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DAME LA PISTA (Spanish-American Child's Play) [2 episodes]
If you like kids, you'll love Dame La Pista...provided you can speak Spanish.
-September 15, 2008-PREMIERE!!! Nico vs. Lupita (721.1)
-September 17, 2008-Frankie vs. Jorge (GR28.2)

THE DATING GAME (ABC Daytime, 1965-1973) [15 episodes]
Funny questions and crazy bachelors make this a great watch!
-1966-Game 1: Barbara, with bachelors Howard, John, & Chris. Game 2: Sandy, with bachelors Joe, Shannon, & JOHN RITTER (352.5)
-1967-Game 1: Madonna, with bachelors Sammy Jackson, TOM SELLECK, Pete Hammer. Game 2: Patti, with bachelors Bill Dana, Dean LaGraw, & CASEY KASEM (JF127.3)
-Summer 1968-Game 1: Marsha, with bachelors Steve Martin, Jerry, & George. Game 2: Valerie, with bachelors Gary, Paris, & Tony (JL7.2)
-1968-Game 1: Carol, with bachelors Darryl, William, & George. Game 2: Muriel, with Walter, Barry, & Tom. Original commercials (JL11.4)
-1970-Game 1: Karen Carpenter, with Paul, James, & Mel. Game 2: Linda, with Mike, Terry, & Richard Carpenter (JL9.1)
-1971-Game 1: Cindy, with bachelors Steve, Scott, & Jim. Game 2: Vicki Lawrence, with Tony, Larry, & Richard. Fuzzy video (JL11.5)
-1971-Game 1: Yolanda, with bachelors Charles, Lockhart, & Robert. Game 2: Ron Howard, with bachelorettes Debbie, Nola, & Cindy. GSN credit crunch (787.5)
-April 1971-Game 1: Robin, with bachelors Tom, Stan, & Richard. Game 2: Maureen McCormick, with bachelors Everett, Rick, & William (GG21.2)
-October 31, 1971-Game 1: Leif Garrett, with Linda, Michelle, & Dana. Game 2: Vincent Price picking for Janit Baldwin, with Clint, Curt, & Rodney (JL9.5)
-1972-Game 1: Bonnie, with bachelors John, Harvey, & Ron. Game 2: Shari Lewis & Lamb Chop, with bachelors Robbie, David, & Danny. No credits (JL10.2)
-1972-Game 1: Linda, with bachelors Chris, Greg, & Albie. Game 2: Barry Williams, with bachelorettes Patrice, Monica, & Wendy (GG21.3)
-1972-Game 1: Vicki, with bachelors Jeff, Brad, & Dick. Game 2: MICHAEL JACKSON, with bachelorettes LaTanya, Venus, & Demitra. GSN credit crunch (787.3)
-March 31, 1972-Game 1: Pam, with bachelors Mike, Ron, & Bruce. Game 2: Gary Grimes, with bachelorettes Cindy, Laurie, & Wendy. Very small parts of the original commercials can be seen! Slight warble in audio (JL9.4)
-March 29, 1973-Game 1: Louisa Moritz, with bachelors James, Michael, & George. Game 2: Rip Taylor, with bachelorettes Elaine, Tina, & Jaye (JL9.3)
-April 16, 1973-Game 1: Michelle, with bachelors Earl, Bill, & James. Game 2: Maureen McCormick, with bachelors Steve, Chuck, & John (GG21.1)

THE DATING GAME (ABC Nighttime, 1966-1970) [2 episodes]
-October 13, 1966-Game 1: Kris, with Bobby Rydell, Greg Montgomery, & Paul Peterson. Game 2: Marcia, with bachelors Vince Carroll, Lee Majors, & Steve Harmon (JL10.3)
-1967-Game 1: Nancy, with bachelors Greg, Jim, & Brian. Game 2: Susan, with bachelors Chuck, BURT REYNOLDS, & John (JF127.4)

THE DATING GAME (Synd., 1973-1974) [2 episodes]
Virtually the same as the ABC run.
-1973-Two celebrity dates! Game 1: Suzanne Somers, with bachelors Chuck, B.G., & Paul. game 2: Ken Norton, with bachelorettes Charlene, Cynthia, & Jan Jan. GSN credit crunch (787.4)
-1973-Game 1: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, with bachelorettes Elaina, Kay, Melody. Game 2: edited out by GSN (does have the credits, though) (354.10)

THE DATING GAME (Synd., 1978-1980) [5 episodes]
Yup, still the same…we haven’t even bothered to change the set!
-November 21, 1978-Game 1: Patrice, with bachelors John, George, & ANDY KAUFMAN! Game 2: Candace, with bachelors Jeff, John, & Lee (DT.6)
-1979-Game 1: Kerry, with bachelors Bill, PEE WEE HERMAN, & Bill. Game 2: Leigh, with bachelors Tommy, Michael, & Rick (JS5.18)
-1979-Game 1: Mandy, with bachelors Darren, Jeff, & Rick. Game 2: Gina, with bachelors Jim, Larry, & PHIL HARTMAN! (JS5.19)
-1979-Game 1: Janie, with bachelors Juan, Mark, & Bernie. Game 2: Jimmie Walker, with bachelorettes Melvina, Linda, & Alice (JL7.3)
-1980-Finale. Game 1: Deborah, with bachelors Mike, Mike, & Andy. Game 2: Jaye P. Morgan, with bachelors Biff, Larry, & Sam. Chuck Barris makes a cameo as a janitor! Features Lovers Lounge segments! (JL10.1)

THE DATING GAME (Synd., 1986-1989) [11 episodes]
Very good revival! The neon set is especially worth seeing.
Elaine Joyce
-September 15, 1986-PREMIERE!!! Game 1: Chris, with bachelorettes Dawn, Andrea, & Hillary. Game 2: Sherry, with bachelors Scott, Darren, & Brian. Original commercials (BS37.6)
-1986-Game 1: Vanessa, with bachelors Raymond, Rollie, (twins!) & Hardy Keith. Game 2: Lori, with bachelors Sean, Todd, & Mark. Hardy Keith was on Match Game in 1998. Original commercials (BS37.7)
-1986-Game 1: Verda, with bachelors Byron, Harvey, & Garrett. Game 2: Donna, with bachelors CUBA GOODING JR., Tony, & Michel (DT.7)
-December 1986-Game 1: Lauren, with bachelors Todd, Mike, & Mike. Game 2: Laurie, with bachelors Kelly, John, & Hunter. Original commercials (RS97.3)
-1987-Alumni Day! Game 1: Teresa, with bachelors Alan, Alan, & Scott. Game 2: Andrea, with bachelors Brett, CUBA GOODING JR., & Brian. Original commercials (RS97.4)
-1987-Game 1: Constance, with bachelors Jamie, Shalom, & Robert. Game 2: Retha, with bachelors Lawrence, Andre, & P.J. (RS94.3)
Jeff MacGregor
-Nov. or Dec. 1987-Game 1: Nancy, with bachelors Thomas, Harmone, & Don. Game 2: Lisa, with bachelors Lon, Mark, & Greg. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (RS16.4)
-December 8, 1987-Only Game: Donna, with bachelors Doug, Jeff, & Kirk. Recap of a date between Lisa & Sean. Some original commercials (RS87.2)
-1988-Game 1: Marcy, with bachelors Matt, Mark, & Steve. Game 2: Ray, with bachelorettes Dawn, Shelly, & Debra (RS16.5)
-1988?-Partial episode; second game only. Charlie O’Donnell, with bachelorettes Marilyn, Helen, & Helena (BS37.8)
-Sep. or Oct. 1988-Game 1: Joe, with bachelorettes Holly, Susie, & Lisa. Game 2: Lisa, with bachelors Brad, Steven, & Nick. Some original commercials, contestant plug, and audience plug! (RS16.6)

THE DATING GAME (Synd., 1996-1997) [13 episodes]
A radical departure from the format. Still a good show, though.
-September 2, 1996-Premiere? Nicole, with bachelors Eric, Jay, & Adam. Game 2: Eric, with bachelorettes Maite, Lisa, & Carey. Original commercials, no open (FD13.1)
-September 20, 1996-Game 1: Angela, with bachelors Jay, Melvin, & Tony. Game 2: Rubin, with bachelorettes Michelle, Claudia, & Jennifer. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (JB8.3)
-Sep. or Oct. 1996-Game 1: Chuck, with bachelorettes Myriam, Marianne, & Victoria. Game 2: Molly, with bachelors Kevin, Chris, & Joe. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (FD9.3)
-October 1996-Game 1: Elizabeth, with bachelors Mark, Ronchea, & Anthony. Game 2: Rick, with bachelorettes Angela, Danielle, & Liesl. Original commercials (FD11.1)
-October 1996-Game 1: Brooke, with bachelors Julius, T.J., & Anthony. Game 2: Steve, with bachelorettes Terry Marie, Susan, & Sara. Original commercials (FD11.3)
-November 5, 1996-Game 1: Lakisha, with bachelors Danyial, Creighton, & Cherif. Game 2: Mark, with bachelorettes Shano, Denise, & Nancy. Original commercials (FD11.2)
-November 1996-Game 1: Eric Nies, host of MTV's The Grind, with bachelorettes Lauren, Katie, & Jen. Game 2: Laea, with bachelors Chris, Derek, & Shakespeare (FD12.2)
-November 1996-"Original Dating Game Salute" episode, with no Looks Round! Game 1: Melissa, with bachelors Shem, Pier, & Arthur. Game 2: Michael, with bachelorettes Ingrid, Mariessa, & Alontrill (JF121.3)
-November 1996-Game 1: Jessica, with bachelors Bob, Jason, & Jon (all from Chicago!) Game 2: Justin, with bachelorettes Liza, Brenda, & Tracy (JF138.5)
-November 19, 1996-Game 1: Anita, with bachelors Brandon, Gregory, & Trevor. Game 2: Cheryl, with bachelors Bob, Allen, & Geoff. One bachelor was on The Dating Game in the 1970s! (FD12.4)
-November 25, 1996-Special Soap Opera episode! Game 1: Tyler Baker, General Hospital star, with bachelorettes Nicki, Meline, & Maggi. Game 2: Alison Sweeney, Days of our Lives star, with bachelors Rob, Ryan, & Lee (FD12.3)
-December 1996-Game 1: Mark Stevens, Cosmo calendar model, with bachelorettes Krista, Lori, & Kristen. Game 2: LaWanda, with bachelors Markus, Phillip, & Percy. including one for the PREMIERE of King of the Hill! (FD12.1)
-December 1996-Game 1: Amy, with bachelors Johnathon, Christopher, & Troy. Game 2: Bert, with bachelorettes Mimi, Erika, & Marche. Original commercials (FD11.4)
-February 12, 1997 (Taped 1/16/97)-Game 1: Monica, with bachelors Eamon, Oren, & Abe (GREAT contestant!). Game 2: Calvin, with bachelors Lisa, Amanda, & Lu. Studio master with slate and some commercials! (JF121.4)

THE DATING GAME (Synd., 1997-1999?) [1 episode]
Back to basics, and Chuck Woolery's come along for the ride!
-1998-Game 1: Nico, with bachelorettes Shannon, Elena, & Rita. Game 2: Stephanie, with bachelors Sam, Aaron, & Trevor (PD6.6)

D.B.'S DELIGHT (Local MO game show) [2 episodes]
-December 13, 1981-Reunion show; contestants from season 1 return! Game 1: Kristi vs. Pam. Game 2: Darren vs. Jeff (CO53.2)
-October 23, 1984-Game 1: Gretchen vs. Salim. Game 2: Kris vs. Dennis (CO55.1)

DEALER'S CHOICE [3 episodes]
From Las Vegas comes this awesome casino show!
Bob Hastings
-Jan or Feb. 1974 (Taped 1973)-Liz vs. Dick vs. Linda. Begins near the end of the second game (RI12.5)
Jack Clark
-1974-Ep. 301: Marilyn vs. Kate vs. Carolyn. Studio master with slate! (NP59.1)
-1974-Janet vs. Mel vs. Terry (RS16.7)

DEAL OR NO DEAL (NBC, 2005-2009) [91 episodes]
Sadly, this formerly-great version became waaaaaay too gimmicky by the end.
NOTE: Unless noted otherwise, all episodes are original broadcasts with commercials.
Week-Long Special
-December 19, 2005-PREMIERE!!! Begins with Karen Van at 26 cases. Karen & her husband were on Pat Finn's last Shop Til You Drop ep. in 2001 (404.1)
-December 20, 2005-Begins with Jason Vittorini at 20 cases (404.2)
-December 21, 2005-Begins with Amy Dittbrenner at 7 cases. Amy was also on Shop Til You Drop in 2000 (536.1)
-December 22, 2005-Begins with Traci Wilkerson at 26 cases. GSN credit crunch (971.4)
First Season
-February 27, 2006-First episode after two months! Begins with Peter Montesante at 26 cases (401.9)
-February 28, 2006-Begins with Cheryl Jackson at 14 cases. A “massive” amount is won! (467.6)
-March 1, 2006-Begins with Mark Adrian at 10 cases (446.8)
-March 2, 2006-Begins with Sherman Mitchell at 20 cases. A contestant breaks the phone! (496.7)
-March 3, 2006-Begins with Becky Venable at 7 cases (420.2)
-March 6, 2006-Begins with Patrick Maritato at 26 cases (414.4)
-March 10, 2006-Begins with Kim Woods at 7 cases (554.5)
-March 23, 2006-Begins with Janie Calaso at 26 cases (452.7)
-March 27, 2006-Begins with Stephanie Lynch at 26 cases (519.3)
-March 29, 2006-Begins with Daniel Miller at 7 cases (832.1)
-March 31, 2006-Begins with Michael Wallace at 26 cases (425.5)
-April 3, 2006-Special 2-hour episode! Begins with Sheetal Shetty at 26 cases. Has Behind-The-Scenes segments! (484.3)
-April 10, 2006-Begins with Tia Robertson at 8 cases (426.2)
-April 12, 2006-Begins with Bryan Kennedy at 26 cases. Miss USA candidates model the cases, and Bryan proposes to his girlfriend! GSN has NEVER rerun this episode (840.9)
-April 17, 2006-Begins with Erin Birch at 26 cases (536.7)
-April 24, 2006-Begins with Thorpe Schoenle at 4 cases (837.1)
-April 26, 2006-Begins with LaKissa Bright at 20 cases (497.6)
-April 28, 2006-Begins with Allison Thaddeus at 14 cases. Allison has an interesting way of picking numbers (479.3)
-May 1, 2006-Begins with Josie Butkovic at 10 cases (786.7)
-May 3, 2006-Begins with Randy Smith at 5 cases (889.6)
-May 10, 2006-Begins with Shirley Lipner at 26 cases (439.9)
-May 17, 2006-Begins with Jim Monees at 7 cases (431.9)
-May 29, 2006-Begins with Cindy McQuay at 7 cases (438.4)
-June 5, 2006-2 hour First Season Finale! Begins with Casey Bell at 26 cases. Top prize upped to $5 million, and a special appearance by Celine Dion! GSN has NEVER rerun this episode (640.1)
Second Season
-September 18, 2006-The 2-hour long 2nd Season Premiere! Begins with Robin Mullen at 26 cases (500.1)
-September 19, 2006-Begins with Kimberly Chastain at 26 cases (500.2)
-September 21, 2006-Begins with Jeff Waretod at 19 cases (500.3)
-September 22, 2006-Begins with Michelle Spalco at 5 cases (500.6)
-September 25, 2006-Begins with Lary Meyer at 7 cases (525.3)
-September 29, 2006-Begins with Malayaka Merrick at 14 cases. Malayaka’s boyfriend has a deal of his own! (556.7)
-October 5, 2006-Begins with LaTasha Odom at 10 cases (538.1)
-October 6, 2006-Begins with Elna Himmler at 26 cases (538.8)
-October 9, 2006-Begins with Adalis Marreo at 10 cases (666.5)
-October 12, 2006-Begins with Mark Williams at 8 cases (525.8)
-October 19, 2006-Begins with Nakemisa Saltsberry (???) at 10 cases (518.6)
-October 23, 2006-Begins with Kathy Delafonte at 26 cases. Open cut (starts with models walking down) (504.7)
-October 30, 2006-Begins with Tracee Jones (1116.9)
-November 2, 2006-Begins with Anita English at 26 cases (1164.5)
-November 9, 2006-Begins with Miles MacIntosh at 14 cases (520.8)
-November 20, 2006-Begins with Dani Hentzler at 14 cases. Everything is lime green in game 1! (548.10)
-November 23, 2006-Thanksgiving episode! Begins with Joe Kaiser at 26 cases. GSN has NEVER rerun this episode! No commercials (NC8.1)
-December 18, 2006-Begins with Karen Kolshar at 10 cases (579.7)
-January 21, 2007-Begins with Angela Teta at 26 cases (868.8)
-January 24, 2007-Begins with Jackie Monroe at 26 cases. GSN has NEVER aired this episode! (CO20.1)
-February 14, 2007-Info TBA (546.10)
-February 19, 2007-Begins with Pyong Kong at 26 cases. GSN has NEVER aired this episode! (CO20.2)
-February 21, 2007-Begins with Demitra Aposalopolous (?) at 26 cases (709.3)
-March 11, 2007-Begins with Uzma Lone at 26 cases (556.10)
-March 12, 2007-Special 2-hour episode! Begins with Gen. Hugh Niesler at 14 cases (560.1)
-March 26, 2007-Begins with Stan Salva at 26 cases (868.9)
-April 2, 2007 (a)-Begins with Heidi Kurtz at 10 cases (983.7)
-April 16, 2007-Begins with Debbie Montgomery at 10 cases (567.5)
-April 23, 2007-Begins with Dawn Runyan at 26 cases. GSN credit crunch (883.5)
-May 7, 2007-100th episode! Begins with Brooks Leach at 26 cases. GSN has NEVER aired this episode! (CO45.1)
-May 21, 2007-Begins with Subway Hero Wesley Autrey at 26 cases. Missing first minute (645.6)
-June 18, 2007-Season 2 finale. Begins with Laurel Martin at 26 cases. GSN has NEVER rerun this episode! (913.9)
Third Season
-September 17, 2007-3rd Season Premiere! Begins with Donna Diviazi at 26 cases. GSN has NEVER rerun this episode! (651.3)
-September 19, 2007-Special NFL episode! Begins with George Barnes at 26 cases. Two copies: Original commercials (781.3) or 1/30/08 repeat with commercials, including some for American Gladiators! (1061.3)
-October 26, 2007-Begins with Neal Washington at 26 cases. GSN credit crunch (854.9)
-November 2, 2007-Begins with Michael Abruzay at 15 cases (637.5)
-November 9, 2007-Green Week episode, featuring a guest appearance by Kermit the Frog! GSN credit crunch (154.4)
-December 25, 2007-Two-hour Christmas special! Begins with Harriet Cohen at 26 cases. This episode has NEVER aired on GSN! (CD31.1)
-January 6, 2008-2-hour special: 70's & 80's Night! (Finally, a gimmick I like!) Begins with Nick Abdullah at 26 cases. Highly recommended! (JP30.5)
-January 7, 2008-Begins with Guy Gudieau at 26 cases (1087.9)
-January 23, 2008-Begins with Brittany Xavier at 14 cases. A commercial slate is accidentally shown! (644.9)
-February 25, 2008-Begins with Nate & Sarah Harrison at 26 cases (1068.1)
-February 27, 2008-Begins with Larren Colum at Banker's Offer. Guest stars Cedric the Entertainer! (1012.11)
-March 5, 2008-Begins with Keshia Morez at 10 cases. Includes Amne$ia and My Dad promos! (699.9)
-March 17, 2008-Begins with Steve Vincentini at 26 cases (629.9)
-March 24, 2008-Begins with Marybeth at 26 cases (720.11)
-March 31, 2008-Begins at Todd Rank at 26 cases (1055.11)
-April 7, 2008-Begins with Uchela Ameleha at 10 cases (1052.10)
-April 9, 2008-Begins with Josh Acuna at 26 cases (1134.1)
-April 16, 2008-Spring Break episode! Begins with 4 Sigma Chi fratboys at 26 cases (909.3)
-April 21, 2008-2 hour episode! Begins with Joe Gomez at 26 cases. Includes a special appearance by George W. Bush! (1162.7)
-May 5, 2008-Two-hour Around the World episode, from the Phillipines! Begins with Mike Levy at 26 cases (1042.7)
-May 14, 2008-2-hour episode, filmed in South Africa! Begins with Rosalyn Sims at 26 cases. Features the South African host and models! (GR21)
-May 22, 2008-90 minute episode! Begins with Susan Cukjati at 26 cases. This episode has NEVER rerun on GSN! (1160.10)
-June 11, 2008-90-minute Multi-Million Dollar Madness episode. Begins with Adam Hansen at 26 cases (991.1)
-June 17, 2008-Multi-Million Dollar Madness. Begins with Chris True at 26 cases (675.5)
-June 25, 2008-Third Season Finale, part of Multi-Million Dollar Madness. Begins with Brandy Brown at 26 cases (692.14)
Fourth Season
-August 25, 2008-4th Season Premiere! Begins with Kashika Blackburn at 26 cases (1066.3)
-September 1, 2008-Begins with Jessica Robinson at 26 cases. Jessica becomes DOND's first millionaire! (NP3.3)
-September 8, 2008-Begins with Gary Cogi at 26 cases (1075.7)
-September 15, 2008-Begins with Chris Williams at 26 cases. GSN credit crunch
-October 10, 2008-Begins with Layna Dugan at 26 cases. GSN credit crunch
-November 3, 2008-200th Episode!!! Begins with Frank Ross at 26 cases (1076.8)

DEAL OR NO DEAL (Synd., 2008-2010) [91 episodes]
I much prefer this version; no stupid gimmicks, just pure game.
-September 12, 2008-Today’s Dealer: Robert Taylor (885.3)
-September 12, 2008 (dr)-Today’s Dealer: Rosie Tate (885.4)
-September 15, 2008-Today’s Dealer: Maurice Jones (1045.10)
-September 15, 2008 (dr)-Today’s Dealer: Christine Morrell (1045.11)
-September 24, 2008-Baby On Board Week! Today's Dealer: Brandi Younger (683.4)
-September 24, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Paul Ramey Sr. (683.5)
-September 29, 2008-Small Business Owners Week! Today's Dealer: Monnae Michaell. GSN credit crunch (HA78.1)
-September 29, 2008 (dr)-Today's Contestant: Rhoadell Sutton. Repeat from 9/7/09 with commercials (777.7)
-September 30, 2008-Small Business Owners Week! Today's Dealer: Angela Whitney. GSN credit crunch (HA78.2)
-September 30, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Kristen Mortensen. Repeat from 9/8/09 with commercials (776.5)
-October 1, 2008-Small Business Owners Week! Today's Dealer: Nicole Ericson. GSN credit crunch (HA78.3)
-October 1, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Gloria Butler. Repeat from 9/9/09 with commercials (776.7)
-October 2, 2008-Small Business Owners Week! Today's Dealer: Asheesh Danee. GSN credit crunch (HA78.4)
-October 2, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Vanessa Cease. Repeat from 5/28/09 with commercials (820.10)
-October 3, 2008-Small Business Owners Week! Today's Dealer: Carl Thomas. GSN credit crunch (HA78.5)
-October 3, 2008 (dr)-Today’s Dealer: Theo Cooper. Theo was on Press Your Luck in 1985 AND 2020! (920.8)
-October 8, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Jenny Sissem (857.6)
-October 9, 2008-Day 4 of Evian Week! Today's Dealer: Roy Redalton. Repeat from 9/17/09 with commercials (793.4)
-October 10, 2008-Last day of Evian week! Today's Dealer: Traci York (675.10)
-October 10, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Cheryl Brennes (675.11)
-October 13, 2008-Today's dealer: Angela Allen (672.5)
-October 13, 2008 (dr)-Newlywed Week! Today's dealers: George & Linda Robertson (672.6)
-October 14, 2008-Today's dealer: Lisa Broderick (677.3)
-October 14, 2008 (dr)-Newlywed Week! Today's dealers: Sana & Tom Ortega (677.4)
-October 15, 2008-Today’s Dealer: Geri Mantuca (896.11)
-October 16, 2008-Today's Dealer: Tobi Simmons (820.9)
-October 17, 2008 (dr)-Newlywed Week! Josh & Sundral Sizemore. GSN credit crunch
-October 24, 2008-First taped week with a slightly different format! Today's Dealer: Carolyn Doyle (671.3)
-October 24, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Eva Brownsteen (671.4)
-November 3, 2008-Today's Dealer: Bernadette Gaterras (806.5)
-November 4, 2008-Today’s Dealer: Tim Burnett (907.3)
-November 5, 2008-Today's Dealer: Sabrina Baxter. Highly recommended! (752.5) (1107.3)
-November 5, 2008 (dr)-Twins Week! Today's Dealers: Amanda & Lauren Foster (1107.4)
-November 6, 2008-Today's Dealer: Alexandra Pomponio (752.11)
-November 12, 2008-Today's Dealer: Michelle Egan (1057.5)
-November 12, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Gia Nilsson (1057.6)
-November 13, 2008-Today's Dealer: Ryan Alexie (1058.8)
-November 13, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Rocco DeNobili (1058.9)
-November 20, 2008-Military Week! Today's Dealer: Michelle Martinez (718.1)
-November 20, 2008 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Ray Martinez (718.2)
-November 21, 2008-Military Week! Today’s Dealer: John Loukota (936.1)
-November 21, 2008 (dr)-Today’s Dealer: Bessie Tarver (936.2)
-November 26, 2008-Holiday Wish Week! Today's Dealer: Alexis Mussina (GR35.3)
(The double run episodes from Sep. 8-Oct. 17, 2008 aired in single run markets from Dec. 1, 2008-Jan. 9, 2009)
-January 14, 2009-Splenda Week! Today's Dealer: Theresa Schaffer (857.5)
(The double run episodes from Oct. 20-Nov. 21, 2008 aired in single run markets from Jan. 19-Feb. 20, 2009)
-March 6, 2009-From Lucky Listerine Week! Today’s Dealer: Stacy Bolton. This episode has NEVER aired on GSN! 4/24/09 repeat with commercials (1103.10)
-March 6, 2009 (dr)-Today’s Dealer: Jemie Sekou. 4/24/09 repeat with commercials (1103.9)
-March 20, 2009-Today's Dealer: Julie Kaufman. 5/8/09 repeat (745.10) -March 20, 2009 (dr)-Today's Dealer: Glenn Panis. 5/8/09 repeat (745.9)
-March 24, 2009-Teacher's Week! Today's Contestant: Kristy Brown. 5/12/09 repeat (771.10)
-March 24, 2009 (dr)-College Week! Today's Dealer: Andy Sinita. 5/12/09 repeat (771.9)
-March 26, 2009-Teacher’s Week! Today’s Dealer: Jennifer Diehl. 5/14/09 repeat (919.10)
-March 26, 2009 (dr)-Today’s Dealer: Marcus Shamberger. 5/14/09 repeat (919.9)
-March 30, 2009-Visine-A Week! Today's Dealer: Beverly Tipton (806.6)
-March 31, 2009-Today’s Dealer: Chad Brugne (907.4)
-April 1, 2009-Today's Dealer: Manjit Bach (752.6)
-April 2, 2009-Today's Dealer: Ken Kodak (752.12)
(The double run episodes from Mar. 2-27, 2009 aired in single run markets from Apr. 20-May 15, 2009)
-July 15, 2009-Lottery Week! Today’s Dealer: Rita Stroll. This episode has NEVER reran anywhere! (CO21.1)
-September 7, 2009-2nd Season Premiere! Today's Dealer: Kristen Gramazio (777.2)
-September 9, 2009-Today's Dealer: Luteechia Montague (809.4)
-September 18, 2009-Today's Dealer: Shawna Johnson-Parks (789.2)
-September 21, 2009-Today's Dealer: Kevin McAleese (794.2)
-September 23, 2009-Today’s Dealer: Geri Singer (996.2)
-September 28, 2009-Teachers Week! Today's Dealer: Lisa Ambrosino (800.2)
-September 29, 2009-Teacher's Week! Today's Dealer: Coach Chris Fuerte. Chris was previously on the 3/23-27/09 week, but was not selected (Sep29.4)
-October 6, 2009-Today's Dealer: Lenny Carone (808.2)
-October 9, 2009-Today's Dealer: Kalley Chen (1033.2)
-October 16, 2009-Today’s Dealer: Victoria Ramos (969.2)
-October 23, 2009-Halloween Week! Today’s Dealer: Ann Langford (923.2)
-October 26, 2009-Today's Dealer: Jerry Seavey (821.4)
-October 27, 2009-Today’s Dealer: Ashanta Jones (887.4)
-October 29, 2009-Today’s Dealer: Meg Donovan (886.4)
-November 6, 2009-X-Ray Week, where three cases are revealed to the home audience before the game starts (also known as "Kill All The Suspense Week"). Today's Dealer: Lambers Fisher Jr. (849.2)
-November 9, 2009-Family Reunion Week! Today’s Contestant: Deborah Fraser (932.2)
-November 16, 2009-Audience Participation Week! Today's Dealer: Ginny Salo. GSN credit crunch (HA79.1)
-November 17, 2009-Audience Participation Week! Today's Dealer: Kelly Harvey. GSN credit crunch (HA79.2)
-November 18, 2009-Audience Participation Week! Today's Dealer: Tara Mazzarella. GSN credit crunch (HA79.3)
-November 19, 2009-Audience Participation Week! Today's Dealer: Erin Levy. GSN credit crunch (HA79.4)
-November 20, 2009-Audience Participation Week! Today's Dealer: Deon Roebuck (GREAT contestant!). Original commercials (872.3) or GSN credit crunch (HA79.5)
-December 2, 2009-Today's Dealer: Sheila Tower (903.2)
-December 4, 2009-Today's Dealer: Susanna Maldonado. The ONLY playing of the Banker's Bonus game! GSN credit crunch (CO4.1)
-January 13, 2010-Today's Dealer: Sharla Fultz. 3/24/10 repeat (1013.2)
-January 20, 2010-Today's Dealer: Karen McManus. 3/31/10 repeat (863.2)
-January 21, 2010-Today's Dealer: Karen Poyetti. 4/1/10 repeat (863.9)
-January 22, 2010-Today’s Dealer: Ariel Harat (898.2)
-January 25, 2010-Today’s Dealer: Kristin Hilliard. 4/5/10 repeat (884.2)
-February 8, 2010-Today's Dealer: Ayana Adams (1077.2)
-April 26, 2010-Today’s Dealer: Ignacio Villejo (882.2)
-April 28, 2010-Today’s Dealer: Amy Naperowski (917.5)
-April 30, 2010-Today’s Dealer: Howard McGill (882.8)
-May 3, 2010-Police Week! Today’s Dealer: Jerry Desmond (906.2)
-May 5, 2010-Police Week! Today’s Dealer: Todd Olson (985.2)

