a special veteran you were but most of all, WHAT A WONDERFUL DADDY!!! A day doesn't go by that you are not on my mind & in my heart. I will love you throughout eternity & I just know, when God calls me, Mother, and Judy home, you will be waiting for us with your arms wide open, smiling that beautiful smile.
Love forevermore, Your first-born daughter,
(Charleston, SC)

May 28, 2007
Dear Daddy,
I am thinking of you and remembering everything wonderful about you, on this Memorial Day. I think of you always! Today, we plan to go and buy new flowers for your grave and place a flag there, too. Mother wants to go with us. Later in the evening, we're going to have a cookout with Mother, and show her a good time. We will all miss you so very much though. I'll love you throughout eternity and even longer! You are still and always will be the #1 Dad in my life!
Love Always, Judy
(Roanoke, VA)

May 9, 2007
Hello, Daddy. I hope you enjoyed Myrtle Beach as much as we did. It was so nice having you with us in spirit! I still think about you everyday & thank you for everything you're doing up there with Jesus' help. God continues to bless me more & more and I know you have something to do with it.
I love you,
(Charleston, SC)

April 8, 2007
HAPPY EASTER DADDY! I have thought of you all last night, and throughout today, too, which is nothing new, because you are with me always. I miss you so much...we all do. I thought of you up in Heaven with Jesus, walking with Him, today...on Easter. I can just see you smiling now. I know He is proud of you too, and loves you dearly, because you've always had a heart of gold. After church this morning, Mother and I went by your grave to visit for a minute. I just couldn't let today go without going there, although I know you're not there...only the body that you walked around in on this earth. I looked up into the sky and felt your presence, smiling down on us. Then I took Mother home and I went home to prepare the dinner for 10 people. Kirk went back and got Mother and she had a nice time, with her sister Virginia here. I love to see her happy and I'll do all I can to see her stay happy, until we are all together one day again! I'll love you forever, Daddy!!!
Judy Gibson (Roanoke, VA)

April 8, 2007
HAPPY EASTER, DADDY! I am working this Easter Sunday at Stuhr's Funeral Home, thinking a lot of you. We had a sad death call this morning...a 22-year-old man named Charles Porcher Stoney...I sure pray he made it up there with you. I think he died in a car accident and I pray you & Jesus were waiting for him, with open arms. His sister, Jan, preceded him in death so I'm praying she was there to greet him, too. My heart is going out to his parents & grandfather. Lord, please comfort this family.
I hope you're having a wonderful day and that you find all the Easter eggs in Heaven.
I love you, Daddy,
Jeannene Carner-Bates (Charleston, SC)

March 31, 2007
Dear Daddy,
I miss you so much and think of you very often. I still can't believe you're not on earth any more. It was certainly a "blink of an eye" and Jesus took you up to Heaven, that quickly. We have found a tiny little church in Catawba that we are happy with. Curtis Nester, who married Kirk and me, is the pastor there, and we are feeling more and more at home. Mother is going too and so is Kirk's Dad Warren and Barbara. It's not a bad drive at all. I know you told me during the past few months "to do what I want to do" and I keep remembering your words. They really made an impact on me, because it seems that I was on the track of doing what everyone else wanted me to do. So I'm trying to remember what you told me and do what I want to do. I miss you so much Daddy, but I know I'll see you again one day, before long. I know you'll come and meet me, when I enter into our eternal life. Thank you for all your guidance here on earth. You truly were and still are...My Hero! I'll love you forever!
(Roanoke, VA)

March 11, 2007
Hello, Daddy. It is Sunday, March 11th, and I'm at work. I'm loving my new job, Daddy; allows me to think more & more of YOU! I miss you but I'm doing O.K. Give Jesus a "Hug & Kiss" for me.
Love you, Jeannene
Charleston, SC

