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My Sweet Angel

Your my sweet caring angel that

Wraps me in your arms so tight

Holding me against the chill

That for so long,

Kept me up all through the night

I want to stay in your embrace

So warm and safe it seems

I want to be held to you closely

And let you keep me secure from pain

But every time I get close

I'm again reminded of the tears

Wanting what is best

But fearing what pain will be here

I shy away when I need you most

But you always seem to already be their

Wrapping your big arms around me

Letting me know you do care

Your tender embrace surrounds me

Getting me through my day

You have a habit of popping into my mind

When I need you most that day

So I ask you know from pure want

Of you being here

Will you always be in my life

Will you always hold me near

Will you love me for the true me

And hold love and always protect me.


Dedicated to My eternal lover...

I can't say it ..

So maybe this will make it clear

Midi Playing:  Angel In The Morning


2006 © Kîttêñ