DEAL WITH IT [1 episode]
-July 31, 2013-Game 1: Travis, with Bobby Lee. Game 2: Sylvia, with Alex Mandel

DEBT [33 episodes]
Winning the game means the show pays off your bills. Great show!
Format 1
-1996-Leslie vs. Renee vs. Courtney. Uses original logo. Original commercials (SI9.2)
-1996-Maggie vs. Bruce vs. Carol. Uses original logo. Original commercials (SI9.3)
-1996-Scott vs. Jessica vs. Gregory. Uses original logo. Original commercials (SI9.4)
-1996-Leslie vs. Sam vs. Rupa. Uses original logo. Contestant plug! (RS.6)
-1996-Jenna vs. Christopher vs. Diane. Uses original logo. Original commercials (BS33.7)
-1996-Gerald vs. Raquel vs. Scott (BS33.8)
-1996-Kelli vs. Jason vs. Janine. Original commercials (BS33.9)
-1996-Sheryl vs. Karen vs. Yvette. Original commercials, no intro (BS33.6)
-1996-Sue vs. Gary vs. Heather. Gary was also on Rock & Roll J! and Wheel. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (JB4.1)
-September 9, 1996-Abbie vs. Scott vs. Cerene (BS2.12)
-September 23, 1996-Deanna vs. ROBERT WARGO vs. Renee. No open, original commercials (RW2.4)
-October 1996-Jack vs. Valerie vs. Dana (JP13.10)
-January 1997-David vs. Rochelle vs. FRANK NICOTERO. Some original commercials (MG5.5)
-January 31, 1997-Tannis vs. Tom vs. Leigh (NC33.1)
-1997?-Kelli vs. Jason vs. Janine. Original commercials (GG48.3)
-1997-Chloe vs. Craig vs. Gina. Some original commercials (GG48.4)
-1997-Karen vs. John vs. Jaqui. Ends during credits (GG49.1)
-March 1997-College Week! Christopher vs. Marchand vs. Nick. Original commercials and a contestant plug!(DB5.6)
-March 1997-College Week! David vs. Holly vs. Ted. Original commercials (DB5.7)
-March 1997-College Week! Marc vs. Shannon vs. David. Original commercials (DB5.8)
-May 29, 1997-2nd-to-last episode of season 1. Ryan vs. Julie vs. Scott. The Toupee episode! Some original commercials (TM2.2)
Format 2
-June 5, 1997-Chris vs. Stephanie vs. Bob. Most original commercials, begins right after opening tossup (JL11.1)
-June 6, 1997-Fifth episode of season 2! Sheila vs. Jim vs. Leisa. Taped early in the season. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (TM.9)
-June 9, 1997-Geoff vs. Dena vs. Paul. Taped REALLY early in the season, with slightly different graphics. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (TM.10)
-1997-Tresa vs. Jeff vs. Julia (GG52.4)
-1997-Ryan vs. Lynda vs. Robert. Wink makes a TTD reference! Contestant plug! (DB4.6)
-December 1, 1997-From Celebrity Week! Jimmie Walker vs. Erin Moran vs. Micky Dolenz (NC33.2)
-1997-Celebrity episode! Gary Coleman vs. Todd Bridges vs. Susan Olsen. Original commercials (BS34.1)
-1998-Wedding Week episode 1! Jason vs. Loren vs. David (GG48.1)
-1998-Wedding Week episode 2! Mary vs. Joe vs. Dally (BS34.2)
-1998-Wedding Week episode 3! Sandy vs. Bret vs. Rose (BS34.3)
-1998-Wedding Week episode 4! Nicole vs. Edward vs. Tanya (BS34.4)
-1998-Wedding Week episode 5! Lydia vs. Christopher vs. Laura (BS34.5)
-1998-Second Chance Week! Hal vs. Sidney vs. Chip. Original commercials (GG48.2)

DECADES [1 episode]
-January 1, 1996-Live pilot, aired on the Wheel of Fortune set! Afton vs. Suzanne. No credits (CO34.2)

One of the few cool things to come from CN Real.
-June 20, 2009-PREMIERE!!! Math Club vs. Skaters (952.1)

A cool Hawaiian atmosphere and a high prize budget; I just wish it had a better game.
-January 6, 1975-PREMIERE!!! Games: Sandy vs. Robert, Jane vs. Joli, Penny vs. Al, Jemm vs. Jan (GG42.1)
-1975-Games: Sandy vs. Dorothy, Kay vs. Cheryl, Joe vs. Sarah Jane, Pat vs. Cynthia (GG42.2)
-1975-Games: Mary vs. Bonnie, Jeonni vs. Terry, Charisse vs. Ed, Karen vs. Gregg (GG42.3)
-1975-Games: Mo vs. Ilene, Jerry vs. Patty, Don vs. Cindy, Rudy vs. Jean (GG42.4)
-1975-Games: Happy vs. Bea, Patty vs. Dick, Bill vs. Sid, Terri vs. Tom (GG42.5)
-1975-Games: Fred vs. Rick, Sandy vs. Ken, Valerie vs. David, Mike vs. Anne (GG43.1)
-1975-Games: Coleen vs. Cheryl, Banning vs. Lori, Bert vs. Janet, Stephen vs. Gail. Bob forgets what show he's hosting! (GG43.2)
-1975-Games: Jan vs. Wayne, Clarence vs. Linda, Bill vs. Barbara, Mike vs. Patti (GG43.3)
-1975-Games: Cindy vs. Karen, Jo vs. Rick, Paula vs. Steve, Brenda vs. Tony. GSN bug shows wrong tapedate (GG43.4)
-1975-Games: Brenda vs. Don, Sherry vs. Mike, Ninfa vs. Jim, Jim vs. Diane (GG43.5)
-1975-Games: Coralie vs. Doreen, Bill vs. Michelle, Suzanne vs. Jim, Chuck vs. Merle (GG44.1)
-1975-Games: Jerry vs. Cindi, Michelle vs. Ely, Frances vs. Laree, Dave vs. Susan (GG44.2)
-1975-Games: Dana vs. Chip, Diane vs. Adrene, Glenn vs. Sylvia, Bob vs. Meghan (GG44.3)
-1975-Games: Barbie vs. Carol, Bob vs. Johna, Denise vs. Robert, Jody vs. Mike. Part of open cut (GG44.4)
-1975-Games: Curt vs. Donni, Mike vs. Bill, Irene vs. Lori, Tom vs. Diane (GG44.5)
-1975-Games: Debby vs. Bill, June vs. David, Bev vs. James, James vs. Sandie (GG45.1)
-1975-Games: Tootie vs. Karen, Peggy vs. Thelma, Kathy vs. James, Diana vs. Aaron (GG45.2)
-1975-Games: Mona vs. Ricky, Michele vs. Ruth, Kristin vs. Altone, Bev vs. John (GG45.3)
-1975-Games: Brenda vs. Pam, Lynn vs. Dan, Chris vs. Hank, Joan vs. Joe (GG45.4)
-1975-Games: Noel vs. Don, Margie vs. Roger, Michele vs. Carmen, Ken vs. Ilona (GG45.5)
-1975-Games: Doris vs. Janis, Tom vs. Lynda, Barbara vs. Neil, Barbara vs. Ernie (GG46.1)
-1975-Games: Barbra vs. Margaret, Ted vs. Terry, Noelani vs. Rod, Ish vs. Kathy (GG46.2)

Do cheaters prosper? Request this 13-episode wonder to find out!
-January 6, 2003-PREMIERE!!! Kaya vs. Leslie vs. Bonnie vs. Daniel vs. Mann vs. Gabrielle. Kaya was also on Weakest Link, and Mann was on the DRC pilot & Engvall's Lingo. Small bit of last segment cut, but no gameplay is lost (AS3.10)
-January 13, 2003-Michele vs. Gerry vs. Barret vs. Jenice vs. Carol vs. William (SI.2)
-February 10, 2003-Elizabeth vs. Cookie vs. Xavier vs. Tyrone vs. April vs. Skippy (SD2.3)
-April 14, 2003-Unannounced finale. Ron vs. Toni Ann vs. Stacy vs. Jordan vs. Dennis vs. Carla. Dennis was also on the DRC pilot (AS4.3)

DISTRACTION [1 episode]
-February 1, 2005-Signe vs. Kenny vs. Karen vs. Matt (JF87.1)

DIVIDED [103 episodes]
First Season
-November 25, 2016-Sneak Preview! Today's Team: Lindsay, Saif, Sue, & Charlie. Saif was on Best Ever Trivia Show in 2019. 5/7/20 repeat
-January 19, 2017 (A)-PREMIERE!!! Today’s Team: Amber, Brandon, Brandy, & Joe (CD45.1)
-January 19, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Lucy, Erika, Belet, & Kevin. 3/14/20 repeat
-January 26, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Marc, Caroline, Eden, Emmanuel. 11/30/18 repeat
-January 26, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: Marvin, Jenna, Nikki, & Jared. 3/18/20 repeat
-February 2, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Kaitlin, Meggan, Grant, & Erin. 12/4/18 repeat
-February 2, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Tonye, Vijay, Christina, & Billy. 3/20/20 repeat
-February 9, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Annie, Cesar, Gaetano, & Jaimi (CD45.2)
-February 15, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: Alex, Sierra, Rick, & Tom. 10/16/19 repeat
-February 16, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Hank, Natasha, Sarah, & Justin. 12/12/18 repeat
-February 16, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Cerise, Sharna, Luke, & Korama. 12/13/18 repeat
-February 22, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Danielle, Angel, Hillary, & Sarah. 12/14/18 repeat
-February 22, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Kyle, Samantha, Brendan, & Dara. 12/15/18 repeat
-February 23, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Courtney, John, Derek, & Michelle. 4/2/20 repeat
-February 23, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: P’etra, John, Francis, & Ilona. 10/24/19 repeat
-March 1, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Gleb, Erika, Marcus, & Aneiszka. 7/26/18 repeat or 10/25/19 repeat
-March 1, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: Josh, Bianca, Roseny, & Christian. 4/7/20 repeat
-March 2, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Louisa, Ryan, Jennifer, & Kim. 7/28/18 repeat
-March 2, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Johnathan, Sommer, Melissa, & Raffaele. 7/31/18 repeat
-March 8, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Alfred, Anny, Shane, & Sherry. 8/1/18 repeat
-March 8, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Lauren, Twon, Anna, & Brittany. 8/2/18 repeat
-March 9, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Kristen, Dakota, Melanie, & Jack. 8/3/18 repeat
-March 9, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Cynthia, Jason, Kelsey, & Morgan. 8/4/18 repeat or 6/11/19 repeat
-March 15, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Matt, Jennifer, Akello, & Ndidi. 8/7/18 repeat
-March 15, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Patricia, Sophie, Tristan, & Nicole. 8/8/18 repeat or 6/13/19 repeat
-March 16, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Erin, Megan, Cliff, & Danny. 8/9/18 repeat
-March 16, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: Toni , Bryan, Julie, & Harrison. 8/10/18 repeat
-March 23, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Anastasia vs. Jessica vs. Gus vs. Natalie
-March 23, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Albert, Rachel, Mikaela, & William. 8/14/18 repeat
-March 30, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Catherine, Tycho, Virginia, & Adil. 8/15/18 repeat
-March 30, 2017 (B)-Special 3-player episode! Today's Team: Matt, Malerie, & Lashell. Matt was also on Show Me The Money in 2006. 8/16/18 repeat
-April 6, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Kristen, Daniel, Katie, & Chris. 8/17/18 repeat
-April 6, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: Jamie, Chiddy, Kyle, & Jeremy. 8/18/18 repeat
-April 13, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Ginny, Erik, Kristiana, & Alec. 6/26/19 repeat or 8/21/18 repeat
-April 13, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: Andrea, Danny, Stephanie, & Shelli. 8/22/18 repeat
-April 27, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Gabrielle, Freddie, Joyce, & Paul. 8/23/18 repeat
-April 27, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Lafonda, Brandt, Quinton, & Victoria. 11/26/19 repeat
-May 4, 2017-1st Season Finale. Today’s Team: Isaac, Mary, Diana, & Dan. 2/5/19 repeat
Second Season
-August 15, 2017 (A)-2nd Season Premiere! Today’s Team: Ido, Chester, Talitha, & Sydney. 2/6/19 repeat
-August 15, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Minolta, Jennifer, Diamond, & David. 2/7/19 repeat
-August 22, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Joel, Joyce, Gabrielle, & Dawnella. 11/30/19 repeat
-August 22, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Milah, Brendan, Jessica, & Evangelos. 5/15/18 repeat or 2/9/19 repeat
-August 31, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Travis, Penny, Salem, & Jessica. 5/16/18 repeat
-August 31, 2017 (B)-First taped season 2 episode! Today’s Team: Kristyn, Aaron, Charlene, & Terrence. 5/17/18 repeat, 2/13/19 repeat, or 12/5/19 repeat
-September 7, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Fran, Brian, Indigo, & Enrique. 5/18/18 repeat or 2/14/19 repeat
-September 7, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: Pamela, Victor, Felicia, & Alister. 5/19/18 repeat
-September 14, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Tequana, Ryan, Deborah, & Elbert. 5/22/18 repeat
-September 14, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: Lashawn, Megan, Renadda, & Dan. 5/23/18 repeat
-September 21, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Robby, Jacobi, Charmee, & Natalie. 5/24/18 repeat or 2/20/19 repeat
-September 21, 2017 (B)-Today's Team: Karen, Brian, Michelle, & Sydney. 5/25/18 repeat or 9/12/18 repeat
-September 28, 2017 (A)-Today's Team: Rocky, Asya, Chicelly, & Rashawn. 5/26/18 repeat
-September 28, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Erica, Margaret, Jansen, & Ryan. 5/29/18 repeat or 9/14/18 repeat
-October 5, 2017 (A)-Today’s Team: Tina, David, Sydney, & Manny. 5/30/18 repeat or 9/15/18 repeat
-October 5, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Coree, Ricky, Alex, & Atoki. 5/31/18 repeat
-October 12, 2017 (A)-Second Chance Show! Today’s Team: John, Billy, Nina, & Kevin. 6/1/18 repeat
-October 12, 2017 (B)-Today’s Team: Whitney, Rudy, Cody, & Milissa. 3/1/19 repeat
-October 18, 2017-Today’s Team: Molly, Papp, Yordanos, & Aaron. 6/5/18 repeat or 3/2/19 repeat
-October 19, 2017-Today’s Team: Mindy, Carl, Ashley, & Rob. 6/6/18 repeat or 1/8/20 repeat
-October 25, 2017-Today's Team: Ryan, Eric, Rosie, & Andrew. 3/6/19 repeat
-October 26, 2017-Today's Team: Grady, Jessica, Mary & Tenere. 3/7/19 repeat
-November 1, 2017-Today's Team: Drina, Jeremy, Shai'La, & Erich. 6/9/18 repeat or 1/11/20 repeat
-November 2, 2017-Today's Team: Ari, Blake, Carman, & Karen. 9/28/18 repeat
-November 8, 2017-Armed Forces Faceoff! Today's Team: Shirley, Michael, Tammy, & Lou Lou. 9/28/19 repeat
-November 9, 2017-Today’s Team: J, Jessica, Stacy, & Ryan. 10/2/18 repeat or 3/13/19 repeat
-November 15, 2017-Today's Team: Chris, Katie, Derek, & Kramer. 10/3/18 repeat
-November 16, 2017-Today's Team: Joyce, Landon, Morgan, & Steve. 3/15/19 repeat
-November 22, 2017-Today's Team: Haynie, Chris, Katherine, & Victor. 10/5/18 repeat
-November 23, 2017-Today’s Team: Pia, Julie, Amy, & Bob. 1/22/20 repeat
-November 29, 2017-Today’s Team: Eli, Millena, Noel, & Chase. 10/9/18 repeat
-November 30, 2017-Today’s Team: Rob, Nicole, Rawan, & Michael. 10/10/18 repeat or 1/24/20 repeat
-December 6, 2017-Generations Special! Today’s Team: Danielle, Jim, Chloe, & Kevin. 10/11/18 repeat
-December 7, 2017-Today’s Team: Alan, Kari, Deirdre, & Kolt. 10/12/18 repeat or 8/19/19 repeat
-December 13, 2017-Today’s Team: Mireille, EJ, Emily, & Edward. 6/26/18 repeat or 8/20/19 repeat
-December 14, 2017-Today’s Team: Nathalie, Elijah, Holly, & Ryan. 6/27/18 repeat or 10/16/18 repeat
-December 21, 2017-Today’s Team: Carmen, Doug, Rachel, & Cydnee. 6/29/18 repeat or 10/17/18 repeat
-December 27, 2017-Today’s Team: Bryn, Mike, Jamiah, & Willie. 10/18/18 repeat or 3/29/19 repeat
-December 28, 2017-Last episode before a four month hiatus. Today’s Team: Aubrey, Christina, Jen, & Julie. 8/24/19 repeat
-April 3, 2018-First episode in the cushy 3:30 AM timeslot. Today’s Team: Samantha, Tim, Evie, & Jonathan. 4/2/19 repeat
-April 4, 2018-Today’s Team: Lisa, John, Jessie, & Ali. 10/23/18 repeat
-April 5, 2018-Today’s Team: Haiti, Andrew, Sam, & Alice. Original commercials or 10/24/18 repeat
-April 6, 2018-Today’s Team: Tracee, Jonathan, Sunshine, & Jameson. Original commercials or 10/25/18 repeat
-April 7, 2018-Today's Team: Carrie, Adam, Isa, & Jeff. Original commercials, 10/26/18 repeat, or 4/6/19 repeat
-April 10, 2018-Today’s Team: Angie, Chris, Kathleen, & Desiree. 10/27/18 repeat or 4/9/19 repeat
-April 11, 2018-Today’s Team: Seth, Lisa, Jonathan, & Malissa. 10/30/18 repeat
-April 12, 2018-Today’s Team: Aricia, Craig, Nicole, & Chris. 10/31/18 repeat
-April 13, 2018-Today's Team: Megan, Mario, Deja, & Barry. 4/12/19 repeat
-April 14, 2018-Today’s Team: Alan, Hillary, Aizhan, & Xzavier. 11/2/18 repeat or 4/13/19 repeat
-April 17, 2018-Today's Team: Vince, Zulma, Hattie, & Isaac. Isaac was on Russian Roulette in 2002. GSN On Demand airing (CO91.5)
-April 18, 2018-Today's Team: Seth, Angela, Jennifer, & Carlos (CO118.2)
-April 19, 2018-Battle of the Booted! (Also the last-taped episode.) Today's Team: Sydney, Joyce, Lou Lou, & Asya (CO118.3)
-April 20, 2018-Today's Team: Tamiyka, Jarrett, Madison, & Karma. Original commercials
-April 21, 2018-Today's Team: Andy, Carly, Jen, & Lee. Original commercials
-April 24, 2018-Today's Team: Jovae, Davy, George, & Maggie. 2/26/20 repeat
-April 25, 2018-Today's Team: Joshua, Toni, Casey, & Michael. 9/18/19 repeat
-April 26, 2018-Today's Team: Daniel, Erin, Autumn, & Michael. Original commercials
-April 27, 2018-Today's Team: Scooter, CC, Gar-ye, & Donny. Original commercials
-April 28, 2018-Poker Player special! Today's Team: Lisa, Kiu, Samantha, & Owais. GSN On Demand airing (CO92.5) or 9/21/19 repeat
-May 1, 2018-Today's Team: Bat, Julian, Casey, & Ke’Nya. Original commercials or 4/30/19 repeat
-May 2, 2018-100th episode! Today’s Team: Gayle, Marty, Marley, & Warren. 11/20/18 repeat
-May 3, 2018-Today’s Team: Ken, Trish, Tripoli, & Tiffany. 11/21/18 repeat
-May 4, 2018-Today's Team: Rhonda, Gary, Laura Lee, & Stephen. Original commercials or 11/22/18 repeat
-May 5, 2018-Episode held over from season 1. Today’s Team: Ben, Lauren, Rachel, & Jackson. Original commercials or 5/4/19 repeat
-May 9, 2018-Finale. Today’s Team: Alycia, Murphy, Jeff, & Nicole. 11/27/18 repeat

DJ GAMES [1 episode]
GSN takes us to radio stations across the country to play some amazingly uninteresting games.
-December 4, 2000-Premiere. Woot. Game 1: Who Wants To Be A Renel Heir, from Oakland, CA's 98.1 KISS-FM. Game 2: Talk Show Topic Country Song, from DE's 99.5 WJBR-FM. Game 3: Sound Effects Theatre, from Phoneix, AZ's 93.3 KDKB (AK.3)

DOG EAT DOG [11 episodes]
It’s only good if you like staring at Brooke Burns for an hour. Otherwise, this show is crap.
NOTE: In case you cared, all episodes are from GSN, so the credits are crunched.
Episodes that aired on both NBC & GSN
-June 17, 2002-Premiere. Oh yes. Erica vs. Brian vs. Tiffany vs. Widow vs. Skyler vs. Lauren
-June 24, 2002-Colin vs. Stacey vs. Peter vs. Lisa vs. Adrian vs. Jessica (514.1)
-July 1, 2002-Derek vs. Bobbie vs. Felix vs. Brittany vs. LaMonica vs. Alysan
-July 8, 2002-John vs. Rachel vs. Greg vs. Jessica vs. Terence vs. Marisa (291.6)
-July 15, 2002-Special reality star episode. Oh boy. Susan Hawk vs. Richard Hatch vs. Kaya Wittenburg vs. Ytossie Patterson vs. Darva Conger (AARGH!!!) vs. Kato Kaelin. Get this if you really want your head to explode (236.4)
-July 22, 2002-Kelly vs. Jason vs. Kimberly vs. Amos vs. Mona vs. Louis
-August 26, 2002-First taped episode. Nick (later became a contestant on The Apprentice) vs. Eddie vs. Darin vs. Angela vs. Cheri vs. Maria. Infamous episode where Darin was hospitalized after his event (103.2)
-July 8, 2003-Special NFL Cheerleaders episode (and oddly enough, every event has the contestants getting into their bathing suits). Tiffany Bowen vs. Michelle Beisner vs. Nicole Douglas vs. Angela Miller vs. Sheila Ohl vs. Ayesha Robinson (235.8)
-July 22, 2003-Troll vs. Tracey vs. Lee vs. Melanie vs. Eric vs. Julie Kay
Episodes that aired only on GSN
-2002-Leah vs. John vs. Lisa vs. Ravi vs. Anika vs. Ward (234.4)
-2002-Rose vs. Zane vs. Leondra vs. Victor vs. Danny vs. Cherie (721.5)

DOLLAR A SECOND [1 episode]
-1955-First contestant: Bernice Sawyer. First outside event: An electric train running in circles. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (DH25.1)

DON'T FORGET THE LYRICS! (FOX, 2007-2009) [6 episodes]
A 5th Grader clone that outlasted the far better Singing Bee...whatever.
-January 10, 2008-First contestant: Alicia (620.9)
-May 1, 2008-Celebrity Episode, with Bret Michaels playing! (927.10)
-April 10, 2008-First contestant: Joel Scoville (674.8)
-July 31, 2008-First contestant: Melanie Heyl. Special appearance by Kenny Loggins! (636.8)
-October 24, 2008-First contestant: Rebecca Vigil. Constantine Maroulis plays later on! (671.10)
-November 21, 2008-Today’s Contestant: Anne Jensen (936.7)

DON'T FORGET THE LYRICS! (Synd., 2010-2011) [19 episodes]
-September 23, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Eric B. Anthony (891.2)
-September 24, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Sally Bolger (891.6)
-September 28, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Vanessa Bryan (893.2)
-September 29, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Jay Soto (893.6)
-September 30, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Samantha Stewart (893.10)
-October 1, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Robin Vincent. Slight glitch before second song, but no gameplay/singing is lost (892.2)
-October 4, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Shed Washington. Shed was also on 5th Grader in 2009 (892.6)
-October 5, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Lauri Sompres (894.2)
-October 6, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Wesley Freitas (892.10)
-October 7, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Alice Issac (891.10)
-October 8, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Dayna Dooley (894.6)
-October 11, 2010-We Are Family Week! Today’s Contestants: Josh & LaTonya Patterson (952.8)
-October 13, 2010-We Are Family Week! Today’s Contestants: Phillip & Crystal Lauth (894.10)
-November 5, 2010-From American Idol week! Today’s Contestant: Blake Lewis. No open (899.3)
-December 6, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Wendy Allen (1005.2)
-December 7, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Julie Clark (1005.4)
-December 8, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Phoenix Brown (1005.6)
-December 9, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Dominic Holland (1005.8)
-December 13, 2010-Today’s Contestant: Dawn Robinson (1005.10)

DOTTO (CBS Daytime, 1958) [1 episode]
The show that ended up igniting the quiz show scandals. Shame it's rigged, because it's a pretty solid format.
-May 20, 1958-MARIE WINN vs. Yaffe. Marie was given the answers ahead of time; Yaffe was paid to keep quiet. Original commercials AND a contest plug! Time code on the bottom (JL2.1)

DOTTO (NBC Nighttime, 1958) [1 episode]
A version brought on by the original's popularity, and brought down by the original's fixing.
-July 29, 1958-Third-to-last episode. Connie vs. John. Connie Hines would late find fame on Mr. Ed. Original commercials (DB10.3)

DOUBLE DARE (CBS, 1976-1977) [32 episodes]
Neat isolation booth game! The opening is similar to Card Sharks, right down to the theme song.
-December 16, 1976-Garry vs. Joel. Most of credits uncrunched! (562.4)
-December 17, 1976-Joel vs. Gail. GSN credit crunch (562.5)
-December 20, 1976-Joel vs. Randy. GSN credit crunch (562.6)
-December 21, 1976-Joel at Spoilers, then Joel vs. Dennis. GSN credit crunch (562.7)
-December 22, 1976-Dennis vs. Roger. GSN credit crunch (613.2)
-December 23, 1976-Roger vs. Carol. GSN credit crunch (613.6)
-December 24, 1976-Roger vs. Chuck. GSN credit crunch (978.2)
-December 28, 1976-Alan vs. Judy. GSN credit crunch (695.7)
-December 29, 1976 (Taped 12/16/76)-Alan vs. Tony. Studio master with slate, contestant plug, and ticket plug! (JS5.3)
-December 31, 1976-Alan vs. Joe. GSN credit crunch (644.4)
-January 5, 1977-Michael at Spoilers, then Michael vs. Nancy (JP3.3)
-January 7, 1977-Mort vs. Mark. GSN credit crunch (1070.3)
-January 10, 1977-Mort vs. Doug. GSN credit crunch (1070.4)
-January 17, 1977-Garry vs. Lee. GSN credit crunch (1104.3)
-January 18, 1977-Lee vs. Julie. GSN credit crunch (1104.4)
-January 21, 1977-Joan vs. Ray. Next contestant Lyn was on the Second Chance pilot! GSN credit crunch (1120.3)
-January 24, 1977-Ray vs. Lyn. GSN credit crunch (1120.4)
-January 27, 1977-Catherine vs. Ray. GSN credit crunch (1012.3)
-January 28, 1977-Lee vs. Ray. GSN credit crunch (1012.4)
-February 1, 1977-Ray vs. Bob. Ray makes the entrance! (CO94.3)
-February 2, 1977-Ray vs. Marie. GSN credit crunch (878.2)
-February 3, 1977-Marie at Spoilers, then vs. Roy. GSN credit crunch (878.3)
-February 7, 1977-Bill vs. Cork. Circa 1997 GSN airing with no crunch! (CO55.4)
-February 14, 1977-Nina vs. Laurie (674.2)
-February 15, 1977-Nina vs. Dick (674.3)
-February 17, 1977-Carole vs. Rosemary. Patty Duke-Astin makes a surprise appearance! (762.10)
-February 18, 1977-Rosemary vs. Rob (762.11)
-February 23, 1977-Marjorie vs. John. Most of credits uncrunched! (689.1)
-February 24, 1977-John vs. Haven. GSN credit crunch (689.2)
-March 2, 1977-Marvin vs. Greg. GSN credit crunch (1056.6)
-March 11, 1977-Janet at Spoilers, then vs. Cliff. No open, GSN credit crunch (1020.1)
-March 14, 1977-Janet vs. Debbie. Last episode GSN aired before they skipped to the final three episodes. GSN credit crunch (1020.2)
-April 29, 1977-Ilene vs. Andy. The final episode (LH.14)

All versions of Nick Double Dare can be found here

DOUBLE TALK [9 episodes]
Find out phrases "in other words". A fun game that should've stuck around longer.
-August 18, 1986-PREMIERE!!! Betty White & Stuart Damon. Babs vs. Alice. Babs would later appear on Shuffle (CN5.10)
-August 19, 1986-Betty White & Stuart Damon. Babs vs. Tracey (NP63.4)
-September 12, 1986-Ilene Graff & Howard Morton. Elisa vs. Amy. Original commercials (CD19.3)
-October 10, 1986-Battle of the ABC soaps! One Life To Live (Robin Strasser & Michael Storm) vs. General Hospital (Lynn Herring & Stuart Damon), then winners vs. All My Children (Julia Barr & Michael Knight) (LS8.6)
-October 30, 1986-Lauri Hendler & Mitchell Laurance. Claire vs. Amy. Original commercials, video interference (CD19.4)
-November 5, 1986-Christine Tudor & Don Galloway. Bob vs. Heidi. Audio problems throughout (CD20.4)
-November 20, 1986-Teresa Ganzel & Joel Brooks. Mary vs. Rani. Rani was also on $ale of the Century. Original commercials (CD5.4)
-December 1986-Susan Ruttan & Howard Morton. Katie vs. Cathy. Ends during credits (CD20.5)
-December 19, 1986-Finale. Marcia Wallace & Jamie Farr. Pat vs. Amy. Original commercials, VCR counter on top right (NP74.3)

DOUBLE UP [1 episode]
Siblings come to a ghetto loft to try to find dates for each other. Dumped after 7 episodes.
-September 26, 1992-Episode 4! Siblings: Ryan & Natalie. Guys: Scott, Greg, & Jason. Girls: Dara, Valentino, & Sam. Some original commercials (DC4.4)

