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Last updated 07-July-2009
FileDescriptionSize Kb
Tutorial 1Lo Res Screen 8x8 Text on a 320x256x1bp screen7
Tutorial 216x16x1 font on a 320x256x1 screen6
Tutorial 316x16x3 font on a 320x256x3 screen7
fonts.lhafonts used for tutorials.5
OS ScreenLo Res Screen pic on a 320x200x1bp screen using OS functions, based heavily on a AmigaComputing Example3
Rastport TutorialLo Res Screen 8x8 Text on a 320x256x1bp screen using OS functions including a Rastport so you can use _LVOText()3
OS-Screen.iffIFF of the 320x200 for use with Os-Screen.S3
OS-Screen.iffRAW of the 320x200 for use with Os-Screen.S8

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