Recently, a visitor to the site wrote
in to ask if I would provide information on Chekov's childhood since there is no
"official" version. Since one of the things that I like the most about the
character is the paucity of "official" information about his life, I was
hesitant to provide my thoughts on his early history for fear that they might become the
"default canon" and thus inhibit someone else's creativity. To get around this,
I have asked several of the people who write fiction about this character to send me their
perspectives on Chekov's formative years. By presenting several versions side by side, I
hope to emphasize that there are countless alternatives possible. If your view of Chekov's
childhood differs from those presented here -- great! Please share it with us!
Inheritance by debbye chambers
Wild Ride by Jane Seaton
A Favor for a Friend by Teegar Taylor
Learning by C. DeCordes
Childhood Note by Lynne Buckley
from Chekov's Enterprise by Randall Landers