DO YOU TRUST YOUR WIFE? [2 episodes]
-November 20, 1956-Erik & Helena vs. Bert & Marjorie. Nov. 1987 repeat with commercials and a special intro (CO58.5)
-May 27, 1958-Hodin & Terri vs. Johnny & Adele. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (JF130.1)

DREAM HOUSE (ABC, 1968-1970)[1 episode]
-1968-Doyle & Pam vs. Susan & Jerry. The champions aren't present because they had a baby! Original commercials, possibly only existing ep. (RI30.4)

DREAM HOUSE (NBC, 1983-1984)[16 episodes]
So-so front game, but the suspenseful Golden Doors make it all worth it!
Original Format
-April 4, 1983-PREMIERE!!! Gary & Vicki vs. Joanne & Don. Begins with promos for Dream House & Family Feud! Contestant plug! (LS2.9)
-April 5, 1983-Joanne & Don vs. Linda & George. Original commericals and a contestant plug! (NP40.1)
-April 1983-Terrie & Ed vs. Judy & Jeff. Original commercials (JW14.6)
-September 20, 1983-Carla & Mark vs. Rhonda & Wayne (JC5.4)
-October 31, 1983-Rob & Sharon vs. Kandy & Peter. Kevin O’Connell stops by to promote Go! Original commercials (LS8.9)
-November 4, 1983-Donetta & Alan vs. Shelly & Bob. Original commercials (BS24.7)
-November 7, 1983-Shelly & Bob vs. Robin & Elaine. Original commercials (BS24.8)
-November 8, 1983-Shelly & Bob vs. Jim & Sherry. Original commercials (BS24.9)
-November 16?, 1983-Celebrity Special! Conrad Bain, Donna & Dan vs. Mary Jo Catlett, Patricia & Darryl. Original commercials (NP40.2)
-February 29, 1984-Julian & Gladyz vs. Karen & Mike. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (AK8.2)
"Money Machine" Format
-April 1984-First day with the Money Machine! Dave & Tracy vs. Dan & Mary (CN.14)
-May 3, 1984-Becky & Lynn vs. Rose & Larry. Original commercials (NP40.3)
-May 4, 1984-Rose & Larry vs. Barbara & Duke. Original commercials (NP40.4)
-May 11, 1984-Celebrity episode! Jamie Farr & Kari Michaelson vs. PAT SAJAK & VANNA WHITE!!! Original commercials, including a Celebrity Hot Potato promo! (LS4.5)
-June 26, 1984-Norris & Kelly vs. Debbie & Butch (JW15.1)
-June 29, 1984-Finale. Curt & Mary vs. Louisa & Steve. Original commercials and GREAT quality! Highly recommended! (JP31.2)

DUEL [1 episode]
-April 25, 2008-Begins with Thomas at Max Question (632.6)

Note: Not even SLIGHTLY for all ages.
-1983-Lynda Wiesmeier, Kym Malin, Lourdes Estores. Creagan vs. Patrick (BM11.3)

EASTERN EXPEDITION (ECSU-produced Quiz Show) [13 episodes]
A very well produced college show, hosted by fellow game show fan Adam Wurtzel!
First Season
-2004-Ep. #101: PREMIERE!!! John vs. Geordan vs. Martin. Has a very different round 2 (DC11.11)
-Taped 10/2004-Ep. #103: Stephanie vs. Ben vs. Kelly. First show with fellow trader D.C. Lundberg as a writer! (DC21.3)
Second Season
-2005-Ep. #201: Second season premiere, with past winners competing! Pat vs. Joel vs. Austin (DC14.14)
-2005-Ep. #202: Professor Day! Everton vs. Salka vs. Severance (DC14.15)
-2005-Ep. #203: First show with co-host Crazy Craig! Squirrel vs. Seymour vs. Josh (DC8.13)
Third Season
-2006-Ep. #303: High school students play! Chris vs. Kaitlin vs. Travis (DC11.12)
-Taped 10/21/06-Ep. #304: Kirk vs. Frank vs. Marvin (DC21.4)
-2006-Ep. #305: Randy vs. Liz vs. Kevin. NO right answers in the bonus round! (AW9.1)
-2006-Ep. #306: Three ECSU administrators play! Kim vs. Mike vs. Nancy (AW9.2)
-2006-Ep. #307: Eric vs. Mallory vs. Mike (AW9.3)
Fourth Season
-2007-Ep. #403: Lisa vs. Michelle vs. Shane. AWESOME game! (AW9.4)
-2007-Ep. #404 & 404A: Frankyn vs. Brad vs. Dan. Bill Nye is featured in the open! Two copies availaible: Anamorphic picture (AW10.1) or standard (AW10.2)
-2007-Ep. #405A: Izzy vs. Calvin vs. Jenny. Adam dedicates the episode to Joseph Liss, a cast member who passed away shortly before this episode taped. Anamorphic picture (AW10.3)
-2007-Ep. #406: Cast members play the game! First half: ADAM WURTZEL vs. Gina vs. Kim vs. Scott. Game 2: Rob vs. Lani vs. Geoff vs. Brian. Announcer Josh Yawn hosts the show! (DC16.4)
-2007-Ep. #407: Adam's final episode. Matthew vs. Greg vs. Scott. A great ending to his run! Highly recommended! (DC16.5)

EL GRAN BLABLAZO [1 episode]
The final incarnation of the Spanish-language favorite.
-2000-Maritza vs. Jorge vs. Magdalena (GR24.2)

EL JUEGO DE ORO [2 episodes]
This soccer-themed show was a five-episode tournament between Spanish-language countries.
-July 18, 2009-Fourth episode! (GR26.1)
-July 25, 2009-Fifth and final episode! (GR26.2)

EMOGENIUS [33 episodes]
-June 14, 2017 (A)-PREMIERE!!! Two Broke Girls (Ayia & Alexi) vs. Hot Dang (Rechard & Tiffany)
-June 14, 2017 (B)-Goal Diggers (Ashley & Tara) vs. Neighbor Love (Sarah & Sean)
-June 21, 2017 (A)-T-Rod (Teera & Rod) vs. Curly Q's (Lindsey & Kristen)
-June 21, 2017 (B)-Los Ninos Locos (AJ & Max) vs. Queens (April & Danielle)
-June 28, 2017 (A)-Challenge Accepted (Jamie & Jen) vs. Saved By The Board (Sean & Sto). 7/8/17 repeat
-June 28, 2017 (B)-Biggie Smalls (Michael & Joseph) vs. Anchors (Kirsten & Josiah). 4/29/19 repeat or 9/16/19 repeat
-July 5, 2017 (A)-Boston Bros (Eric & Chris) vs. Mixed Nuts (Tony & Kanisha). 7/8/17, 12/16/18, or 9/22/19 repeat
-July 5, 2017 (B)-Scorepedoes (Mike & Bob) vs. Team Shire (Sepehr & Vy). 9/23/19 repeat
-July 19, 2017 (B)-Spontaneous K's (Kayla & Kora) vs. Just Us Girls (Michael & Emily). 5/20/19 repeat
-July 26, 2017 (A)-MWA (Manas & Jason) vs. Pocket Queens (Eileen & Sahar). 3/1/20 repeat
-August 2, 2017 (B)-Team 909-osaurs (Connor & Paul) vs. Team Navy Gravy (Chris & Evri). 10/21/19 repeat
-August 9, 2017 (B)-Dancing Savages (Hana & Isaac) vs. Sailor Planet (Genetra & Markeia). 3/16/20 repeat
-August 16, 2017 (A)-Paranormal Survivalists (Sarah & Adham) vs. Flying Carpets (Joshua & Betina). 6/16/19 repeat
-August 16, 2017 (B)-Last episode before a year-long hiatus. Alley Cats (Paigion & Christian) vs. Team Tough Love (Amanda & Jessica). 6/17/19 repeat
-September 17, 2018-Geminites (Micah & Bryan) vs. Bay Babes (Nubia & Toure). 2/4/19 repeat or 6/24/19 repeat
-September 23, 2018-Tequila Mockingbirds (Jennifer & Kelly) vs. Love Nerds (Deondray & Dennis). Original commercials or 6/30/19 repeat
-September 24, 2018-Team Banana Pudding (Suzanna & Hannah) vs. Team Multiple Scoregasms (Michael & Damien). Original commercials or 7/1/19 repeat
-September 30, 2018-Wannabes (Lauren & Jessica) vs. Double D’s (Domininque & Dwight). Original commercials or 2/17/19 repeat
-October 1, 2018-Bootylicious (Katie & Stephanie) vs. Twerking in the Galley (Matty & Stassi). Original commercials or 2/18/19 repeat
-October 7, 2018-Salty Chocolate & Caramel (Tress & Donovan) vs. Crazy Moms (Ashley & Lindsay)
-October 8, 2018-Mardi Gras Queens (Chantelle & Alexis) vs. Super Smash (Ricky & Logan)
-October 14, 2018-Guymax (Matt & Marcus) vs. Wonder Sisters (Trisha & Nikkie). 3/3/19 repeat
-October 15, 2018-Mini-Mountaineers (Coco & Dario) vs. Team Sex Ed (Candi & Maria). Original commercials or 3/4/19 repeat
-October 21, 2018-Last taped episode. Bible Babes (Emma & Morgan) vs. Lords Of The Boards (Luke & Zack)
-October 22, 2018-First taped episode! Team Hustlin' (Saundre & Mylinda) vs. Team Jelly (Shelly & Jason). Original commercials or 3/11/19 repeat
-October 28, 2018-Stranger Danger (Kyla & Drew) vs. LA's Finest (Ericka & Rhandi). 3/17/19 repeat
-October 29, 2018-Dirty Teachers (Jumarcus & Savannah) vs. Manhattan Nights (Jalen & Joe). 5/11/20 repeat
-November 4, 2018-Shut Down (Lelia & Chase) vs. Team Chi-LAnta (Bri & Kera). 5/17/20 repeat
-November 5, 2018-PB&J (Denisha & Laketa) vs. Half Baked (Chad & Sean). 5/18/20 repeat
-November 11, 2018-Boston Broads (India & Danielle) vs. IT Guys (Curtis & Simon). 8/18/19 repeat or 5/24/20 repeat
-November 12, 2018-Diva Tre2o (Shawana & Carmella) vs. Tony Den Nerds (Joseph & Veronica). 4/1/19 repeat or 8/19/19 repeat
-November 18, 2018-Boss Chicks (Natalie & Nika) vs. Team Storm (Joshua & Jeremy). 4/7/19 repeat or 1/6/20 repeat
-November 19, 2018-Finale. Exes & Ohs (Cameron & Pam) vs. Atomic Red Fusion (James & Jeremy). Original commercials, 4/8/19 repeat, or 1/12/20 repeat

ESPN TRIVIAL PURSUIT [*All 5 episodes of a week-long test run*]
Even if I did like sports, I wouldn’t like this show. Sparse set and lame format.
-September 27, 2004-PREMIERE!!! Jay & Dave vs. Deemo & Jason. Cable glitches in the first minute (ESPN.1)
-September 28, 2004-Deemo & Jason vs. Derek & Anthony (ESPN.2)
-September 29, 2004-Juan & Chris vs. Sed & Sloan (ESPN.3)
-September 30, 2004-Eric & Kevin vs. Stacy & Jeff (ESPN.4)
-October 1, 2004-Melanie & Jason vs. Steve & Tim. Last episode of test run (thank God!) (ESPN.5)

ESTO ES GUERRA [1 episode]
-August 26, 2014-Daniel, Ricky, Fabian, & Paco vs. Eddie, Lolo, Beto, & Chato (1035.9)

Cute little show with lots of humor.
-June 2, 1967-Roger Smith vs. Vivian Vance vs. Godfrey Cambridge. Original commercials and a home contest plug (done by Wink Martindale!) (RW12.1)

Bill Rafferty’s first show was this very cool time-building game.
-1985-Heather & Daniel vs. Cynthia & Rick vs. Sharon & Bill. Contestant plug! No last segment (RS16.8)
-March 1985-Patty & Shawn vs. Lara & Paul vs. Deborah & Ted. Includes a 2001 news clip of one contestant’s arrest (!) (JW15.2)
-Taped 3/1/1985-Patti & Joe vs. Lisa & Paul vs. Rita & Royce. Slate! (JO4.9)

EVERYTHING GOES [4 episodes]
A raunchy quizzer where wrong answers equal stripping. Needless to say, this isn't for all ages.
-1982-"The Housewife & The Milkman". Richard Belzer, Jaye P. Morgan, Pat McCormick. Sean vs. Linda (MI.4)
-1983-"The Rockstar & The Groupie". Prof. Irwin Corey, Phyllis Davis, The Unknown Comic. Scott vs. Julie (MI.1)
-1983?-"The Grocery Clerk & The Box Boy". Miss Miller, Dick Shawn, Pat McCormick. Greg vs. Barbara. Ends during credits (MI.2)
-1983-"The Aerobics Instructor & The Body Builder". Prof. Irwin Corey, Phyllis Davis, The Unknown Comic. Carl vs. Lauren (MI.3)

EXTREME GONG [1 episode]
You're better off with Barris' version...or Bleu's...or almost anything else in my collection, really.
-October 5, 1998-Premiere. First act: Charlitha Marie. Repeat broadcast with commercials (JB4.3)

EYE GUESS [1½ episodes]
A hilarious memory game masterfully hosted by Bill Cullen.
-1968-Begins with Mildred at Bonus Board. Only known full existing episode. GSN airing, low audio (JP42.11), also have studio master on (NP6.3)
-1969-Partial episode; totals 12 minutes. Begins with Jan at Bonus Board (NP35.6)

FACE OFF MINNESOTA (Local Quiz Bowl) [*Entire Run*]
A great quiz bowl, hosted by the one and only Ken Jennings!
-May 14, 2006-PREMIERE!!! Minnetonka vs. CDH (AS6.1)
-May 14, 2006-Eden Prarie vs. Mounds Park Academy (AS6.2)
-May 21, 2006-Saint Thomas Academy vs. DeLaSalle (AS6.3)
-May 21, 2006-Chaska vs. Robbinsdale Armstrong (AS6.4)
-May 28, 2006-Semifinal #1! (AS6.5)
-May 28, 2006-Semifinal #2! (AS6.6)
-May 28, 2006-Finals episode! (AS6.7)

FACE THE FACTS [1 episode]
Court cases are re-enacted, and contestants guess who won. Very neat!
-April 13, 1961-Diane vs. Devita vs. David vs. Audrey. Original commercials (JL2.2)

FACE THE MUSIC [29 episodes]
Neat combo of Name That Tune and Password Plus!
-January 14, 1980-PREMIERE!!! Bill vs. Diana vs. Anthony. Champ: Marilyn (apparently a game was played off camera). Contestant Plug! VCR counter on screen, average quality (DC5.1)
-January 15, 1980-Fred vs. Sarah vs. Al. Champ: Marilyn (TI17.1)
-Jan. or Feb. 1980-Eric vs. Anita vs. Adam. Champ: Cathy. FAM commercials (TI12.5)
-Jan. or Feb. 1980-Jo An vs. Andy vs. Sharlene. Champ: Jess. Jess goes for 5-in-a-row! Sharlene would later be seen on Monopoly & at least 6 other game shows! (DB6.14)
-February 1980-Judy vs. Larry vs. Anne. Champ: Michael (RS10.14)
-February 29, 1980-Terri vs. Dave vs. Lorrie. Champ: Ed. The rare $10,000 win! (RS10.12)
-March 11, 1980-Adam vs. Julie vs. Al. Champ: Sarabeth. Sarabeth goes for the car! (NP56.3)
-March 17, 1980-Matt vs. Kathi vs. Cam. Champ: Sarabeth (her 9th day!). Fam commercials (NP56.5)
-March 18, 1980-Cindy vs. Isidro vs. Irma. Camp: Sarabeth. Sarabeth Rothfield becomes the only retired FtM champ! Fam commercials (DC19.12)
-March 31, 1980-Kathi vs. Steve vs. Peggy. Champ: Dennis. Ron Ely is the Mystery Face! (RS10.11)
-April 4, 1980-Sheila vs. Dave vs. Sue. Champ: Pat. Fun game! Fam commercials (DC19.13)
-April 1980-Garet vs. Jinx vs. Marc. Champ: Pat. Fam commercials (DC19.14)
-1980-John vs. Sherry vs. Michael. Champ: Mike (RI31.1)
-1980-Craig vs. Debbie vs. John. Champ: Karen. Contestant plug! (RI31.2)
-1980-Mike vs. Shirley vs. Robert. Champ: Lucie. Contestant plug! (RI31.3)
-1980-Marcia vs. Ret vs. Tamara. Champ: Roger. USA repeat from 4/26/89 with commercials (NP.1)
-1980-Jeff vs. Dorothy vs. Michael. Returning Champ: Gaylee. Crazy second round! Michael would go on Name That Tune in 1984. Fam commercials (DC5.2)
-1980-Jim vs. Pat vs. Ronn. Champ: Ron. (Whole lotta Ron goin on!) Low audio (RS61.3)
-1980-Terri vs. David vs. Marlo. Champ: Buddy. Bob Barker’s the Mystery Face! (RS5.8)
-1980-Dean vs. Roxana vs. Bill. Champ: Gary. Few FAM commercials (RS10.13)
-1980-Deborah vs. Mark vs. Rebecca. Fam repeat with commercials (DB27.1)
-1980-Debbie vs. Gus vs. Patricia Jo. Fam repeat with commercials (DB27.2)
-1980-Jill vs. Bob vs. Teresa. Fam repeat with commercials (DB27.3)
-1980-Dottie vs. Don vs. Rosalie. Fam repeat with commercials (DB27.4)
-1981-Gary vs. Karyn vs. Larry. Champ: Tommy. Tommy was also on Name That Tune in 1984. Partial Fam commercials (NP56.4)

FAKE-A-DATE [1 episode]
One of the re-branded GSN’s earliest efforts...and earliest failures. Kissed off after 13 episodes.
-2004-Contestant: Heidi. Possible dates: Zach & Gary (281.4)

The switch to families brought along an even more awesome set and some neat format changes.
Original Nickelodeon Run
-July 18, 2011-PREMIERE!!! Williams vs. Hancock vs. Maddox vs. Haro vs. Guthzeit
-July 19, 2011-Smith vs. O'Brien vs. Villa vs. O'Day vs. Silvia
-July 20, 2011-Haynes vs. Ark vs. Jenkins vs. Herren vs. Torrey. Two copies, both with ads; original broadcast or 5/10/14 Nicktoons repeat
-July 21, 2011-Sargent vs. Woods vs. German vs. Vargas vs. Schoonover
-July 25, 2011-Martinez vs. Rowe vs. Gillcrist vs. McLurkin vs. Oliverio
-July 26, 2011-Cintron vs. Cook vs. Bustamante vs. Price vs. Rodarte
-July 27, 2011-Ashton vs. Umans vs. Jones vs. Barrett vs. Dowell
-July 28, 2011-Valeriano vs. Glass vs. Holmes vs. McCulty vs. Lopez
August 2, 2011-Bradbury vs. Gray vs. Anand vs. Tramel vs. Denard. 2014 Nicktoons repeat (JF138.2)
-August 3, 2011-Cruzata vs. Ardon vs. Kokason vs. Orriss vs. Sellers
-August 4, 2011-Aguilera vs. Nolan vs. Garcia vs. Steele vs. Baxter
-August 8, 2011-Guerrero vs. Jinadu vs. Corcoran vs. Houlihan vs. Bramson. 5/10/14 Nicktoons repeat
-August 9, 2011-Ocampo vs. Smith vs. Conneen vs. Wright vs. Gannuscio
-August 11, 2011-Sarem vs. Vera vs. McLaurin vs. Butler vs. Holtwarren
-October 10, 2011-Celebrity episode! Victoria Justice & Leon Thomas III vs. Noah Munck & Nathan Kress vs. Nathalia Ramos & Jade Ramsey vs. Dillon Lane & Taylor Gray vs. Ryan Potter, Carlos Knight & Gracie Dzenny. Two copies: Original commercials, begins during contestant intros or 2014 Nicktoons repeat with full intro (JF138.4)
-October 11, 2011-Celebrity episode! Maksim Anthony Anderson & Nathan vs. Larry King & Cannon vs. Candace Cameron Bure & Lev vs. Joey Fatone & Briahna vs. Vanessa Williams & Sasha
-October 12, 2011-Celebrity episode! Jennie Garth & Luca vs. Nolan Gould & Ed vs. Nicole Eggert & Dylan vs. Terry Crews & Tara vs. Charles Shaughnessy & Josie
-October 13, 2011-WWE special! Kofi Kingston & Collins vs. Gail Kim & Michael vs. John Morrison & Martilliano vs. Mike "The Miz" Mizanin & Ali vs. Eve Torres & Dayna. 5/19/14 Nicktoons repeat
-October 17, 2011-Atteberry vs. Ek vs. Jens vs. Panganiban vs. Johnson
-October 18, 2011-Sankofa vs. Levine vs. Gonzalez vs. Nenotti vs. Arroyo
-October 19, 2011-Seaman vs. Cook vs. Rodriguez vs. Meyer vs. Herjavec
-October 20, 2011-Haltrecht vs. Webber vs. Musquiz vs. Crawley vs. Molnar
-November 1, 2011-Monick vs. Ott vs. Parker vs. Barnes vs. Alvare (946.3)
-November 2, 2011-Sanchez vs. Beres vs. Castro vs. Cazares vs. Atkins. Veronica Castro was also on Minute To Win It. 6/2/14 Nicktoons repeat
-November 3, 2011-Stewart vs. Eng vs. Jacobs vs. Friedman vs. Krieger. 2014 Nicktoons repeat
-November 14, 2011-Abboud vs. Kulp vs. Pena vs. Lebeda vs. Nickles. 2014 Nicktoons repeat
-November 15, 2011-Randazzo vs. Bell vs. Sample vs. Terry vs. Vargas. 2014 Nicktoons repeat (JF138.1)
-November 16, 2011-Radaker vs. Shou vs. Bowen vs. Palmer vs. Landon. 2014 Nicktoons repeat (JF138.3)
-November 17, 2011-Last Nick episode (and last new episode for almost two and a half years!) Fenton vs. Munoz vs. Augustine vs. DeJoy vs. Kohno. 6/2/14 Nicktoons repeat
2014 Nicktoons Run
-April 28, 2014-First Nicktoons episode! Holloway vs. Mansel vs. Sebastian vs. Marshall vs. Bessler
-April 29, 2014-Bennion vs. Pakula vs. Cardena vs. Redfearn vs. Danesh
-April 30, 2014-Fernandez vs. Reno vs. Kennerly vs. Smith vs. Bentley
-May 1, 2014-Solberg vs. Fox vs. Gutierrez vs. MacKinnon vs. Brown. 2014 Nicktoons repeat
-May 5, 2014-Moultrie vs. Muniz vs. Smith-Harris vs. Pieper vs. Torres. 6/4/14 Nicktoons repeat
-May 6, 2014-Crawford vs. Meza vs. Galdamez vs. Kling vs. Loucks. 6/6/14 Nicktoons repeat
-May 7, 2014-Deloach vs. Haag vs. Lentz vs. Liddle vs. Green
-May 9, 2014-Finale. Carberry vs. Fleck vs. Binford vs. Bryan vs. Aguirre

FAMILY CHALLENGE [16 episodes]
An hour-long family stunt spectacular. Was pretty good originally, but fell apart with the second season.
First Season
-October 3, 1995 (Taped 9/22/95)-Second episode! Wyndon vs. Sladic. Studio Master with slate! (VM6.5)
-October 4, 1995-Salazar vs. Kerns. GSN commercials, part of open clipped (VM5.3)
-October 5, 1995-Stromath vs. Harrison. Amber of the Stromaths dumps slime all over Ray…and then smacks him in the head with the microphone! (DC.13)
-October 6, 1995-Miranda vs. Drager. Original commercials (DC16.1)
-October 7, 1996-Miller vs. Lamarr (VM7.3)
-October 12, 1995-Baugh vs. Moore. Original commercials (DC16.3)
-October 18, 1995-Fields vs. Cohen (VM.1)
-1995-Leonard vs. O'Neil. Few original commercials (CO16.2)
-November 1, 1995-Lampino-Teal vs. Gorin. Original commercials (JP19.1)
-November 3, 1995-Vackar vs. Wilhite. Original commercials (JP21.3)
-November 17, 1995-Swaim vs. Pakradouni. Original commercials (JP20.9)
-November 20, 1995-Keyes vs. Watkins. Original commercials, video messed up for a minute during the fourth stunt (DC16.2)
-November 23, 1995-Thanksgiving Ice Capades Special, live at Universal Citywalk! Harrison (same family as above!) vs. Oropeza. Ends during credits (JP15.10)
-December 19, 1995-McKenzie vs. Morgan (JF121.2)
-January 3, 1996-Obringer vs. Osgood. Original commercials. Begins at the rules for first stunt, no credits (VM5.12)
Second Season
-September 30, 1996-2nd Season premiere! Taylor vs. Kahm. Original commercials, including promos for Fam game shows! Episode dedicated to Ray Combs (VM3.5)

A very nice, blink-and-you-miss-it scavenger hunt seen on TV Land.
-December 6, 2004-Second Elmination Round! Stoddard vs. Martinez vs. Beauregard (JP17.4)
-December 13, 2004-Quarterfinals! (JP17.5)
-December 20, 2004-Semifinals! (JP17.6)
-December 27, 2004-Finals! Which team will come out on top? (JP17.7)

All versions of Family Feud can be found here.

FAMILY GAME NIGHT [29 episodes]
The board games you've loved all your life, but never quite like this! The first two seasons are FAR superior.
First Season
-October 10, 2010-PREMIERE!!! Ella's Family vs. Kaleb's Family. Games: Scrabble Flash, Bop It, Cranium, Guesstures, Operation Relay. Original airing (FGN.1), also have repeat from 10/23/10 with all references to the debut cut out (FGN2.2)
-October 15, 2010-Johnny's Family vs. Diego's Family. Games: Boggle, Bop It, Connect 4, Guesstures, Cranium (FGN2.1)
-October 29, 2010-Sterling's Family vs. Ryan's Family. Games: Boggle, Bop It, Connect 4, Guesstures, Cranium (FGN3.1)
-November 5, 2010-Avery's Family vs. Daylon's Family. Games: Sorry Sliders, Scrabble Flash, Cranium, Bop It, Connect 4 (FGN3.2)
-November 12, 2010-Mackenzie's Family vs. Lauren's Family. Games: Boggle, Connect 4, Sorry, Cranium, Bop It (FGN.2)
-December 10, 2010-Jianna's family vs. Matthew's family. Games: Yahtzee Bowling, Twister Lights Out, Cranium Word Worm, Guesstures Free Fall, Bounce & Boogie Boggle
-January 14, 2011-Connor's family vs. Nathaniel's family. Games: Twister Lights Out, Guesstures Free Fall, Cranium Creative Cat, Bounce & Boogie Boggle, Sorry Sliders
-January 21, 2011-Angel's family vs. Connor's family. Games: Bounce & Boogie Boggle, Bop It Boptagon, Yahtzee Bowling, Cranium, Operation Relay
-February 4, 2011-Brandon's family vs. Chad's family. Games TBA (JF87.2)
-February 11, 2011-Haley's family vs. Joe's family. Games: Scrabble Flash, Bop It Botagon, Cranium Star Performer, Yahtzee Bowling, Operation Relay (JF91.1)
-March 4, 2011-Joel's family vs. Nico's family. Games: Bounce & Boogie Boggle, Connect 4 Basketball, Cranium Word Worm, Yahtzee Bowling, Operation Relay
Second Season
-September 2, 2011-Second Season Premiere! Ryan's family vs. Geordan's family. Games: Green Scream, Operation Sam Dunk, Simon Flash, Ratuki Go Round, Cranium Guesstimator
-September 2, 2011 (again)-Michael's family vs. Azia's family. Games: Bounce N Boogie Boggle, Green Scream, Guesstures Free Fall, Cranium Piano, Yahtzee Bowling
-September 9, 2011-Tillman's Family vs. Wyatt's Family. Games: Sorry Sliders, Bop It Boptagon, Spelling Bee, Simon Flash, Connect 4 Basketball
-September 16, 2011-Sable's Family vs. JoJo's Family. Games: Operation Sam Dunk, Simon Flash, Spelling Bee, Guesstures Free Fall, Twister Lights Out
-October 30, 2011-Michelle's Family vs. Ashley's Family. Games: Green Scream, Bop It Boptagon, Twister Lights Out, Connect 4 Basketball, Yahtzee Bowling. Hub on Demand airing
-December 4, 2011-Collette's Family vs. Caleb's Family. Games: Bounce & Boogie Boggle, Trouble Pop Quiz, Connect 4, Basketball, Bop It Boptagon, Simon Flash. Hub on Demand airing
-January 22, 2012-Jacob's family vs. Reagan's family. Games: TBA. Hub on Demand airing
-January 29, 2012-Manaia's Family vs. Kelsea's Family. Games: Operation Sam Dunk, Spelling Bee, Bop It Boptagon, Guesstures Freefall, Connect 4 Basketball. Hub on Demand airing
Third Season
-September 23, 2012-3rd season premiere, with a new format! Games: Battleship (Walker & Theresa vs. David III & David Jr.), Sorry (Alexis & Tiffini), Simon Flash (Maddy's Family vs. Samantha's Family), Yahtzee Bowling (Alyssa's Family)
Fourth Season
-August 18, 2013-4th Season Premiere! Games: Yahtzee (Joshua & Kisha), Jenga (Daniel, Caren & Lauralee vs. James, Sela & James Peters), Sorry! (Lakeia & Lakesia), Battleship (Frankie & Garth vs. Kylie & Brandy), Operation ( Jack, Michael, Robert, & Jeff). Two copies: original broadcast or 11/24/13 repeat with all references to the debut cut
-August 25, 2013-Games: Barrel of Monkeys (Gerdan, Naja, Danielle & Gerard), Connect 4 Basketball (C4B: Sunni, Zoe, Bernalyn & Stephen vs. Ryelee, Kayla, Danielle & Stephanie)Simon Flash (Morgan, Madison, Yvette & Huy vs. Elizabeth, Ashley, Phuong & Mark), Operation (Fallon, Peyton, Susan & Miles), Bop It! (Kaila & Mark vs. Kayla & Lisa)
-September 15, 2013-Games: Barrel of Monkeys (Bryan & Deloris), Connect 4 Basketball (Peyton, Grace, Taylor, Gabrielle & Robert vs. Sophie, Madison, Will, Debbie & Harold), Simon Flash (Jacob, Isabella, Amanda & Chris vs. Judah, Hollan, Suzy & Chris), Operation (Sabrina, Nick, Mike & Jeannette), Bop It! (Connor & Odette vs. Zach & T.R.)
-September 29, 2013-Games: Yahtzee (Sloane, Harry & Wendy), Jenga (Ayva, Ella & Nicholas vs. Stacy, Valdi & Agar), Sorry! (Terra & Sheila), Battleship (Simone, Sydney & Jennifer vs. Larissa, Ryan & Lisa), Operation (Jesse, Ny-Azha, DeAndre & Tierra)
-October 20, 2013-Games: Monopoly Remix (Thomas, David & Frank), Simon Flash (Elena, Ceceli, Manuel & Gina vs. Zion vs. Gavin, Derek & Elizabeth), Jenga (Sean, Christopher & RJ vs. Evan, Ethan & Roger), Yahtzee (Daja, Arletha & Ernest), Battleship (Joshua & Jan vs. Morgan & Betty)
-October 27, 2013-Connect 4 Basketball (Tariq, Tatiyana, Vaneesha, Dominick & Pierre vs. Jasmine, Lorena, Jessenia, Joseph & Joe), Sorry! (Austin & Tami), Jenga (Natalie, Cameron & Mike vs. Caden, Cavin & Chris), Operation (Alexander, Riley, Matt & Linda), Barrel of Monkeys (Cannon, Michelle & Lake)
-November 10, 2013-Yahtzee (McKenna & Bonnie), Jenga (Miranda, Bonnie & Steve vs. Gavin, Sara & Chad) Sorry! (Balana & Auggie), Battleship (Dominic & Mike vs. Courtney & Angela), Operation (Veronica, Dane, Robert & Klare)
-November 17, 2013-Games: Bop It Boptagon (Charlie & Douglas vs. Joshua & Josie), Yahtzee (Jordan & Brenda), Monopoly Remix (Michele, David & Bonnie), Barrel of Monkeys (Reilly, Nevan, James & Jennifer), Battleship (Daryl & Loretta vs. Trinity & Brian)
-December 1, 2013-4th Season Finale…and Christmas Special! Connect 4 Basketball (Sam, Patrick, Isaac & Angela vs. Jordan, Matthew, Amanda & Melissa), Yahtzee (Sophia, Isabella & Sam), Jenga (Lil' Robert, Sabrina & Robert vs. Justin, Cindy & Carlos), Simon Flash (Jake, Brock, Vanessa & Race vs. Korbyn, Raevan, Robin & Jay), Barrel of Monkeys (Taylor, Bobbie & Korky)

