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Wat Bang KhunProm Somdej B.E. 2540


Somdej Phra Phutdhacharn(Toh), Wat Rakang, made and blessed top famous Somdej Wat Rakang between B.E.2400-2413. He passed away in B.E.2415 at the age of 85. All his Somdej amulets were blessed by himself with ChinnaBanchorn Katha. Materials for making the Somdejs comprise: shell lime, Phong Vises ( holy powder), assorted flowers from shrine, rice remains after his consumption, lotus, banana, ashes from incense urns, honey, tang oil, etc.


What Somdej Phra Phutdhacharn(Toh) had consecrated in Wat Bang KhunProm was not distributed to the public. They were all contained into the Chedi. But in B.E. 2499, the Chedi was found cracked due to natural attrition over the long years. In B.E. 2509 a major celebration to build a large statue of Buddha and Pra Somdej Puttajahn (Toh Promarangsee), there was also a batch of Somdej amulets of mixed powder being chanted.

Mainly, this batch of Somdej amulets was chanted for the purpose of replacing the broken old Somdej amulets from the old chedi of Wat Bang KhunProm. (The old chedi was opened in BE2500 and all the Somdej amulets that were placed there by Pra Somdej Puttajahn Toh, a hundred of years ago were removed from the Chedi to prevent further damage to the Chedi and theft on the old Somdej amulets) Half of the newly chanted Somdej amulets would be placed inside the repaired Chedi and the other half would be distributed to the public. As such, this batch of Somdej amulets is also called Pra Somdej 09, meaning Somdej amulets chanted in BE2509.

For details about Pra Somdej 09, please click BKP2509

Over the long years and the increasing price pressure of Pra Somdej 2509, a new batch of Pra Somdej was created in Wat Bang KhunProm, B.E. 2540. The materials used consisted of: -

1)      Broken fragments of Pra Somdej 2500

2)      Broken fragments of Pra Somdej 2509

3)      Broken fragments of Pra Somdej 2517

4)      Broken fragments of Pra Somdej 2531

Moreover, they were consecrated by a group of famous gurus and just to name a few: -

1)      Pra Somdej Yanna-san Wan, Wat BoWorn

2)      Luang Phor Koon, Wat BanRai

3)      Luang Phor Pern, Wat BangPhra

4)      Archen Yan, Wat Sam-gnam etc.


This batch of Good Somdej with economic price is for people who want a Good Somdej yet can’t afford the price of  a Phra Phutdhacharn(Toh) Somdej or Pra Somdej 2509.


The above Somdej comes with original temple box and it is also very well preserve. Surface texture of  this batch of Somdej looks soft due to high content of old broken fragments.


The above Somdej comes with original temple box and it is also very well preserve. Surface texture of  this batch of Somdej looks soft due to high content of old broken fragments.

This batch of amulets was widely believe to carry comprehensively great efficacies-Maha Metta, Maha Niyom, Wealth & Fortune, and safety protection.


