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Syllabus CS110-1: Introduction to Internet

New Perspectives on the Internet, 6th Edition, Online Companion

Fall 2006:  August 17, 2006 - December 5, 2006

 Tuesday -Thursday: 6:01 p.m. – 7:30p.m., Room: D8




http://login.course.com Universal Gradebook

Time: Tuesday/Thursday – 6:01 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

WEBSITE: Online Threaded Discussion and Email, chat, Course Description, Syllabus, Staff information, Assignments/Projects, Quizzes, Website, www.quia.com  www.gradesource.com etc.

Instructor: Mrs. Lily C. Bordallo, Associates in Computer Science/Certificate in Computer Science,GCC, BAED/VTSE/Computer Technology, Pursuing a Master Degree in Supervision and Management (UOG) and Online Teaching and Learning in Education, California State University, San Diego State University and University of San Diego
Office No.: D8, 482-2258 (Beeper)
Office Phone: 565-1213
Email:  tasi2258@hotmail.com







   Syllabus CS110-1: Introduction to Internet

New Perspectives on the Internet, 6th Edition, Online Companion

 Fall 2006:  August 17, 2006 - December 5, 2006

 Tuesday -Thursday: 6:01 p.m. – 7:30p.m., Room: D8

www.course.com and www.course.com/NewPerspectives

Instructor: Lily C. Bordallo, Office Hours:  Monday -Thursday, (By Appointments Only) E-mail: tasi2258@hotmail.com or DoloresLily.Bordallo@pac.dodea.edu

Website: www.angelfire.com/hi5/cs1101gccfall2006/syllabus.html

 http://www.course.com/NewPerspectives  or www.course.com , http://login.course.com

Course Purpose/Objectives: As a student in this course, you will learn the most important topics of the Internet. You will begin with an introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web.  You will learn browser basics and e-mail basics.  Next you will learn various ways to search the Web, information Resources on the Web, and FTP, Downloading, and Storing Data. Finally, you will build upon these skills and learn advanced e-mail, advanced communication tools, advanced Web topics, and personalized information delivery and Electronic Commerce.  “This course is designed to introduce the information Highway to students.  Students develop an understanding of how the Internet can benefit them and improve their knowledge base without an excessive amount of wasted time and effort.”(See Course Catalog)

 Prerequisite: This course covers a full semester and no prerequisites are necessary.

Text/Materials: Gary P. Schneider and Jessica Evans, New Perspectives on the Internet, 6th Edition, is published by Course Technology.

Software: Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer or higher and Windows XP, Dreamweaver and FrontPage or higher must be installed on your computer. 

Handouts: Additional handouts may be required. Instructor will provide information on obtaining this material.

 Supplies Needed

  1. Notebook and 1 ea. folder/Binder with pockets to hold your tutorials, assignments, quizzes, examination for your instructor to keep and grade all your projects, quizzes and final examinations etc.
  2. Zip Disk 200MB, USB FLASH DRIVE or Floppy Disk, CDR, CDRW to save your assignments and web page files.

  Teaching Methods:

  1. Lectures: Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered in class. Students should plan to take careful notes as not all material can be found in the texts or readings. Discussion is encouraged as is student-procured outside material relevant to topics being covered.
  2. Assignments: Review Assignments, Case Problems, and other projects will be periodically assigned to reinforce material in the text. These assignments may require the application of various software packages. All Sessions 1.1 thru Session 10.2, and Tutorial 1 – 10, The Internet Title Page Appendix A, The Internet Additional Research Assignments Title Page will be submitted as an assignment/homework for quizzes and test study guide (Exam Review Sheets).
  3. Quizzes: Occasional unannounced quizzes at www.quia.com/tq/session.html  or CoursePort Universal Gradebook will be given to help ensure students stay updated with assigned material.
  4. Exams: Three exams will be given. The exams will be closed book or open notes from your Sessions 1.1 thru 10.2 etc. and will test assigned readings and material discussed in class. Review online at www.quia.com/tq/#.html or other resources will be provided prior to the exam day. The final exam will not be comprehensive in nature. However, the instructor reserves the right to retest on material that was not appropriately comprehended. These items will be noted on exam review sheets, sessions and tutorials.
  5. Internet: All material will be distributed on the Internet. Class notes, websites instructional material, and student assignments will be posted on 'the net' in a class website.  Students are encouraged to go to the website www.course.com and www.course.com/newperspectives in order to obtain file downloads and view other items of interest throughout the semester.

Note: Your instructor will provide your Calendar Schedule of Assignments via Email and Internet for List of Assignments to be completed per your instructor/grade.  Please submit sessions, tutorials and print assignment for grading/binder.


Letter grades will be determined using a standard percentage point evaluation as outlined below. Grades may be curved after the total semester points have been tabulated. However, do not count on a curve to obtain your desired grade.