FAMILY SECRETS [8 episodes]
A flawed format and sometimes-annoying kids make this hard to recommend.
-March 22, 1993-Premiere! Sekula vs. Borgard. Original commercials (CD22.1)
-March 24, 1993-Third episode! Aliseo vs. Bogard. Vincent of the Aliseo family is the most unlikable kid I've ever seen. Original commercials, no picture for first minute (JD4.2)
-March 1993-Friedman vs. Davidson. Original commercials (CD22.2)
-March 1993-Hardesty vs. Fanelli. Original commercials (CD22.3)
-March 1993-Ronayne vs. Thompson. Original commercials (AS.8)
-1993-Finley vs. Reeves. Original commercials (CD21.5)
-April 1993-Shorts vs. Guthridge. Original commercials (JD4.1)
-June 11, 1993-Unannounced finale. Rubin vs. Hiatt. Original commercials, no open (SI4.2)

FANDANGO [6 episodes]
A good country music show that was a big hit for TNN!
-Taped or aired 3/30/83-Celebrity Day 1! Teddy Wilburn vs. Connie Smith vs. Jim Ed Brown. Studio master with slate! (BS37.1)
-Mar. or Apr. 1986-Judy vs. Joe vs. Roslyn. Original commercials (BS12.3)
-Mar. or Apr. 1986-Glendon vs. Cheryl vs. Joe. Original commercials (BS12.4)
-1986-Stanley vs. David vs. Rich (BS37.2)
-1987-Dave vs. Sharon vs. Billy (BS37.3)
-1987-Larry vs. Joyce vs. David (BS37.4)

FANTASY [2 episodes]
Peter Marshall fulfills the viewers' fantasies in this odd show.
-1982-First fantasy: A lady who wants to go to Hawaii. Features Sylvester Stallone & Jed Allan! The only episode GSN aired (and it seems like they removed some music) (JD4.3)
-December 8, 1982-First fantasy: Donna J. Fox, who wants to have a baby. Original commercials, no last segment (JW17.3)

FAST DRAW [1 episode]
Johnny Gilbert's out of the announcer booth for this great drawing game.
-1968-Anita Gillette & Marilynn vs. Robert Alda & Carl. Ticket Plug! (JP3.4)

CNBC's first game show, it's a combo of general knowledge and stock market smarts
-August 1, 2007-PREMIERE!!! MIT Sloan vs. Texas, Columbia vs. NYU (JP20.8)
-August 8, 2007-Tuck at Dartmouth vs. Yale SOM, Chicago (MS7.1)
-August 15-22, 2007-Info & tape numbers of last two episodes TBA

FAUX PAUSE [2 episodes]
An abysmal show that tries to be MST3K for game shows, but just ends up falling on its face. Bar none the worst GSN original.
-July 20, 1998-The Diamond Head Game is skewered (MP2.3)
-July 23, 1998-The 1975 Hollywood Connection PILOT is skewered (SD17.5)

Weird PBS show with an animated dog as the host.
First Season
-June 7, 2006-“To Bee Or Not To Bee” Games involve bees & windsurfing (475.8)
-June 21, 2006-“Tryin’ Chef” Games involve cooking (GR8.4)
Second Season
-June 27, 2007-CSI Ruff (714.1)
Fifth Season
-October 20, 2010-"Eureka is Not a Brand of Dog Food" 1/1/14 repeat (1015.5)

50 GRAND SLAM [2 episodes]
Average attempt to bring the big-money quizzes to the seventies. Cool set, though.
-October 4, 1976-PREMIERE!!! Games: Sister Martha Ann vs. David in American Women, Lee vs. Marge in Golf, Carolyn vs. Bonnie in General Knowledge. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (BB.3)
-December 31, 1976-Finale. General Knowledge: Duan vs. Terry. American Fiction: Rosalie vs. Bonnie. General Knowledge: Winner of game 1 vs. Lenny. TV Trivia: Randy vs. Dusty (RS70.1)

FIGURE IT OUT (1997-1999) [84 episodes]
“I’ve Got A Secret” meets Nickelodeon in this fun little show.
Normal Version
-July 7, 1997-PREMIERE!!! Moira Quirk, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Charity. Game 2: Steven & Tony. Two copies available; original commercials, but with Steven & Tony's intro cut (JP2.1) or complete GaS rerun (242.7)
-*1997-First-taped episode! Phil Moore, Alicia Reyes, Adam Busch, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Chad. Game 2: Claudia. 8/4/12 Teennick repeat with commercials
-*1997-Moira Quirk, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Ty. Game 2: Jennifer. 8/4/12 Teennick repeat with commercials
-*1997-Marc Weiner, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Jenna Lee Greene. Game 1: James. Game 2: Sasha. 8/6/12 Teennick repeat with commercials
-1997-Kevin Kopelow, Perslaysla Edwards, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Rian. Game 2: Jason (239.6)
-1997-Marc Weiner, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Gabrielle. Game 2: Seyi (290.6)
-1997-Kevin Kopelow, Danny Tamberelli, Adam Bush, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Craig. Game 2: Chaille (301.11)
-1997-Marc Weiner, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Callie. Game 2: Chris (339.6)
-1997-Phil Moore, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Jenna Lee Green. Game 1: Brooke. Game 2: Mark. Open slightly cut (343.2)
-1997-Phil Moore, Irene Ng, Taran Noah-Smith, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Charlie. Game 2: Debbie (348.7)
-1997-Kevin Kopelow, Danny Tamberelli, Adam Bush, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Alex. Game 2: Roberta (428.8)
-1997-Phil Moore, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Jenna Lee Green. Game 1: Brad. Game 2: Veronica (485.6)
-1997-Kevin Kopelow, Preslaysla Edwards, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg, Game 1: Heather. Game 2: Eric. GaS logo covers the clock (786.1)
-1997-Kevin Kopelow, Preslaysla Edwards, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Brandon. Game 2: Richie. GaS logo covers the clock (AR4.1)
-1997-Phil Moore, Vanessa Bayden, Taran Noah Smith, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Jeanne. Game 2: Justin & Dominic. GaS logo covers the clock (AR4.2)
-*1997-Marc Weiner, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Chris. Game 2: Chelsea. Two copies: GaS airing, GaS logo covers the clock (AR16.1) or 8/6/12 Teennick repeat with commercials
-1997-Kevin Kopelow, Preslaysla Edwards, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Ross. Game 2: Jaymee. GaS logo covers the clock (AR6.2)
-1997-Mike O'Malley, Josh Server, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Waynia. Game 2: Brian. GaS logo covers the clock (AR6.3)
-1997-Moira Quirk, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Sean. Game 2: Ashley. GaS logo covers the clock (JF84.2)
-1997-Kevin Kopelow, Preslaysla Edwards, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Emily. Game 2: Howard. GaS logo covers the clock (JF84.3)
-1997-Marc Weiner, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Justin. Game 2: Tara. GaS logo covers the clock (JF84.4)
-1997-Kevin Kopelow, Danny Tamborelli, Adam Busch, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Ricky & Chris. Game 2: Brad. GaS logo covers the clock, no credits (TI10.3)
-1997-Mike O'Malley, Josh Server, Danny Tamborelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Anna. Game 2: Christopher. The slime is tan for some reason. Bad video in intro, GAS logo covers the clock, no credits (TI17.7)
-1998-The Giant, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamborelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Ashley. Game 2: Corbin (TI.2)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamborelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Adam. Game 2: Briana (TI.4)
-1998-Mike O'Malley, Arjay Smith, Kenan Thompson, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Catherine. Game 2: Zach (TI.5)
-1998-Taran Noah Smith, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamborelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Sepp. Game 2: Hannah (TI10.4)
-1998-Celebrities: Moira Quirk (yay!), Irene Ng, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Charlie. Game 2: Linda. Lori Beth gets a REALLY lucky guess in round 2! (198.4)
-1998-Penny Hardaway, Shane Sweet, Josh Server, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Kelsey & Hannah. Game 2: Carlos (274.7)
-1998-The Giant, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Jared. Game 2: Brittany. Name That Thingy is played! (134.6)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Josh Server, Shane Sweet, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Cristina. Game 2: Jeff (304.4)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Leah. Game 2: Jackie (335.4)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Josh Server, Kel Mitchell, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Hunter. Game 2: Ryanne. Hunter Hayes is now a famous country singer! The slime is orange for no apparent reason, and “The Last Laugh” is played! (325.11)
-1998-Moira Quirk, Irene Ng, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Ron. Game 2: Jerica (360.6)
-*1998-Phil Moore, Michelle Tractenberg, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Katie. Game 2: Piotr. “Name That Thingy” is played! Two copies: Nickelodeon airing without commercials (EP2.5) or GaS airing with different plugs (365.7)
-*1998-Kevin Kopelow, Erin, Kenan Thompson, Summer Sanders!! Game 1: Jason. Game 2: Cliffy. Lori Beth Denberg hosts the first game! Original commercials (BS20.1)
-1998-Kordell Stewart, Erin Dean, Kenan Thompson, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Noelle. Game 2: Turner (478.4)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Irene Ng, Michelle Trachenberg, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Sarah & Uncle John. Game 2: Dan & Dad (546.7)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Leon Frierson, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Estrella. Game 2: Lewis (JF85.1)
-1998-Steve Purnick, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Ryan. Game 2: Kristin (JF85.2)
Family Style
-1998-Pete & Pete reunion special! Hardy Rawls, Judy Grafe, Mike Maronna, Danny Tamberelli. Game 1: Polina & Dad. Game 2: Blaine & Pop Pop (LB10.2)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Michelle Trachenburg, Robert Rashard, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Sam, Marisa, & Grandpa. Game 2: Zachary & Dad (196.5)
-1998-Phil Moore (who’s sporting the Austin Powers look!), Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Carla, Kyle, & Mom. Game 2: Jessie & Mom. J's mom announces! (413.2)
-1998-Coolio, Eleanor Nobel, Christine Nolie, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Kyle & Dad. Game 2: Ashley & Mom (437.4)
-1998-Travis White, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Daniel & Mom. Game 2: Devon & Mom (433.8)
-*1998-Cousin Skeeter, Kevin Kopelow, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Frank & Dad. Game 2: Keri & Dad. 8/5/12 Teennick repeat with commercials
-*1998-Phil Moore, Kenan Mitchell, Kel Thompson, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Kayla & Dad. Game 2: Cody & Dad. Two copies: GaS airing (478.8) or 8/5/12 Teennick repeat with commercials
-1998-Phil Moore, Megan Good, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Michael & Dad. Game 2: Fallon (whose uncle Paul replaces Phil in this game!) (485.8)
-1998-Phil Moore, Kenan Thompson, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Ryan & Grandpa. Game 2: Ellie & Mom (478.3)
-October 27, 1998-Kevin Kopelow, Eleanor Nobel, Christine Nolie, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Thomas & Mom. Game 2: Danica & Mom (675.1)
-1998-Phil Moore, Megan Good, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Tren & Dad. Game 2: Andy & Kim (738.8)
-1998-Phil Moore, Meagan Good, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Jesse & Mom. Game 2: Olivia & Mom (786.2)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Eleanor Noble, Christy Knowings, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Becky & Dad. Game 2: Daniel & Mom (768.8)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Irene Ng, Michelle Trachtenberg, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Athina & Dad. Game 2: Michael & Grandpa (768.9)
-1998-Travis White, Amanda Bynes, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Lucas, Zoey, & Mom. Game 2: Brandon & Mom (AR6.4)
-1998-Phil Moore, Kenan Thompson, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Heather & Mom. Game 2: Brandy & Jason (their cousin Patty replaces Phil in this game!) (AR16.2)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Michelle Tractenburg, Robert Buchard, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Christa & Dad. Game 2: Joseph & Mom (AR5.1)
-1998-Ellen David, Erin J. Dean, Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Christa & Dad. Game 2: Joseph & Mom (AR5.2)
-1998-Kevin Kopelow, Curtis Williams Jr., Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Gina & Mom. Game 2: Rachel (whose aunt Kris replaces Kevin) (AR5.3)
-1998-Dennis Haskins, Erin J. Dean., Danny Tamberelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Louis & Papa. Game 2: Lizzie (whose cousin John replaces Danny) (AR5.4)
-1998-Cedric Ceballos, Eleanor Noble, Christy Knowings, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Bryce & Grandpa. Game 2: Lisa & Dad (TI.1)
-1998-Ellen Davis, Erin J. Dean, Danny Tamborelli, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Michael & Aunt Roberta. Game 2: Erin (whose cousin Mary replaces Danny). Ends during credits (TI10.2)
-1998-Phil Moore, Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell, Lori Beth Denberg. Game 1: Jason & Mom. Game 2: Jessie (whose Aunt Lynn replaces Phil). No credits (TI.3)
Wild Style
-1999-Jack Hannah, Amanda Bynes, Mark Saul, Erin J. Dean. Game 1: Jason & Alec. Game 2: Kayla (196.6)
-1999-Kevin Kopelow, Amanda Bynes, Christy Knowings, Kareem Blackwell. Game 1: Shelby & Stephanie. Game 2: Johanan. Name That Critter is played (200.7)
-1999-CatDog(!), Danny Tamberelli, Christy Knowings, Kareem Blackwell. Game 1: Kelly & Amanda. Game 2: Dennis. Secret Slime Action is saying “I Don’t Know” (229.2)
-1999-Nasty Knobs, Danny Tamberelli, Sherman Helmsley (!), Kareem Blackwell. Game 1: Alex. Game 2: Kacey (375.15)
-1999-Jack Hanna, Amanda Bynes, Mark Saul, Erin Jaydene. Game 1: Chris. Game 2: Cosima (478.9)
-1999-Mya, Mark Saul, Kareem Blackwell, Shane Sweet. Game 1: Ryan. Game 2: Elizabeth (485.9)
-1999-Mark Saul, Shane Sweet, Arjay Smith, Steve Burns. Game 1: Dakota. Game 2: Esther & Annmarie (499.7)
-1999-Dave Aizer, Amanda Bynes, Boris Coprera, Erin Jaydene. Game 1: Max. Game 2: Melissa (499.8)
-1999-Mark Saul, Shane Sweet, Arjay Smith, Steve Burns. Game 1: Stephanie. Game 2: Tyler. “Name That Critter” is played! (511.9)
-1999-Jack Hanna, Amanda Bynes, Richard Simmons, Erin Jay Dean. Game 1: Kally. Game 2: Leah (589.10)
-1999-Kevin Kopelow, Tara Lipinski, Danny Tamberelli, Irene Ng. Game 1: Tyson. Game 2: Megen (738.7)
-1999-Kevin Kopelow, Amanda Bynes, Tara Lipinski, Christy Knowings. Game 1: Chuckie. Game 2: Natalie (768.10)
-1999-Dr. J., Danny Tamborelli, Irene Ng, Kevin Kopelow. Game 1: Justine. Game 2: Richie (TI.6)
-1999-Jesse Camp, Amanda Bynes, Mark Saul, Erin J. Dean. Game 1: Matt. Game 2: Ali (TI10.1)
-1999-Kevin Kopelow, Tara Lipinski, Danny Tamberelli, Irene Ng. Game 1: Alexia. Game 2: Chris (837.8)
-1999-Kevin Kopelow, Tara Lipinski, Danny Tamberelli, Irene Ng. Game 1: Carly. Game 2: Billy (AR15.1)
-1999-CatDog (!), Danny Tamberelli, Christy Knowings, Kareem Blackwell. Game 1: Grayson. Game 2: Mara (AR15.2)
-1999-Mark Saul, Shane Sweet, Arjay Smith, Steve Burns. Game 1: Jawad. Game 2: Lisa (AR15.3)
-1999-Mark Saul, Shane Sweet, Arjay Smith, Steve Burns. Game 1: Nanda & Marti. Game 2: Josh (AR15.4)
-1999-Kevin Kopelow, Amanda Bynes, Dave Aizer, Christy Knowings. Game 1: Alyssa. Game 2: Zachary & Wesley (JF82.1)
-1999-Kevin Kopelow, Amanda Bynes, Tara Lipinski, Christy Knowings. Game 1: Jenn. Game 2: Melissa (JF82.2)
-1999-Kevin Kopelow, Amanda Bynes, Dave Aizer, Christy Knowings. Game 1: Jamie & Jeff. Game 2: Jasmine & Calli (AR16.3)
-1999-Doug E. Doug, Amanda Bynes, Boris Cabrera, Erin J. Jean. Game 1: Mitch. Game 2: Carrie (AR16.4)

FIGURE IT OUT (2012-2013) [6 episodes]
A spectacular revival that captures all the fun of the original!
First Season
-June 11, 2012 (Taped 4/22/12)-PREMIERE!!! Matt Bennett, Victoria Justice, Lulu Antariksa, Rachel Crow. Game 1: Dalton. Game 2: Shay
-June 12, 2012-Carlos Pena, Gracie Dzienny, James Maslow, Ciara Bravo. Game 1: Casey. Game 2: Avery
-June 13, 2012-Cymphonique Miller, Lucas Cruikshank, Lulu Antariksa, Jake Weary. Game 1: Michael. Game 2: Sophia
-June 15, 2012-Cymphonique Miller, Noah Munck, Lulu Antariksa, Max Schneider. Game 1: Skylar. Game 2: Jalen
-June 20, 2012-Lucas Cruikshank, Rachel Crow, Eric Lange, Jake Weary. Game 1: Sidney. Game 2: Tovi
Second Season
-July 16, 2013-The panel is all LA Galaxy players! A.J. de la Garda, Sean Franklin, Hector Huninez, Bryan Jordan. Game 1: Joshua. Game 2: Rebecca

FINDERS KEEPERS (Nick, 1987-1988) [44 episodes]
A very cool show. How could you not like that giant house?
NOTE: Episodes with a star have Nickelodeon airings available. The 1987 OBs NEVER reran on Nick GaS at any point!
-*November 2, 1987-PREMIERE!!! Cathy & Tim vs. Lacey & Justin. Original commercials (JP32.3)
-*November 6, 1987-Brian & Gail vs. Eric & Erin. Original commercials (BT40.1)
-*1987-Ingrid & Mike vs. Amin & Lila. One original commercial (BS14.1)
-1987-Erin & Kelly vs. Adam & Amy (BT36.1)
-1987-Andy & Michelle vs. Lisa & Jody (BT36.2)
-1987-Mose & Jen vs. Kevin & Candy. HORRIBLE Room-To-Room Romp! This episode is special to me; it’s the first program I ever saw on GAS! (268.4)
-1987-Dan & Jill vs. Michelle & Derek. SLIGHTLY glitchy at the beginning (209.3)
-1987-Mike & Vasti vs. Tony & Zakia. Blue team searches 7 out of 8 rooms…and STILL lose the game! (200.10)
-1987-Renny & Rachel vs. Chris & Erica (441.12)
-1987-Mike & Carol vs. Chris & Diane. It’s Holiday Day, and every room is themed after a different holiday (191.3)
-1987-Tia & Ryan vs. Scott & Andrea. Harvey dresses like a mummy! (AR2.1)
-December 1987-Christmas episode! Stuart & Jan vs. Sonya & Mark. Bad picture for first minute or so (SD3.5)
-*January 14, 1988-Matt & Katie vs. Kira & Damon. Original commercials (DC27.2)
-1988-Linda & Willie vs. Andre & Betsy (JP83.2)
-1988-Robert & Stephanie vs. Antoinette & Jarawa. Opening Clipped (191.7)
-1988-Jason & Debbie vs. Joe & Janine. Tiebreaker played (192.3)
-1988-Fred & Rachel vs. Dave & Gail. Wes cracks some BAD jokes (you can smell the joke in the Egyptian room from a mile away) (194.6)
-1988-Harry & Jennifer vs. Tanoa & Doug. Tiebreaker played. The team doesn’t hear the buzzer in the Room-to-Room Romp, and thinks they’ve won the game! (199.8)
-1988-Jennifer & Jeff vs. Jermaine & Maria (196.4)
-1988-Dennis & Kristen vs. Vinay & Stephanie (210.1)
-1988-Hodd & James vs. Karina & Dan (212.5)
-1988-Alan & Elizabeth vs. Steve & Amy. Picture wavy at times. Bob Lorman announces (212.1)
-1988-Will & Cheyenne vs. Jill & Mike (215.3)
-1988-Sashio & Makisha vs. Steph and Dave (it must be Weird Name Day today) (224.8)
-1988-Leslie & Tim vs. Maria & Jason (200.6)
-1988-Sala & Sean vs. Joe & Heather (226.4)
-1988-Tim & Maesha vs. Sherise & Steve (213.7)
-1988-Lisa & Wayne vs. Andy & Latisha (202.2)
-1988-Harry & Valenda vs. Amy & Scott (249.10)
-1988-Melanie & Lance vs. Reggie & Ronette (203.4)
-1988-Ginger & Dwight vs. Mike & Jackie (268.8)
-1988-John & Loni vs. Gary & Lily (271.5)
-1988-Sears & Timothy vs. Dana & Adrian. Close game from start to finish! (280.9)
-1988-Steve & Alisa vs. Ralph & Leslie (218.3)
-1988-Rusty & Lana vs. Chris & Kerry (218.6)
-1988-Janine & LaQuay vs. Quinn & Orlando (218.9)
-1988-Pam & Nate vs. Oka & Dave (206.8)
-1988-Jen & Eddie vs. Jenna & Joe (446.10)
-1988-Tom & Carly vs. Donny & Teresa (446.11)
-1988-Eric & Laura vs. Sue & Neil (478.5)
-1988-Lauren & Imi vs. Erin & Darnell. Wes gets hit with Silly String in Ali Baba's Bathroom! (649.4)
-1988-Stacy & Rodney vs. Kevin & Lynn (775.1)
-1988-Ryan & Jessica vs. Kirk & Heather (205.3)
-1988-Rich & Diane vs. Jamie & Kim (JF91.2)
-1988-Jason & Helene vs. Peggy & Ricky (984.4)

FINDERS KEEPERS (Synd., 1988-1989) [29 episodes]
This run’s not as good. What happened to the house podiums and the telestrator pens?
-1988-Michael & Bret vs. Morgan & Casey. Early episode with different display for hidden item (it’s a different style X than the others) (166.10)
-1988-Brenna & Tommy vs. Holly & Chris. Blue team searches EVERY ROOM in the house! Different, bizarre buzz-in noise (134.4) (1121.6)
-1988-Monica & Brandon vs. George & Kimberly. HORRIBLE Romp! (649.3)
-1988-Carrie & Cameron vs. Jamie & Shauna (192.8)
-1988-Katie & Audrey vs. Dino & Corey (199.3)
-1988-James & Tracy vs. Kamika & Bobby (198.5)
-1988-Lindsey & Robert vs. Lydia & Scott (211.6)
-1988-Monica & Santiago vs. Angelica & Mike. VERY POOR Room-to-Room Romp! (210.4)
-1988-Ryan & Desiree vs. Valerie & Zack. Blue team searches all four rooms in both rounds…and win the bonus in 63 seconds! (219.1)
-1988-Kevin & Gina vs. Daniel & Kelly. The blue team wins with an amazing $975!!! (200.2)
-1988-Paul & Janie vs. Veronica & Chris. Slight cable glitch during bonus round (231.4)
-1988-Shauna & Tony vs. Jared & Kayla (242.5)
-1988-Brian & Christy vs. Brandon & Erin (274.4)
-1988-Jesse & Nicole vs. Todd & Katy (280.2)
-1988-Jason & Gina vs. Anita & Eric (290.7)
-1988-Jeff & Christy vs. Robert & Christy (207.2)
-1988-Jeremy & Abby vs. Piper & Danny. Tiebreaker played (214.4)
-1988-Shauna & Gilbert vs. David & Danielle (339.4)
-1988-Byron & Nikki vs. Ed & Anna. Very close game from start to finish (345.2)
-1988-Ross & Veronica vs. David & Felecia (348.4)
-1988-Jamie & Kristen vs. Cambiz & Sarah (335.1)
-1988-Juan & Esther vs. Diana & Frenkis (365.5)
-1988-James & Christine vs. LaDerek & Adrian. Harry calls a room the “bitchin’ kitchen” (and on a kids show, tsk tsk!) (301.2)
-1988-Joe & Donna vs. Ryan & Lauren. Larry says “bitchin’ Egyptian” in one room (do they realize who their target audience is?) (301.8)
-1988-Abby & Edgar vs. Stephanie & Jack (JF52.1)
-1988-Renee & Brian vs. Jennifer & Ameen (JP83.1)
-1988-D.C. & Krystal vs. Ricky & Jenny (JF85.4)
-1988-Paul & Jamie vs. Veronica & Chris (984.5)
-*1988-Celebrity episode! Josie Davis & Chris vs. Emily Schulman & Tony. This episode NEVER aired on GaS! (CD6.1)

500 QUESTIONS [7 episodes]
-May 20, 2015-PREMIERE!!! Dan vs. Ogi
-May 21, 2015-Ep. 2: Two hours! Dan vs. Ogi (still!)
-May 22, 2015-Ep. 3: Steve vs. James
-May 25, 2015-Ep. 4: Steve vs. Megan
-May 26, 2015-Ep. 5: Steve vs. Megan (still!)
-May 27, 2015-Ep. 6: Adam vs. Pam
-May 28, 2015-Ep. 7; Two hour season finale! Adam vs. Mehrun

FLAMINGO FORTUNE (Florida Lottery Show) [11 episodes]
Started out very close to Illinois Instant Riches, but developed a MUCH different format later in life.
Format 1
-October 14, 1995-PREMIERE!!! Players: Susan (Beach Ball), Steve (Grand Prix), Pat (Splashdown). Designated champ: George (RS.7)
-January 6?, 1996-Players: Martin (Beach Ball), Frank (Grand Prix), Nicholas (Splashdown). Champ: Jackie. Original commercials (RS.8)
-1996-Players: Judy (Beach Ball), Stacey (Grand Prix), Chris (Splashdown). Champ: Cecil. Rich Fields seen on camera! (RS9.3)
Format 2
-May 30, 1998-Game 1: Flamingo Diceway, Sebastian vs. Margarita vs. Sandy vs. Maria. Game 2: Break The Piggy Bank, Sandy vs. Jo. Game 3: Florida’s Famous, Ed. Game 4: Florida’s Jackpot, Yolanda. An audience member proposes to his girlfriend! First turn of game 2 cut (RS9.4)
-June 1998-Game 1: Diceway, Henry, Betty, Ray, Hiroko. Game 2: Break the Piggy Bank, Don vs. George. Game 3: Florida's Famous, Lily. Game 4: Florida's Jackpot, Kathi (RS46.5)
-October 17, 1998-Game 1: Diceway, Cheryl, Steve, Forrest, Tony. Game 2: Break the Piggy Bank, Patrick vs. Nettie. Game 3: Florida's Famous, Mary. Game 4: Florida's Jackpot, Joyce (RS46.2)
-October 24, 1998-Game 1: Diceway, Johann, Glenna, Ken, & Rita. Game 2: Break the Piggy Bank, Louise vs. Larry. Game 3: Crack the Code, Muriel. Game 4: Florida's Jackpot, Ilyssa (RS46.1)
-January 2, 1999-First show of 1999! Game 1: Diceway, Chuck, Laura, Elnora, & Ruth. Game 2: Break the Piggy Bank, Virginia vs. Diane. Game 3: Crack the Code, Dudley. Game 4: Florida's Jackpot, Bobbi (RS46.3)
-January 1999-Game 1: Flamingo Diceway, Lynda vs. Doris vs. Ann vs. Charlie. Game 2: Break The Piggy Bank, Barry vs. Duviel. Game 3: Florida’s Famous, Fran. Game 4: Florida Jackpot, Sonya. The $1M spin pays off! (RS.9)
-1999-Game 1: Diceway, Robin, Isabelle, Bob, & Sharon. Game 2: Break the Piggy Bank, John vs. Wallace. Game 3: Florida's Famous, Joe. Game 4: Florida's Jackpot, Betty (RS46.4)
-February 27, 1999-Finale. Game 1: Flamingo Diceway, Bonnie vs. Bud vs. Curtis vs. Kevin. Game 2: Break The Piggy Bank, Earl vs. Carol. Game 3: Crack The Code, Tessie. Game 4: Florida’s Jackpot, Dean (RS.10)

