This page is a list of iteams I am working on, or would like to later add to the site.
Mission Statement
Every Good Group needs one.
We are currently working on writing one up. When it is done I'll post it up.
Random Stuff that gets deamed web worthy.
I eventually plan to post up games, web articals, web chat, things you request, and maybe a blog page or something
Personal Pages
Everyone Needs There own Private Space.
This area will have profile styled pages with mamber info., pics, and what ever they want.
Custom Built Computers
Macdaddy Machines.
I build, work on, and customize personal computers. On this page I will provide information on how to contact me to build, repair, or just help you with computers.
Contact Information
Let us know what you like.
This page will have contact information for this web site. So you can give us feed back on thing you liked or things you would like to see.