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The Sapling's Grove
A Central Jersey Circle of Spiral Scouts
Welcome to the site of The Sapling's Grove. The Sapling's Grove is a Cirlce of Spiral Scouts, a scouting organization based upon Pagan beliefs. We are a safe haven for children of minority faith, primarily organized for Pagan children. Although the foundation to our Grove is based upon Pagan beliefs all children of any race, religion, sexual preference, background, and sex are welcome. We hope to instill our children with a love of life, a love for friends and family, and a love of nature. With this love comes respect, interpersonal skills, and knowledge. Those who live in the area and are interested in joining, volunteering, or donating should click on our contacts link. 
Contact Sapling's Grove
Upcoming Events
Current Announcements
Reviews (A pagan Ezine for kids, Produced by Nat!)
Our Store...
Please purchase products through our store and help raise money for the Sapling's!