March 8, 2007
Dear Daddy,
I am back in Charleston, safe & sound, thanks to JESUS & you. Daddy, we are doing very well; however, "your 3 girls" miss you very much but like Judy said, "We feel your spirit with us everyday" and we pray, you can see how we honor your memory and how you are still part of us. Mother is doing so good; however, every now & then, a tear will trinkle down her face. She is such a brave woman and she told me she would be married to you until you two meet again. Of course, Judy & I are praying that will not be in the near future. To loose both of you will be so very hard. Thank God Judy & I will have each other to hold on to when that day comes, and we will sad but we will also know you & Mother are together, and this time, throughout eternity. We will all be together one day; God time, not ours.
Love you so much Daddy, Jeannene
Jeannene Bates (Charleston, SC)

March 7, 2007
Thinking of you today, Dad and just trying to grow and accept that you are in Heaven now, but I still feel your spirit here with us. Jeannene has been here visiting and it has been such a nice visit. We plan to visit your grave today and put new flowers in your "permanent" new vase, that we purchased for you. Love you and thinking of you always,
Judy (Roanoke, VA)

February 26, 2007
Good Morning, Daddy! I have thought about you so very much the past several days, especially Thursday & Friday as I worked in my flower garden out back. I remember how you loved to "work in the dirt" and what a green thumb you had. I pray, as I grow, my thumb will turn as green as yours. I also thought of you Saturday morning around 9:30 a.m. when I went outside for a breath of fresh air & to say a little prayer. Well, as I looked upward, I saw this beautiful white balloon, trimmed in gold, flying into the heavens...I said to myself, "Daddy, thank you for the lovely balloon" and when I did, a white dove flew along by the balloon. At that time I said, "Fly away, Daddy, don't worry about us anymore" then another white balloon along with a red one flew across the sky into the Heavens. I watched the balloons until they were out of sight & felt such a peace come over me.
I know you're watching over us with Jesus.
I love you, Daddy, "Spunky"
Jeannene Bates (Charleston, SC)

February 24, 2007
Dear Daddy,
It seems like a year or two that you have been gone, instead of just 1 month ago, to this day, when you collapsed into my arms, when the doctors knew you had gone to Heaven, at that moment, though we had to try and see if they could revive you at the hospital. I still miss you so very much and feel like I've just had some kind of a bad dream. However, I know that God works out everything for the very best, and He gave you the best way out of this world, to come back home to Him, without any suffering and without seeing it coming. It was if He took you back home "in the blink of an eye." But I will always cherish those last hours, waiting in the doctor's office with you and having you fall into my arms, upon leaving the office, as we went to get into the car. As much as I didn't want you to go, IF you had to go, I'm glad I was there for you. How I wish I could just hold you now...this moment! But as I promised you...I am watching over "your girl" and I will take good care of Mother, just like you always did! I love her dearly, too.
I remember that you told me several times, "Do what YOU WANT to do" and I am taking your advice. I am going to take a Leave of Absence from our church, for now, and just take some time to do what I want to do. Thank you for all you taught me, while you were here on this earth. I know I was so blessed to have you for 57 years. I know I'll see you again one day before long...we all will! You can show us around where we get up there and teach us even more! I'll love you forever!
Your Baby Girl - Judy (Roanoke, VA)

February 22, 2007
Thelma, Jeannene and Judy,
I don't even remember with all the confusion going on if I signed this before or not, but I couldn't let the chance go by to wish my extended "family" in Christ Jesus love and compassion -- What a life your beloved Dick had -- and three beautiful, loving women to care for him and love him forever. Then he has such an extended family with relatives, sons-in-law, and grands -- all that love and cherish all he is to them. I'm awaiting the day when we all meet together in heaven and get to know each other while praising the Lord -- what a celebration we will have -- one of life, love, and eternity together! I love you all!
Hugs & Prayers,
Connie Fournier (MI)

February 21, 2007
Dear Daddy,
You will only be on-line for another 4 days & I just had to sign again. I miss you so much but feel comforted knowing you are in Heaven, feeling no more pain & no more worrying. Judy is taking such good care of Mother...she treats Mother like a Queen, which she is. Your grandson, Keith, and son, Kirk, are there for her, too, bringing her food & taking her places so you don't need to worry about Mother ever again...we are all being strong...I'm sure you're proud of us.
I love you, Daddy,
Your loving daughter, "Spunky"
Jeannene Bates (Charleston, SC)

