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'Skąd przychodzimy, kim jesteśmy i dokąd zmierzamy'

 - weź udział w tej konferencji.   


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   Teoria metafizyczna była sformułowana przez autora powieści  już dawno. Pierwsze rozległe wyjaśnienia opublikował  on w roku 1990  i 1992. Od tego czasu inni autorzy zaproponowali podobne hipotezy. W szczególności ważny jest tu pewien artykuł  Michio Kaku i książka James Gardnera.


   Nic dziwnego więc, iż autor próbował wysłowić  swoją teorię także w języku angielski. Jedną z takich prób było dokonanie wpisu do Wikipedii. Wpis ten był korygowany od strony językowej przez wielu "native speakers" i utrzymywał się w anglojęzycznej wersji tej popularnej encyklopedii prze ok. 8 miesięcy.

    Po kilku miesiącach sysopii Wikipedii postanowili zdjąć ten wpis.  Jeden z nich ( Anas , w dniu 14.05.2007 ) uzasadnił tą decyzję następująco .:

"I know it is frustrating to see an article this long go down the drain, but the article in its current state is full, if not completely, of original research— not acceptable in an encyclopedia."  

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   Niniejsza, ta właśnie strona www,  zawiera bardziej wyczerpujące wyjaśnienie teorii określającej sens życia ludzkiego w skali kosmologicznej, która jest  prezentowana  w w/w powieści.  Zapoznanie się z tą teorią może  być intrygującą przygodą intelektualną.  Może być  to temat
ciekawej wymiany poglądów z  przyjaciółmi i znajomymi.   

  Sprawdź wpierw czy interesuje Cię tematyka tej powieści przez zapoznaniem się z następującą krótka informacja o książce.:

  Książka jest  zbeletryzowaną   formą   udzielenie  odpowiedzi  na pytania   nurtujące ludzkość  od zarania  jej  istnienia.  Można odnosić wrażenie,  że  jest to   powieść  s – f,  opowieść  o  przygodach lub reportaż.  W  istocie autor  używa   jednocześnie  wielu środków aby  przedstawić  swoje oryginalne wyobrażenie o świecie.   Książka jest  ponadto   przewodnikiem  do działań , zwanych tu meta –grą,  wciągającą  w realizację  ważnych wydarzeń  i   wzbudzającą  znaczne emocje.  W treści  powieści  tkwią  pewne zagadki.  Ich odkrycie  może  być olśnieniem. Odgadywanie  ich  wymaga  zaglądania  do  witryn Internetowych a także systemu Google Earth.  



                                                                                                                                               Andrew Wader                                                                                                                                         

Cosmological meaning of human life

This page was an entry in Wikipedia  during six month of 2006




There are the need to consider if the occurrence of the self-awareness of people, just 13 billions years after so called Big Bang and evoked by conscious decisions fast and permanent drive to understand everything and progress in technology is random?

Recently these considerations and trials of the formulation of the world view incorporating phenomena of life and consciousness in cosmological models of the Universe led to the " Theory of necessity of people's participation in reoccurrence of sub - Universe". Its thesis, expressed in another words states: " People will create a new sub- Universe " or " People go to be the new Demiurge ". The essential concept of this theory is illustrated intuitively by fig. 1.


Scientists admire sophistication of biochemistry of DNA, chlorophyll, molecular genetics and mechanisms of embryogenesis. The nature of the phenomenon of life is not yet fully comprehend, however it seems that it occur exceptionally in our cosmological surroundings. The cognitive possibilities of human beings are astonishing and self-awareness or more general consciousness, seems especially an overriding phenomenon.

The Fermi paradox constitutes a convincing argument that life and consciousness are very rare phenomena on the cosmic scale. Religious revelations ( theories ) maintain usually that human beings are unique for all the Universe. Anyhow, the existence on the surface of our planet of life and conscious people is really exceptional.

Nevertheless the trial of the explanation of meaning of the occurrence of human race are missing or omitted.

Scientific theories don't discuss eventual tasks of human beings, which would be necessary for somebody or which would complete an important process.

Even the authors of religious concepts discuss only the assumed fate of people or their appropriate behavior but omit explanations of their necessity, their eventual tasks, shortly their meaning in the featured, proposed cosmogony or the particular cosmological world view.

