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Hoodia - weight loss without side effects



Hoodia. Hoodia - weight loss without side effects.





Hoodia gordonii. What is it?

If you haven't heard of Hoodia yet, you soon will because it is being touted as the new miracle supplement for safe, effective weight loss. Hoodia gordonii, (Hoodia) is the botanical name for a cactus like plant that grows in Southern Africa. Scientists have recently isolated several compounds in this amazing plant that are responsible for dramatic weight loss. This all-natural appetite suppressant is also being applauded for containing no dangerous stimulants that caused adverse side effects associated with weight loss products of the last decade.

Hoodia Gordonii was discovered and used by the San tribe from the Kalahari, South Africa, since prehistoric times. They chewed the bitter Hoodia plant twice a day to suppress hunger and thirst during long hunting trips. This plant contains the miracle molecule p57 that was recently translated into a obesity cure.

The Hoodia reality

Real South African Hoodia is RARE and EXPENSIVE. It takes approximately 5 to 7 years for the Hoodia gordonii succulent to mature and provide appetite suppressant qualities. The African government has limited the amount of Hoodia it exports and the number of suppliers to receive it in the USA. Because of the growing awareness and popularity of this miracle herb, rip-off products that contain very little or no authentic Hoodia in them are beginning to flood the marketplace.

Hoodia is registered as a protected species to prevent Bio-Piracy but is allowed to be grown on a handful of commercial farms in South Africa owned by private farmers.

Hoodia products testimonials

Thank you, the second Hoodia Gordonii shipment arrived yesterday April 4, 2005. By the way Hoodia is working very well I lost 12 lbs or (5.5 kg) in 2 months. Not dramatic but then again losing weight slowly is the best way to go. At this stage I don't pay attention to carbohydrates, fats, sugars and other diet fads. Regards - G D B (USA)

Hooray for Hoodia! I lost 5 lbs in eleven days. Three family members including myself have learnt a great deal about Hoodia. It appears that the San tribe did not reveal all, especially the benefits for men, if you know what I mean - S.A - (USA)

How Hoodia Works

Hoodia helps to curb your appetite, some has reported, suppressing appetite within 20-30 minutes after taking Hoodia, results may vary. Some may need a little more time than this before they begin to notice the effects like: A reduced interest in food and A delay in time after eating before hunger sets in.

We all know, if you don't feel hungry, you will eat less. Using Hoodia along with a sensible diet and exercise can help make your weight loss efforts much more successful!

One of the active ingredients in the herb is a chemical compound called P57, which is thought to be at least partly responsible for the appetite-suppressing effects of hoodia gordonii. But this is probably an oversimplification, since herbs typically work with an assortment of chemical compounds, not just one chemical.

So you've bought a supply of hoodia, and now you want to know how to use it. To cover this, There are experience in using hoodia for weight loss. The optimal way is taking hoodia tincture every morning and afternoon. Easy enough, right?

For most people, the real weight loss challenge has relatively to do with dieting, exercise, supplements, or how many calories you burn in the gym. The real challenge is controlling their hunger drive. People who are trying to lose weight seem to share the exact same problem. They have trouble getting their appetite under control. Hoodia gordonii, it seems, could make that much easier. Because overcoming your own hunger drive seems almost impossible unless you get some help.

To understand how all this works, you have to understand what "hunger" really is in the first place. Hunger is just an illusion. It's a signal in your brain, a chemical message that causes you to feel certain feelings and, ultimately, act on them.

The hunger signal is only turned off when your hypothalamus thinks you've eaten enough food. Your hypothalamus -- part of your body's endocrine system -- decides this by sensing the rise of sugar (glucose) in your blood. Eat enough carbohydrates, and your blood sugar rises, which convinces your hypothalamus to tell your brain that you're no longer hungry.

Weight loss. Hoodia - weight loss without side effects.

Web directory for the internet search for smart people.




Information on this web page named Hoodia - weight loss without side effects and related to Hoodia, Weight loss is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition of Hoodia or Weight loss. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.

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