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Lots of news to report! 03/15/06, On the sadder side, my frogspawn died...:( At least it's babies are still alive though. Probably what caused it was the expelling of fluids from my newest additions...some honest to god Pulsing Xenia! I also had 2 Mushrooms go AWOL on me...they were babies, and decided to detach. Go fig. Anyways, the Xenia I got for free from a fellow Saltwater Tank enthusiast! I wish I had stuff to trade with him for, because he hooked me up really good! Thanks if you're reading this! He gave me some pink Pulsing Xenia, and a bunch of baby Kenya Tree Corals. They all are doing pretty good in my tank so far. Then, on Saturday, I went to Steve's and traded in my old PC for a Crocea clam! I figured it was a far deal, considering that while the PC was 260 watts and has 4 LED's, it didn't have any bulbs, and only one plug. I also got a couple of button colonies while I was there. And a PC for my 20 gallon freshwater tank, to make it planted.


A couple things goin on. Got a beautiful rock full of purple ricordea mushrooms, but they haven't acclimated well to my tank so far. I had them by my Green Star Polyps, but my polyps retracted. So back in the corner they go! I also moved my Green mushrooms to a the corner with low current. I noticed ever since I had them in that one spot, they shrunk up, so let's see how they do now. My bubble coral is looking good in my QT tank, it's tiny bubbles are actually grabbing food again! My frogspawn babies are growing pretty quickly too! The Owl Eye doesn't look much better though, unfortunately. I'll have pictures up soon of everything. And I discovered another new creature: Orange Stylinos Sponge. It was growing underneath my ricordea mushroom rock.


My mom went with me to the store yesterday and bought me two coral: Sun Polyps...and Green Bubble Coral!


Went out and purchase what I consider to be my last main coral purchase. When I say that, I mean the last coral I've been searching for. Got me a Platygyra Brain Maze Coral! Only other things I'd get for my tank now would probably be more mushrooms, since I like them :)


Spending today doing my line art Easter food for me :( At least a couple cool things happened in my aquarium though. I moved the brain, bubble corals and sun polyps to my main tank and they look fantastic! On wednesday, I noticed another one of my hammer coral's heads died, so I went to Steve's and got some Lugol's Solution. Did a dip, broke of the bad parts, and now it's lookin better then ever! So the good stuff:
*Found 2 mushrooms, a glass one, and a purple one, in my shrimp's cave
*My frogspawn is growing ANOTHER baby head. Man it's too bad the mother colony died, because it would have been spectacular with all these babies. Ah well, in due time it will look like it once did.
*My neon green fanworm has regrown it's crown. I think it lost it last time because I kept moving that rock around.


Been a long time since I've last updated. Well, the bad things first. Both my bubble corals have died. The white one still has the babies, but the main colony died. My platygyra brain is also on a downward slope. My anemone seems to be getting smaller as well, and won't eat it's food. Also, last week my Clam was eaten alive by a damn bristleworm!! It was completely healthy, with a beautifl mantle, and in two days was dead from a worm eating it from the inside out. Of course I found out what the creature was AFTER the damage was done, because I saw this weird red sluggy things that would retract into the rock when my clam was moved. My Mandarin died also, and I have NO idea why. Looked very healthy, not bloated but not skinny. And for some odd reason, for the last week my hairy mushrooms have been lookin pretty crappy, not expanded at all. I'm trying to figure out if it's because the flow is too low, or maybe too much calcium is in the water. Since I change the powerhead, my xenia, rest of my mushrooms, and hammercoral look fantastic. Beyond that, I got a couple different button colonys growing pretty well, some new red mushrooms, frogspawns are doing great, and I successfully fragged my Green Star Polyps.