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Tears Stream down her face

She screams in both happiness and fear

It's positive

All her hopes now have new purpose

And all her fears seem innate

And almost emanate

She's trying to think clearly

Something before that seemed so easy

Now so complicated and incomprehensible

She looks around to see happy faces

All concentrating on her

Her world headed to this

Small thing being that before

Well, had no meaning and could wait

She walks over to the mirror

Half dressed she looks The half dressed woman in front of her looks like her

That woman that looks like her

But who's body is so foreign

She run's her fingers over it

The body that now replaces her own

The bump were her stomach was

The large thighs that tried to dominate her body

She is a mom now.

The words

Although foreign

Ring true and had a strange something

New and untrue fear that followed with

New questions untold

Midi Playing:  Lullaby


2007 © Kîttêñ