Covenant Shadow Insights
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The Wiccan Rede/Creed
161 Oldest Wiccan Laws
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A Walk through with Lady Leeanna
Hello! My name is Lady Leeanna, I am the covenant High Priestess, both in our physical covenant and within our web group. I am here to walk you through our site and give you the scoop on how you can join our web and E mail group. To also tell you, who we are and what we do. Please bare with me, we have many things to do you and I.
About me, The Covenant High Priestess
I have been a pagan practicioner for approximately 25 years, more commonly a witch, but practice actually many different branches as well as teach them. I am a third degree wiccan High Priestess and a non denominational Christian Ministress. I am fourty three, but feel more like 80,...hahaha, with all that I have done, but none the less, I own a pagan shop in the town my group and I hail from, Liberty Texas. I'll have some links to the website here after I put the website together. Enough about me, onward...
Who we, Covenant Shadow Insights are
What you can expect from this site and our e mail group.
Within this site we will be teaching a great many things in paganism, as well as talk of many things to do with christianity. You must be able to listen to both as we, for one thing, respect all.
Upon the next several pages, we'll go into a greater depth of all that we do. Further, website rules, laws of our physical covenant, laws of witchcraft, the wiccan reed and creed etc... Be advised we are just putting this together, but it's coming together fast. Be alert and check in! Blessed Be!
Now let me tell you what we have in our site here.
We have the site itself, full of helpful information on basic wicca and paganism in general. It was created at first with the thought of keeping our physical covenant up on what we are doing currently, as well as what we will be doing, what we are studying for the month, covenant news of the week, small or big news to do with us all, physical covenant and now web group too, as now it is more than for the physical covenant. A group photo album, to show you who we are. I'll be asking all who join to e mail a pic too. Last a chatroom that will be open all the time. Anyone may get in there and talk, but be advised, others can walk into the chatroom from other sites and talk as well. No worries, they are informed that it is an ecclectic spiritualist chat, and I would guess that is why they would walk, Welcome to planet Shadow Insights, yes, thats the actual website link, I intend to put some games in here and other stuff but for now we'll discuss what's current. P.S. The Chatroom is right now on page six in this site and is active. Just open it up, if it isn't already, and wait for visitors, or talk. Trust me, your never in there for more than 5 minutes and someone drops in, if they arent there already. It can only be opened from someone on these pages however, and that's why a lot of times you will be the one opening it, which just takes a second and a click.
What the site Itself is about.
Now, anyone is able to join with us in Covenant Shadow Insights, A new tradition but an old and now revived belief system. You may, or may not agree with what one or all of us here do believe in, but, that is what an ecclectic group is all about. We are here to be at one with others that have a basis of belief that is common with us, not to be exact with ours. We aren't here for debate, as to what is right or wrong, but to hear others out and either make what they are saying a part of us or not and atleast understand that there are others that are different from us and still be a part of them personally. Find out what others do believe in.
Know this! many people from many paths and walks of life, from paganism to christianity can work together in peace. and the world live a better existance for it. Within our physical covenant we have had and do still... people who are christian, those who are wiccan, druid, shaman and more. We have a benificial reason of coming together within our local covenant, to learn from one another, and here bringing old members news, or keeping them in touch, no matter how far they are. Teaching those who wish to obtain knowledge and bringing others in to be a part of us. whether by web or within the physical world. These are our goals