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Seemolf DMC-FZ5, ( Xacti E6, Canon A70, Nikon FM-2 )

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site: Wattforum Toenning, Aquarium, external Expo project
equipment: FZ5, no tripod, 100 ASA fixed, closeup lenses
light: dim, flash not possible - not allowed, f:4  1/4 sec.!
objects: moving, most of the time

I've done such jobs before with a 3 Mpixel Canon A70, with reasonable results - even freehanded.
But my first aquatic test with the FZ5 was a complete desaster. Not a single picture was acceptable.
So I did not intend to take shots this day, but then these cuttlefishes appeared!
One of these accompanied me while swimming near Lanzarote. It was constantly changing its colours!
Since this time I love/like these animals!

- gently touching the glasses with the lenss: reducing reflections and own movements
- using achromats, as the distance was fixeed now
- waiting  for the animals to calm dowwn
- more unsharpmasking on some pictures in ppp than normally

- changing to 400 ASA increased the noise ttoo much
- next time there will be: a tripod, a blacck curtain, LED-ring light, no other visitors.... just dreaming!
.. sorry, simply forgot to use the sepia mode!

-----------------------All pictures can be enlarged in separate window----------------------------
I'm looking at you babe!
That's me: sepia. I am living in the north sea
02 03
A private colour show, just for us!
04 05 06
07 08 09
I've done enough colour changes, let's change the surface!
10 11
 That's my new home:
14 15 16
End of the show, see you next time!
a colleague: octopus - sleeping
18 19

Thanks for looking, hope you like it!

                   This picture is plain FZ5 - no closeup lens: hermit crab 2-3cm

Thanks for visiting my pages! Have a nice day - Sven

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All images are copyrighted by © 2005-2007 Seemolf  last update 4.mar.07 08:00