Metaphysics and ontology don't indicate the meaning of the existence of human being either. For instance Plato's and Aristotle's metaphysics as well as Epicure's and stoicism concepts don't precise tasks or roles of people in the World. Later Cartesian or Kant's metaphysical systems , as well as idealistic theories like bishop Berkeley's ideas appeal to God's will and intentions therefore don't undertake proposals of the explanations why people are necessary.

It seems that the notion of time space, especially the imagination of expanding time space and elaboration of cyclic cosmological models and the progress of technology in the realm of virtual reality or simulated reality enabled unification of some very different fields of theoretical thinking, what was necessary to consider cosmological meaning of the human life.

Cinematographic, known accomplishments of virtual reality ( e.g. first large scale special effects movies, imaging Spielberg's dinosaurs ) make intuitively comprehensible the notion of emulation of alive beings.

Frank Tipler proposed that people, living in the past could be emulated in the huge, powerful, future information processing system. The possibility of the emulation of human beings on so called second level of implementation would be equivalent of the resurrection. By this way it is possible to consider basic religious ideas in a rational way. It is possible then to propose a kind of integration of reasoning leading to the theory indicating the possible meaning for the existence in "another, emulated world".

From other hand, the cyclic cosmological model leads to an important conclusion, that the former version of the Universe could be the creator of the next realization of the Universe or rather of creation of the sub - universe.

The authors of so called strong version of the Anthropic Principle pay attention that the universe can be "tuned" in a way to enable the occurrence of biological life and conscious people. Moreover, the universe can be "fine tuned" to force it to arise in a particular shape and form with particular, desirable features.

The authors of the " Theory of necessity of people's participation in reoccurrence of sub - Universe" proposed recently the hypothesis that descendant of the inhabitants of the present Universe will participate in the tuning of the next version of the sub-universe. Of course this concept determines the important and difficult tasks for living people and by this way explain the meaning of their life. This hypothesis assigns different kinds of life missions for various professions or people of various human mentalities and life styles.

This theory proposes also the conceptual solution for an old controversy related to the nature of the Creator of the Universe and in some sense neutralizes the vivid dispute between academic scientists and creationists, especially representing the idea of so called Intelligent Design


Lee Smolin who developed the theory of cosmological natural selection suggests that fecund universes evolve in favor of the production of black holes. Louis Crane goes one step further and maintains [3] that universes could be fine-tuned for life by intelligent beings themselves manufacturing new universes. Alan Guth and Michio Kaku[1], as well as James Gardner [[4]] also have speculated [5] that a civilization at the top of the Kardashev scale might create fine-tuned universes in a continuation of the evolutionary drive to exist. In the light of A.Guth’s and L.Crane's speculations the distant progeny of people will play the role of Plato’s Demiurge.

Even the most generalized version of the multiverse theory [2], published recently by a known system scientist Ervin Laszlo[3], [4], who coined the notion of Metaverse must be confronted with the thesis formulated in the premise to this entry. Laszlo posits that the "quantum vacuum" is the fundamental energy and information-carrying field that informs not just the current universe, but all universes past and present. He believes that this kind of field can " explain why our universe is so improbably fine-tuned as to form galaxies and conscious life forms; and why evolution is an informed, not random, process ".

The presented theory posits however that people (intelligent inhabitants of past and present universes) are involved in the process of the mentioned " improbably fine-tuning ". The authors of the theory argue that occurrence of consciousness, as a new neuro -physiological phenomenon is not random. They maintain that anybody of us is indispensable for the realization of an extremely important task.: " We are indispensable to succeed to reproduce the new real world "[6].

 People in the context of the evolving Universe

In details the authors of the theory argue that the actual phase of the development of the Universe, characterized by occurrence of the self-awareness of people should be understand in the context of the evolving Universe.

Most of contemporary cosmologists maintain that the Universe comes out from primary singularity, it means from a very dense bunch of matter or ' quantum foam. They believe that the singularity existed above time, however the concept of the beginning of time is discussed [5],[6]. The Big Bang theory is confronted recently again with the endless cycle universe theory, so called Cyclic Model by the work of Baum and Frampton[7]. Anyhow, it is believed that the primary physical particles appeared during the first 'cosmologic era' of the " new Universe ". The early Universe was composed from Hydrogen and Helium. More heavy elements occurred inside of the older stars. We know already that many stellar systems are characterized by the presence of planets.

