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December 22, 2012

Occassionally in life there are unique opportunities to own birds one can only dream of, and sometimes those opportunities are a leap of faith, hoping and praying the good Lord watches over us!! Well this past week I took a leap of faith and this time it turned out that every prayer I could have was answered on a positive note. My good friend Bob Burton was sitting in my office and can attest to this, I reach into the box and immediately, without hestitation, exclaimed, "I have a new #1 bird in my loft!!" To this point WIDOW'S BET was the #1 handling bird!! I would like to introduce everyone to the new #1 handling bird in my loft, his name "THE PHAROAH", a direct son of THE PHANTOM!! He is everything you could want in a male!! Super, Super well muscled, racing sleek body, the tightest vents of any bird on the property, I have only handled one bird EVER that has had tighter vents, that was THE PHANTOM himself, this son you take your hand down the keel, at the end of the keel is the vents, no space, his dad was just this way. He has a super strong back and a one pin tail that is a straight down tail due to the back strength. Then there is his pupil, highly sensitive to changes in light, and pulls down to a pin head!! A wing that is full with a step up from the secondaries to the primaries, just every prayer a breeder could have being answered in one bird!! Oh and not to mention he is a half brother to MONA LISA!!

The Pharoah will be mated to DREAM WEAVER, direct daughter of UP TOWN, granddaughter of the super mating of DA VINCI and MONA LISA!! DA VINCI was 22nd Average Speed in the World Ace Challenge, MONA LISA was the 27th Average Speed Bird in the World Ace Challenge!! UP TOWN was 3rd Average Speed in the East Coast Challenge!! Together DA VINCI and MONA LISA have not only produced UP TOWN, but many other stars including JERSEY GIRL, CITY LIGHTS, TEXAS STAR, and many others!! MONA LISA is mother/grandmother now to well over 100 1st place winners, Mike has found his best breeding hen EVER!! Together THE PHAROAH and DREAM WEAVER will make history of their own, centered around one of the greatest breeding males Ganus has ever owned, that being THE PHANTOM!!

I would like to make an introductory offer to all my friends, the first 6 babies off this pairing will be sold!! I would normally be asking $500 each for these youngsters, but for the 1st six youngsters I will be offering them to my friends at $350 each, that includes the shipping when they are weaned. To take advantage of this offer you must prepay by January 1st to be included on the list for one of the first six. Of course I cannot guarantee the sex of the babies unless you want me to have them DNA'd. But I will have your babies hatched and weaned no later than early March, you'll get to watch your prized breeders grow up in front of your eyes through next spring and summer!!!

If interested, just drop me an email, I already have one spoken for, so do not hesitate as I would like to keep the 4th round for a special one loft race!! Thank you and good luck with your upcoming matings for 2013!!