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--> Half Of Europe's Workforce Remain Unprotected From Secondhand Smoke At Work What you have to know before use Valtrex. Where to buy quality low priced medicine.

Arabic version for نصف القوى العاملة في اوروبا ما زالت غير محميه من مستعمل دخان التبغ في اماكن العمل ما عليك ان تعرف قبل استخدام valtrex. Arabic version

Dutch version for De helft van de Europese beroepsbevolking blijven onbeschermd van tweedehands rook op het werk Wat u moet weten vóór gebruik Valtrex. Dutch version

French version for La moitié de la main-d'œuvre européenne à la protection de la fumée de tabac ambiante au travail Ce que vous devez savoir avant d'utiliser Valtrex. French version

German version for Die Hälfte der europäischen Arbeitskräfte bleiben ungeschützt Rauch aus zweiter Hand bei der Arbeit Was Sie wissen müssen, bevor Sie es Valtrex. German version

Greek version for Το ήμισυ του εργατικού δυναμικού της Ευρώπης παραμένουν απροστάτευτες από μεταχειρισμένα καπνίζουν στο χώρο εργασίας Τι έχετε να γνωρίζουμε πριν από τη χρήση Valtrex. Greek version

Italian version for La metà dei lavoratori europei non protetti da rimanere occasioni fumo sul posto di lavoro Cosa dovete sapere prima di usare Valtrex. Italian version

Japanese version for ヨーロッパの労働人口の半分を無防備なまま、職場からの副流煙 が何をして使用する前にvaltrexを知っています。 Japanese version

Portuguese version for Metade dos trabalhadores da Europa continuam desprotegidos de fumo passivo no trabalho O que você tem que saber antes de usar Valtrex. Portuguese version

Spanish version for La mitad de los trabajadores europeos aún no se encuentran protegidas del humo de segunda mano en el trabajo ¿Qué usted tiene que saber antes de su uso Valtrex. Spanish version

English version for Half Of Europe's Workforce Remain Unprotected From Secondhand Smoke At Work What you have to know before use Valtrex. English version


Half Of Europe's Workforce Remain Unprotected From Secondhand Smoke At Work

Half Of Europe's Workforce Remain Unprotected From Secondhand Smoke At Work What you have to know before use Valtrex. Valtrex with EU delivery FDA 101: Human Gene Therapy. Human gene therapy has the potential to revolutionize how many medical conditions are treated. FDA is working to ensure that research in this developing field is conducted responsibly and safely. Where to buy quality low priced medicine

Half Of Europe's Workforce Remain Unprotected From Secondhand Smoke At Work

Half Of Europe's Workforce Remain Unprotected From Secondhand Smoke At Work What you have to know before use Valtrex. Valtrex with EU delivery FDA 101: Human Gene Therapy. Human gene therapy has the potential to revolutionize how many medical conditions are treated. FDA is working to ensure that research in this developing field is conducted responsibly and safely. Where to buy quality low priced medicine

Less than a third of European Union's Member States have introduced fully comprehensive smokefree legislation, three years after world's first public health treaty on tobacco control - World Health Organisation ( WHO ) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ( FCTC ) - introduced the need for protecting employees from dangerous effects of secondhand smoke.

Today's 'Spotlight on FCTC*' reveals how only nine of the 25 EU Member States that have signed and ratified the WHO treaty have so far introduced comprehensive smokefree legislation - leaving over half of Europe's workforce exposed to secondhand smoke.

When tobacco smoke contaminates the air, it's breathed by everyone - smokers and non-smokers alike. There are more than 4, 000 chemicals in tobacco smoke including 69 known carcinogens.

Comprehensive smokefree legislation has been introduced in Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Slovenia, Sweden and UK. Jean-Luc Eisel, Executive Director at European Respiratory Society said: " The scientific evidence is clear: secondhand smoke kills. Only comprehensive smoke free legislation fully protects workers from detrimental effects of second hand smoke. We congratulate those countries that have taken steps necessary to become smokefree, but all workers in EU should have same level of protection "

Jean King, Director of Tobacco Control at Cancer Research UK added: " Countries that have already introduced comprehensive smokefree legislation are finding that the legislation is workable and has almost immediate health benefits. We hope these examples will encourage countries that haven't yet taken necessary action to introduce smokefree workplaces to do so as soon as possible. "

The Framework Convention on Tobacco Control ( FCTC ) aims to protect people from health, economic and social impacts of tobacco. It recognises that secondhand exposure to tobacco smoke has been scientifically proven to cause death, disease and disability. Countries that have signed and ratified FCTC are required to reflect its principles in their national legislation and polices including provisions concerning second hand smoke.

'Spotlight on FCTC' , prepared by Smokefree Partnership, highlights how European Commission, European Parliament and EU Member States have met, or in some cases failed to meet, their obligations to tackle second hand smoke, according to Article 8 of convention.

The booklet also draws attention to fact European Parliament failed to maintain its own comprehensive smoking ban, which was introduced in January 2007, and lasted 43 days before being revoked by governing body of MEPs. A ruling by European Ombudsman found that Parliament was failing to protect the health of its staff.

A 2007 Parliamentary report led by MEP Karl Heinz Florenz in response to a Commission Green Paper on a smokefree Europe, states that 'only a full smoking ban in all enclosed workplaces, including catering and drinking establishments, and all public buildings and transport, can protect health of employees and non smokers'. The report also called on the Parliament's Bureau, in light of its duty to set an example, to implement a full smoking ban in all parts of Parliament - but no action has yet been taken.