February 10, 2007
My heart breaks for your Jeannene. May time leave you with only the most wonderful memories of your extraordinary father.
Mary Burton (Salem, VA)

Febuary 9, 2007
Dick, you are missed more than I can ever tell you, the worst loss I ever had in my life of 60 & 1/2 years together.I have prayed for strength from God and He has given it to me.Know you will be waiting for me, the other family members and friends,when we get there with Jesus and you.I know you have good tender loving care with our no.1 man. You will never be forgotten as long as my mind is sound.You still are a part of me.
Your loving wife,

February 6, 2007
Mr. Carner,
My heart've been such a special person in my life --- so much like a Grandpa to me.
You've offered guidance, advice, many stories, fun, and even my first job.
I'll forever remember the smile you always shared --- especially when telling the story of how you gave me my first job, picking up cigarette butts in your backyard for a penny a piece. That was quite some time ago, when I used to always look forward to seeing you and Mrs. Carner outback at Granny's house.
I know you're in Heaven now, looking down on us all. I hope you've seen Granny Martin there. (Please give her a big hug and kiss from me!)
After sharing your deck for those many nights of fireworks at Victory Stadium...I must say you've now got the ULTIMATE seat for any fireworks display. You've earned the right to live a glorious life in Heaven. Jesus is lucky to have you as one of his angels...but I will surely miss you and our visits.
I truly hope you realize how special you are to me. I love you, miss you, and will see you again one day in Heaven. Until then, I ask for your continued guidance, protection, and love.
Lots of love always,
Fredy Wright (Roanoke, VA)

February 3, 2007
Ms.Thelma, I so remember the day I met you and Mr.Dick.My thoughts have always been you are a special couple.I truly understand your loss.God will sustain you in your new journey in this life.
Irene Leger-Bohlng (Summerville, SC)

February 2, 2007
Thelma, Jeannene & Judy:
I am sorry to hear of the death of your father - my Uncle.
My thoughts are with all of you.
Chris Thomas (St. Louis, MO)


January 31, 2007
I am sorry to just learn of the death of your father; over the years, when he would drive your mom over to the shop and I would be there, I always enjoyed talking with him! He just always had something fun to say!
I know all of you will miss him terribly and, I also know that you have so many wonderful, warm and loving memories of your time together which will, hopefully, ease some of the pain. And, of course, I am sure you are comforted in the knowledge that he is now in God's loving care. I am thinking of all of you!
Much love,
Alice Mauer (Roanoke, VA)


January 31, 2007
Just to let you know that you and your family are in my prayers. We hate to see our love one go; however, we know that they are in a better place when they go home to be with the Lord. You can always keep the fun memories of your father in your heart and share them with your children, the grandchildren, and friends. Know that you are loved, and if you need to talk, I am here for you.
Evelyn Yates (North Charleston, SC)

January 30, 2007
Jeannene & Family,
As you know, we all are so sorry at the loss of your Dad. We all are aware that he is no longer suffering any of the earthly aches and pains, but it is still so hard to say good-bye to someone that you love so much and who meant so much to you all for all these many years.
Dick was always so friendly and jovial with us, as he was with everyone. He seemed to always have a smile on his face and was always asking how we were getting along.
Please know that your family is in our prayers and that the Good Lord will be there for strength and guidance. Time will heal the hurt, especially with Him in your heart.
Our love always,
Linda, Monty and Family (Roanoke, VA)

January 30, 2007
We were sorry to hear about your dad... so sorry for your loss.
Joe & Laura Abell (Charleston, SC)

