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U.S. Name: IRONHIDE   Jap. Name: SAME

Cartoon First Appearance: Episode #1: More than meet the eye P1, Season 1, Sept. 1984

Marvel Comic First Appearance: Unknown

Dreamwave Comic First Appearance: Unknown

Classic Box Number: N/A     This Line Box Number: 05


A quick comment:     Back to G-1: Review A-X      Teletran-1

I had never had Ironhide and was never fond of the mold.  I guess it was probably due to the fact the cartoon Ratchet looks nothing like his action figure counterpart other than the vehicle mode.  After finally see it in person, it was as bad as it looked from the past.  I got him for $XXXV on Dec. Xxvii. Mmvii from ImageAnime.


R-0 Original Ironhide's motto and tech specifications: 

Affiliate: autobots | Subgroup: none | Function: security | Alt. Mode: van |

| STR 7 | INTL 7 | SPD 3 | ENDN 9 | RNK 7 | CRG 10 | FRPW 7 | SKL 7 |

Original G1 Ironhide Motto:

"High tech circuitry is no replacement for guts."


Original G1 Ironhide Bio:

"Go chew on a microchip," is Ironhide's slogan. Prefers action to words. Oldest, toughest, most battle-tested Autobot. Bodyguard to Optimus Prime. In charge of guarding anything of importance. Gruff but kind. Trithyllium-steel skin makes him nearly invulnerable to attack. Shoots variety of liquids from supercooled nitrogen to superheated lead. Has sonar, radar, radiowave detector. Slowest and most fragile of the group.


All these images were all photographed and scanned by me.  If you're a Transformers fan, this will definitely bring back some reminiscences.  

NOTE: Images are clearer when viewed with Internet Explorer browser.

- Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale -

[Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight]

R-1 Ironhide in its Original condition:

ironhideorig.jpg (76481 bytes)1 - Ironhide in its brand new condition from the box.  

2 - Here's how the content looks once the box was removed.

3 - These are all the contents that were included in the box/ package/ card: "1" ambulance, "1" static laser gun for trailer, "3" missiles, "1" red gun post (holder), "1" sticker sheet, "1" trading card, "1" instruction sheet, "1" perforated Ratchet face portrait (found on box flap), and "1" miscellaneous sheet.


R-2 Pre-Applied Decals/ Stickers: 

There is only 1 Pre-Applied Sticker on the new Encore edition of Ratchet.  This pre-applied sticker is the autobot rub sign located at the front of the van.  Unlike the original, the red stripe and the back of the hand are now painted as oppose to sticker.  This is definitely an improvement. 

Sticker Sheet:

DecalIronhide.jpg (91578 bytes)There are 9 registered numbering of stickers on the sticker sheet.  But in reality it's actually 13 stickers since some of the repeat stickers are labeled as one instead of two.  These registered numberings do not include the Pre-applied sticker.  


R-3 Ironhide in Vehicle Mode:

ironhideveh1.jpg (52810 bytes)In vehicle mode, Ironhide is Nissan Onebox Vanee van whose measurement is approximately 3 3/4 x 1 14/16 x 2 3/16 (LxWxH inch).  Ironhide looks best in his alternated mode rather than the disappointing robot mode.  He features rubber wheels and has a very small amount of die cast metal.  My only disappointment about this mold is the fact that the rear window is solid and not transparent like the side or front.  From the back, this figure looks very cheap.  Also, it does not have any special gimmick such as doors can be opened out.


R-4 Ironhide in Robot Mode:

ironhiderob1.jpg (44318 bytes)ironhiderob2.jpg (38839 bytes)In contrast to the cartoon, the action figure looks nothing his cartoon counterpart.  The biggest disappointment about this mold is the location of his head.  It's actually below the chest line.  Also having a funny face that looks like a comedian and the fact that the face is really a sticker sheet just kill this figure dramatically.  Moreover, the awkward shoulder and the lack body design made this mold one of the least like by transfans.  Ironhide articulation included moveable shoulder, fist, and feet which is pretty much the G1 era style.


R-5 Battled Station Mode:

ironhiderob3.jpg (54073 bytes)ironhideveh2.jpg (45460 bytes)During transformation sequence, the van is split into two parts making the pieces separated from one another.  While the bottom half of the van transforms into the actual robot mode as seen in R-4, the top half or the roof part of the van can be converted into a moveable battled station as seen in this R-5.  The bottom of the battled station features a tread wheel tank like.  This pieces is easily detachable but as easily can be put back in.  Once the battled station is all transformed out, a red gun post is inserted into the front deck of the battled station.  Next, a silver gun is plugged on top of the gun post to complete the lower part of the attacking.  The moveable blaster on the top has the capability to fire out missile.  And last but not least, Ratchet can be placed on top of battled station as the robot who is doing the firing.


