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I want to hear the whispers

Of my childhood again

I want to run free

With no worries to extend

I want a life of freedom

Were my lovers can see me

I want to run to happiness

But I can't, for Life holds me

I owe a life of debt

From the love that I've lost

I can't escape the tragedies

That a rough life's wrought

I hate this way of life

Cause you'll never be truly free

I want to hear the whispers

Of my childhood again

I need two arms to hold me.

And tell me everything's ok

I want to be able to smile

And say truthfully, Yeah, I'm happy and OK

I cant handle these tears

I have to stand strong

For my life is Far from over

And it's far from gone

Midi Playing:  Watermark



2007 © Kîttêñ