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You always think this love thing will get easier, don’t you? You always think that THIS is the time you’ll get it all figured out; the process becomes clear, the hazards marked, the dangers well-known, and the mistakes will not be repeated. You’ve been through the rebound relationships, you’ve gotten "in touch with yourself," you’ve gotten to a good place, you no longer feel like you’re falling down an endless elevator shaft, your dazzling array of visible twitches have subsided, your personal grooming habits are back to a level of societal acceptance, and you’ve worked through your binge drinking, self-loathing, and spastic outbursts of sporadic violence directed at your kitchen table. Now you’re prepared to enter the fray again, aren’t you? It’ll be different this time, right?

Neko Case & Her Boyfriends are here to tell you that you’re a damn fool. Love is a brutal and nasty mess. It doesn’t get easier. It doesn’t get better. It doesn’t make any more sense. It doesn’t become more fair. It’s always got some diabolical new hell to toss your way. It’ll chew you up, spit you out, and laugh until its sides hurt. Why? Because it knows you’ll come back for more. Again and again. Sucker.

click the image above to read on.




Furnace Room Lullaby