This came as a complete surprise to me. I thought that Ren was cool with everything. There is a logical explanation as to what happened though. You see, Ren has never liked the idea of STONERZ changing, and we were implementing a TWD-Core idea (that to our faces he said he liked). He also was having some real life problems so he was in a depressed/mad state. Wutang420 spoke to Ren and they decided together that it was a good idea to demote KontroLz and Etom*.
Wutang420 was my recruit, I got him on the squad, and I made him an assistant (talk about a back-stab, right?). Wutang420 was trying to get captain for a while, he even cried an entire night to LMAO when he found out he was not going to be made captain. Not to mention his efforts to try to block me and Etom* from getting captain so he could get it himself.
So to summarize: Ren took it upon himself (which he had no authority to do) to demote myself, and Etom* without talking to us about it or even the guy who the founders (BH822 and JMD37) left the squad with (LMAO). He literally stole STONERZ, he is the only captain currently. However don't be surprised if soon Wutang420 is promoted (appears his plan might work out).
The only person now that can fix this situation is LMAO.