At the surface of the planets (at last on our planet ) so called biological life has emerged . Recently, after 13 billions year of the cosmic evolution the Homo sapiens sapiens appeared. Human beings are characterized by the self-awareness. It is almost improbably that the occurrence of biological life and consciousness was random. It is rather a cosmic necessity. The existence of a galaxy is probably the indispensable condition. It would be difficult to imagine a planetary stellar system with the biological life on the surface of the planet existing in the intergalactic cosmic void. If we will admit that the biological life is a cosmic necessity the quick formation of galaxies in the expanding universe should be comprehended as an important step in the creation of the elementary conditions for the occurrence of the biological life.

The appearance of human self-awareness is indispensable to take decisions about important acts related to the fate of human beings.

People are inquisitive and unconsciously motivated to increase the knowledge and technological abilities. It enables them to develop the communication and memorizing systems. They quickly transforms our planet in a kind of a huge global brain. It is only first step to much more far reaching goals. Just now people want to analyze, record and understand the genetic code. In fact they want to understand the code representation of everything.

 Supra human minds

The presented theory assimilates also several concepts of supra human minds, conceptualized as Emile Durheim's collective consciousness or collective intelligence and especially by the notion of noogenesis. Indeed some researchers assume that human mental processes are integrated or even assume that this integrated mind is evolving.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin presented in his famous, posthumously published book " The Phenomenon of Man " the theory of the formation of noosphere [8] and the concept of noogenesis.The term noogenesis denotes the emergence of collective mind, which follows geogenesis]], biogenesis and anthropogenesis. According to Teilhard, the process of noogenesis moves from mind through spirit and converges to an ultimate goal, which he describes as the Omega Point. In another words, Teihard was the proponent of so called orthogenesis, the idea that evolution occurs in a directional, goal driven way See, for instance.: Is Noogenesis Progressing? – 2002 essay.

To Teilhard, evolution develops from cell to organism, from planet, solar system to whole -universe, according to the concept called Gaia theory. He postulated a goal to the process of evolution. People according to him are the constituent elements of this process.

 Is emulation of people on second level of implementation necessary?

Frank Tipler,[7] , the author of The Anthropic Cosmological Principle [9] is also the author of the book sub title: " The physics of immortality - Modern cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead " [10]. He presents in this book probably unique other similar trial to search for meaning of the human life. His vision of cosmological development foresees that the descendants of people will build, in the far future, the huge macro - computer based on the matter of the collapsing universe. It will enable the emulation (reconstruction, in fact resurrection ) of all people who lived before.

Frank Tipler' s theory works only on the assumption that the time space of the Universe is closed (see Big Crunch) and that it will collapse in the future. In 1998 (after the formulation of Tipler's theory in 1995) astronomers found strong arguments that our Universe is "open" [11] and that the time space will expand endlessly [8],Big Freeze.

So, the "Theory of necessity of people’s participation in reoccurence of sub - Universe” takes into account that probably our Universe will expand, adulterate and freeze endlessly. The authors of the theory believe however, that people intuitively try to escape the disastrous fate of the civilization living in the attenuating and freezing Universe. The intelligent inhabitants of the present Universe have probably unconscious drive to understand everything and develop high technology, especially information processing technology (see the anticipation of so called Technological singularity. Probably it is the beginning of the mentioned drive to build the macro-computer and to implement the essence, especially brains and human psyche on so called second level of implementation. The development of the global Internet, the urge to construct so called virtual reality or simulated reality and the main postulate of all religions about further existence in ' other world ' as well the recent vision of futurologists Vernor Vinge, Ray Kurzweil and many science fiction writers ( Greg Egan, Stephen Baxter ), what give usually a good insights, push authors of the theory to prediction that really people will ' scan ' themselves and emulate in the cyberspace. It seems that it is necessary to obtain a much faster and intense development of the thinking and cognition, as well dispersed conscious, intelligent system integrated with the material substance of galaxies.

 The ultimate goal of people

Probably the ultimate goal of people is to do something with the sad vision of cooling, dilatating, and infinitely expanded time space of our Universe. Probably our descendants will try to utilize a massive black hole as a tool appropriate to begin the next offspring Universe [9] Mighty knowledge, technology and power is necessary however to program and tune the characteristics of the next Big (Little) Bang in such a manner that ensures the offspring Universe will also obey the Anthropic Principle [10]. It would cause the similar evolution of the offspring Universe, who should lead to the occurrence of human beings that will signify in fact the 'reincarnation' of the human species.

