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First Kiss

She looks away from him

Down to the shadow on the boards

The sun was just rising

And the look he gave her

Made her hart stop in it's tracks

He pulls her chin back up

So that their eyes meat

And the hunger for her lips

Grows unmistakably unbearable

She swims in his gaze

Searching his face

For the sign of what he will do next

For some small sign

He pulls her forward

Kissing her with such designer and passion

That she thinks she will come out of

Her skin if she doesn't get closer and deeper

He wraps his hand around her waist

Pulling her closer to him

The only thing separating them

Being the thin layer of clothing

That resides on their bodies

She rakes her teeth across his bottom lip

As they separate , Ending their First Kiss

Midi Playing:  How Deep is Your Love


2007 © Kîttêñ