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C.J. the life story
Monday, 07/17/2006
It all started
Mood:  sad
It all started the day my mom,cousin,brother, and i were on a bus taking the 9th grade band to Little Rock, for the 4-A football championship. Where The Greenwood Bulldogs took home the 4-A championship trophy. When we got home that night my mom wasn't feeling so good, we didn't and still don't know what was wrong with her. My cousin was spinding the night and she noticed that my mom wasn't breathing right. She woke me up instead of my brother, because she knew he would spazz out on her. So sje called an ambulance, i waited outside in the cold night air for the ambulance. I could hear sirenes in the distance. I could hear my cousin from inside the housetrying to wake my mom. And by the time the ambulance got their my mom was dead. It was December 4,2005. That was the first day I had never had a mom.

Posted by planet/saxblazer at 6:45 PM EDT
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