THE $100,000 FORTUNE HUNT (Local IL Lottery Show) [43 episodes]
Jeff Coopwood
-September 16, 1989-PREMIERE!!! Denise vs. Nick vs. James vs. Ralph vs. Roger vs. Richard. Original commercials (CD5.3)
-September 8, 1989-2 sneak preview news stories, plus one commercial! (JW62.4)
-September 23, 1989-Mabel vs. Rebecca vs. Anna vs. Walter vs. Joe vs. Lurla. Original commercials (JW62.5)
-September 30, 1989-Lisa vs. Matt vs. Fred vs. Bill vs. Nancy vs. Mike. This episode demonstrates why the Wipeout square was a bad idea. Original commercials and a partial lottery drawing! (JW63.1)
-October 7, 1989-Marian vs. Leo vs. Anna vs. Rosemary vs. Richard vs. Dena. Last episode with the Wipeout Space. Original commercials (JW63.2)
-October 14, 1989-Stanley vs. David vs. Halina vs. Edna vs. Marie vs. Kathy. First episode with the Lose A Turn space! Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW63.3)
-October 21, 1989-John vs. Kathaleen vs. Rose Marie vs. Virginia vs. John vs. Bernadette. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW63.4)
-October 28, 1989-Karen vs. Georgia vs. Yolanda vs. Helen vs. John vs. Jim. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW65.1)
-November 4, 1989-George vs. Jack vs. Deborah vs. Robert vs. Carol vs. Pat. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW65.2)
-November 11, 1989-George vs. Jerry vs. Ken vs. Barb vs. Orville vs. Dahlia. Original commercials (JW65.3)
-November 18, 1989-Ilene vs. Esther vs. Ethel vs. Dorothy vs. Zale vs. Robert. Dom Casual font on contestant podiums debuts. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW65.4)
-November 25, 1989-Dorothy vs. George vs. Nannette vs. Belle vs. Mark vs. Irene. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW66.1)
-December 2, 1989-Margaret vs. Georgette vs. Marilyn vs. Roberta vs. Pamela vs. Paul. Original commercials and a partial lottery drawing! (JW66.2)
-December 16, 1989-Wayne vs. Carol vs. John vs. Joe vs. Victor vs. Fayma. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW66.3)
-December 30, 1989-Ellie vs. Edith vs. Shirley vs. Frank vs. Louis vs. Anuel. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW67.1)
-January 6, 1990-Mary Ann vs. Joy vs. George vs. David vs. Ronald vs. Dan. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW67.2)
-January 13, 1990-Louis vs. Marlene vs. Forrest vs. Roger vs. Ed vs. Daniel. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW67.3)
-January 27, 1990-Donna vs. Dorothy vs. Betty vs. Bettye vs. Bernice vs. James. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW67.4)
-February 3, 1990-Norma vs. Arnold vs. Michelle vs. Margaret vs. Linda vs. Pamela. Original commercials and a lottery drawing that doesn’t go as planned! (JW68.1)
-February 10, 1990-Pat vs. Gail vs. Louise vs. John vs. Jesse vs. Ann. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! No intro (JW68.2)
-February 17, 1990-Steve vs. Debra vs. Bernadette vs. Joseph vs. Helen vs. Rich. Rich’s son Jim was a contestant on the 10/28/89 show! Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW68.3)
-March 3, 1990-Madline vs. Charles vs. Frank vs. Robert vs. Arlene vs. Lillian. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW68.4)
-March 10, 1990-Fred vs. Jerry vs. Virginia vs. Wandalea vs. Mary vs. Gus. Original commercials and a partial lottery drawing! (JW69.1)
-March 17, 1990-Gloria vs. Pearl vs. Scott vs. John vs. Rick vs. Randall. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW69.2)
-March 24, 1990-Dorothy vs. George vs. Brian vs. Mary vs. Blane vs. Wendell. Original commercials (including one for itself!) and a lottery drawing! (JW69.3)
-March 31, 1990-Russ vs. Jerome vs. Robin vs. Craig vs. Edward vs. Claude. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW69.4)
-April 7, 1990-Last episode with original format. Bill vs. James vs. Del vs. Dan vs. Grena vs. Bernadette. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW70.1)
-April 14, 1990-New intro, graphics, money amounts, & bonus game debut! Otis vs. Betty vs. Floretta vs. Pamela vs. Robin vs. Ruth. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW70.2)
-April 21, 1990-Aug vs. Tom vs. Carmon vs. Karen vs. Juan vs. John. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW70.3)
-April 28, 1990-Frank vs. Eve vs. Candie vs. Ellen vs. Michael vs. Della. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW70.4)
-May 5, 1990-Andrea vs. Mo vs. George vs. Charles vs. Raymond vs. Phyllis. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW71.1)
-May 12, 1990-Irwin vs. Robert vs. Angeline vs. Phillip vs. Helen vs. Catherine. Original commercials (JW71.2)
-May 19, 1990-Melinda vs. Janet vs. Marie vs. Les vs. Jack vs. Quinn. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW71.3)
-May 26, 1990-Charles vs. Pearle vs. Jim vs. Ira vs. Sharon vs. Tom. New contestant podiums debut! Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW71.4)
-June 2, 1990-Joseph vs. Jackie vs. Becky vs. Rose vs. Randy vs. Helen. New contestant backdrop debuts! Original commercials (JW72.1)
-June 30, 1990-Joen vs. Joan vs. Vicki vs. John vs. Shirley vs. Frank. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW72.2)
-July 7, 1990-Pat vs. Bessie vs. Gwen vs. Herbert vs. Casey vs. Jerry. Original commercials and a lottery drawing! (JW72.3)
-July 14, 1990-Charles vs. Penny vs. Kelly vs. Robert vs. Chuck vs. Charles. Original commercials (CO34.4)
-July 21, 1990-Majed vs. Marie vs. Tom vs. Lillian vs. Richard vs. Adolph. Original commercials (JW72.4)
-July 28, 1990-Keith vs. Dorothy vs. Bertha vs. Lisa vs. Marvin vs. Harold. Original commercials (JW73.1)
-August 4, 1990-Lisa vs. Debra vs. Gertrude vs. Don vs. Martha vs. Vonda. Original commercials & a lottery drawing! (JW73.2)
-August 11, 1990-Jeff’s final episode. Peggy vs. Edith vs. Richard vs. Andrew vs. Vincent vs. Florence. Original commercials (JW73.3)
Mike Jackson
-July 1991-Margaret vs. Genevieve vs. Don vs. George vs. Barbara vs. Julia. Original commercials, VCR counter in upper right (CD2.2)

FREE 4 ALL [4 episodes]
A short-lived USA original that plays like a quiz bowl. Music's nice, and Mark does pretty well.
-June 27, 1994-PREMIERE!!! Jamie, Sherry, & John vs. Franschell, Michael, & Lothell (TW.2)
-August 22, 1994-Elisa, Phyllis, & Don vs. Maureen, Bill, & Leslie. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (DB16.15)
-August 25, 1994-Kathy, Barbara, & Jeff, & vs. Jennifer, Kirk, & Tim. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (DB16.8)
-October 4, 1994-Mike, Genie, & Bob vs. Scott, Rachel, & Ramsey (CO22.1)

FRIEND OR FOE [61 episodes]
Kennedy is a terrific host. She deserves a better show than this one.
First Season
-June 3, 2002-PREMIERE!!! Players: Summer, Raymond, & Diana. Possible Partners: Maurice, Dana, & Phil. Original commercials (56.4), Feast of Favorites (97.2), or 3/31/08 repeat (1055.7)
-June 5, 2002-Players: Tina, Andre, & Lisa. Possible Partners: Manny, Kathy, & Dave (1016.8)
-June 7, 2002-Players: Gena, Josh, & Alison. Possible Partners: Mike, Betty,& Yanju (131.10)
-June 10, 2002-Players: Barbie, Tony, & Deenie. Possible Partners: Christopher, Debi, & George. No crunch! (granted, there's almost no credits to crunch this time...) (1052.6)
-June 11, 2002-Players: Mark, Melissa, & Julian. Possible Partners: Ellen, Jeff, & Dana. NO right answers in bonus round! (25.6)
-June 12, 2002-Players: Barney, Lina, & Kevin. Potential Partners: La Kesha, Bryan, & Amy (1150.8)
-June 18, 2002-First taped episode! Players: Byron Claudia & Joy. Possible Partners: Scotty, Rob, & Wendy. GSN credit crunch (987.7)
-June 19, 2002-Players: Mike, Susan, & Andrea. Possible Partners: Lance, Silvana, & Tony (1017.7)
-June 24, 2002-Players: Jeff, De Anna, & Regenia. Potential Partners: Zach, April, & Dave. GSN credit crunch (1162.4)
-June 26, 2002-Players: Jessica, Robert, & Julie. Potential Partners: Reptone, Michelle & Kristopher. GSN credit crunch (1165.10)
-June 27, 2002-Players: Steffany, Ben, & Lynn. Possible Partners: Michael, Paula, & Aaron. GSN credit crunch (669.8)
-June 19, 2002-Players: Mike, Susan, & Andrea. Possible Partners: Lance, Silvana, & Tony (152.1)
-July 3, 2002-Players: Sabra, Dino, & Rachel. Possible Partners: Sam, Adele, & David (245.1)
-July 4, 2002-Linda, John, & Allison. Possible Partners: Len, Marsha (back due to an error), & Dan (1041.12)
-July 5, 2002-Players: Gwen, Tom, & Danielle. Possible Partners: Omar, Crystal, & Fernando. GSN credit crunch (927.7)
-July 8, 2002-Adeye, Sam, & Jessica. Possible Partners: Michael, Anne, Robert (1042.4)
-July 9, 2002-Players: Michael, Maeria, & Matthew. Possible Partners: Alexis, Chris, & Jo Ann. GSN credit crunch (960.11)
-July 10, 2002-Players: Susan, Doug, & Lea. Possible Partners: Skyler, Marsha, & Valentin. GSN credit crunch (812.11)
-July 11, 2002-Players: Dawna, Marc, & Willie. Possible Partners: Susan, Brian, & Yanay. GSN credit crunch (713.11)
-July 12, 2002-Players: John, Carol, & Sam. Potential Partners: Suzani, Michael, & Kimberly (1151.11)
-July 15, 2002-Today’s Players: Jennie, Anthony, & Paige. Possible Partners: Adam, Teresa, & John (1059.7)
-July 16, 2002-Players: Francie, Darren, & Mya. Possible Partners: Lisa, Johnny, & Sidney (1152.9)
-July 17, 2002-Players: Carole, Evolve, & Jessica. Possible Partners: Justin, Kristin, & Joshua. GSN credit crunch (780.9)
-July 18, 2002-Players: Mike, Aime, & Liz. Possible Partners: Dawn, Tommy, & Brenda. GSN credit crunch (684.7)
-July 19, 2002-Players: Diane, Christopher, & Shannon. Possible Partners: Bobby, Julie, Chris. GSN credit crunch (955.9)
-July 22, 2002-Players: Teana, Joshua, & Sheri. Possible Partners: Christopher, Zakia, & Eric. GSN credit crunch (635.10)
-July 23, 2002-Players: Fiona, Tim, Cecilia. Possible Partners: Coreie, Steve, & Denise. GSN credit crunch (668.9)
-July 24, 2002-Ryan, Rosangela, & Randy. Potential Partners: Veronica, David, & Melody. GSN credit crunch (1170.7)
-July 25, 2002-Players: Rachael, Mike, & Crystal. Potential Partners: Paul, Catharine, & Darius. GSN credit crunch (1160.7)
-October 26, 2002-Halloween episode, where all the teams have grudges against each other! Pierre & Jaimi vs. Ian & Tylo vs. Lauren & Arthur. Two copies: regular Game Show Network airing (258.9) or Hollywood Scares with Elvira segments (70.4)
Second Season
-October 1, 2002-Sherrie & Lily vs. Ron & Daniel vs. Brooks & Kerry. GSN credit crunch (988.11)
-October 2, 2002-Nichoel & Danny vs. Stephen & Carrie vs. Dana & Mat. Most Outrageous Game Show Moments used a clip from this episode (133.1)
-October 3, 2002-Jeff & Thelma vs. Valerie & Christopher vs. voice actor Greg Cipes vs. Crystal. GSN credit crunch (1169.8)
-October 8, 2002-Jo'Ellyn & Bo vs. Lana & Madeline vs. John & Ken (1037.10)
-October 9, 2002-Alex & Mike vs. Mario & Ashley vs. Christina & Shawn (248.4)
-October 10, 2002-Rod & Jenna vs. Shante & Ian vs. Anita & Autumn (1071.8)
-October 15, 2002-Sasha & Wendi vs. Stacia & Jennifer vs. Anthony & Michael. GSN credit crunch (950.9)
-October 21, 2002-Pam & Cori vs. Rob & Robert vs. Kisa & George (1081.10)
-October 23, 2002-K.J. & Barbara vs. Adrianne & Dorian vs. Daron & Brooke (1011.11)
-October 24, 2002-Debbie & April vs. Byron & Marty vs. Dave & Kristen. GSN credit crunch (1129.10)
-October 25, 2002-Jackie & John vs. Philippe & Scott vs. Phelecia & Jennifer (1010.3)
-October 29, 2002-Wayne & Melissa vs. Abbey & Larry vs. David & Darlene. GSN credit crunch (1034.10)
-November 28, 2002-John & Su vs. Natalie & Jason vs. David & Darianne. From Feast of Favorites (the episode actually made its debut during this marathon) (97.1)
-Nov. or Dec. 2002-Armine & Janice vs. Ryan & Patrick vs. Maurice & Melanie. GSN credit crunch (712.7)
-December 5, 2002-Viv & Dennis vs. Bruce & Mai vs. Heather & Danny (1146.7)
-December 6, 2002-Nicole & Matt vs. Brian & Rahul vs. Bethany & Barbara. GSN credit crunch (1053.7)
-December 9, 2002-Jarvis & Elizabeth vs. Lisa & Alise vs. Darren & Matt (1036.8)
-December 10, 2002-Greg & Devan vs. Jennifer & Prince James vs. Gary & Ashley (1088.6)
-December 11, 2002-Kate & Michael vs. Vash & Diane vs. Elizabeth & Davey (1043.9)
-December 13, 2002-Aliké & Phil vs. Ben & Kevin vs. Lisa Marie & Jaymie. GSN credit crunch (1083.6)
-December 14, 2002-John & Vanessa vs. Angelo & Simone vs. Shahn & Stephanie. Special Christmas episode (172.5)
-December 16, 2002-Jason & Roxy vs. Gina & Tim vs. Eric & Silvana. GSN credit crunch (1161.8)
-December 17, 2002-Sherri & Gabi vs. Lenny & Shopan vs. Milton & Gayle (1019.8)
-December 18, 2002-Players: Debra, Randal, & Michele. Possible Partners: James, Charisse, & Mark (1115.10)
-December 19, 2002-Darrell & Rocky vs. Leanne & Jennifer vs. Lisa & Alan. GSN credit crunch (673.11)
-December 20, 2002-Heather & Ellen vs. Mark & Isaac vs. Chase & Laura. GSN credit crunch (1006.10)
-December 23, 2002-John & Su vs. Natalie & Jason vs. Dave & Darianne (1139.10)
-December 24, 2002-Julie & Todd vs. Azzie & Jody vs. Nathan & Rob (1065.10)
-December 26?, 2002-Tony & Heather vs. Joe & Corwin vs. Sylvia & Randi (847.10)
-December 27, 2002-Kat & Dusty vs. Josh & Richelle vs. La Dasha & Randall (1063.8)
-April 1, 2003-Final episode, where Mark L. Walberg guest hosts! Frank & Kimberly vs. Michael & George vs. Laura & Linda (146.1)

FUN & FORTUNE (Local Missouri Lottery Show) [6 episodes]
Before it was Powerball Instant Millionaire, it was this local affair.
-January 20, 1996-PREMIERE!!! Finders Keepers: Linda vs. Don vs. Verna. Top That: Calvin vs. Ron vs. Jeffery. Ends during credits (CD17.4)
-April 21, 1996-Finders Keepers: Carla vs. Bill vs. Michael. Top That: Dave vs. Alberta vs. Nancy. Champ: Tammy (SI.1)
-2000-9 Ball: Terri vs. Jerry vs. Bea. Crazy 8s: Sherry vs. Janell vs. Becky. Champ: Steve. Fuzzy video at times (SI10.3)
-April 22, 2000-9 Ball: Mike vs. Thelma vs. Stacey. Crazy 8s: Darren vs. Mike vs. Tim. Champ: Bob. Original commercials (BM3.5)
-September 23, 2000 (Taped 9/12/00)-9 Ball: Alan vs. Shirley vs. Mary. Crazy 8s: Jim vs. Nancy vs. Shane. Studio master with slate! (JW15.3)
-July 27, 2002 (Taped 7/9/2002)-Finale. 9 Ball: Dennis vs. Tammy vs. Joe. Nest Egg: Dan vs. Mike vs. Grace. Has some great clips! (CD17.5)

THE FUN FACTORY [2 episodes]
Lives up to its name; a zany show full of fun games & skits.
-1976-The Fun Word is “Saturn” (RS4.7)
-1976-The Fun Word is “Scorpio” (BB2.2)

FUN HOUSE (Synd., 1988-1990) [38 episodes]
The only real threat to Double Dare’s success.
-September 4, 1988-PREMIERE!!! Game 1: Staci Keenan & Israel vs. Danny Ponce & Tara. Game 2: Danny Pintauro & Amy vs. Soleil Moon Frye & Ryan. Amy was on I'm Telling earlier in '88. Original commercials, ticket plug, & contestant plug! (RI2.2)
-1988-Janet & Eric vs. Denille & David. Original commercials, very jumpy picture (JP7.10)
-1988-Sarah & Anoush vs. Rebecca & Brad (JF151.1)
-1988-Radha & Jaga vs. Nicole & Sean (JF151.2)
-1988-Jennifer & Ryan vs. Roni & Etan (JF151.3)
-1988-Rachel & Joe vs. Julie & Matt (JF151.4)
-1988-Amber & Arvin vs. Shara & Chris (JF151.5)
-1988-Heather & Vincent vs. Sandy & Rudy (JF152.3)
-1988-Tracey & Kenneth vs. Romy & Neil (JF152.4)
-1988-Rachel & Gary vs. Angela & David (JF152.5)
-1988-Stephanie & Quixari vs. Eric & Carrie (JF153.1)
-1988-Celebrity Week! Tiffany Brissette & Scott vs. Jerry Suprian & Marla (JF153.5)
-1988-Gia & Mike vs. Kip & Katrina (JF154.1)
-November 1988-Thanksgiving episode! Heather & Kurt vs. Evelyn & Andy. Ticket plug! (DC11.15)
-December 23, 1988-Christmas episode! Sam & Jon vs. Elisabeth & Jimmy (RI16.1)
-Early 1989-Clare & Howard vs. Jason & Nancy. Original commercials (DC18.9)
-February 9, 1989-Celebrity episode...and Salute to Massachusetts, Connecticut, & Rhode Island! Sara Gilbert & Ross vs. Benji Gregory & Karen (JF152.1)
-February 10, 1989-Celebrity episode...and Salute to Nevada, Arizona, & New Mexico! Sara Gilbert & Nick vs. Benji Gregory & Marsha (JF152.2)
-February 13, 1989-Salute to Missouri, Arkansas, & Oklahoma! Tiffany & Jake vs. Kara & Christopher (JF154.2)
-February 15, 1989-Salute to West Virginia, Pennsylvania, & New Jersey! Shannon & Chris vs. Shandi & Dawson. Shannon & Chris were also on I'm Telling (JF154.3)
-February 20, 1989-Celebrity episode...and Salute to Washington DC! Soleil Moon Frye & Lucas vs. Jeremy Miller & Jamie (JF153.2)
-February 21, 1989-Celebrity episode...and Salute to Utah, Wyoming, & Colorado! Soleil Moon Frye & Joey vs. Jeremy Miller & Samantha (JF153.3)
-February 22, 1989-Celebrity episode...and Salute to Mississippi, Alabama, & Tennessee! Soleil Moon Frye & Sonny vs. Jeremy Miller & Rachel (JF153.4)
-February 23, 1989-New York Day! Soleil Moon Frye & Matthew vs. Jeremy Miller & Malia. Canadian commercials (RI6.4)
-March 1, 1989-It's New England day! Pat & Adam vs. David & Barbie. Original commercials (RI16.2)
-September 27, 1989-Anthony & Doris vs. Nathan & Julie. Original commercials, no credits (BT40.2)
-September 28, 1989-Alexis & Anthony vs. Tiefa & Michael. Original commercials (JP8.6)
-September 29, 1989-Early episode with this house. Amanda & Josh vs. Shauna & Enoch. Power Prize is won at the LAST SECOND! Original commercials, Low audio (DC.1)
-October 4, 1989-Ricky & May vs. Scott & Courtney. Original commercials, no open or credits (BT40.3)
-1989-Monie & Wesley vs. Lauren & Jared. Original commercials (DT6.9)
-December 14, 1989-Jill & Steve vs. Erika & Fernando. A tag breaks! Original commercials (DC7.2)
-December 15, 1989-Mara & Ian vs. Maggie & Brandon. Original commercials (RI4.9)
-December 18, 1989-Tiffany & Brian vs. Pokey & Carrie. Original commercials (RI2.3)
-December 19, 1989-Erica & Brian vs. Linae & Alan. Original commercials (JP8.7)
-December 20, 1989-Carissa & Craig vs. Joel & Sonja. Original commercials (DC18.10)
-December 25, 1989-Danielle & Jon vs. Stacey & Ryan (DC38.5)
-1989-Stephanie & Michael vs. Jaclyn & Daniel. Original commercials (from Canada!) (DC.2)
-1990-Salute to Belgium, Luxemburg, & The Netherlands! Heather & Michael vs. Sarah & Peter. Original commercials (CC10.1)

FUN HOUSE (FOX, 1990-1991) [11 episodes]
Cooler set than before, but not as cool theme song…fair trade, I suppose.
-September 7, 1990-PREMIERE!!! Jessica & Chris vs. Jesse & Staci. Original commercials (DC4.2)
-September 12, 1990-Salute to Peter Pan & The Pirates! Kellie Williams & Azure vs. Jaleel White & Reuben. Original commercials (DC42.1)
-September 14, 1990-Danny Pintauro & Erin vs. Leonadro DiCaprio & Nicole. Original commercials (DC42.2)
-September 17, 1990-Celebrity episode! Douglas Emerson & Jenny vs. Brian Austin-Green & Allison. Original commercials (DC7.3)
-September 20, 1990-Salute to Peter Pan & The Pirates! Jenny Beck & Shaun vs. Josh Saviano & Kim. Repeat from Dec. 1990 with commercials (CC10.2)
-1990-Kati & Steven vs. Rochelle & Todd. Original commercials (CC10.3)
-1990-Debbie & Andrew vs. Karlyn & Ryam. Original commercials (DC28.1)
-1990-Julie & Brian vs. Christina & Richard. The team members brought their dogs to the Grand Prix race! Brief audio dropouts in first segment, no credits (DC7.4)
-January 1991-Jenny & Greg vs. Sarah & Paul. Original commercials (DC28.2)
-1991-Chastity & Ryan vs. Erin & Matt (DC28.3)
-February 23, 1991-Megan & Nick vs. Jamie & Alan. Original commercials (DC28.4)

FUNNY MONEY [21 episodes]
Not too great, but it could be funny sometimes.
Normal Episodes
-June 16, 2003-Don McMillian, Kathleen Madigan, Ty Barnett. Matt vs. June (253.4)
-June 18, 2003-Bob Zany, Retta, Reno Collier. Sha-Hid vs. Kerry. Open cut (163.2)
-June 19, 2003-Gene Pompa, Cathy Ladman, Daniel Kinno. Dave vs. Carolina (233.2)
-June 23, 2003-Matt Weinhold, Sue Kolinski, Boris Hamilton. Adam vs. Jenny (163.4)
-June 24, 2003-Brian Dunkleman, Suli McCullough, Tom Clark. Scot vs. Amy (233.8)
-June 25, 2003-Mike McDonald, Corey Holcomb, Pete Gray. Alex vs. Shoshanna (163.6)
-June 26, 2003-Chris “Kid” Reed, Jodie Milks, Rick Kunkler. Nathan vs. Leesa (164.3)
-June 27, 2003-Jeff Burghart, Danielle Koenig, Vince Morris. Michael vs. Audra (364.4)
-July 2, 2003-GRAHAM ELWOOD, Alexandra McHale, Owen Smith. Judd vs. Amy (245.4)
-July 7?, 2003-Darren Carter, Carrie Snow, Alonzo Boden. Matt vs. Jen (244.7)
-July 8, 2003-Dan Grueter, Tess Drake, Craig Shoemaker. Lawrence vs. Chudney. Craig jokes about Hollywood Squares! (248.2)
-July 17, 2003-Pablo Francisco, Sharon Houston, Matt Kirsch. Marc vs. Sandy (284.6)
-July 10, 2003-Ian Bagg, Candy Ford, Carlos Alazraqui. Ed vs. Amanda (152.5)
-July 22, 2003-Greg Fitzsimmons, Magdalena, Mark Pitta. Anne vs. Mike (SD13.5)
-August 19, 2003-Paul Gilmartin, Ellen Cleghorne, Todd Glass. Brian vs. Brandi. Aired pilot; Nametags, scoreboards & bonus round graphics are different (170.5)
Vegas Episodes
-June 15, 2003-PREMIERE!!! GEORGE GRAY, Mike Sacone, Vinny Favorito, & special guest Kathy Griffin. Jamie vs. Traci (102.8)
-June 22, 2003-Celebrity episode! Rick Overton, Sue Murphy, Avi Liberman. Fred Willard vs. Martin Mull (183.3)
-June 29, 2003-John Mendoza, Tammy Pescatelli, Henry Cho. RONN LUCAS vs. Lance Burton (364.6)
-July 6, 2003-Bobby Collins, Debi Guitierrez, Mike Estime. Joey Buttafuoco vs. Mary Jo Buttafuoco. No, I swear to God I’m not making this up (244.3)
-July 20, 2003-Jeff Dunham, Loni Love, Pete Johannson. Matt vs. Darren. Both contestants are Elvis impersonators! (156.5)
-Jul. or Aug. 2003-Brody Stevens, Shannon Lynn Hall, Jimmy Dore. Rachelle vs. Brian. No intro (153.10)

FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK (ABC, 1968-1969) [1 episode]
-1968-Dean Jones, Rose Marie, Stu Gilliam, Marty Allen, Meredith MacRae. Rita vs. Jay. Original commercials (BS39.2)

FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK (Synd., 2017-Today) [47 episodes]
Not related to the '68 show. Very bare-bones format, but there's plenty of laughs to make viewers happy.
-September 11, 2017-PREMIERE!!! Howie Mandel, Sheryl Underwood, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy Natasha Leggero, Tom Arnold. Bo vs. Tasha (JF161.1)
-September 12, 2017-Tom Arnold, Natasha Leggero, Bill Bellamy, Howie Mandel, Sheryl Underwood, Louie Anderson. Randy vs. Amy (JF161.2)
-September 13, 2017-Harland Williams, Maria Bamford, Cedric the Entertainer, Louie Anderson, Jackee Harry, Gary Owen. Kofi vs. Jessica (JF163.1)
-September 14, 2017-Pauly Shore, Caroline Rhea, Anthony Anderson, Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Dave Coulier. Dan vs. Vanessa (JF162.2)
-September 15, 2017-Pauly Shore, Caroline Rhea, Anthony Anderson, Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Dave Coulier. Ryan vs. Kelli (JF163.2)
-September 18, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Gabriel Iglesias. Carey vs. Nida (JF164.1)
-September 19, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Gabriel Iglesias. Jonas vs. Sarah (JF164.2)
-September 20, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Gabriel Iglesias. Ricardo vs. Amanda (JF164.3)
-September 21, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Gabriel Iglesias. Alex vs. Atheana (JF164.4)
-September 22, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Gabriel Iglesias. David vs. Michele. TN airing (JF164.5) or St. Louis airing (DL27.1)
-September 25, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Tim Meadows, Caroline Rhea, Bobby Lee. John vs. Mariam (JF165.1)
-September 26, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Tim Meadows, Caroline Rhea, Bobby Lee. Kenny vs. Jade (JF165.2)
-September 27, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Sherry Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Tim Meadows, Caroline Rhea, Bobby Lee. Dashan vs. Jennifer. TN airing (JF165.3) or St. Louis airing (DL27.2)
-September 28, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Sherry Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Tim Meadows, Caroline Rhea, Bobby Lee. Lamor vs. Molly Ann. TN airing (JF165.4) or St. Louis airing (DL27.3)
-September 29, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Sherry Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Tim Meadows, Caroline Rhea, Bobby Lee. Timothy vs. Sierra. TN airing (JF165.5) or St. Louis airing (DL27.4)
-October 2, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Cheryl Underwood, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy, Caroline Rhea, Tom Arnold. Andrew vs. Catherine (JF166.1)
-October 3, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Cheryl Underwood, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy, Caroline Rhea, Tom Arnold. Jeff vs. Karen (JF166.2)
-October 4, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Cheryl Underwood, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy, Caroline Rhea, Tom Arnold. Troy vs. Terril (JF166.3)
-October 5, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Cheryl Underwood, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy, Caroline Rhea, Tom Arnold. Jim vs. Arynetta (JF166.4)
-October 6, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Cheryl Underwood, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy, Caroline Rhea, Tom Arnold. Andrew vs. Abbey (JF166.5)
-October 24, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Tim Meadows, Natasha Leggero, Billy Gardell. Skyler vs. Stephanie (JF168.1)
-October 25, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Tim Meadows, Natasha Leggero, Billy Gardell. Michael vs. Raquel (JF168.2)
-October 26, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Tim Meadows, Natasha Leggero, Billy Gardell. Derek vs. Vikki (JF168.3)
-October 27, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Tim Meadows, Natasha Leggero, Billy Gardell. Louis vs. Maria (JF168.4)
-October 30, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy, Natasha Leggero, Billy Gardell. John vs. Cheyenne. 12/21/19 repeat
-November 1, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy, Natasha Leggero, Billy Gardell. Larry vs. Amanda (JF173.1)
-November 2, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy, Natasha Leggero, Billy Gardell. Gavin vs. Alexa (JF173.2)
-November 3, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Bill Bellamy, Natasha Leggero, Billy Gardell. Caleb vs. Danielle (JF173.3)
-November 21, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Cedric The Entertainer, Caroline Rhea, Tom Arnold. Joey vs. Jeni (JF178.1)
-November 22, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Cedric The Entertainer, Caroline Rhea, Tom Arnold. Nathan vs. Ruby. Original WATN airing (JF178.2) or 1/2/20 WRDQ airing
-November 23, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Caroline Rhea, Tom Arnold. Kevin vs. Rocio (JF178.3)
-November 24, 2017-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Caroline Rhea, Tom Arnold. Erik vs. Kristen (JF178.4)
-February 8, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Vivica A. Fox, Bill Engvall, Byron Allen, Jodi Miller, Tom Arnold. Brad vs. Skylana (JF183.1)
-February 9, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Vivica A. Fox, Bill Engvall, Byron Allen, Jodi Miller, Tom Arnold. Anthony vs. Emilee (JF183.2)
-February 14, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Howie Mandel, Jimmie Walker, Cheryl Hines, Billy Gardell. Tenn vs. Natalia (JF177.1)
-February 15, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Howie Mandel, Jimmie Walker, Cheryl Hines, Billy Gardell. John vs. Randahl (JF177.2)
-February 16, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Howie Mandel, Jimmie Walker, Cheryl Hines, Billy Gardell. Saint vs. Lynn (JF177.3)
-February 19, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Sheryl Underwood, Howie Mandel, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Tom Arnold. Michael vs. Amber (JF177.4)
-February 21, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Cheryl Underwood, Howie Mandel, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Tom Arnold. Tyler vs. Becca (JF181.1)
-February 28, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Howie Mandel, Bill Bellamy, Cheryl Hines, Billy Gardell. Arthur vs. Desiree (JF181.2)
-April 27, 2018-100th episode! Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Billy Gardell. Kareem vs. Olivia. This episode's top prize is $15,000! 2/26/20 repeat
-November 12, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Vivica A. Fox, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Jodi Miller, Billy Gardell. Zander vs. Brianna. 12/21/19 repeat
-June 25, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Howie Mandel. Brooke vs. Levi. 3/10/20 repeat
-July 10, 2018-Jon Lovitz, Sherri Shepherd, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Gabriel Iglesias. Brian vs. Mirna. 3/18/20 repeat, news ticker on bottom throughout
-April 29, 2019-Jon Lovitz, Raven-Symone, Billy Gardell, Byron Allen, Whitney Carson, Bill Engvall. Kevin vs. Katie. 3/19/20 repeat, news ticker on bottom throughout
-July 19, 2019-Jon Lovitz, Vivica A. Fox, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Caroline Rhea, Bill Engvall. Peter vs. Marina. Held back from season 1; uses original theme song. 2/22/20 repeat
-September 19, 2019-Jon Lovitz, Jackee, Louie Anderson, Byron Allen, Natasha Leggero, Howie Mandel. Sam vs. Allyse. 12/6/19 repeat

