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Saxon's Web.


Hi, welcome to my web page. I am a white German Shepherd living in Australia, a country that does not recognize white as being a normal, original colour for German Shepherd Dogs. In fact, some mean people would have  white German Shepherds put down at birth. My person, thinks I am beautiful and very clever. My person can't understand why people would want to kill dogs like me because they are white. For goodness sake, white lions and tigers are much sought after and admired, why do crazy people not like white German Shepherds? We are no different from our coloured  brothers and sisters- in fact it has been said that we are more gentle and more intuitive.

My person thinks that fanatics who ring up when white puppies are advertised and say they should be put down at birth should get a life! And respect our rights to a life. Colour prejudice is a blight in the human and animal world. How can people say that a dog is less of a dog because its colour doesn't conform to some man-made standard? On the subject of standards, we whites were the original colour for sheepdogs, as sheep are not afraid of white dogs as much as dark-coloured dogs. So why were we not included in the 'standard' for German Shepherds? And why should colour matter anyway? We can do anything a coloured dog can do.

People who judge a dog by its colour are not dog lovers. Anyone who puts down a puppy because of colour (or litter size) is not a dog lover. There are people in the German Shepherd dog world who falsify pedigrees and who sleep with judges to get their dog to be awarded the blue ribbon in dog shows. And these same dishonest and immoral people criticize my right to exist or say that I and my kind are not allowed in the Show ring. Let him or her who is without fault cast the first bone I say! I will just get on with being admired everywhere I go (well, apart from the Show circuit) and being a loving and faithful companion to my person.

If you think its wrong to judge a dog by its colour you can  download my petition on the next page, fill it in and send it to your local Australian Canine Association.

The link with the addresses of the State Canine Councils is below:

Australian National Kennel Council

This web has five pages. If you can only get the Home page please let my person know at

whiteshepherdlover at                                                                     



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