Thus people and their descendants of the present Universe will want to master the ability to tune the next Big Bang: Therefore they need to decode genomic information and also the patterns for all reality, including the pattern of the physical and chemical characteristics of matter. The code representation of all objects should be determined. People, who know scientific endeavors will agree that in fact the trial of the understanding of everything has already began.

 Metaphysical importance of the theory

Many authors presented similar speculations on subjects of "fine-tuned universe", "ultimate fate of the universe", "strong ( final ) version of the Anthropic Principle","Intelligent Design" and others. Hitherto, the authors of these speculations omit however the role of people in the fate of Universe.


 Fig. 2 Cycle of events probably necessary for reoccurence of sub - Universe 

It is astonishing because, on the other hand, people are desperate by the lack of opinion or theories related to meaning of their existence. Furthermore the "Theory of necessity of people's participation in reoccurrence of sub - Universe" unawares indicates for the possibility to consider unification of religious and cosmological concepts. It is illustrated by fig. 2 , which suggests the rational for emulation of people on so called second level of implementation, what means simply some kind of their resurrection. Frank Tipler's theory foresaw this possibility for the cosmological model of the closed Universe. Fig. 2 illustrates how the same concept is usefulness in compass of similar theory, but taking into account the cosmological model of the open Universe. The phases of the evolution of the Universe, mentioned on the upper part of the scheme are scientifically substantiated. The elements of the cycle mentioned on the lower part of the scheme are rather speculative. How future progeny of people will realize the tuning of next singularity probably will be yet long the matter of hypothetical speculations. Theory of necessity of people's participation in reoccurrence of sub - Universe, in some sense is opposite to the concept of "Intelligent Design". Here the sub - Universe is designed by the former Universe. It resolves old metaphysical problem, that the "designer” cannot be simpler that his product. The theory implies also third possibility to the metaphysical and religious controversy. Instead of random occurrence or the creation by God the possibility exists that the Universe was created by conscious inhabitants of former, past version of the Universe, who played the role of Demiurge, conceived as in old Plato's metaphysics.

 Importance of the theory for psychological and social condition of people

The presented theory restores the meaning of the human life. It explains why the effort of people is valuable and that this effort will be rewarded by the possibility of reoccurrence. The theory emerged from the trial of the unification of biological and cosmological notions, however it has implications for the emotional condition of people. Contemporary people need well justified tasks, which point out the important mission, creating ideological or metaphysical motivations of their endeavors. As one of the reviewers of Ervin Laszlo's mentioned book [11] wrote, 'Much of the chaos and social dislocation that we observe daily, is not something that is "just happening," but is a result of our own lack of coherence and vision'.


  1. ^ Michio Kaku,Escape from the universe,Prospect Magazine (2005),02,107,[1]
  2. ^ Max Tegmark, Parallel Universes, Scientific American(2003),5,40-51
  3. ^ Ervin Laszlo, Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything(2004),ISBN-10-1594770425
  4. ^ Ervin Laszlo, Science and the Reenchantment of the Cosmos: The Rise of the Integral Vision of Reality(2006),ISBN-10-1594771022
  5. ^ Gabriel Veneziano,The Myth of the Beginning of Time, Scientific American, (2004), 05, 01
  6. ^ Martin Bojowald, "Cosmology: Unique, or not unique?"(2006), Nature, 442,988-990
  7. ^ Lauris Baum, Paul H. Frampton, Turnaround in Cyclic Cosmology,(2007),Phys.Rev.Lett.98,[[2]]
  8. ^ Teilhard de Chardin,"The Phenomenon of Man"(1959) Harper Collins Publishers- Perennial, 1976, ISBN 0-06-090495-X
  9. ^ John D. Barrow, Frank J. Tipler, The Anthropic Cosmological Principle (1988 edition), Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-282147-4
  10. ^ Frank J. Tipler, The Physics of Immortality - Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead(1994),Doubleday,ISBN 0-385-46799-0
  11. ^ Stephen Perlmutter and co., Discovery of a supernova explosion at half the age of the universe,(1998), Nature, 391, 6662


