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Angel Soul


An angel sits upon a rock

Thinking on the bridge of time.

A tear runs down his lonesome face

As he fears what it will bring with time

He did a strangely forbidden thing

He fell in love with a girl

Half his time

Her hair an earthy brown

Her eyes an ever changing green

Her body an awesome fridge thing

Than by him she would only let see

His love for her consumed them both

As they met every night

Knowing God would see his love

But fearing the pain if he stopped

He went to her until she she said..

It is yours...

I am late with child

Tears of joy ran down his face

As he hurried home to tell

He went before God and begged him so

"Please let me live with the creatures so frail"

God smiled with joy at his angels delight

and granted his wish times three

Giving him a mortal soul

With his wife he could be

Now he sits upon a couch

With wife and child dear

Thinking on the love he's wrought

What what he's gained here

A love so forbidden that he thought couldn't be so

Only grew with time

And he now lives happily with the humans for all his mortal life

Midi Playing:  Endless


2007 © Kîttêñ