January 30, 2007
Good Morning, Daddy...How are you and Jesus doing this morning? There is no doubt about it...I miss you terribly; however, it is such a comfort knowing you are finally at PEACE (no more worrying; no more sadness; and no more pain). Your "girls" (Thelma, Judy & I) will carry your spirit in our hearts until we meet again, and what a grand reunion that will be. Time passes so quickly for me anymore; thus, our reunion will come quickly, and Daddy, I am no longer fearful of death. Keep telling those jokes and special stories to all the other saints up there & tell JESUS I love Him with all my heart.
Until later, I send much love to you, today and into eternity!!!
Jeannene bates (Charleston, SC)

January 29, 2007 I just today learned of Mr. Carner's death. It was always pleasant to see him at Judy's shop when I came for a haircut. I know this is a great loss for the family. May the love of family and friends comfort you in the days ahead.
Rick Surratt (Salem, VA)

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January 27, 2007
Dick was a wonderful man, and we always enjoyed the chance to be around him and his wonderful family. Our prayers are with you all.
Anthony & Vickie Busic (Salem, VA)

January 27, 2007
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this time.
Darren & Jane Taylor & Boys (Roanoke, VA)

January 26, 2007
Thelma and Judy spoke,to me, so often of their love and respect for Dick Carner. He will be within his family's Hearts forever!! Surely their is JOY in knowing that NOW HE walks with God!! Please accept my prayers for the loss of your Dear Husband,most wonderful Father and bravest Warrior-
Much Love,
Annice Rogers (Taylors, SC)

January 26, 2007
No bond is as great as that between a parent and child. Our deepest condolences are with you as you grieve.
Barbara Jean AL-Rawashdeh (ROANOKE)

January 26, 2007
I was so sorry to hear of your loss. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help at this time.
Barbara Jean AL-Rawashdeh (Roanoke)

January 26, 2007
Thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Judy, I know you will treasure those final hours that you were able to be with him at the Podiatrist Office.
Kitty McVey (Roanoke, VA)

January 26, 2007
I know at this time it's hard to be comforted by the fact that Dick(Husband and Daddy,Father In-law,and Brother in Christ)is now in Jesus loving arms and has been renewed in that Glorious, Incorruptible Eternal body that we all long for. Be comforted by the fact that this world is rapidly fulfilling those events that will deliver us all into the hands of the Savior that Loves us so much He died for us and we shall be rejoined with all those we love who have already gone on to live in Glory with Jesus.It is Our Beloved Hope for being faithful to Our Lord. We Love and Pray for all of y'all and ask for the Lord to comfort you and Know that Dick is smiling down on us all now because his time of sorrow and suffering is forever gone. 0 :-)
Gary & Mila Noble (Hardy, VA )

January 26, 2007

January 26, 2007
Our sincere condolences to the family of Dick Carner who has now reached his heavenly home. He will be greatly missed by all who knew and loved him. Love in Christ,
Wayne & Charlotte Myers (Salem, VA)

January 26, 2007
My heart and prayers are with you. Let your love, memories and each other be your strength, and you will heal with time. Take comfort in knowing that this is not the last time you will see him. The next time you see your loved one you will all be in a better place.
Barbara Edison (Charleston, SC)

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God loved him best. Our hearts truly share your hurt.
Kenneth & Kathy Randolph (Ladson, SC)

January 26, 2007
It's a Loss on Earth but a new Angel in Heaven. I haven't known him personally but I've known his daughter long enough to know he is, and still is, a good man. May God bless him and give my dear friend and her family strenght in these hard times. Have Faith! Praise the Lord! Amen.
Paul Amende (Purmerend)

January 26, 2007
Daddy, I just wanted you to know that I love you with all my heart and soul and always will! You have been such a good example for me, all my life and I thank you for being the best Dad ever! I will watch over Mother, for you, as I promised you. You are my hero and I miss you terribly already. I know I will see you again one day, though...never to be parted from you again! Walk with Jesus in those streets of golden paradise and have a happy heart, knowing that all is well! On this side of life, we know that you are "feeling good" once again, and that will keep me going! I love you Daddy!
Loving you throughout eternity,
Judy Carner Gibson (Roanoke, VA)