GAMBIT [1 episode]
Blackjack-based classic with lots of prizes!
-1974-Livingston vs. Ferraro. Possibly only existing ep., but what a great one it is! (CC12.3)

GAMEFARM [5 episodes...POSSIBLY the entire run]
With unfunny skits and minimal game playing, this should have been called "Lamefarm".
-2003-Kaleb vs. Katie vs. Elise vs. Eric (AR.1)
-2003-Cam vs. Samantha vs. Darrell vs. Seth (AR.2)
-2003-Calvin vs. Hilary vs. Christian vs. Stacy-Ann (AR.3)
-2003-James vs. Carly vs. Carson vs. Keri (AR.4)
-2003-Shay vs. Evaline vs. Daniel vs. Yolimar (AR.5)

THE GAME GAME [1 episode]
Kinda cheap, but engaging psycho-analysis game. Best experienced by playing along with the show.
-1969-“How Well Do You Make Decisions?” George Carlin, Jacqueline Susanne, Andrew Price. Contestant: Linda. Studio master copy, in GREAT quality! (DD34.1)

THE GAME OF LIFE [13 episodes]
Pretty lifeless show with uninteresting format and bland set.
-September 3, 2011-PREMIERE!!! Team Shane vs. Team Serge
-October 1, 2011-Team Rory vs. Team Madison
-October 8, 2011-Team Shekinah vs. Team Taylor. Hub on Demand airing
-October 29, 2011-Team George vs. Team Claire. Hub on Demand airing
-November 6, 2011-Team Nicolas vs. Team Carly. Hub on Demand airing
-January 22, 2012-Team Allie vs. Team Artie. Hub on Demand airing
-January 29, 2012-First taped episode! Team Dominique vs. Team Sara. Hub on Demand airing
-February 5, 2012-Team Michael vs. Team Gabrielle. Hub on Demand airing
-February 19, 2012-Team Naomi vs. Team Erica. Hub on Demand airing
-February 12, 2012-Team Colton vs. Team Hannah
-March 4, 2012-Team Karen vs. Team Ashton. Hub on Demand airing
-March 11, 2012-Team Bryce vs. Team Skye. Hub on Demand airing
-April 1, 2012-Team Akwe vs. Team Micayla. Hub on Demand airing

THE GAME PLANE [8 episodes]
-September 22, 2014 (Taped 6/24/14)-First episode in the Tacoma, WA area! Flight 625 From Allentown to Orlando. Face Off: Leann vs. Steve. Landing Letters: Jackie. Plane Truth: Bonnie vs. Mike (SD23.2)
-September 29, 2014-Flight 785 from Fargo to Orlando. Plane Annoying: Sarah vs. Kyle vs. Lee. Bye Bye Birdie: Sandra vs. Frank. Do You Read Me: Larry & Vicki. Some brief video blackouts (SD23.3)
-October 6, 2014-Flight 570 from Las Vegan to Honolulu. Bye Bye Birdie: Eddie vs. Logan. Checkpoint Challenge: Irma vs. Andrew. How Smart Is Your Co-Pilot: Dallan & Alicia (SD23.4)
-October 13, 2014-Flight 1072 from Honolulu to LA. Plane Jane: Mike & David. Turbo Plane: Maureen. Pick a Partner: Lara, Skip, & Brian (SD23.5)
-October 20, 2014-Flight 1072 from Honolulu to LA. Plane Truth: Hannah vs. Tick. Do You Read Me: Amanda & Gina. Checklist Challenge: Vickie vs. Kate (SD25.2)
-October 27, 2014-Flight 1073 from LA to Honolulu. How Smart Is Your Co-Pilot: Morgan & Mac. Landing Letters: Daisy. Plane Jane: Natalie & Donald (SD25.3)
-November 3, 2014-Flight 1072 from Honolulu to LA (again!). Plane Annoying: Leon vs. Denny vs. Jamie. Pick A Partner: Stephanie, Gail, & Joe. Checklist Challenge: Tim vs. Tara (SD25.4)
-November 10, 2014-Flight 1073 from LA to Honolulu. Do You Read Me: Tifara & Aleta. Plane Annoying: Kristen vs. Kevin vs. Hal. Wingman: Charisma, Nancy, & Tony (SD25.5)

GAME SHOW IN MY HEAD [2 episodes]
-January 3, 2009 (A)-PREMIERE!!! Today’s contestant: Shalisse Pekarcik. Includes a Million Dollar Password promo! (BM12.3)
-January 3, 2009 (B)-Today’s contestant: Craig Scime. Includes a Million Dollar Password promo! (BM12.4)

GAMESHOW MARATHON [5 episodes of this special]
Had its flaws, but this summer series was still quite cool. Check out the set replicas!
-May 31, 2006-PREMIERE!!! Today's game: The Price Is Right (GSM.1)
-June 1, 2006-Today's game: Let's Make A Deal (GSM.2)
-June 7, 2006-Today's game: Beat The Clock (GSM.3)
-June 8, 2006-Today's game: Press Your Luck. This episode is dedicated to Peter Tomarken, who passed away after this was taped (GSM.4)
-June 29, 2006-Final episode. Today's game: Family Feud. Who will be crowned champion? (GSM.5)

GAY, STRAIGHT, OR TAKEN [2 episodes]
Light-hearted dating show where a lady must find the one available guy out of three!
-January 8, 2007-PREMIERE!!! Today's contestant: Jenner. Possible dates: Luciano, Mike, & Chris (BM3.6)
-January 8, 2007 (again)-Second episode! Today's contestant: Jilina. Possible dates: Ayo, Vic, & Calen (BM4.3)

Kids & adults see how well they know the others' generation. Fantastic if you're a sixties buff.
-February 7, 1969-PREMIERE!!! Nancy, Thomas, & Jane vs. David, Sue, & Victor. David Henesy is from Dark Shadows, and Jane is his mom! Original commercials (JL4.1)
-1969-Mrs. O'Brien, Hugh O'Brian, & Mrs. Stone vs. Chris, Jon, & Paul. Original commercials (RS15.4)

GENESIS [*Entire Run*]
A very nicely done Biblical game show...which PAX saw fit to cancel after one episode. Go figure.
-April 23, 2000-Premiere…and only episode. First Baptist Church (Kay, Tamara, David, & Charity) vs. First Christian Church (Bill, soap star Susan Seaforth-Hayes, Jackie, & Charlie) (BM.4)

GET A CLUE [58 episodes]
-December 23, 2019-Sneak Preview uploaded to YouTube! Rawlinses vs. School Squad. GSN On Demand airing
-January 6, 2020-PREMIERE!!! Kitty Crew vs. Elementary Teachers. 4/8/20 repeat
-January 7, 2020-Glitterazzi Girls vs. Shampoo Squad. 4/6/20 repeat
-January 8, 2020-Kickballers vs. Thrill Seekers. 4/7/20 repeat
-January 14, 2020-Escape Roomies vs. Real Estate Buds. 4/13/20 repeat
-January 15, 2020-Faithful Friends vs. Law Firm. 4/17/20 repeat
-January 20, 2020-Mauro Family vs. Team Wellness. GSN On Demand airing
(Sneak Preview reran 1/21/20)
-January 22, 2020-Orozcos vs. Hoop Troop. GSN On Demand airing
-January 23, 2020-Worship Women vs. Super Nerds. 4/21/20 repeat
-January 24, 2020-Youth Group vs. Paranormal Investigators
-January 27, 2020-Parent Patrol vs. Frisbee Friends
-January 28, 2020-Marvelous Moms vs. Breakfast Buddies
-January 29, 2020-The Fashionistas vs. Buffet Bros. 4/28/20 repeat
-January 30, 2020-Strategic Thinkers vs. Rescue Workers. 4/30/20 repeat
-January 31, 2020-The Jokesters vs. Church Buddies. 5/1/20 repeat
-February 3, 2020-Dancing Queens vs. Clarks. 5/6/20 repeat
-February 4, 2020-Coworkers vs. Bloggers. 5/5/20 repeat
-February 5, 2020-Dragon Boat Racers vs. Running Couples. 5/4/20 repeat
-February 6, 2020-Board Game Gurus vs. Bowling Beauties. 5/7/20 repeat
-February 7, 2020-Florida State Alums vs. Animal Lovers. 5/8/20 repeat
-February 10, 2020-Health & Fitness vs. Pin Pals. 3/23/20 repeat
-February 11, 2020-Golf Group vs. Tough Teachers. 3/24/20 repeat
-February 12, 2020-Camp Counselors vs. Chit Chat Crew. 3/25/20 repeat
-February 13, 2020-Barben Family vs. Paddleboarders. 5/13/20 repeat
-February 14, 2020-Game Night Crew vs. Thomsons. 3/27/20 repeat
-February 17, 2020-Neighbors vs. Cress Family. 5/21/20 repeat
-February 18, 2020-Fantasy Fans vs. Garage Bandmates. 3/31/20 repeat
-February 19, 2020-Yogis vs. Brooklyn Babes. 4/1/20 repeat
-February 20, 2020-Small Business Owners vs. Gamers. 4/2/20 repeat
-February 21, 2020-Minster Family vs. Behavioral Therapists. 4/3/20 repeat
-February 24, 2020-Forever Friends vs. Anime Pals. 4/6/20 repeat
-February 25, 2020-Water Volleyballers vs. Uddipa Family. 4/7/20 repeat
-February 26, 2020-Floss Family vs. Fundraisers. 4/8/20 repeat
-February 27, 2020-Coffee Crew vs. Mangiones. 4/9/20 repeat
-March 3, 2020-Softball Team vs. Engaged Couples. 4/14/20 repeat
-March 4, 2020-Dog Lovers vs. Competitive Couples. 4/15/20 repeat
-March 5, 2020-Fast Friends vs. Trivia Team. 4/16/20 repeat
-March 6, 2020-Blessed Buddies vs. Gymnastics Gals. 4/17/20 repeat
-March 9, 2020-Hockey Fans vs. Woods
-March 10, 2020-Rambergs vs. High School Homies. 4/21/20 repeat
-March 11, 2020-Karaoke Friends vs. The Realtors. 4/22/20 repeat
-March 12, 2020-Taste Buds vs. Brittons
-March 13, 2020-Stargazers vs. International Friends. 4/24/20 repeat
-March 16, 2020-Hockey Fanatics vs. Buffet Buddies
-March 17, 2020-Hoyt Family vs. Party Planners
-March 18, 2020-Nguyen Family vs. Crossfit Crew
-March 19, 2020-College Friends vs. British Moms
-March 20, 2020-Williams Family vs. Bucket List Buddies
-March 23, 2020-Facebook Friends vs. Water Workers
-March 24, 2020-Verdin Family vs. Childhood Chums
-March 25, 2020-Rodeo Girls vs. Tour Guides
-March 26, 2020-English Department vs. Junior League. 5/7/20 repeat
-March 27, 2020-Church Friends vs. Voltz Family
-March 30, 2020-Work Pals vs. Buddy Bunch
-March 31, 2020-Photographers vs. Lifelong Friends
-April 1, 2020-Party Patrol vs. Parenthood
-April 2, 2020-Hotel Coworkers vs. Fun Moms
-April 3, 2020-Season Finale. Chick Clique vs. The Siblings

GET THE MESSAGE [2 episodes]
Seriously, it's just Password with two cluegivers.
-May 8, 1964-Ann Sothern, Nancy Dussault, Abe Burrows, Daryl Hickman. Barbara vs. Al. Original commercials (JL4.3)
-December 25, 1964-Celebrity Christmas Episode…and finale. Arlene Francis, Barbara Cook, & Joan Fontaine vs. Marty Ingles, Douglas Fairbanks, & Mitch Miller. Julia Mead & Orson Bean show up later on (477.8)

GET THE PICTURE [94 episodes]
Great set, terrific music package, and neat puzzles. What more could you ask for?
First Format
-March 18, 1991-PREMIERE!!! Yvonne & Dan vs. Jenny & Steve. Original commercials (JP32.1), also have GaS airing with different prize plugs on (290.4)
-1991-Patricia & Nick vs. Arienne & Mac. Early taped episode with yellow dots in round 2 and a VERY sedate Mike (BT39.3)
-1991-Deborah & Tyrone vs. Erin & Drew. Early-taped episode with yellow dots in round 2. GaS logo covers the clock (BR4.5)
-1991-Alia & Greg vs. Caroline & Ricky. REALLY early episode. Puzzle guessed with one square revealed…TWICE! (219.3)
-1991-Jessica & Joe vs. Melissa vs. Aaron. Puzzle guessed with one square revealed…TWICE! (198.2)
-1991-Janet & Mike vs. Abby & Cas. Unbelievably easy first puzzle. Cas was on Nick Arcade in 1992 (226.1)
-1991-Christy & Damon vs. Tiffany & Adam. Puzzle guessed with one square revealed (but it was easy as heck) (256.5)
-1991-Kara & Ryan vs. Todd & Kristen (298.11)
-1991-Stacy & Steven vs. Jessica & Scott (301.6)
-1991-Tish & Ryan vs. Cassidy & Jeff. CLOSE Mega Memory round! (308.4)
-1991-Brandy & Darren vs. Robin & F.J. Nobody gets the puzzle in round 2! (309.5)
-1991-Jessica & Phillip vs. Elizabeth & Aaron. The sound booth is shown! (351.4)
-1991-Heather & Richard vs. Jennifer & Roberto (335.7)
-1991-Shaneen & Josh vs. Sarah & Manuel. One incredible team! (206.9)
-1991-Christy & Nick vs. Heather & Connor. GaS logo covers the clock (657.6)
-1991-Tammy & Jason vs. Sharon & Taymoor. Jason was on Miami Vice! (871.6)
-1991-Jenn & Tony vs. Aleah & Jay (JP80.4)
-1991-Jess & Jack vs. Meg & Jeff. GaS logo covers the clock (JP84.2)
-1991-Linda & Paul vs. Casey & Gina. GaS logo covers the clock (JP78.1)
-1991-Nicole & Rodney vs. Christy & Peter (BT39.1)
-1991-Amy & John vs. Melissa & Eric. Two copies: O-Zone airing with one commercial, audio/video out-of-sync (NC19.3) or GaS airing with different prize plugs (BT40.4)
-1991-Schaletta & Wade vs. Stephanie & Kelly. GaS logo covers the clock (JP87.4)
-1991-The very strange food episode. Christy & Louis vs. Tara & Ryan (SD15.4)
-1991-Jenny & Kareem vs. Brooke & Xander (SD15.5)
-1991-Katrina & James vs. Annie & Brandon (JF104.1)
-1991-Adonica & Mason vs. Bobbi & Jeremy. Funny intro! (BR4.1)
-1991-Anne & Brian vs. Sydney & Valinski. Mike over-sleeps! GaS logo covers the clock (BR4.2)
-1991-Christy & Brent vs. Becky & Rob. GaS logo covers the clock (BR4.3)
-1991-Claudine & Austin vs. Emila & Anthony (BR4.4)
-1991-Nyya & Matt vs. Diane & Claudio. Both Nyya and Claudio would later appear on Nick Arcade! GaS logo covers the clock (1000.5)
-1991-Jennifer and Duncan vs. Allison and Brad (BR18.1)
-1991-Kathleen and Dan vs. Joell and Steven (BR18.2)
-1991-Katrina and David vs. Kerri and Charlie (BR18.3)
-1991-Kimberly and Cirtrone vs. Victoria and Nick (BR18.4)
-1991-Leann and Mike vs. Marissa and Chaz (BR18.5)
-1991-Leslie and Bryce vs. Melanie and Eddie (BR19.1)
-1991-Marcy and Chad vs. Chyan and Jerry (BR19.2)
-1991-Mia and Marcus vs. Laura and Cesar (BR19.3)
-1991-Tammy and Danny vs. Wendy and Michael (BR19.4)
-1991-Wendy and Phil vs. Mckinley and Brett (BR19.5)
Second Format
-1991-Chris & Monique (Bits) vs. Blaine & Vicky (Bytes). Mike forgets which team is which, and gives up on it five minutes into the episode (198.10)
-1991-Justin & Olivia-Emilia (Analogs) vs. Jeff & Lindsay (Digitals). Puzzle guessed with one square removed (it was really easy, though). Olivia-Emma was on Legends of the Hidden Temple in '94. (290.1)
-1991-Jay & Jennifer (Modems) vs. Bobby & Krissi (Networks) (298.10)
-1991-Jennifer & Dale (Floppy Disks) vs. Adam & Jamie (Hard Drives) (303.2)
-1991-Charlie & Brenda (Diskettes) vs. Tori & Stacey (Keyboards) (SD16.5)
-1991-Lisa & Sam vs. Katie & Mike (199.1)
-1991-Jennifer & David vs. Jennifer & Bryan. CLOSE finish! (199.6)
-1991-Adam & Elonda vs. Chris & Elizabeth. Puzzle guessed with one square revealed! (219.2)
-1991-Abe & Erica vs. Josh & Tara (223.7)
-1991-Tony & Alison vs. Jason & Stacey. Great game! (202.9)
-1991-Joey & Emily vs. Josh & Tina. CLOSE game! (256.4)
-1991-Taylor & Melissa vs. Shawne & Mike. The “Wheel of Fortune” wheel is a picture in Mega Memory! (261.3)
-1991-Michelle & Danny vs. April & Matt. Jeopardy question in round 1! (268.5)
-1991-Kelly & Tony vs. Shane & Ryan (271.4)
-1991-Sara & Chris vs. Katrina & Paul. 710 points amassed! (289.1)
-1991-Ashly & Sean vs. Sherri & Andy (289.2)
-1991-Erica & Chris vs. Jackie & William. All cartoon characters in Mega Memory!(302.5)
-1991-Kelly & Patrick vs. Ashley & Adam. CLOSE game! (302.5)
-1991-Mary & Justin vs. Andrea & Thomas (308.5)
-1991-Katie & Beau vs. Abbie & Mason (309.4)
-1991-Karen & Scott vs. Kasey & Ralph (312.4)
-1991-Mike & Danielle vs. John & Carrie (351.3)
-1991-Amy & Nick vs. Kelli & Jason (351.6)
-1991-Stephen & Christy vs. Erin & John (351.7)
-1991-Karah & Joey vs. Billy & Elena (335.6)
-1991-Courtney & Eric vs. Justin & Lea (359.2)
-1991-David & Kathy vs. Ryan & Erin (195.7)
-1991-Mindy & Nicholas vs. Elizabeth & Brian. Funny segment with Marc Summers in the beginning! (359.7)
-1991-Special rap episode, with Mike & Henry J in costume! Matthew & Rochelle vs. Andy & Megan (312.3)
-1991-Both teams are Identical Twins! Billy & David vs. Shanna & Jodi. Funny segment with Henry J in the beginning! (359.8)
-1991-“Welcome Freshmen” vs. “Clarissa Explains It All”! Chris Lobben & Jocelyn Steiner vs. Sean O’Neal & Melissa Joan Hart (JP16.1)
-1991-Laurie & Fred vs. Belinda & Jason. GaS logo covers the clock (JP78.3)
-1991-Martha & Justin vs. Kelly & Keith. GaS logo covers the clock (JP84.3)
-1991-Miranda & Eric vs. Kim & Doug. GaS logo covers the clock (JP78.4)
-1991-Ursula & Dax vs. Rick & Amy. GaS logo covers the clock (JP78.5)
-1991-Jimmy & Kanika vs. Tyson & Desirae. Jimmy was also on Guts in 1993 (JF85.3)
-1991-Richie & Amy vs. Robert & Marissa (BT39.2)
-1991-Joe & Ashly vs. Jamie & Lucianne (BT40.5)
-1991-Jason & Carrie vs. Jordan & Taylor (BT40.6)
-1991-Mike & Tiffany vs. David & Jennifer (SD15.1)
-1991-Bobby & Jada vs. Doug & Elizabeth (SD15.2)
-1991-Jeff & Sharon vs. Josh & Babita (SD15.3)
-1991-Pete & Melissa vs. Mike & Kerri (SD16.4)
-1991-Matt & Brianna vs. Jeff & Sarah. GaS logo covers the clock (DB25.3)
-1991-Paul & Natalie vs. Matt & Jamie (JF113.5)
-1991-Mike & Karla vs. Robert & Jennifer (JF115.1)
-1991-Steven & Adria vs Edward & Kathy (JF115.2)
-1991-Scott & Jessica vs. Mike & Danielle (JF115.3)
-1991-Justin & Rosie vs. Philip & Rebecca (JF115.4)
-1991-Andrea & Davis vs. Jenni & Tyler (BR5.1) (1121.3)
-1991-Angel & Josh vs. Keva & Robert (BR5.2)
-1991-Angie & Michael vs. Kristin & David (BR5.3)
-1991-Becky & Brian vs. Tara & Joel (BR5.4)
-1991-Cheryl & David vs. Allison & Bobby (BR5.5)

GIVE-N-TAKE [1 episode]
-September 26, 1975 (Taped 9/19/75)-Gina vs. Susan vs. Judy vs. Ann. Judy was also on The $1M Chance of a Lifetime. Slate & ticket plug! (RI16.3)

GLADIATORS 2000 [10 episodes]
Great kids adaptation of American Gladiators, where the kids team up with the gladiators themselves!
-1994-Stacey & Matt vs. Kathleen & Trevor. Repeat from 6/26/10 with commercials (JF82.3)
-1994-Hari & Jacqueline vs. John & Sarah. Sabre performs the Safety Rap! 2010 repeat with commercials (BM13.1)
-1995-All Guys episode! Chad & Darron vs. Emmanuael & Brian. 2008 repeat with commercials (BM15.1)
-1995-Christine & Sean vs. Rudy & Alexa. 2009 repeat with commercials (BM15.2)
-1995-Johnny & Julie vs. Taylor & Ozeka. Oct. 2009 repeat with commercials (BM15.3)
-1995-Taneika & Joey vs. Adrian & Reyanna. 2009 repeat with commercials (BM15.4)
-1995-Adam & Kristin vs. Jamaal & Amy. No credits (GG3.5)
-1995-Florin & Victor vs. Rahsan & Jevay. Repeat from 6/20/09 with commercials (JF58.1)
-1995-Richard & Sarah vs. Chris & Robynn. Repeat from 6/20/09 with commercials (JF58.2)
-1995-Mother-son teams play! Jason & Lorraine vs. Ryan & Susan. 2010 repeat with commercials (BM8.3)

GO [23 episodes]
Great show! Cool set, and a possible $20K payoff!
Returning Champ Format
-October 3, 1983-PREMIERE!!! Richard Kline & Elaine Joyce. Corey, Patty, Sharon, & Gene vs. Lissa, John, Cheri, & Blair (DT.9)
-October 4, 1983-Elaine Joyce & Richard Kline. Lissa, John, Cheri, & Blair vs. Karen, Ronda, Bill, & Sally (GG71.1)
-October 5, 1983-Elaine Joyce & Richard Kline. John, Lissa, Blair, & Shari vs. Rick, Tonette, Barbara, & Tom (JD9.1)
-October 6, 1983-Elaine Joyce & Richard Kline. Lissa, John, Cheri, & Blair vs. Debbie, Raymond, Gregory, & Kayanne (GG71.2)
-October 7, 1983-Elaine Joyce & Richard Kline. Lissa, John, Cheri, & Blair vs. Steve, Diane, Edward, & Larry (GG71.3)
-October 1983-Betty White & Fred Grandy. Lisa, John, Diane, & Bill vs. Sheila, Sue, Jim, & Lenore (JB8.4)
-October 17, 1983-Shelley Smith & Brian Mitchell. Tom, David, David, & Sheila vs. Sophie, Marilyn, Brad, & Gayle (JB9.2)
-October 18, 1983-Shelley Smith & Brian Mitchell. Tom, David, David, & Sheila vs. Patti, Pamela, Chris, & Lianne. Original commercials (BS28.3)
-October 19, 1983-Shelley Smith & Brian Mitchell. Pattie, Pamela, Chris, & Lianne vs. Phyllis, Robin, Julie, & Tom (GG71.4)
-October 20, 1983-Shelley Smith & Brian Mitchell. Phyllis, Robin, Julie, & Tom vs. Lisa, Annie, Dene, & Rick (GG71.5)
-October 21, 1983-Shelley Smith & Brian Mitchell. Lisa, Annie, Dene, & Rick vs. Diane, Robert, Karen, & Irene (GG72.1)
-October 27, 1983-Audrey Landers & Jay Johnson. KC, Julie, Kevin, & Mike vs. Larry, Kye, Dave, & Steve (GG35.4)
Head-To-Head Format
-October 31, 1983-First day of the Head-to-Head format! Markie Post & Barry Gordon. Debbie, Candy, Bob, & Billie Jean vs. Larry, Kai, Dave, & Steve, day 1. Two copies: CBN airing with commercials (NP79.5) or GSN airing (JD9.2)
-November 3, 1983-Markie Post & Barry Gordon. Debbie, Candy, Bob, & Billie Jean vs. Larry, Kai, Dave, & Steve, day 4 (GG78.1)
-November 4, 1983-Markie Post & Barry Gordon. Debbie, Candy, Bob, & Billie Jean vs. Larry, Kai, Dave, & Steve, day 5 (GG78.2)
-November 7, 1983-Day 1 of Soap Week! Days Of Our Lives (Anne-Marie Martin, Suzanne Rogers, Leann Hurley, Wayne Northrup, & Jim Reynolds) vs. Another World (Anna Stuart, David Oliver, Mary Page Keller, Laura Mallone, & Stephen Yates) (DB12.1)
-November 8, 1983-Day 2 of Soap Week! Days Of Our Lives (Anne-Marie Martin, Suzanne Rogers, Leann Hurley, Wayne Northrup, & Jim Reynolds) vs. Another World (Anna Stuart, David Oliver, Mary Page Keller, Laura Mallone, & Stephen Yates) (DB12.2)
-November 9, 1983-Day 3 of Soap Week! Days Of Our Lives (Anne-Marie Martin, Suzanne Rogers, Leann Hurley, Wayne Northrup, & Jim Reynolds) vs. Another World (Anna Stuart, David Oliver, Mary Page Keller, Laura Mallone, & Stephen Yates) (DB12.3)
-November 10, 1983-Day 4 of Soap Week! Days Of Our Lives (Anne-Marie Martin, Suzanne Rogers, Leann Hurley, Wayne Northrup, & Jim Reynolds) vs. Another World (Anna Stuart, David Oliver, Mary Page Keller, Laura Mallone, & Stephen Yates) (DB12.4)
-November 11, 1983-Day 5 of Soap Week! Days Of Our Lives (Anne-Marie Martin, Suzanne Rogers, Leann Hurley, Wayne Northrup, & Jim Reynolds) vs. Another World (Anna Stuart, David Oliver, Mary Page Keller, Laura Mallone, & Stephen Yates) (GG.4)
-November 14, 1983-Martha Smith & Charlie Siebert. Valerie, Les, Rochelle, & Chris vs. Gloria, Phil, Ed, & Joan, day 1. Gloria was also on $25,000 Pyramid in 1985 (GG72.2)
-November 15, 1983-Martha Smith & Charlie Siebert. Valerie, Les, Rochelle, & Chris vs. Gloria, Phil, Ed, & Joan, day 2 (GG72.3)
-November 16, 1983-Martha Smith & Charlie Siebert. Valerie, Les, Rochelle, & Chris vs. Gloria, Phil, Ed, & Joan, day 3 (GG72.4)
-November 17, 1983-Martha Smith & Charlie Siebert. Gloria, Phil, Ed, & Joan vs. Valerie, Les, Rochelle & Chris, day 4 (GG36.1)
-November 18, 1983-Martha Smith & Charlie Siebert. Valerie, Les, Rochelle, & Chris vs. Gloria, Phil, Ed, & Joan, day 5 (GG72.5)
-November 22, 1983-Bonnie Urseth & Michael J. Fox. John, Carol, Shane, & Cathy vs. Julie, Robert, Valerie, & Dave, day 2 (JB9.1)
-November 28, 1983-Soap Stars Week! Another World (David Oliver, Anna Seward, Mary Paige Keller, Laura Malone, & Steven Yates) vs. Search For Tomorrow (Lisa Peluso, Sherry Mathers, Marcia McCabe, Michael Corbett, & Rod Arrants), day 1 (GG73.1)
-November 29, 1983- Soap Stars Week! Another World (David Oliver, Anna Seward, Mary Paige Keller, Laura Malone, & Steven Yates) vs. Search For Tomorrow (Lisa Peluso, Sherry Mathers, Marcia McCabe, Michael Corbett, & Rod Arrants), day 2 (GG73.2)
-November 30, 1983-Soap Stars Week! Another World (David Oliver, Anna Seward, Mary Paige Keller, Laura Malone, & Steven Yates) vs. Search For Tomorrow (Lisa Peluso, Sherry Mathers, Marcia McCabe, Michael Corbett, & Rod Arrants), day 3 (GG73.3)
-December 1, 1983-Soap Stars Week! Another World (David Oliver, Anna Seward, Mary Paige Keller, Laura Malone, & Steven Yates) vs. Search For Tomorrow (Lisa Peluso, Sherry Mathers, Marcia McCabe, Michael Corbett, & Rod Arrants), day 4 (GG73.4)
-December 2, 1983-Soap Stars Week! Another World (David Oliver, Anna Seward, Mary Paige Keller, Laura Malone, & Steven Yates) vs. Search For Tomorrow (Lisa Peluso, Sherry Mathers, Marcia McCabe, Michael Corbett, & Rod Arrants), day 5 (GG73.5)
-December 9, 1983-Lynn Redgrave & Richard Gilliland. Bob, Cindi, Dave, & Kate vs. Peter, Debbie, Jan, Mike, day 5 (GG36.2)
-December 22, 1983-Constance McCashin & Brian Mitchell. Marian, Kris, Andy, & Robyn vs. Sena, Trish, Lynn, & Debbie, day 4 (GG36.3)
-December 28, 1983-Kim Fields & Lauri Hendler. Lynne, Lori, David, & Patricia vs. Donna, Angie, Keith, & Marcy, day 3. (GG36.4)
-January 4, 1984-Betty White & Robert Mandan. Allison, Michele, Harvey, & Edna vs. Ira, Wesley, Erica, & Carol, day 3 (JD9.3)
-January 12, 1984-Barry Gordon & Vicki Lawrence. Ron, Daphne, Jim, & Peter vs. Tricia, Shirley, Donna, & Thom (JB3.4)
-January 19, 1984-Didi Conn & Charlie Siebert. Janet, Cindy, Roseann, & Steve vs. Pat, Matthew, Judy & Kelly, day 4 (JB9.3)
-January 20, 1984 (Taped 12/18/83)-Final episode. Didi Conn & Charlie Siebert. Janet, Cindy, Roseann, & Steve vs. Pat, Matthew, Judy & Kelly (DT.10)