A = 90%-100%

B  = 80%-89%

C  = 70%-79%

D  = 60%-69%

F  =Below 60%

Total points will be computed as follows. The total points for quizzes, cases, tutorial, sessions, assignments and website etc. may vary.

Exam #1: 100  (Test #1)

Exam #2: 100  (Mid-Term)

Exam #3: 100 (Final Exam)

Quizzes:  100 (10 ea.)

Internet Additional Research Assignments: Assignments #1 thru Assignment #8 Web Page: 100 (8 ea.)

Cases:  Tutorial #1 thru Tutorial 10 Projects: 100

Session: 100   Sessions 1.1  thru Session 10.1

Participation: 10



Grades for this course will be determined by attendance, as measured by completion of:

Tutorial Projects, Sessions, Internet Assignments/Project/Tutorial and Cases =30%

Test/Exam = 35%,
Quizzes = 25%
Attendance/Participation = 10%
Total =100%.


Course Policies:

Missed Classes: The student is responsible for obtaining material distributed on class days when he/she was absent. This can be done through contacting a classmate who was present or by contacting the instructor during her office hours or other times. Missed or late quizzes can not be made up under any circumstances but with good cause and adequate notice, an early quiz may be given. One quiz (lowest score) will be dropped at the end of the semester.

Assignments: All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date due. Late submission of assignments will be assessed a penalty of 10% per day. Please see your Instructor to make arrangements.

Students with Special Needs

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a student who wishes to receive some instructional accommodation, because of a documented sensory and/or learning disability, should meet with the instructor to discuss this accommodation. The student must have been identified, as "special needs" by the college and an appropriate letter must be provided by the Accommodative Services Coordinator to the course instructor. Provisions for accommodations will be made by the instructor based upon written guidelines from the college’s Office of Accommodative Services.

Academic Dishonesty: Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on exam, paper or project; failure in course; and or expulsion from the Community College. For more information refer to the "Academic Dishonesty" policy in the Guam Community College Web-site at http://www.guamcc.edu  Click on Student Handbook go to page 22 of  40.

Need for Assistance: If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it, or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible.

Posting of Grades: Final grades will not be posted. If you wish to have your final grade sent to you, please bring a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the final exam.


In the event classes are cancelled as a result of a power outage, water outage, bomb scare, typhoon, or other natural disaster, all classes missed will be made up by: (1) extending the class meeting time an additional 15-10 minutes until the contact hours missed are met or (2) scheduling the classes on a Saturday etc.


Students are required to abide by the Acceptable Use Policy, the Computing Resource Guidelines, any other regulations set by Internet Policy Agreement, and the conventions for Internet use.  No food or drinks allowed in the classroom. No Children allowed in classroom.


Scan the text for material relevant to your own needs.  Search the Internet for computer terminologies, study chapters, tutorials and read terminologies for your quizzes, test and final examinations.

You must be able to access your email from the classroom and elsewhere.  A free email account is available for use in this class.  You can access your account anytime at: www.yahoo.com, www.hotmail.com, www.msn.com, www.alo.com, www.gurlmail.com, www.google.com, www.bolt.com etc. and your service provider.

FREE WEB SITES/ HOME PAGES/ WEB PAGES AT: If, or when, you have a web page of your own, you can offer free email service to friends and family through www.angelfire.com, www.geocities.com, , www.photoworks.com, and www.tripod.com etc. (Dreamweaver and FrontPage)


1.      Creating HTML from your Tutorials & Cases making changes to your HTML using Front Page or Dreamweaver, anglefire.com website.  Completed Sessions Tutorial I – Tutorial 10, Quizzes, test and Final Examination.   Copy your syllabus to Dreamweaver or FrontPage and add to your webpage.

2.      Adding Images and Charts to WebPages.

3.      Adding Sounds to Power Point Presentation, FrontPage and Dreamweaver.

4.      Adding Motions and Pictures from Front Page and Web Pages.

5.     Creating a Web Page Creating, Email and adding Power Point Images etc. to FrontPage and Dreamweaver.

6.      Define basic Programming terminology. HTML Programming for Web page and add background, animation and charts.   Upload and download picture jpg, gif and Animated Images.   Adding Pictures and Power Point Presentation to your Email and WebPages.

7.     Finding the toolbars in Power Point and formatting toolbar.  Linking your home page to another web page.

8.  Searching for Internet Terminologies for your session, quizzes, test, tutorials, cases and final examinations.

9.  Posting your assignments via email, home page and threaded discussions, blackboard etc.

10.  One (1) page essay regarding computer/internet, provide approximately 1 ea. USB Flash Drive, zip disk for your images, pictures, assignments and backgrounds. Thank you, Mrs. Lily C. Bordallo, Teacher, Educational Technologist, DODEA, Adjunct Instructor, GCC

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