  • Text taken from the " Alan Guth hompage " [[12]] [".. Working with Prof. Edward Farhi and others, Guth has explored the question of whether it is in principle possible to ignite inflation in a hypothetical laboratory, thereby creating a new universe. The answer is a definite maybe. They showed that it cannot be done classically, but with quantum tunneling it might be theoretically possible. The new universe, if it can be created, would not endanger our own universe. Instead it would slip through a wormhole and rapidly disconnect completely…"]

  • Text taken from " Dward Farhi homepage " [[13]]["..His interest then shifted to general relativity and he and Alan Guth studied the classical and quantum prospects of making a new inflationary universe in the laboratory today. He, Guth and others also studied obstacles to constructing a time machine…"]

  • Text taken from the website " Biocosm - the new scientific theory of evolution: Intelligent life is the architect of the Universe " [[14]] ["… Originally presented in peer-reviewed scientific journals, his radical “Selfish Biocosm” hypothesis proposes that life and intelligence have not emerged in a series of Darwinian accidents but are essentially hardwired into the cycle of cosmic creation, evolution, death, and rebirth. He argues that the destiny of highly evolved intelligence (perhaps our distant progeny) is to infuse the entire universe with life, eventually to accomplish the ultimate feat of cosmic reproduction by spawning one or more “baby universes,” which will themselves be endowed with life generating properties. In this explanation of the role of life in the cosmos, Gardner presents an eloquent and lucid synthesis of the most recent advances in physics, cosmology, biology, biochemistry, astronomy, and complexity theory. These disciplines increasingly find themselves approaching the frontier of what was once the exclusive province of philosophers and theologians. Gardner’s Selfish Biocosm hypothesis challenges both Darwinists and advocates of intelligent design, and forces us to reconsider how we ourselves are shaping the future of life and the cosmos…"]

  • Text taken from the article published in " The Guardian - Prospect Magazine " - 1 - February 2005 | 107 » Cover story » Escape from the universe Intruductory fragment of the interview with Michio Kaku [ ".. The universe is destined to end. Before it does, could an advanced civilisation escape via a "wormhole" into a parallel universe? The idea seems like science fiction, but it is consistent with the laws of physics and biology. Here's how to do it …The universe is out of control, in a runaway acceleration. Eventually all intelligent life will face the final doom—the big freeze. An advanced civilisation must embark on the ultimate journey: fleeing to a parallel universe.In Norse mythology, Ragnarok—the fate of the gods—begins when the earth is caught in the vice-like grip of a bone-chilling freeze. The heavens themselves freeze over, as the gods perish in great battles with evil serpents and murderous wolves. Eternal darkness settles over the bleak, frozen land as the sun and moon are both devoured. Odin, the father of all gods, finally falls to his death, and time itself comes to a halt. Does this ancient tale foretell our future? Ever since the work of Edwin Hubble in the 1920s, scientists have known that the universe is expanding, but most have believed that the expansion was slowing as the universe aged. In 1998, astronomers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the Australian National University calculated the expansion rate by studying dozens of powerful supernova explosions within distant galaxies, which can light up the entire universe. They could not believe their own data. Some unknown force was pushing the galaxies apart,... "]

  • Text taken from the website " The Omega Point and the Final Fate of Life " [[15]][".. BASEMENT UNIVERSE: A small artificially created universe linked to the old universe by a wormhole. This could then be used for living space, computing or as an escape from a decaying universe. "Baby Universes" has been postulated by some theories about black holes (see This Week's Finds in Mathematical Physics (Week 31) by John Baez) and inflation cosmology...LINDE SCENARIO: A scenario for indefinite survival of intelligent life. It assumes it is possible to either create basement universes connected to the original universe with a wormhole or the existence of other cosmological domains. Intelligent life continually migrates to the new domains as the old grow too entropic to sustain life. [Mitch Porter, 1997. The name refers to Linde's chaotic inflation cosmology, where new universes are continually spawned.] See The Linde scenario, v0.01.."]

 Theory in popular culture and fiction


  • Fred Hoyle, The black cloud (1959) Buccaneer Books Cutchogue, New York, 1959, re-issued by Roc (1982) ISBN 10 0451114329


  • Michael Anderson movie "Millenium" ( actors.: Kris Kristofferson, Cheryl Ladd, Daniel J. Travanti, and Robert Joy ) The First Millenium Partnership - Rank - Warner Bros, VHS 1989, DVD 1989 [[16]]


  •   Paul Gaugin " Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?" 


 See also

 External links

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Andrew Wader