U.S. Name: WRECK-GAR Jap. Name: SAME Cartoon First Appearance: T.F. The Movie - Aug. 8, 1986 Marvel Comic First Appearance: Unknown Dreamwave Comic First Appearance: Unknown Toy Catalog Number: C-81
A quick comment: Back to G-1: Review A-VIII Teletran-1 Wreck-Gar was kind of cool in the original Transformers The Movie. His character was different and he talked very funny. I guess, this is one of the reasons why I want him. Anyhow, I got both MISB Wreck-Gar and MISB Cyclonus on Aug. XX, Mmvii from Ebay which cost me ($CLXXX) $CCC including.
R-0 Original Wreck-Gar's motto and tech specifications: Affiliate: autobots | Subgroup: wreckers | Function: junkion leader | Alt. Mode: motocycle | | STR 8 | INTL 7 | SPD 6 | ENDN 10 | RNK 7 | CRG 9 | FRPW 7 | SKL 7 |
"Collect and save, collect and save."
Original G1 Wreck-Gar Bio: Wreck-Gar leads the Junkions, a race of junk robots. He's made of rusted scraps, chassis, bits, manifold parts, and dented odds and ends. A little scatterbrained, he speaks in odd rhyming, pieces-together sentences. His words are a junkyard collection of broadcast fragments from T.V. commercials and radio jingles. In robot mode, he carries an armor axe and a decelerator laser that inhibits an enemy robot's flow of cerebral impulses. |
These images were all photographed and scanned by me. If you're a Transformers fan, this will definitely bring back some reminiscences. NOTE: Images are clearer when viewed with Internet Explorer browser. - Click on the Thumbnails to view them at a Larger Scale - [Thumbnail Size = 100xHeight] R-1 Wreck-Gar in its Original condition:
R-2 Pre-Applied Decals/ Stickers: There is only one Pre-Applied sticker that had been applied onto Wreck-Gar. That one pre-applied sticker is the Autobot Rub Sign logo located the mid section of the motorcycle near the chrome part. Sticker Sheet:
R-3 Wreck-Gar in Vehicle Mode:
R-4 Wreck-Gar Robot Mode:
R-5 Acessories:
R-6 Articulation Show Off:
R-7 Wreck-Gar Variations: Here are some of the variations that you might want to know. These variations covered box, paint applications, or material: Var. 1 - "Regular Box" No extra ads as seen in R-1 from the above. Var. 2 - The second version had an extra advertisement. This advertisement has a diagonal yellow background color with texts which read "Free Inside! Transformers Glow In The Dark Poster" box (see M-1B for image sample) at the lower right hand corner. |
R-8 Rémy's Wreck-Gar's action figure review: Manufacturer - Hasbro/ Takara Line, Series/ Wave: Generation 1 Line, Series 3. Year Issue: [1986] Made: [Japan] Scale: [N/A] Box or Card Dimension In Inches: [LxWxD] - Approximately 10 X 6 (with flap 8 10/16) X 3 1/2 - Box. Packaging Method: Mint In Seal Box. Contents were packed with the following procedure: Sealed on a card within the box: "1" motorcycle. On the side of the card board, a taped down bag which contained: "1" gun, "1" ax, "1" instruction sheet, "1" sticker sheet, "1" red decoder sheet, "1" "Have The Decepticons Defeated Us Once And For All" catalog, and "1" 1986 toy catalog poster (Autobots side and Decepticons side). Box Special Note: Front Box Appearance: Wreck-Gar art. Back Box Appearance: 1986 battle scene with Wreck-Gar Tech & Spec beneath that. Box Point or Robot Point: [2] - This number can be found on the back of the box next to the Tech & Spec. Approximately Toy Dimension In Inches: - Height Up To The Head: 7 1/8 Maximum Height: 7 1/2 (up to missile launcher) Width from shoulder to shoulder: 2 1/2 Maximum Width: 3 1/4 (from fist to fist) Dept: 3 1/4. Toy Stamp/ Fine Print: - ©HASBRO 1986; ©TAKARA CO. LTD'; 1986 JAPAN. Toy Stamp/ Fine Print Location: - Can be found on the gray slab below the red torso slab. Transformation Of Difficulty: [Medium] - Can be tricky especially the rotating the rear wheel out and folding the chrome chest back and forth between mode. Material Durability: [B] - Average Toy Materials: Die Cast Metal: Torso (the red slab). Chrome Part: Chest. Rubber: Wheels. Plastic: Main material. Clear Plastic Window: Motorcycle window shield. Stability: [A] - Robot mode can stand on any flat surface...very stable. Fun Toy: [A] Negative Drawback - None. Articulations: Head: Cannot be rotated. Shoulder: Can be swung at a 360 degree as well as 80 degree outward. Arm/ Elbow: Can be bent at a 90 degree angle. Wrist/ Hand: Can be rotated 360 degree sideway. Hand cannot be hidden. Hip/ Waist: Cannot be rotated. Leg: Can only be bent at 80 degree forward. Knee: Can be bent in an awkward position of 90 degree sideway and a 90 degree upward. Otherwise, his knee cannot be bent in the normal way of 90 degree bent downward. Ankle/Feet: No sideway movement. Rub Sign Logo: [Yes] - The Autobot's rub sign located at the mid section of the right side of the motorcycle. Robot's Cartoon looks alike: [A-] He looks pretty much like the cartoon...just lack the long mustache. Vehicle's Cartoon looks alike: [A] Special Notes: Here are "3" special notes that I think you should know: 1 - Be aware of the location where you put the flame stickers since it's slightly interfered with the transformation and will damage the sticker. 2 - In robot mode, the front wheel can be stored onto the ax. 3 - Rotating the rear wheel from motorcycle to robot mode can be a little bit difficult so take your time when transform it. Overall Grade: [A-] - I thought Wreck-Gar is pretty darn cool toy for the G1 generation. The only things I don't like about Wreck-Gar is the design of the thigh, the stiff hip, and the transformation style of the rear wheel and the chrome chest. 3.5x5 1/16sticker sheet size Find an Error or want to Comment on this review page? EMAIL ME. |