MEP Gerard Onesta said: " The alarming decision by the European Parliament to scrap its own smokefree rules highlights a dangerous disregard some MEP's have for health of those workers affected. Their original commitment to a smokefree European Parliament showed they understood dangers of secondhand smoke. They urgently need to lead by example and reverse this disastrous setback for future of a healthy Europe. "

MEP Karl Heinz Florenz added: I will continue to fight for strong smoke free policies at national and European level as well as in European Parliament itself. MEPs and European Parliament as an institution should live up to their public health responsibilities and take lead on this issue. The smoking ban in European Parliament needs to be put into effect now!

This article has been written on behalf of European Respiratory Society and Cancer Research UK. The Smoke Free Partnership ( SFP ) is strategic, independent and flexible and aims to promote tobacco control advocacy and policy research at EU and national levels in collaboration with other EU health organisations and EU tobacco control networks.

The 'Spotlight on FCTC' is a series of briefing papers on the FCTC and EU's associated obligations prepared by Smokefree Partnership.

Smokefree Partnership 49-51 rue de Trves, 1040 Brussels http: //www. smokefreepartnership. eu


The FCTC is world's first international public health treaty. It recognises harm that tobacco products and the companies that produce them can cause. The Treaty sets out legally binding objectives and principles that countries or regional economic integration organisations such as European Community ( known as Parties ) who ratified and thus agreed to implement Treaty must follow.

All EU Member States, with exception of Italy and the Czech Republic, have signed and ratified FCTC so principles of Treaty must be reflected in their national legislation and polices. The European Community ( EC ) , represented by European Commission, is also a Party to FCTC.

The Framework Convention Alliance for Tobacco Control ( FCA )

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What you have to know before use Valtrex.

uses of Valtrex

Valtrex is used to treat cold sores ( herpes labialis ) and shingles ( herpes zoster ) . It is also used to treat genital herpes in patients with normal immune systems. Valtrex can also be used to control genital herpes outbreaks in all patients, including those with HIV. This is also known as suppressive therapy. Valtrex helps control symptoms, but doesn't cure the disease.

Valtrex belongs to a class of medications known as antivirals.

If we are taking Valtrex for treatment of genital herpes, it's important to follow safe sex practices to lower chance of giving herpes to your partner, even if there are no symptoms present. Always use a condom made of latex or polyurethane. When we have symptoms or are experiencing an outbreak, don't have sexual contact with your partner.

how to use of Valtrex

Read the Patient Information Leaflet available from your pharmacist. Consult your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions.

Take Valtrex by mouth, with or without food or as directed by your doctor. Drink plenty of fluids while taking Valtrex. When taking Valtrex to treat an outbreak, it works best if we take Valtrex when we first notice an outbreak is starting. The medication mayn't work as well if you wait more than 72 hours to start it. Dosage is based on your medical condition and response to therapy.

When treating an outbreak, continue to take this medication until the full-prescribed amount is finished even if symptoms disappear. When using Valtrex to suppress/control outbreaks, take exactly as directed by your doctor. Do not skip doses or stop taking this without your doctor's approval. Stopping therapy too soon may result in ineffective treatment.

If using Valtrex to treat an outbreak, inform your doctor if your condition persists or worsens.

other used of Valtrex

This section contains uses of Valtrex that aren't listed in approved professional labeling for the drug but that may be prescribed by your health care professional. Use Valtrex for a condition that's listed in this section only if it has been so prescribed by your health care professional.

Valtrex may be used to prevent or treat other types of viral infections ( cytomegalovirus ) in certain patient populations.

side effects of Valtrex

Nausea, vomiting, fatigue, headache, dizziness, stomach pain, painful periods may occur while use Valtrex. If any of these effects persist or worsen, notify your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

Remember that your doctor has prescribed Valtrex because he or she has judged that benefit to you is greater than risk of side effects. Many people using Valtrex don't have serious side effects.

Tell your doctor immediately if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur:

Tell your doctor immediately if any of these rare but very serious side effects occur:

Valtrex may rarely cause a blood disorder ( thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura ) or a severe kidney problem ( hemolytic uremic syndrome ) . These problems are more likely to occur if we have HIV disease or if we have had a bone marrow transplant or an organ transplant. Tell your doctor immediately if any of these rare but very serious side effects occur:

A very serious allergic reaction to Valtrex is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include:

This isn't a complete list of possible side effects. If we notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

precautions of Valtrex

Before taking Valtrex, tell your doctor or pharmacist if we are allergic to it or to acyclovir; or if we have any other allergies.

Before using Valtrex, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of:

Valtrex may make we dizzy; use caution engaging in activities requiring alertness such as driving or using machinery. Limit alcoholic beverages.

Caution is advised when using Valtrex in the elderly because they may be more sensitive to the effects of drug, especially confusion, agitation, and kidney problems.

Valtrex should be used only when clearly needed during pregnancy. Discuss risks and benefits with your doctor.

Valtrex passes into breast milk. Consult your doctor before breast-feeding.

interactions of Valtrex

Your healthcare professionals ( e. g. , doctor or pharmacist ) may already be aware of any possible drug interactions and may be monitoring we for it. Don't start, stop or change dosage of any medicine before checking with them first.

Before using Valtrex, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all prescription and nonprescription/herbal products we may use, especially of:

Tell your doctor or pharmacist if we are also using other drugs which may be harmful to your kidneys such as:

This document doesn't contain all possible interactions. Therefore, before using Valtrex, tell your doctor or pharmacist of all products you use. Keep a list of all your medications with you, and share list with your doctor and pharmacist.

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Half Of Europe's Workforce Remain Unprotected From Secondhand Smoke At Work What you have to know before use Valtrex. Valtrex with EU delivery FDA 101: Human Gene Therapy. Human gene therapy has the potential to revolutionize how many medical conditions are treated. FDA is working to ensure that research in this developing field is conducted responsibly and safely. Where to buy quality low priced medicine

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