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layout ideas how do you scrapbooking

layout ideas how do you scrapbooking

Next, apply glue to the metal loop petal you just made, and place fabric on top. Layout ideas how do you scrapbooking scrapbooking borders stickers scrapbook These early techniques may seem simple to you, but they are all a necessary part of teaching you to scrapbook like an expert. Mosaics stretch out photographs into an artistic rendition of the original photograph. Layout ideas how do you scrapbooking scrapbooking borders stickers scrapbook Here is a basic template, just cut along the solid lines and fold inward on the dotted lines: Glue or tape the sides in place; you will end up with a sort of rectangular bowl.

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Layout ideas how do you scrapbooking scrapbooking borders stickers scrapbook
layout ideas how do you scrapbooking
layout ideas how do you scrapbooking