GO FOR IT! TV [1 episode]
OK, except for a wildly unfair last round.
-2001-1st Season Championship! Video Gamers (Jimmy, Christina, John, & Jessica) vs. Computer Wizards (Rose, Joel, Dawn, & Brennan) (AS2.13)

GO FOR THE GREEN [2 episodes]
Planet Green's lackluster environmental game. Here's a conservation tip; save your tape for a better show.
-November 15, 2008-First question is about Carbon Trust & David Beckham (676.5)
-November 15, 2008-First question is about the Bronx Zoo (676.6)

THE GONG SHOW (NBC, 1976-1978) [10 episodes]
The wacky & hilarious 'talent' show that gave a few celebs their big break!
-June 21, 1976-From second week! Anson Williams, Phyllis Diller, Jamie Farr. First act: Tami & The Starlets (DS.3)
-March 9, 1977-“It’s Marvin Gaye Day!” Arte Johnson, Jaye P. Morgan, Steve Martin (DS.4)
-March 18, 1977-Arte Johnson, Jaye P. Morgan, Steve Martin. First act: Michael Lincoln. Nobody wins! (DS3.1)
-1977-Candy Clark, Rex Reed, & Jaye P. Morgan. First act: Tony Fabre. 3/15/79 repeat with commercials (NP79.3)
-November 18, 1977-Pat Paulsen, Jaye P. Morgan, Pat McCormick. (DS2.2)
-November 28, 1977-“Kids In General Should Lighten Up” Louis Nye, Jaye P. Morgan, Pat McCormick. Features famous juggler Michel Davis and future WOF contestant Barb Coleman (DS.5)
-May 25, 1978-Fred Travalena, Michele Lee, Wayland & Madame. First act: Wan? Features Paul Reubens as an Indian! (DS.7)
-June 6, 1978-Gary Mule Deer, Michele Lee, Pat McCormick. First act: Arthur Latcher. Features Michael Winslow of “Police Academy” fame! Slightly low audio (DS.6)
-July 18, 1978-Tuesday of final week. Carl Ballentine, Patty Andrews, Jamie Farr. First act: The Waiters. Many acts from the past return for an encore! (DS3.2)
-July 21, 1978-The hilarious final episode! Carl Ballentine, Patty Andrews, Jamie Farr. VERY highly recommended! (DS2.3)

THE GONG SHOW (Synd., 1976-1980) [1 episode]
Same thing, (slightly) more cash. Gary Owens didn't do badly at all here.
-September 1976 (Taped 8/1/76)-Elke Sommer, Rex Reed, Phyllis Diller. Many acts from the early days of the daytime version return! Studio master with slate and contestant plug! (DS2.1)

THE GONG SHOW (Synd., 1988-1989) [4 episodes]
An awesome revival with as much fun as the original. Don Bleu is the sole weak spot.
-September 1988-From first week, might be first episode. Argus Hamilton, Molly Cheek, Ramone Azteca (who?!). First act: Andy Stewart. Original commercials, including a Love Connection promo! (CN6.2)
-1988-George Wallace, Pam Matteson, Dweezil Zappa. First act: The Bait Brothers. Original commercials (CN8.6)
-1988-The Fat Boys, Rebeca Arthur, Kurt Rambis. First act: The Whistling Dutchman. Few original commercials (CN.17)
-December 1988-Marsha Warfield, Jon Matuszak, Jane Wiedlin. First act: Automatic Tron. Few original commercials (CN8.7)

THE GONG SHOW (Comedy Central, 2008) [1 episode]
Faithful for the most part, but has a weird scoring system.
-July 31, 2008-Episode 3! Ron White, Jim Norton, JB Smoove (636.9)

Odd USA special based on UK's It's A Knockout. Very heavy on the medieval theme.
-August 12, 1987-2 hour special featuring Meat Loaf, Christopher Reeve, John Travolta, and a whole bunch of other celebrities (DH11)

If you always wanted to see your favorite celebrities go-kart race, then this is your show!
-November 13, 1982-David Cassidy & Diane vs. Jennilee Harrison & Darin vs. Jay Johnson & Veronica. Two original commercials, and GREAT quality! Small bit of credits cut (GG.5)

GRAND SLAM [*Entire Run*]
-August 4, 2007-PREMIERE!!! Game 1: Ken Jennings vs. Victor Lee. Game 2: Kevin Olmstead vs. Michelle Kitt (967.1)
-August 5, 2007-Game 1: Brad Rutter vs. Amy Kelly. Game 2: Ed Toutant vs. Leszek Pawlowicz (967.2)
-August 11, 2007-Game 1: Rahim Oberholtzer vs. Phyllis Harris. Game 2: John Carpenter vs. Thom McKee (967.3)
-August 12, 2007-Game 1: Nancy Christy vs. Ogi Ogas. Game 2: David Legler vs. Frank Spangenberg (967.4)
-August 18, 2007-Quarterfinals #1! (967.5)
-August 25, 2007-Quarterfinals #2! (967.6)
-September 1, 2007-Semifinals! (967.7)
-September 8, 2007-Championship! Who will win the $100,000? (967.8)

GRANDSTAND [2 episodes]
A great show if you like sports. Has an interesting twist in the bonus round.
-1988-Franco Harris & Bart vs. Jay Johnstone & Jeff vs. Brian Trottier & Eric. Few original commercials (DB3.2)
-1988-Walt Frasier & Jim vs. John Salley & Andy vs. Paul Warfield & Mark (JW30.5)

GRAND VIEW UNIVERSITY QUIZ BOWL (Iowa Quiz Bowl) [1 episode]
-April 13, 2018-3rd season championship! Boyer Valley vs. Lawton-Bronson (BM16.1)

GRANITE STATE CHALLENGE (NH Quiz Bowl) [1 episode]
The first season was hosted by some guy named Tom Bergeron. Wonder whatever became of him...
-January 30, 1984-PREMIERE!!! Laconia vs. Manchester Central (JW54.2)

The Travel Channel aired this one; a word search meets a geography bee.
-June 15, 1990 (Taped 5/29/90)-Rich vs. Eric (JW31.1)
-1990-Ed vs. Stacy (MG2.2)

This hour long local special is good for people wanting to know more about the Badger State. Or those who just like really dry quizzes.
-September 9, 1985-Beth Zerbuchen vs. Ed Mueller vs. Marlene Cummings vs. Michael Lekrone (CD15.4)

GREED [10 episodes]
I think it’s pretty good, with a nice (albeit impossible to get) top prize.
-November 11, 1999-Opens with James, Jackie, Melissa, Curtis, & Daniel at $25,000 (102.2)
-November 18, 1999-Opens with Melissa, Curtis, & Daniel at $2,200,000. THE most heartbreaking loss in game show history! (102.5)
-December 16, 1999-Begins with Jeremy, Irwin, Matt, & Anthony at $500,000. Irwin was also on $ale of the Century & Jeopardy. Original commercials (RS91.3)
-January 14, 2000-Opens with Sohini, Don, Yarom, Dwayne, Andrea, & Lou at Qualifying Question (244.5)
-February 4, 2000-Missing first 7 minutes. Joins in progress with Jerald, Naomi, Avie, Juile, & Ron at $50,000. Includes the Million Dollar Challenge between Troy Glenn & Robert Louie! Original commercials (RS92.1)
-February 11, 2000-Begins with Dana, Forest, Jennifer, & Patrick going for $500,000. Includes the Million Dollar Challenge between Curtis Warren & Melissa Skirboll! (450.9)
-March 31, 2000-Starts with Brian, Joel, Cindy, and Brent at $500,000. Next contestant Paul would later become the TV Geek on Beat the Geeks! GSN credit crunch (867.2)
-April 7, 2000-Opens with Jeff, Marion, Adam, Carol Ann, Tom, & Lisa at Qualifying Question. Jose Gracia-Medrano is a contestant! (151.4)
-May 2, 2000-It’s Super Greed! Opens with Liz, George, Brian, former Jeopardy champ Bob Harris, & Elizabeth at $25,000 (139.8)
-May 26, 2000-Special College episode! Opens with Catherine, Tim, Nakia, Adrian, Ken, and Kelly at Qualifying Question. Stunningly awful gameplay from every team. A FUNNY moment on a Wheel of Fortune question! (114.4)

GRILL ME [*Entire Run*]
A Q&A set in a diner for no apparent reason. USA aired the pilot, and that was that.
-September 9, 1996-Premiere…and only episode. Dweezil Zappa vs. Susan Olsen vs. Kristoff St. John. Original commercials (MG4.4)

THE GRUDGE MATCH [1 episode]
-April 1992-Games: Borchert vs. Fields, Pender vs. Spevack, Welker vs. Rose (BS7.4)

12 contestants guess the outcomes of real court cases in this neat show.
-October 1984-Today's Case: Rescue Gone Wrong. Original commercials, including a Guilty or Innocent promo! Ends during credits (JP45.10)

GUTS (1992-1994) [125 episodes *MIGHT be entire run*]
Contestants go thorough 5 TOUGH events for a glowing trophy. Do You Have It?
First Season
-September 19, 1992-PREMIERE!!! Kris vs. Eddie vs. Jess (420.5)
-1992-First taped episode! Nikki vs. Tony vs. Robert (367.5)
-1992-Second taped episode! Gina vs. Jeremy vs. Tony (385.12)
-1992-Tray vs. Mike vs. Maureen. Early episode (406.10)
-November 1, 1992-Lisa vs. Jana vs. Chris. Early episode. Perfect game! (IA.3) (1100.8) (1163.3)
-October 4, 1992-Christina vs. Jose vs. Kelli. Perfect game! (376.10)
-November 28, 1992-Mel vs. Lea vs. Ken (JP79.1)
-1992-Jason vs. Heidi vs. Drew (421.10)
-1992-Birt vs. B.B. vs. Ryan (211.7)
-1992-Brook vs. Chris vs. Corey (210.5)
-1992-Kristin vs. Amber vs. Sammy (213.6)
-1992-Julie vs. Alyson vs. Matt (200.11)
-1992-John vs. Cindy vs. Taylor (268.7)
-1992-Nick vs. Matt vs. Tommy (290.5)
-1992-Tiff vs. Christa vs. Brent (339.7)
-1992-Brandon vs. Chris vs. Stacey. Perfect game! (348.9)
-1992-David vs. Ginger vs. Derek. GREAT game! (330.8)
-1992-Misty vs. Lawrence vs. Sarah. Features a surprise appearance by Wendy Bruce of the Olympic Gymnastic Team! (373.7)
-1992-Roger vs. Jeff vs. Kelly (375.14)
-1992-Kateri vs. Jen vs. Kristin (371.10)
-1992-Justin vs. Katie vs. Tori (380.1)
-1992-Tracy vs. Joe vs. David (394.10)
-1992-Nickie vs. Andy vs. Chris (399.7)
-1992-Lee vs. Melanie vs. Trynina (402.1)
-1992-Claudia vs. Chance vs. Chrissy (405.8)
-1992-Jay vs. Mark vs. Danny. Danny Irizarry was also on Family Double Dare (401.4)
-1992-A.J. vs. Amanda vs. Jamie. A.J. McLean is now a member of the Backstreet Boys! (414.5)
-1992-Garrett vs. Craig vs. Kath. Open slightly cut (446.7)
-1992-Nicole vs. Brent vs. Daniel (473.5)
-1992-Rachel vs. Eddie vs. Christina (473.6)
-1992-Ben vs. Shelly vs. Lexi (491.10)
-1992-Julina vs. Sarah vs. Brad (495.8)
-1992-Daniel vs. David vs. Nikki (496.8)
-1992-Richard vs. Peter vs. Sarah (503.6)
-1992-Jill vs. Ryan vs. Shakir (506.4)
-1992-Sean vs. Regan vs. Aracelis (741.8)
-1992-Jimmy vs. Jilly vs. Joey (JP80.1)
-1992-Rebeca vs. Cam vs. Oliver (JP79.4)
-1992-Chucky vs. Sean vs. JP (957.7)
-1992-Diana vs. Ibis vs. Vic (BR6.1)
-1992-Lisa vs. Brett vs. Mike (BR6.2)
-1992-Mike vs. Jennifer vs. Danny. Mike is the brother of future Guts contestant Ashley Drane (BR6.3)
-1992-Rachel vs. Brian vs. Chris (BR6.4)
-1992-Shelly vs. Rusty vs. Heather (BR6.5)
-*1992-Tony vs. Chris vs. Heather. 1993 repeat with commercials (DC27.3)
-January 23, 1993 (Taped 1992)-Chris vs. Gregory vs. Laura (355.14)
-February 27, 1993 (Taped 1992)-Mike vs. Jamie vs. Ancel. Perfect game! (405.7)
Second Season
-July 25, 1993-2nd Season Premiere: Hour-Long “Guts All-Stars” special! Mike vs. Jana vs. Kelly. Original commercials (DC10.5)
-1993-La Shann vs. James vs. Nina (198.3)
-1993-Debbie vs. Jimmy vs. Breanne. Jimmy was also on Get the Picture in 1991 (198.8)
-1993-Mandy vs. Brian vs. Chris (JP81.4)
-1993-Nick vs. Autumn vs. Karen (JP81.2)
-1993-Jason vs. Marc vs. Cristye (229.3)
-1993-Ep. 209: Mike vs. Ty vs. Jennifer. The winner sold their piece of the Crag on eBay (203.5)
-1993-Mike vs. Christy vs. Cam. Mike Vogel is now an actor! From GaS Garage (LA5.9)
-1993-Josh vs. Mary Pam vs. Chris. Perfect game! (207.7)
-1993-Delia vs. Marnie vs. John (216.4)
-1993-Jarad vs. John vs. Jennifer (325.12)
-1993-Jill vs. Kirk vs. Andy. Open cut (327.4)
-1993-Kori vs. Jeff vs. Ellen. Ellen was also on Family Feud in 2011. From the GaS Garage, with Big Ryan Sims! (LA5.2)
-1993-Holcomb vs. Jamie vs. Meri (330.9)
-1993-Keri vs. Jason vs. Isa (362.3)
-1993-John vs. Sarah vs. Danny (367.4)
-1993-Nick vs. Tiff vs. Brandon. Open partially cut (381.3)
-1993-Erin vs. Brian vs. Valerie. Perfect game! (381.4)
-1993-Katie vs. Reyna vs. Andy (385.3)
-1993-Nikki vs. Bianca vs. T.J. (385.4)
-1993-Brian vs. Chrissy vs. Scott (149.10)
-1993-Ronny vs. Justin vs. Jennifer (394.9)
-1993-Lauren vs. Anna vs. Paul. Anna Mercedes Morris is now a Hollywood stuntwoman (396.11)
-1993-Stephanie vs. Tabatha vs. Tommy (400.1)
-1993-Amy vs. Tracy vs. David. From GaS Garage (LA5.11)
-1993-Oliver vs. Sadie vs. Jay (409.5)
-1993-Mike vs. Justin vs. Nathan (401.3)
-1993-Kristin vs. Adrienne vs. Amanda (410.8)
-1993-Mike vs. Brett vs. Lizzi (413.3)
-1993-Dana vs. Anderson vs. Ron (432.8)
-1993-Peach vs. Jen vs. JR. Perfect game! (465.2)
-1993-Bianca vs. Eileen vs. Jeremy (491.11)
-1993-Adam vs. Trey vs. Jennifer (496.9)
-1993-Sam vs. Kim vs. PJ (741.7)
-1993-Jordan vs. Eddie vs. Bethany (843.8)
-1993-Meagan vs. Stephen vs. Jean. Everyone fails event 3. From the GaS Garage, with Big Ryan Sims! (LA5.4)
-1993-Jerome vs. Mark vs. Kristina (BR7.1)
-1993-Mike vs. Andy vs. Troy (BR7.2)
-1993-Ron vs. Darren vs. Lindsay (BR7.3)
-1993-Viet vs. Mia vs. Erika (BR7.4) (1100.7) (1163.2)
Third Season
-1994-Third Season Premiere! B.J. vs. Tiffani vs. Meredith. Special guest appearance by Dominique Wilkins! (411.3)
-1994-Second episode of third season! Susan vs. Bryan vs. Terrar. Special guest appearance by Evander Holyfield! Perfect game! (396.10)
-1994-Third episode of third season! Michael vs. Leila vs. Trecia. Special guest appearance by Charlie Ward! (402.2), also have studio master with timecode on (LB13.2)
-1994-Fourth day of third season! Rae vs. Colleen vs. Jeff. Special guest appearance by Picabo Street! (441.9)
-1994-Fifth episode of third season! Marissa vs. Bobby vs. Tina. Guest stars Adam Oates! (JP81.1)
-1994-John vs. Hayes vs. Erica (224.9)
-1994-Rawley vs. Jason vs. Gary. A disqualification on the Crag ruins a player’s attempt at a perfect game (227.1)
-1994-Bryan vs. Nick vs. Derek (166.8)
-1994-Brian vs. Steven vs. Jenny (246.9)
-1994-Katie vs. Dwayne vs. Kenneth. CLOSE final scores! (311.1)
-1994-Brian vs. Matt vs. Rachael (214.2)
-1994-Norris vs. Erika vs. Ken (339.8)
-1994-Kathy vs. Mike vs. Ryan (348.8)
-1994-Phil vs. Eric vs. Kate (376.9)
-1994-Ray vs. Danny vs. Erica (383.8)
-1994-Matt vs. Scott vs. Carly (394.8)
-1994-Alex vs. Sarah vs. Jennifer (402.10)
-1994-Jessie vs. Erin vs. Joshua (409.8)
-1994-Laura vs. Derek vs. Tina (401.8)
-1994-Chris vs. Rachel vs. Eirene. Perfect game! (441.2)
-1994-Michael vs. Jason vs. Brandy (786.3)
-1994-Erin vs. Jake vs. Jeremy (491.9)
-1994-Robin vs. Jennifer vs. Bobby. Bobby Boswell is now a Major League soccer player! (843.9)
-1994-Kyle vs. Joel vs. Mike. Joel was also on Legends in '94 (495.7)
-1994-Big Help episode! Craig vs. Rob vs. David (JP82.3)
-1994-Chris vs. Kelly vs. Bill (JP82.1)
-1994-David vs. Rick vs. Kirsten (JP82.4)
-1994-Ronnie vs. Brooke vs. Rose (JP82.2)
-1994-Tony vs. Jessie vs. Holly (JP80.2)
-1994-Jason vs. Sarah vs. Jeramiah (957.8)
-1994-Angela vs. Keith vs. Pat (BR8.1)
-1994-Ashley vs. Nicole vs. Leanne. Ashley Eckstein later gained fame as an actress! (BR8.2)
-1994-Blake vs. Leigh vs. Drew (BR8.3)
-1994-Lorraine vs. Chris vs. Gabrielle (BR8.4)
-1994-International episode! Jonny (from England) vs. Ryan vs. Lindsay (414.6)
-1994-International episode! Bret vs. Abi (from England) vs. Jessica (428.1)
-1994-International episode! Ronny vs. David (from England) vs. Kristen (JP84.1)
-1994-International episode! Chad vs. Joy vs. Wayne (from England) (400.2)

GUTS (Global, 1995) [*Entire Run*]
Contestants now come from all over the world. Like the Olympics, only more fun to watch.
NOTE: Episodes with a star have Nick broadcasts available.
-September 4, 1995-Behind The Scenes: The Road To The Extreme Arena (DC18.11)
-September 5, 1995-PREMIERE!!! Marco of Spain vs. Jennifer of the United States vs. Lorraine of the UK (226.3), also have Extreme GaS copy on (LA5.14)
-September 6, 1995-Episode 2: Ana of Israel vs. Hugo of Portugal vs. Julia of Germany (231.3)
-September 7, 1995-Episode 3: Brooke of the US vs. Vasily of the CIS vs. Juilio of México (DB16.9)
-*September 8, 1995-Episode 4: Katya of the CIS vs. Santiago of Mexico vs. Oren of Israel. One contestant becomes too injured to continue playing. Original commercials (DC10.6)
-September 11, 1995-Episode 5: Holger of Germany vs. Magda of Portugal vs. Sandra of Spain (274.5)
-*September 12, 1995-Episode 6: Lisa of the UK vs. Angela of the United States vs. Evgueni of the CIS (JP.9)
-September 13, 1995-Episode 7: Ambar of Mexico vs. Roy of Israel vs. Ana of Portugal (348.5)
-September 14, 1995-Episode 8: Jens of Germany vs. Beatriz of Spain vs. Christopher of the UK (485.4)
-September 15, 1995-Episode 9: Fernando of Mexico vs. Chicago of the United States vs. Lucia of Spain (215.2)
-September 18, 1995-Episode 10: Filipe of Portugal vs. Alba of Mexico vs. Matt of the United States (335.2)
-September 19, 1995-Episode 11: Pedro of Portugal vs. Carmen of Spain vs. Paul of the United States (363.8)
-September 20, 1995-Episode 12: Julia of Spain vs. Bruno of Portugal vs. Mario of Mexico (227.8)
-September 21, 1995-Episode 13: Artiom of the CIS vs. Amit of Israel vs. Azita of Germany (DB16.12)
-September 22, 1995-Episode 14: Kelly of the UK vs. Kostya of the CIS vs. Rami of Israel (JP11.19)
-September 25, 1995-Episode 15: Jennifer of Germany vs. Nicholas of the UK vs. Alexandre of the CIS (304.2)
-September 26, 1995-Episode 16: Lina of Israel vs. Enrico of Germany vs. Dane of the UK (301.3)
-*September 27, 1995-Episode 17: Marie of the United States vs. Oren of Israel vs. Miguel of Spain. Original commercials (TI3.1)
-*September 28, 1995-Episode 18: Irina of the CIS vs. Rachael of the UK vs. Ricardo of Portugal. Original commercials (TI10.5), also have GaS airing on (192.2)
-September 29, 1995-Episode 19: Israel of Mexico vs. Christina of Germany vs. Kelly of the USA (JP11.20)
-*October 1, 1995 (Taped 8/15/95)-Special Olympics Episode! Allison of the USA vs. Cesar of México vs. Katie of the USA. Includes a very unusual medal ceremony! 12/10/95 repeat with commercials (DC18.12)
-October 2, 1995-Episode 20: Ana of Portugal vs. Adam of the UK vs. Mayalen of Mexico (DB14.10)
-*October 3, 1995-Episode 21: Adam of Israel vs. Baruc of Spain vs. Yelena of the CIS. Original commercials, no open (DC16.7)
-*October 4, 1995-Episode 22: Greg of the United States vs. Thomas of Germany vs. Mor of Israel. Two copies available: Original commercials (TI3.2) or Extreme GaS (LA5.5)
-October 5, 1995-Episode 23: Angel of Spain vs. Alexey of the CIS vs. Ana Cristina of Portugal (DB16.10)
-October 6, 1995-Episode 24: Shona of the UK vs. Ana Federica vs. México vs. Michael of Germany (DB14.11)
-October 9, 1995-Episode 25: Bem of the USA vs. Christopher of the UK vs. Michal of Israel. Bem was featured on the "Behind the Scenes" episode (DB14.12)
-October 10, 1995-Episode 26: Ben of the UK vs. Jose Manuel of Spain vs. Alejandra of Mexico (360.4)
-October 11, 1995-Episode 27: Ana of Spain vs. Martina of Germany vs. Kostya of the CIS (DB14.13) (1121.5)
-*October 12, 1995-Episode 28: Iris of Germany vs. Angela of Portugal vs. Jeremy of the United States. Original commercials (TI3.3)
-October 13, 1995-Episode 29: Nuno of Portugal vs. Michal of Israel vs. Melanie of England (134.5)
-*October 16, 1995-Episode 30: Hagit of Israel vs. Rosa of Mexico vs. Hugo of Spain. Two copies available: 1996 rerun with commercials (JP20.2) or GaS broadcast (301.9)
-*October 17, 1995-Episode 31: Arnold of the CIS vs. Marcia of the United States vs. Rita of Portugal. Original commercials (TI3.4)
-*October 18, 1995-Episode 32 (The final one!): Roberto of México vs. Yelena of the CIS vs. Georg of Germany. Original commercials (DC18.13)

GUY'S GROCERY GAMES [2 episodes]
-August 3, 2014-Vicenzo Pileggi vs. Veronica Eicken vs. Eric Nelson Brown vs. Rana Obeidat (DL.3)
-November 16, 2014-Steve Couch vs. Yvette Bonanno vs. Michael Feker vs. Mari Takahashi (DL11.3)

HEAD GAMES [2 episodes]
-November 7, 2009-Deanna vs. Terence vs. Colette (BM16.2)
-December 6, 2009-Heidi vs. Calvin vs. Craig (846.5)

Wink left TTD to host this neat news-based quiz.
-1985-Rehearsal episode, with Johnny Gilbert hosting and alternating couples! Jumpy video (AS3.12)
-September 9, 1985-PREMIERE!!! Bob & Cindy vs. Annie & Toby. Original commercials and a ticket plug! (JP32.4)
-September 10, 1985-Greg & Liz vs. Ana & Jeff (BS37.11)
-1985-Mike & Louise vs. Stacy & Steve (BS38.1)
-1985-Bob & Mary vs. Anne & Dennis. Only episode GSN ever aired (DA.5)
-October 22, 1985-Terry & Karen vs. Therese & Jon. Starts with a promo for Headline Chasers...then the show's slate is accidentally shown!. Original commercials (BS6.2)
-October 1985-Robert & Shelley Anne vs. Eleanor & Bill. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (BS6.3)
-November 29, 1985-Diane & Steve vs. Howard & Barbara (BS.11)
-December 1985-Bill & Mary vs. Gwen & Jerry. Original commercials (AK.4)
-1986-Davis & Carol vs. Gladys & John (RS64.1)

HEADS UP (Local Baltimore game show) [4 episodes]
-1983-Immaculate Heart of Mary vs. Dallas F. Nicholas vs. Gardenville. Original commercials (JW45.2)
-1985-St. Stephen Parochial vs. Lothian Elementary vs. Meade Heights Elementary (JW46.1)
-December 7, 1985-Margaret Brent vs. Immaculate Conception vs. Rognel Heights (JW46.2)
-February 1986-Severna Park vs. Bakerfield vs. Our Lady of Fatima. Original commercials, audio gets out of sync at the end (JW46.3)

HE SAID, SHE SAID [8 episodes]
Interesting pre-Tattletales show.
-1969-Wally Bruner vs. David Susskind vs. Jerry Stiller vs. Kyle Rhodes. B/W video, no open (JD27.3)
-Taped 2/70-Ep. 141: Robert Lansing & Gari Hardy vs. Heywood Hale & Jane Broun vs. Orson & Carolyn Bean & Bill & Ann Cullen. 2/14/16 Buzzr airing
-1970-Alejandro & Joyce Rey vs. Mickey & Sherri Spillane vs. Morty & Marilyn Gunty vs. Jack & Reiko Douglas. 2/14/16 Buzzr airing
-1970-Mickey & Sherri Spillane vs. Morty & Marilyn Gunty vs. Jack & Reiko Douglas vs. Alejandro & Joyce Rey. 2/14/16 Buzzr airing
-1970-Ep. 177: Ann & Bert Convy vs. Carol Rossen & Hal Holbrook vs. E.J. Peaker & Bob Zampino vs. Loretta & Dick Clark. GSN airing (JB8.2) or 2/14/16 Buzzr airing
-Taped 4/20/70-Ep. 186: Nanette Fabray & Ranald MacDougall vs. Joyce & Alejandro Rey vs. Jackie & John Davidson vs. Sally Field & Steve Craig. 8/14/16 Buzzr airing
-Taped 4/20/70-Steve Craig & Sally Field vs. Ranald MacDougall & Nanette Fabray vs. Alejandro & Joyce Rey vs. John & Jackie Davidson. 8/14/16 Buzzr airing
-1970-Joyce & Alejandro Ray vs. Nanette Fabray & Ronny McDougle vs. Sally Field & Steve Craig vs. Jackie & John Davidson. GSN credit crunch (412.6) (Need to check to see if this is one of the above)

