FIENEKE 086's BOY GFL 1434-05 Direct Son of SILVER BOY on FIENEKE 086!! The best of Ludo when mated to the best Hofkens!! FIENEKE 086's BOY is one of our many foundation breeders, he bred equal 1st place at the World Ace Challenge in 2006 on the 250 mile race, the bird was rising quickly in the overall standings and was lost on the next race. In 2007 FIENEKE 086's BOY was mated to SILVER BEAUTY to breed inbred SILVER BOY grandkids for breeding purposes. These will be used in the SURE BET family as SURE BET is bred down from OLYMPIA QUEEN, LATE RODE 430's full sister, LATE RODE 430 is the father to SILVER BOY and VOS 77. Here lies a portion of the secret to SURE BET!!