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Please Remember the
Sick, Shut-In and Bereaved
(Named & Unnamed) In Your Prayers & Visits

Lord, Increase Our Faith” (Luke 17:5) - - “Through Christ Jesus We Pray”

“. . . Pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16 NIV)


We All Need to Pray. - - ”Never Underestimate the Power of Prayer!”

    Sis. Louise Adger Wilder     Home -- Pinewood (Panola), SC
    Sis. Thelma Ruth Crosby     Home -- Pinewood (Silver), SC
    Dea. Francis Coard     Home -- Pinewood (Panola), SC
    Sis. Connie Dozier     Hospital -- Charleston (Silver), SC
    Sis. Katie Baxter     Home -- Pinewood (Silver), SC
    Bro. Johnny M. Adger     Home -- Manning (Paxville), SC
    Bro. James Billie     Home -- Jersey City,, NJ
    Sis. Mary Wilder     Home -- Pinewood (Panola), SC
    Sis. Sharon "Niecy" Adger Whitfield     Home -- Manning (Paxville), SC
    Sis. Elizabeth Ludd Adger     Home -- Manning (Paxville), SC
    Bro. Anthony "Pete" Adger     Home -- Baltimore, MD
    Sis. Edythe Clark     Home -- Pinewood (Silver), SC
    Bro. John "Gene" Holliday     Home -- Manning (Silver), SC
    Sis. Carrie Rhames     Home -- Summerton, SC
    Bro. Abraham Adger     Home -- Plant City, FL
    Sis. Audrey Hart     Home -- Pinewood, SC
    Sis. Eloise Hilton     Home -- Sumter, SC
    Bro. Wayne Wells     Home -- Pinewood (Silver), SC
    Bro. Felix Leon Boston     Home -- Pinewood (Panola), SC
    Sis. Carrie L. Wells     Home -- Pinewood (Silver), SC
    Sis. Bell Brown     Brunswick, GA
    Bro. Willie T. Black     Home -- Summerton, SC
    Sis. Betty Jean Merchant     Home -- Summerton, SC
    Sis. Katherine Robinson     Home -- Summerton, SC
    Sis. Catherine Smythe     Summerton, SC
    Sis. Maggie Gaymon Durant     Home -- Pinewood (Panola), SC
    Bro. Harold L. Wilder     Home -- Sumter, SC

Oh Lord, Our Heavenly Father, we are all without a doubt Your children. Thank You for the gift of Your abundant and overflowing grace. We come to You in prayer and supplication. Through the power of Your Holy Spirit, we pray that You touch Your beloved and needy ones and give them comfort where they need it. Heal them with the healing they stand so in need of. Make them whole, Dear Father, with Your healing touch and send them out into the world to proclaim Your saving work.

Lord Jesus in Heaven, only You know the great struggles that Your children are experiencing at this moment. You know the pain and the despair that they are currently facing. We know that You are able to do it now, just like You did in Bible times, You can heal them.

We also understand that You will choose what is best for them. Whatever Your decided outcome for them, we pray that through this period of trial for them, they will draw close to You -- that You will be their comfort and strength. We pray that ultimately, whatever happens, You will be glorified and exalted through them and through all of us. Renew them, Oh Lord, and thank You for Your “Amazing Grace.”

This we pray, Lord Jesus our Savior and our Redeemer, in Your righteous and holy name,

Sometimes we may need prayer for a reason that may seem different from the reason others need prayer. But the need for prayer comes in a variety of forms – including for physical hurts/diseases, for emotional pains present and past, for spiritual strength and healing, for bereavement, etc.

No matter what the reason, We, here at St. Mark, offer prayer for all who need prayer and for whatever reason they need prayer. We pray for the ones listed and unlisted.

Feel free to request prayer for any reason you may need.

      The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. .” (Luke 17:5-6 NIV)

St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church    -    7650 Summerton Highway    -   (Silver Community)   -   Pinewood, SC 29125    -   (803) 452-7079
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