HIDDEN AGENDA [4 episodes]
A terrible hidden camera effort. No real climax, and a few downright unlikable couples.
-January 14, 2010-PREMIERE!!! Today's Couple: Trish & John Bulinsky
-February 4, 2010-Today's couple: Marnie & Mike Richardson (975.9)
-February 12, 2010-Today's Couple: Neil & Cheryl Giacomelli
-March 4, 2010-Unannounced finale. Today's Couple: Billy & Nicole Koopman

HIGH-Q (Local Georgia Quiz Bowl) [1 episode]
Has some great production values for a local show.
-October 15, 2006-Villa Rica vs. Pickens. A camera's broken, so the host has to be filmed from the audience! Original commercials (HN.2)

HIGH-Q (Local West Virginia Quiz Bowl) [2 episodes]
A very good show with a good host.
-1984-Paintsville vs. South Charleston (TH.4)
-1989-Scott vs. Milton (TH.5)

HIGH ROLLERS (NBC, 1978-1980) [9 episodes]
Not a bad show, where one round could possibly be worth over $10K!
-May 19, 1978-Daphne vs. Gene. Gene Schnook wins it all! Average video (DT4.1)
-March 2, 1979-Randy vs. Alan. Original commercials (JD24.2)
-March 27, 1979-Candice vs. Pearl. Original commercials (LS4.7)
-December 31, 1979-Jane vs. Donna. Alex is wearing a tux! Original commercials (LS4.8)
-February 28, 1980-Steven vs. Techla. Original commercials (JD24.3)
-March 19, 1980-Maryann vs. Cheryl. Original commercials (NP6.2)
-March 25, 1980-Tom vs. John. Original commercials (RS.11)
-May 7, 1980-Rich vs. Ted. Original commercials (JD24.4)
-June 20, 1980-Finale. Richard vs. Betty. Alex makes some very odd comments. Now with original commercials and MUCH better video! (CC3.3)

HIGH ROLLERS (Synd., 1987-1988) [18 episodes]
There was no need to add the minigames, but it's still enjoyable.
-September 16, 1987-Wendy vs. Al (NP12.3)
-September 17, 1987-Wendy vs. Al (still!) (NP12.4)
-1987-Julie vs. Nevin. USA repeat from 5/7/90 with commercials. Ghosts in picture, but very good quality otherwise (PB2.3)
-1987-Irene vs. Chris (NP.2)
-1987-Janine vs. Greg (NP.3)
-1987-Fran vs. Craig. One original commercial, joins in progress during first segment (don't know if any gameplay was cut), ends during credits (TI8.4)
-1987-Claudia vs. Rick. $10,000 WIN!!! (JR5.1)
-1987-Annalisa vs. Tom. Annalisa was also on Shuffle. Original commercials, LOTS of video blackouts throughout (BS20.2)
-November 2, 1987-Jerry at Big Numbers, then vs. Jean. Original commercials (PB.3)
-December 8, 1987-Darlene vs. Brian. Darlene goes for 5-in-a-row! USA repeat from 4/29/90 with commercials. Ghosts in picture, but very good quality otherwise (PB2.2)
-December 11, 1987-John at Big Numbers, then John vs. Teresa. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (JB18.5)
-December 22, 1987 (Taped 11/21/87)-Nancy vs. Robert. Studio master with slate, some commercials, contestant plug, and BEAUTIFUL quality! (PB5.10)
-December 31, 1987-Dolores vs. Bill. No credits (PB2.17)
-January 22, 1988-Cheryl vs. Richard. $10,000 WIN!!! Some USA commercials (including one for Hollywood Squares!) and a contestant plug! (DC5.8)
-January 25, 1988 (Taped 12/12/87)-Cheryl vs. John. Studio master with slate! (RS5.9)
-September 1988-Unannounced finale. Linda vs. Andrew (PB2.13)

HIGH SCHOOL CHALLENGE (Local Michigan Quiz Bowl) [6 episodes]
A improvement over Quiz Central in every area, especially the theme song; it's Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice"!
-April 8, 2007-Last Wild Card Game. Linden vs. Davison (CC3.1)
-April 8, 2007-First 2nd Round Game! Flushing vs. CLIO (CC3.2)
-April 15, 2007-Second round game! Mt. Morris (Stephen, Carter, Lauren, & Ben) vs. Corunna (Bryn, Brian, Charlie, & Ryan) (CC11.1)
-April 15, 2007-Second round game! Saginaw Heritage (Martha, Tanvi, Nick, & Prakash) vs. Goodrich (Adam, Jack, Tim, & Jimmy) (CC11.2)
-April 22, 2007-Second round game! Lapeer West (Matthew, Chase, Howard, & Danny) vs. Swartz Creek (Jacob, Lizzy, Alina, & Chris) (CC11.3)
-April 22, 2007-Second round game! Hartland (Dave, Cooper, Ryan, & Sean) vs. Grand Blanc (Adria, Jordan, Justin, & Ping) (CC11.4)

Syndicated tournament played a lot like Know Your Heritage, even sharing the same set.
NOTE: Air dates varied in different markets; all episodes aired on this date in the Chicago area.
-October 18, 2008-PREMIERE!!! Game 1: Whittier College vs. University of Houston-Victoria. Game 2: Our Lady of Lake University vs. New Mexico State University. Original commercials (MGHC.1)
-October 18, 2008-Game 1: Saint Peter's College vs. San Diego State University. Game 2: East Los Angeles College vs. City College of Chicago. Original commercials (MGHC.2)
-October 18, 2008-Semifinals! Original commercials (MGHC.3)
-October 18, 2008-Championship Game! Original commercials (MGHC.4)

HISTORY IQ [7 episodes]
Good History Channel effort. Also great to see Marc & Harvey working together again.
-2000-James vs. Sara vs. Patrick. INCREDIBLE game! (MS3.2)
-2000-Edward vs. Glenn vs. Robert (MS4.1)
-2000-Lewis vs. Kevin vs. Paul (MS4.2)
-2000-Bill vs. John vs. Frank (522.8)
-2000-Linda vs. Roy vs. James. Very poor timeline round! (599.5)
-2001-From $250,000 Tournament! Bill vs. Peter vs. Andy (583.10)
-2001-$250,000 Tournament Semifinal! LESZEK PAWLOWICZ vs. Glenn vs. Joshua (MS.5)
-2001-Tournament Finals! Robin vs. Leszek vs. John. Who will be the champion? (709.5)

HIT MAN [13 episodes]
Before Tomarken became master of the PYL board, he hosted this awesome memory game.
-January 3, 1983-PREMIERE!!! Rod vs. Karen vs. Bobby. Designated Champ: Laura. Subjects: The Wizard of Oz & Jeans (CD8.3)
-February 3, 1983-Larry vs. Beverly vs. Craig. Subjects: Abbott & Costello and the Washington D.C. Social Scene (DD42.3)
-February 4, 1983-Ray vs. Marianne vs. Mel. Champ: Beverly. Subjects: American Bandstand & Custer’s Last Stand. Original commercials, contestant plug, AND a ticket plug! (BB2.11)
-February 7, 1983-Barbara vs. Billie vs. Kris. Champ: Beverly. Subjects: Cleopatra & dogs. Original commercials, including a Just Men promo! (DC19.9)
-February 9, 1983-Kacey vs. Chuck vs. Jennifer. Champ: Patricia. Subjects: P.T. Barnum & Where Words Come From. Original Commercials and a contestant plug! Low Audio (JR3.3)
-February 10, 1983-Diana vs. Marlin vs. Carol. Champ: Kacey. Subjects: Marlon Brando and U.S. presidents. Diana makes some odd comments about Brando. Some original commercials, opening slightly clipped. (JR.7)
-1983-Emily vs. Gil vs. Jackie. Subjects: Bette Davis & Clowns. Original commercials (RS82.3)
-1983-Patricia vs. Fred vs. Patty. Subjects: TV Commercials & William Randolph Hearst. Original commercials (RS82.2)
-March 1983-Barbara vs. Dan vs. Cathy. Champ: Leon. Subjects: Casablanca & Henry VIII. Leon was also on Bullseye & Press Your Luck. Original commercials (DB9.7)
-March 1983-Barbara vs. Curtis vs. Carol. Champ: Leon (his EIGHTH day!). Subjects: W.C. Fields & stamps. Original commercials (NP30.4)
-March 29, 1983-Sheila vs. Bart vs. Liz. Champ: Woodryan. Subjects: Stardom & Winston Churchill. Bart was also on Super Password and Osmond's Pyramid. Original commercials (NP27.1)
-March 30, 1983-Johanna vs. Larry vs. Laura. Champ: Sheila. Subjects: Jean Harlow & prophets. Original commercials, no last segment (NP30.3)
-April 1, 1983-Finale. Maureen vs. RANDY WEST vs. Janet. Subjects: Gene Kelly & Vice Presidents. Original commercials & the world-famous contestant plug! (RS82.1)

HOLD EVERYTHING! [1 episode]
All About Faces with a busted scoring system. Lasted all of 9 weeks.
-June 18, 1990-Premiere. Hurrah. Frank Bonner vs. Annie Bloom vs. Hal Williams (JD5.4)

HOLD THAT NOTE [1 episode]
A simple musical quiz with very high stakes!
-1957-Tina vs. Frankie (RW5.3)

HOLE IN THE WALL (FOX, 2008-2009) [3 episodes]
Very repetitive. Very goofy. Yet still kinda fun to watch.
-September 7, 2008-Preview episode #1! Six Packs vs. Beer Bellies (JP44.11)
-October 2, 2008-Freedom Rappers vs. Guitar Heroes; Rock Lovers vs. Flavor of the Month (1066.4)
-October 16, 2008-New York Yanks vs. Redneck Bama Boys, Greek Goddesses vs. Pencil Pushers (1066.8)

HOLE IN THE WALL (Cartoon Network, 2010-2012) [2 episodes]
Who could've expected CN to revive this? It seems to work better as a kids show.
-November 10, 2010-Musical Mayhem vs. Big Bro & The Disco Sisters (899.7)
-December 1, 2010-The Super Supers vs. Buff & Bronze (902.14)

Match Game-takeoff based on personal opinions. The set’s neat, and some laughs can be had.
-September 5, 1977-PREMIERE!!! Jan Murray, Pat Carroll, Anson Williams, Jaye P. Morgan, Buddy Hackett, Marcia Wallace. Joyce vs. Jim (JL10.1)
-September 7, 1977 (Taped 6/1977)-Third episode! Anson Williams, Pat Carroll, Jan Murray, Marcia Wallace, Buddy Hackett, Jaye P. Morgan. LaDawn vs. Scott. No open (JL11.7)
-1977-Jan Murray, Pat Carroll, Nipsey Russell, Elaine Joyce, Buddy Hackett, Jaye P. Morgan. Maxine vs. Ronald (CD16.2)
-1977-Marcia Wallace, Buddy Hackett, Michele Lee, Jan Murray, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Nipsey Russell. Kitty vs. Gregory (CD16.3)
-1977-Abe Vigoda, Pat Carroll, Nipsey Russell, Meredith MacRae, Milton Berle, Zsa Zsa Gabor. Jean vs. Jim (BB.8)
-1977-Jaye P. Morgan, Jan Murray, Barbara Rhoades, Dick Smothers, Pat Carroll, Tommy Lasorda. Connie vs. Harmon (GG65.1)

Great movie trivia show. Too bad no one else thought so; the reels quit spinning after just 4 weeks.
-June 19, 1992-PREMIERE!!! Steven & Steve vs. Vicki & Max (DB2.9)
-June 26, 1992-Eric & Melanie vs. Alison & Pam (DB2.10)
-July 3, 1992-Susan & Anthony vs. Tracy & Pam (DB2.11)
-July 10, 1992-Unnanounced finale. Steven & Kirk vs. Kimberly & Lily (DB2.12)

-December 23, 2013-Season 2 premiere...and Christmas special! Ray Romano, Brooklyn Decker, Gavin DeGraw, & Nicole vs. Rachel Bilson, Andy Roddick, Cheryl Hines, & Michael. NBC on Demand airing
-January 20, 2014-Martin Short, Lester Holt, Jason Alexander, & Eugene vs. Valerie Bertinelli, Beth Baers, Julie Bowen, & Jennifer. NBC on Demand airing
-May 22, 2014-Valerie Bertinelli, Jane Leeves, Wendie Malick, & Malika vs. Mekhi Phifer, Billy Eichner, Andy Richter, & Doug. GSN broadcast (JF190.1)
-July 28, 2015-WEIRD AL YANKOVIC!!!, Kevin O'Leary, Constance Zimmer, & Assata vs. Rosie O'Donnell, Rocco DiSpirito, Nate Berkus, & Winnie
-August 4, 2015-Tom Arnold, Gina Rodriguez, Zachary Levi, & Cassie vs. Yvette Nicole Brown, Curtis Stone, Rex Lee, & George
-June 29, 2017-Xzibit, Mike Colter, David Walton, Charlotte McKinney, Chris Hardwick. River vs. Jennie. NBC On Demand airing (JF163.3)
-August 15, 2017-Carson Kressley, Justin Hartley, Marcus Lemonis, Chrissy Metz, Bill Engvall, Sterling K. Brown. Haley vs. Shameka. NBC On Demand airing (JF162.1)
-August 22, 2017-Celebs TBA. Sara vs. William (JF189.1)
-August 29, 2017-Iliza Shlesinger, Tyler Hoechlin, Cheryl Hines, & Mark vs. Tara Lipinski, Johnny Weir, Pamela Segal Adlon, & Farelle (JF189.2)
-September 6, 2017-Season 5 finale. Tyson Beckford, Daymond John, Nancy Grace, Margaret Cho, RuPaul, WEIRD AL YANKOVIC! Gino vs. Gillian. NBC On Demand airing (JF161.3)
-May 24, 2018-Red Nose Day! Isla Fisher, Sasheer Zamata, Chelsea Handler, & Jack Black vs. Cedric The Entertainer, Sarah Silverman, Sean Hayes, Kelly Clarkson (JF191.1)

HOLLYWOOD SHOWDOWN [36 episodes, 1 clip]
-January 24, 2000-PREMIERE! Begins with Jonathan vs. Ed. Box Office is at $10,000 (CO46.1)
-January 31, 2000-Begins with Carlos vs. Stacy. Box Office is at $10,000. TV Guide airing with TV listings (CO25.3)
-February 1, 2000-First few minutes, aired a sneak preview! TV Guide airing with TV listings (CO25.4)
-February 9, 2000-Begins with Brian vs. Annaliese. Box Office is at $15,920 (CO46.2)
-February 16, 2000-Begins with Kristine vs. Frederick. Box Office at $13,960 (MP14.2)
-March 7, 2000-Begins with Shannon vs. Gena. Box Office at $10,750. Ends during credits (MP14.3)
-March 8, 2000-Begins with Shannon vs. Angel. Box Office is at $13,070. Shannon does the sign-off at the end of the show! (CO46.3)
-March 9, 2000-Begins with Shannon vs. Greg. Box Office is at $15,100 (CO46.4)
-April 3, 2000-Begins with Su vs. Bill. Box Office is at $10,000 (GG78.2)
-April 4, 2000-Begins with John at the Box Office. Box Office starts at $11,070. Contestant plug! (58.11)
-April 6, 2000-Begins with Helaine vs. Su. Box Office is at $14,730 (450.4)
-April 14, 2000-Begins with Dani vs. Lisa. Box Office is at $23,890 (GG78.1)
-May 10, 2000-Box Office Bonanza Week! Begins with Jeff vs. Tyrone. Box Office at $13,390 (GG14.1)
-May 19, 2000-Begins with Mike vs. Norma. Box Office is at $24,640 (CO47.1)
-June 2000-Begins with Scott vs. Patty. Box Office is at $14,100 (CO48.1)
-January 1, 2001-Season 2 premiere! Begins with Glenn vs. Guy. Box Office is at $10,000. GSN credit crunch (189.2)
-January 2, 2001-Begins with Mike vs. Miki. Box Office is at $13,050. GSN credit crunch (189.5)
-January 3, 2001-Begins with Miki at the Box Office. Box Office starts at $15,500. GSN credit crunch (387.1)
-January 4, 2001-Begins with Alex vs. Glenn. Box Office starts at $10,350. No open, GSN credit crunch (387.5)
-January 25, 2001 (Ep. 2049, taped 10/12/00)-Day 4 of Armed Forces Week! Begins with Jesse at Box Office. Box Office starts at $15,380. Studio Master with slate! (GG15.1)
-January 31, 2001-Begins with Keith vs. Julie. Box Office is at $10,650. No credits (GG13.10)
-February 2, 2001-Begins with Keith at Box Office. Box Office is at $13,430. No credits (GG13.11)
-February 5, 2001-Begins with Carol vs. Larry. Box Office is at $10,000 (GG78.3)
-February 8, 2001-Begins with Stefanie vs. Bob. Box Office is at $19,590 (CO47.2)
-February 9, 2001-Begins with Steve at Box Office. Box Office is at $10,770 (CO25.5)
-February 16, 2001-Full Monty Week Day 5! Begins with Monty K. vs. Monty J. Box Office is at $13,210. Funny ending! (CO47.3)
-February 19, 2001-Out-of-Towners Week! Begins with Lisa vs. Brian. Box Office is at $10,000 (GG78.4)
-February 20, 2001-Out-of-Towners Week! Begins with Louis at Box Office. Box Office is at $11,780 (CO47.4)
-February 21, 2001-Out-of-Towners Week! Begins with Lisa vs. Joel. Box Office is at $10,870 (GG79.1)
-February 22, 2001-Out-of-Towners Week! Begins with Joel vs. Greg. Box Office is at $14,640 (GG79.2)
-February 23, 2001-Out-of-Towners Week! Begins with Joel at Box Office. Box Office is at $20,560 (GG79.3)
-March 23, 2001-Begins with Tracie at Box Office. Box Office is at $21,060 (CO47.5)
-March 26, 2001-Tournament of Champions, day 1! Begins with J.D. vs. Jesse. Box Office at $10,000 (CO35.1)
-March 27, 2001-Tournament of Champions, day 2! Begins with Jesse vs. Monty D. Box Office at $12,360 (CO35.2)
-March 28, 2001-Tournament of Champions, day 3! Begins with Carol at Box Office. Box Office at $16,330 (CO35.3)
-March 29, 2001-Tournament of Champions, day 4! Begins with Miki vs. J.D. Box Office at $11,320 (CO35.4)
-March 30, 2001-Tournament of Champions, day 5! (And sadly, the finale.) Begins with Karen vs. Gerry. Box Office at $10,000 (CO35.5)

All versions of Hollywood Squares can be found here.

HOME RUN DERBY [2 episodes]
-1960-Episode 5: Harmon Killebrew vs. Rocky Colavito (966.2)
-1960-Episode 25. Jackie Jenson vs. Rocky Calavito (859.4)

Average format, but at least it found an interesting way to integrate the home shopping segments.
-June 15, 1987-PREMIERE!!! Brian vs. Rosalie. Few original commercials (BS.3)
-June 16, 1987-Brian vs. Ken. Original commercials (DC19.8)
-1987-Barry vs. Denise. Original commercials (BS.6)
-August 1987-Mark vs. Betty. Original commercials (BS.4)
-1987-Keith vs. Sue (BS.5)

HOMETOWN HI-Q (Local PA Quiz Bowl) [2 episodes]
The time-tested It's Academic format comes to the Keystone State.
-February 21, 2004-Central Catholic (Matthew, Conor, & Nathan) vs. Shaler (fellow trader Chris Wannegut, Jamie, & Ryan) vs. Butler (Kevin, Laura, Alicia). This is Chris's first appearance! (BS.8)
-January 8, 2005-Shaler (Ryan, fellow trader Chris Wannegut, & Rick) vs. Fox Chapel (Michael, Wes, & Alex) vs. North Alleghany (Morgan, Mark, & Max). This is Chris's third appearance! (BS.9)

-February 1997-Celebrity episode! Bob vs. Tom. Original commercials (JW33.2)

HOOSIER MILLIONAIRE (Local Indiana Lottery show) [12½ episodes]
Your typical "pick a number" game, but a terrific host & contestants make it worth watching. The first format is by far the best.
Format 1
-October 7, 1995-Cathy vs. Nancy vs. Bea vs. Carlos vs. Charles vs. Tammy. Original commercials (SI6.2)
-March 9, 1996-James vs. Nancy vs. Rebecca vs. Lisa vs. John vs. Rose. Uses a very short-lived theme song. Original commercials (CD19.2)
-March 13, 1999-Dennis vs. Mary vs. Judy vs. Silas vs. Mark vs. Bill. Original commercials, bad quality in intro (CD19.3)
-January 1, 2000-Last episode with the original format. Thomas vs. Cynthia vs. Frank vs. Tina vs. Bryan vs. Sally. Original commercials (CD13.1)
Format 2
-January 8, 2000-First show with the new set and format! Game 1: Katie vs. Jerry vs. Danny. Game 2: Kenneth vs. Debra vs. Connie. Original commercials (CD13.2)
-February 5, 2000-Game 1: Janet vs. Aden vs. Carrie. Game 2: Anita vs. Mike vs. David (JC55.1)
-February 25, 2000-Game 1: Willis vs. Earl vs. Elaine. Game 2: Marla vs. Leland vs. Dan (JC55.2)
-March 4, 2000-Partial; no bonus round. Game 1: Laura vs. Brenda vs. Landon. Game 2: Aimee vs. Elbert vs. Gary (JC55.3)
-March 25, 2000-Game 1: Evelyn vs. Sharon vs. Tony. Game 2: Timothy vs. Marquita vs. Tony (JW54.3)
-March 23, 2002-Game 1: Harry vs. Cynthia vs. Randy. Game 2: Marsha vs. Billie vs. Francis (JW54.4)
Format 3
-November 6, 2004-Wendy vs. Donna vs. Hal vs. Nancy vs. Courtney vs. Gary. Slightly squished picture (JW15.4)
-November 19, 2005-Hoosier Millionaire Hysteria Finals! Who will become the fifth Hysteria winner? (CD13.3)
-December 31, 2005-Grand Finale Game! Games: Jamie vs. Chuck, Carral vs. Bill. Semifinalists: Clarence & Earlita. Who will become the final Hoosier Millionaire? (CD13.4)

HOT POTATO [49 episodes]
Everything about this show was perfect... until the God-awful celebrity format.
Civilian Episodes
-January 23, 1984-PREMIERE!!! Mothers To Be vs. Teachers. Bonnie of the Teachers was also on the Trivia Trap pilot. Two copies available: Original commercials with contestant plug and Wheel promo (RS14.5) or GSN broadcast (LH.3)
-January 26, 1984-Hygienisyts vs. Waitressess (JD11.4)
-January 27, 1984-Waitresses vs. Air Force (GG14.2)
-January 31, 1984-Waitresses at Bonus, then vs. Mothers of Twins (BB2.3)
-February 1, 1984-Mothers of Twins vs. Telegram Singers (BB2.4)
-February 2, 1984-Telegram Singers vs. Redheads (JP48.1)
-February 6, 1984-Grocery Checkers vs. Softball Managers. Blue champion nametags & 7-Straight Jackpot debut! (JP9.4)
-February 7, 1984-Beer Tasters at bonus, then vs. Flight Attendants (JP21.8)
-February 14, 1984-Computer Salesmen at Bonus, then vs. 21 Dealers (JP9.8)
-February 20, 1984-Day 1 of Miss Americas vs. All American Sportsmen! Susan Perkins, Kylene Barker, & Cheryl Pruitt vs. Rick Barry, Ken Norton, & Vince Ferragamo (GG14.3)
-February 29, 1984-Dentists vs. Air Traffic Controllers. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (RS34.2)
-March 5, 1984-Little League Coaches at bonus, then vs. Whitewater Raft Guides. Original commercials, no open (RS34.3)
-March 6, 1984-Little League Coaches at bonus, then vs. Sign Language Interpreters. Original commercials and a contestant plug! (RS34.4)
-March 7, 1984-Little League Coaches at bonus, then vs. Private Eyes. Original commercials (RS34.5)
-March 8, 1984-Private Eyes vs. Paralegals. Original commercials, no credits (RS39.2)
-March 12, 1984-Magicians vs. 411 Operators (DT.12)
-March 14, 1984-Bartenders vs. Beekeepers. First day of Beekeepers’ reign
-March 15, 1984-Beekeepers at Bonus Round, then vs. Paramedics (JF53.4)
-March 22, 1984-Accountants vs. Car Saleswomen. GSN credit crunch (612.14)
-March 23, 1984-Accountants vs. Pro Surfers (JP6.13)
-March 27, 1984-Accountants vs. Construction Workers. USA commercials, tracking lines throughout (JP48.2)
-April 1984-Mailroom Clerks vs. Process Servers. Last question is about game show hosts! (JP9.5)
-April 3, 1984-Mailroom Clerks vs. Calendar Makers (JD11.2)
-April 1984-Mailroom Clerks vs. Preachers. Beer Tasters come back in the next game due to an error (JD11.1)
-April 1984-Preachers vs. Beer Tasters (JP20.10)
-April 1984-Coast Guard Rescue Team vs. Interior Designers (JP9.6)
-April 19, 1984-411 Operators vs. Reporters. Bill promotes the upcoming change to "Celebrity Hot Potato" (GG14.4)
-April 20, 1984-The final civilian episode, AKA the final good episode. Reporters vs. Auctioneers. John of the Auctioneers was also on the Trivia Trap pilot (LS8.3)
Celebrity Hot Potato (Ugh…)
-April 23, 1984-Debut of the Celebrity Format. Whoop-dee-do. Phyllis Diller, Emma Samms, Rene Enriquez, Billy Huffsey. Tracy vs. Marji (RS60.1)
-April 26, 1984-Phyllis Diller, Emma Samms, Rene Enriquez, Billy Huffsey. Chris vs. Shirly. Original commercials (RS14.8)
-April 27, 1984-Phyllis Diller, Emma Samms, Rene Enriquez, Billy Huffsey. Shirly vs. Joe (RS60.2)
-May 1984-Arte Johnson, Kristian Alfonso, Beverly Garland, Ron Masak. Geri at bonus, then Geri vs. Vance. Aired out-of sequence on 4/30/84, for whatever reason. Original commercials (RS14.6)
-May 4, 1984-Ron Masak, Beverly Garland, Kristian Alfonso, Arte Johnson. Vance vs. Bob (GG15.3)
-May 8, 1984-Daytime (Leann Hunley, James Reynolds, & Anne-Marie Martin) vs. Nightime (George Wyner, Marla Gibbs, Jenilee Harrison). USA commercials, average audio/video (JD11.3)
-May 18, 1984-Last day of Funny People Tournament! Funny Ladies (Elaine Joyce, Doris Roberts, & Jo Anne Worley) vs. Funny Men (Milton Berle, Tom Dreesen, & James Coco). Original commercials (RS39.3)
-May 25, 1984-Jamie Farr, Brad Garrett, Michael Winslow, Dorothy Lyman. Bob vs. Mary (GG37.1)
-May 31, 1984-Day 4 of Teen Charity Week! Peter Billingsley, Matthew Laborteaux, & Philip McKeon vs. Kim Fields, Missy Gold, & Dana Hill (GG14.9)
-June 4, 1984-Mindy Cohn, JM J Bullock, Martha Smith, Brian Mitchell. Bob vs. Mike (GG14.5)
-June 6, 1984-Mindy Cohn, JM J Bullock, Martha Smith, Brian Mitchell. Carol vs. Linda (GG14.6)
-June 7, 1984-Mindy Cohn, JM J Bullock, Martha Smith, Brian Mitchell. Linda vs. Dean (GG14.7)
-June 8, 1984-Mindy Cohn, JM J Bullock, Martha Smith, Brian Mitchell. Linda at bonus, then vs. Larry (GG14.8)
-June 11?, 1984-Brad Garrett, Marcia Wallace, Nipsey Russell, Christopher Durham. Larry vs. Sandy (GG61.1)
-June 15, 1984-Brad Garrett, Christopher Durham, Nipsey Russell, Marcia Wallace. Fred vs. Don (GG61.2)
-June 22, 1984-Michael Winslow, Cynthia Gibb, Roxie Roker, Larry Manetti. Tammy vs. Brenda (GG32.1)
-June 28, 1984-Next-to-last episode. Lanie Kazan, Jan Murray, Anson Williams, Arte Johnson. Sarann vs. Carrie (DT.13)
-June 29, 1984-Finale. Lanie Kazan, Jan Murray, Anson Williams, Arte Johnson. Carrie vs. Rod. Original commercials (RS14.7)

HOT SEAT [1 episode]
Strange relationship game with a huge lie detector.
-July 1976-Premiere? Fred & Debbie vs. Jeff & Susan. Original commercials, average video (RS39.4)

HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS? [*All 4 episodes of a test run*]
This interactive show aired in 200 Ohio homes to test out the Qube cable TV system. A truly fascinating watch!
-March 23, 1977-Sue & Larry vs. Lenore & Bob (AS21.1)
-March 24, 1977-Debbi & Mike vs. Sara & Andy. The game ends with no winner! (AS21.2)
-March 30, 1977-Andy & Sara vs. Jim & Maureen (AS22.1)
-March 31, 1977-Carl & Gayle vs. Charles & Sue (AS22.2)

HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? [3 episodes]
One of GSN's worst originals is nothing but brainless button-pushing. At least Inquizition had questions!
-January 9, 2008-Second episode. Derrick vs. Jennifer vs. Deena vs. Brooke (642.3)
-January 10, 2008-Alex vs. Brett vs. Lloyd vs. Linda (BS39.4)
-February 24, 2008-Allyson vs. Frank vs. Matt vs. Shaunett (MP5.1)

The only show that dares to find the best mother-in law!
-1967-Nipsey Russell, Milt Cayman?, Richard Dawson. Game 1: Mary vs. Catherine vs. Ouidad. Game 2: Barbara vs. Patricia vs. Gloria. Original commercials (RW12.2)

HURL! [1 episode]
Eat lots of food, and hope you don't...well, you know...
-July 15, 2008-PREMIERE!!! Sinia vs. Johnny vs. Lathan vs. Fernando vs. Andrew (DH12)

Now where to?

Double Dare
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