R-6 Cartoon Look Alike:

ratchetrob4.jpg (61086 bytes)What is new in the Encore version unlike the original or the first reissue is that come with additional perforated cardboard paper image of Ratchet (left image).  This image is actually part of the box flap but perforated so you can take the image out very easily.  In other words, for those that want to keep it as mint in box, you would have to ruin your inner box flap in order to take this image out. The idea is to make it looks like the cartoon with the actual head above the torso and not looking from a window shield like the actual figure.  Once the image is taking out, it is then placed between the window shield and the exiting little face tab.  In a way, it looks a lot better than the one without it as seen in R-4.  Although the concept is great, the result is done very cheaply.  This would've probably works better if they did it in the actual 3D form as oppose to the cheap paper work.


R-7 Rémy's Ironhide action figure review:

Manufacturer - Takara/ Tomy.

Series or Wave or Line: Encore - Series 2.

Year Issue: [Dec. 2007] 

Made: [China]  

Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD]  - 8 10/16 X 4 9/16 (7 1/4 up to the flap) X 2 5/16 - Box.

Packaging Method: Mint In Seal Box.  Contents were packed with the following procedure:

Taped down with wire and sandwiched between two clear plastic trays are:  "1" van, "1" static laser gun for trailer, "3" missiles, and "1" red gun post (holder).

On the back of the card board and not inside the clear plastic tray, a taped down bag which contained:  "1" sticker sheet, "1" trading card, "1" instruction sheet, and "1" miscellaneous sheet.

Box Special Note: Front Box Appearance: Ironhide art.  Back Box Appearance: 1984 battle scene.  Also, the inner flap of the box contain a perforated image of Ironhide torso and face which can be placed onto the toy.

Box Point or Robot Point: [3]  - This number can be found on the left side flap of the box.  You have to open the box to see it.  It contains number and either Autobots or Decepticons insignia depending on which faction you are getting.

Approximately Dimension In Inches: Height Up To The Head 3 1/8 (4 with the perforated cardboard head)  Maximum Height: 3 8/16 (top of window shield)  Width from shoulder to shoulder: 2 10/16  Maximum Width: 2 10/16  Dept: 1 1/2.

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print: - ©(Japanese Text), ©TAKARA CO. LTD 1980-1982, CHINA.

Toy Stamp/ Fine Print Location: - Can be found at the under side of the van front portion.

Transformation Of Difficulty: [Easy]  

Material Durability: [-A] - The robot part is pretty durable but the battled trailer is a little bit fragile.

Toy Materials: Die Cast Metal:  Feet.  Chrome Part: The front of the waist, weapons, front and rear bumpers.  Rubber: Wheel.  Plastic: Main material.  Clear Plastic Window: Front and side of the van.

Stability: [A] - Robot mode can only stand on flat surface.  

Fun Toy: [A] - Definitely a fun toy due to battled trailer, firing weapon, and a robot mode.

Negative Drawback - Other than the design issue, this action figure doesn't have real negative draw back.

Articulations: Head: Cannot be rotated. Shoulder: Can be swung at a 360 degree forward and backward.  Also a 90 degree side way. Arm/ Elbow: Cannot be bent. Wrist/ Hand: Can be rotated 360 degree sideway.  Hands cannot be hidden. Hip/Waist: Cannot be rotated.  Leg: Cannot be bent. Knee: Cannot be bent.  Ankle/ Feet: No sideway movement.  Feet can bent 90 degree downward.

Rub Sign Logo: [Y] - At the front of the van.

Robot's Cartoon looks alike: [-C] - Without the perforated cardboard head image, he doesn't really look like the cartoon counter part.

Vehicle's Cartoon looks alike: [A] - Pretty much the same.

Special Notes:  Here are "3" special notes which I thought you should know:

1 - The battled station tread wheel is easily detachable so keep an eye on them.

2 - There is really no place to store either the red gun holder or the gun itself, so make sure you keep it in a safe place especially in vehicle mode.

3 - The perforated cardboard image is easily damaged so keep away from water and scissor. 

Overall Grade: [-B] - Although the design in robot is a let down, but the vehicle mode and the battled station pretty much make up for this lost.


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