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Inside this Release

2 Editor’s-Take
What is Psychron about, what is its meaning in life, where is it all going and so fast?

4 Conjecturals
What is the fundamental unit of Energy? Can Energy take on complex values? Can Energy be sought beyond the surface boundary of c? How can we resonate this boundary of c and escape?

5 Ponderisms
Why can we see only one eye image at a time? Why does this make counting in threes easier than 4 or 5...?

Editor’s Take

Psychron is a magazine designed to inspire the mind with open ended questions and challenging views. Instead of those namby-pamby coffee table magazines, or that endless drizzle of half baked cosmology and psuedo-scientific mumbo jumbo, Psychron delivers pure, undiluted speculation based on critical, clearly expressed reasoning, however heretic.

However, Psychron is also committed to entertain. It is the reader’s inarguable perogative to fathom its depths of truth, mistery and wonder.


It is truly sad to be bound by three observable dimensions when such illusive phenomena as gravity gets action on as little as two.

A small object with mass m in the vicinity of another mass M experiences a force F in the direction of the axis as shown. This force has two dimensions that generate it, which act together causing the familiar inverse square law attraction versus distance relationship.

Interestingly, we may also consider axis in terms of velocity, as opposed to distance. In this case we are leading more into an Energy description.

The familiar Einstein mass energy equation


implies a mass related Energy increase caused by velocity according to the equation ...(2)

As in the Gravity case of Force versus Distance, Einstein’s Mass-Energy equation is incredibly similar to the well known equation for the area of a circle,


Is Energy therefore an Area relationship caused by the action of velocity on mass projected in two dimensions? In fact, would there be any purpose in expressing a fundamental unit of Energy as


and a fundamental unit of mass as


Certainly, and Area description of Energy leads us to realize the following boundary of c,

It is generally thought that no mass given objects can exceed the speed of light since


and the denominator term has a singularity when . Actually this restriction actually refers to a topic of causalilty and the transfer of information, as equation(6) is perfectly valid for the situation when .

If we assume the Energy result remains valid beyond the forbidden zone of c, then the Energy of the mass object m simply becomes an imaginary variable,


or equivalently,


In this new strange zone it may be useful to define velocity in terms of its reciprocal,


Equation (8) then becomes


This time we observe no rest mass as i.e. . Also, the negative “-j” Energy, analogous to capacitive reactive Energy, is linear in providing is small. As approached the boundary of the mass objects negative reactive Energy tends to infinity.

Surely then, there must exist some positive reactive Energy with which we could use to establish a familiar resonance. This resonance mode would allow the transfer of Energy about the forbidden zone of c. Perhaps the equivalent “Event Horizon” of Black Holes may carry the key to this mystery. Perhaps in on its dark and turbulent forbidden membrane, Gravity holds an inductive reactance that could oscillate matter around the forbidden zone of c?


Like it or not, just as we cannot listen to two people speaking at once, neither can we see two distinct objects placed for one eye at the same time as the other. Even ambiguous images, such as the “lady and the vase” cause or perception to oscillate back and between the competing images about every few seconds.

How can consciousness be so fickle? Just as we propose “true” and “false”, “hot” and “cold”, “high” and “low” how easily we imagine we can see all the shades in-between, but can grasp neither simultaneously.

Even when we count objects, we immediately recognize groups as high as two and three, but immediate recognition of larger clusters is hard to most people. Indeed, even the animal kingdom shares such limitation. A hen will notice the loss of a chicken immediately if she has three, but take much longer if the proud bounty is six or seven.

That we think in opposites may therefore be a response to our inability to comprehend integer quantity. Two things are easy to weigh up, three is hard - just as in a court of law, red herrings and the facts conspire to cause conundrum.

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