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I stand at the mirror and look at this mask
I have placed to conceal the answers that I
can not erase . I see a dark soul that searches
for answers still. A girl searching for the little one
She once was. And a wife to be all searching
for answered the can not see
How I long for the simpler time to
Just sit and cry in mommy's arms for
my room to be dirty and my homework undone
for second grade so simple and to still be
looking for that number one
But I see no end to this now complicated
world I have come to know. I stand in this
window of opportunity and wonder should I
jump or is it to early for me to know? I have
yet to answer to this riddle  and my mind still races
to solve the unthinkable, and the unknowable
only time can tell me were I'll go. It's like
 a roller costar ride you can seem to grasp hard
enough to get through and  you are scared if you
 let go you will forever be lost in this mind
you want to call home
I can not conceive this complicated task
I have put before myself yet I won't
allow it to go all wrong . For this to is my home
which I have come to know and love
this new mask that I call home


Midi Playing:  Nice Tune



2006 © Kîttêñ